
Writers Always Demand a Down Payment From Your Clients

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Writers Always Demand a Down Payment From Your Clients

There are lots of people on the net who will not pay freelancers for their work.On the net means virtually everywhere. You will find them even on sites such as freelancer and upwork. 

To be on the safe side, each time you get hired, you should ask the client for a down payment. If  you expect to be paid $300 for a project, ask for $30 upfront down payment. Then demand payment in installments (for the balance) as you work on the project so that by the time you are done, you should have been paid about 75% of the $300. This way even if  the client doesn't pay the rest of the money owed, you at least won't lose everything. 


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That's right. That is a good idea. At least you are sure you have something if you ask for a downpayment.

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It's what I call wishful thinking. Most clients won't post any down payment more so of its your first gig with the client. I do think that a modest down payment could be a source of motivation for writers but clients dont care about that.

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This is actually the reason why one needs to verify the credibility of some sites. there are those who promise for such downpayments but end uphaving so many rules that one gives up on the whole process even midway.

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The reason writers need down payment is because often the buyers run away. And there is a reason why many writers still work on freelance client site where there is some deposit of money in case if the buyer runs away. Many buyers are cheaters, so taking some deposit is always a good ideas. And this advice not only applies to the writers but also to the coders, designers and others who work on freelance website.

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When you are getting jobs from a reliable website then I do not think that you really have to worry about payments. I know somesites that guarantee payment even if the cliet refuses and they take it up with them. As long as work quality is great then there really should not be a cause for concern.
down payments from new clients should be a must nonetheless.

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No the thing is buyers often find a loophole to get free work from the freelancers website. And I know many such cases on fiverr and many other places. So you can see that some of the time having such type of the demand means it can be a good option to have milestone. Just having reputed and reliable website is not enough, client has to follow the rules too.

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You know its actually hurting when they put up a lot of limitations for the writers and those who actually pass and get to write are conned. When you have worked so hard to generate an article it is only fitting if you get the proper payment on time. I recommend looking at the history of a client before taking a job from them.

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Yes and the worst part. People who want to buy are like do this for 1 dollar. And I will give you regular work. That is kind of really bad. And often not worth to follow up with the people. I prefer to work with clients who are reasonable.

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Yes, yes and yes my friend. Reasonable clients are always worth the effort that you will put in writing an article. They will give reasonable pay and will weigh the content you have as per its quality. They will rarely suspend payments, especially for unreasonable excuses.

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Yes and that's one reason I think many people on fiverr are pretty much frustrated with the clients who pay for the low cost articles. And some of the time it works out too. So it all depends on how the freelancers negotiate. They have to aim for the higher price.

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I registered on that site and got a bad experience which made me to vow never to return. everything is handled inefficiently and I cannot say that they have a very great customer care system. I look for other sites when I want to do the writing jobs.

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I understand that many people have those type of the experience. You can see that most of the people who are attempting to build clients. My approach is same. I try to work harder to build the clients as much as I can.

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It is always great to get a repeat client. this is especially the case when you have people that you have established a great rapport with and dealing with them is problem less.

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My focus is always on getting the repeat clients. That's how I am building my portfolio. And that seems to be working out for me in many ways while getting new referral. And that's how it should be for freelancers.

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Repeat clients will have minimal problems with you as a writer making you get an easier time handling the assignments. When you can try as much to land repeat clients and when you get hired, do the job perfectly.

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Yes if we spend like 1 year doing the work for client like every month. We get to know the client and client also learns to trust us. That bonding definitely helps us to retain them even more longer.

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The only problem is when that client stops giving jobs and you have to stay idle for a specific period before you are able to establish proper rapport with others. This happens more often when one concentrates heavily only on one customer.

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Yes I kind of agree. but the thing is that lot of clients are asking for low price and longer revisions cycles. So it kind of defeats the work interest too.

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Fiverr is somehow fare because you can instruct the client to order via your gigs before you work even if it is a continuing gig, is the worst platform. I once worked for a whole one month and the milestone was canceled.

I tried involving the support, but I always find as if the support cares about buyers and not seller. That site is pathetic. I have been conned twice.

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There's always two sides to a coin and like you said, the client might run away, while the client doesn't want to give a down payment for fear that the writer might run away. That's why sometimes even though the pay is smaller, it's best to work on third party writing sites because there's a deposit involved and both parties are protected.

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Yes, that is why sites like listingdock, fiverr and upwork exist. To have safety net for both parties. Because it can be really hard for the people who work. And the money can get lost in the due process. So it's better to have escrow system like that.

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If you are working independently, you might be scammed or not receive the full payment. This has happened to me many times. I work with a client and he pays full payment just in time. I work with this client few more times and receive payment. The finally one day the client commissions me a lot of work and runs away without paying. The better alternatives are freelancer sites, however, it is very difficult to find a high paying jobs and even if you find high paying job there are clients offering to work for less.

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Yes that kind of happens with every freelancer. And the issue is not just limited to freelancer in many other business too. I have seen that some people make use of the contracts and some do with the contract based websites. And they get help that way. i think it's not easy but it can be done.

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The best way to avoid being scammed is work through a third party service. Well, there will be a cut on your earnings, however, it does not matter as long as you will be guaranteed payment. For example, the freelancer sites will cut 20 percent from your earnings. However, it is unlikely to get scammed if you are working via freelancing sites. Since the client has to pay while posting the job, money will be held by the freelancing site until you submit the work.

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I don't mind 20% of the earnings. If the rest of the earning is secured. I have seen people spending few dollars and end up talking a lot to others. I have realized that not a lot of good buyers are there on the fiverr. A lot of them are just taking the time of others out.

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Down payment is always required. Buying a house and lot requires down payment. I have heard in one subdivision they are requiring 20 percent out of the total contract price.

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Yes I agree. Just like any other deals. Having a down payment is a good approach for the business too. That way the client is locked down with your service. And people can consider spending more time with the work seriously. Not having downpayment makes client go to any other person.

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You are correct because the writers are just making sure that their effort will not go to waste.

We all now that freelancers exert a lot of effort in making a article or any written context sometimes they even do tons of research just to make a high quality article. They invest a lot of time for the satisfaction of the said client.

In conclusion, it is reasonable that writers should also consider their own good because online transaction are too vast up to the point that there are some cheaters that only think for their ownselves.

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I agree with you. Writers are just making sure that they will get paid. They don't want their efforts to be wasted.

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It happens to a lot of freelancers. You should demand for a downpayment as there is no assurance if your client will pay you. So it is highly suggested for all the freelancers to do it before they accept fully the project .A lot of scammers are fooling around so it would be better especially here in internet to be cautious in every decision you make.

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You are right as I have seen this happen a lot of times to people which is really sad and bad. You can't just be trying to enjoy a good time making contents while the person that is collecting the work won't pay a dime to you. So, asking for a down payment before you start your work is essential and way to keep everything working fine for your clients and you.

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Not only freelance writers but also freelance artists. As a freelance artist, I know a lot of friends who encountered this situation. It's better to find a client in upwork and fiverr because I think it's more secure as I have not heard any problems from my friends who are an artists. This was also advised by my friend who was a former freelance artist.

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That's an assurance for every writers. Though writing is kind of passion we do, It gives more encourage for us to finished it on time and to know are all effort of all the thoughts, and staying awake just to finished it are worth it. It's good that you and your client have an agreement about your work so it wont waste your time too.

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This is very good advice. While a website may be reputable, there is no guarantee the customer is. I would add, from bitter experience, that it is also a very good idea to make a contract for people who ask you to work for them offline. Make sure you know exactly what they want, when and how they will pay you and any other details.

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When you are working via freelancing sites, you will have to pay commission to the site. (On SEOClerk you pay 20 percent commissions); however, freelancer site guarantees you payment. There is minimal chances of getting scammed. However, if you work independently you are likely to earn more, but there is a high chance of getting scammed.
I am saying this from my experience. A independent client who hired me many times finally scammed me. I lost a lot of money. Therefore, a lot of care should be taken while working with independent client. I think asking for down payment like the OP says is a god idea.

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I agree with this. They are so many scammers out there. You are better of not accepting the job if the client is not willing to put down a down payment. They are some people who refuse to pay you, yet you have already sent them the work. On some websites they take the payment from the client first. However the client can always claim that the work is below standard. It is hard for writers. Unless you join a site that has editors, writing is hard work.

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True that's what scares me a lot doing a job that waste your time without payment. Life isn't easy these days. So it's really better to do research or a review about the website if it's a legit one, that pays and do response with questions thru email.

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Writers deserves the pay they have worked for. Its the job of the client to pay the due to the writer. Its not easy to write. They really use their mind and heart in doing their job. They deserve to be paid to what they have worked for.

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It goes both ways, there are always bad clients that has the intention to scam writers from the beginning. While there are writers who intends to scam and run off with the clients money. I guess the best thing to implement is what Upwork is doing. As a third party platform for freelancers they ask the client to put up a deposit and they also check your work if it's according to the clients specifications and if it's an acceptable work then you get paid in tranches in cases of fixed rate contracts.

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Yes of course its really needed so that if the client didn't pay the whole fee, it's okay since you got the half of it, and also so that the writers can work energetically.

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If you got a job from a reliable website, there is a slim chance of being buyers running away. I am not saying that there is no scammers on famous website but the percentage is small. This is my first time to know that you can request for down payment in freelancing jobs.

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I totally agree with this. There are many scammers around the internet who take advantage with the freelancers since they have the chance to get a project done without paying in person. It is a great idea to ask for a down payment first before passing the project so that you won't lose everything even though your client don't pay. It's sad to hear that some clients stole projects from the hardworking freelancers. I hope there'll be a legal action for these kind of people.

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This is a good idea to protect freelancers effort from clients who do not fulfill their duty to pay. It is not always easy to write. Effort and time is wasted when a client doesn't pay. What's worse is when a client refuse to pay but later on you find out that they still used your article.

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The present generation is not trustworthy. Precautions should be taken when undertaking a writing task. This is a good way to take precautions. You are sure to get your dues or part of it.

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Such good advice and an important reminder. These days not taking precautions like that can see you doing a ton of work for nothing, potentially. Always better to ask for a down payment as a form of a guarantee.

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Wise advice. I have heard of a lot of freelance writers basically saying they were cheated or robbed. In some instances, they believed the client took their work, rearranged, rewrote, flat out plagiarized it and published it as their own work. Yeah. You should definitely get a down payment.

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Yes, by not having the middle party, many freelancers get cheated. And lot of chargebacks also happen. So having low rate and the chargeback issues is pretty common. I have seen those type of the clients. And freelancers need to force on the down payment to make this work. You can see that some of the time such clients can't make things easier and in turn affects our accounts.

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I agree with you. There are a lot of people in the internet with no conscience and only hopes for the best for their own only.

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To make an assurance that you would get and paid the remaining balance. This is normal in business. Most people knows exactly why the seller wanted them to pay the down payment first. Nothing wrong with this kind of arrangements.

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This is a wise advice that any freelancer should bear in mind. However, it works both ways and the client may have the same thing in mind. If you're an independent newbie freelancer, it may be difficult to enforce a down payment when you have no reputation to back you up. An alternative is to join a writers' pool or writing site where the job order and payment is structured. Another option is to join content mills where you don't have to deal directly with clients. Building a solid reputation is important in any case.

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Yes I agree on that, it is a good idea so that we are sure that we will not lose everything if ever our clients didn't paid us to what we had agreed upon. It is also to give assurance that the clients would do good faith since he/she give a down payment. It is very hard now to trust somebody whom you do not already meet or see for the first time in the real life.

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I agree that writers should demand a down payment to their clients for security purposes and because it is a way of showing that the clients are interested in the deal and would have the initiative to pay for the remaining balance. It is also for the writers to feel at ease and comfortable that they will be paid buy their clients. I think the clients may understand it since it is just to be safe and it is only for the transactions run smoothly.

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I cannot say about other freelancing sites, however, on seoclerks and upwork, you cannot hire a worker until you deposit money on the site. When the money is deposited, it will be automatically sent to the freelancer when the completed job is submitted. Therefore, it is quite impossible to be cheated on a trusted freelancer site. However, if you are not working through freelancer site it is very likely to be cheated.

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I would definitely have to agree with this post. A lot of freelancing jobs posted nowadays are not being paid well or sometimes if it has been really in a very bad shape, no payments posted at all. Asking for a down payment is absolutely the safest side in working virtually. Hence, building a good foundation of trust should always be the topmost priority.

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Sometimes, I'd even go for 50%. This shows me the client is really invested into me. This also shows that the client has the money in hand ready to pay you the moment you finish. Sometimes if the down payment is too low, they'd run away the moment they get the final product. So it's better to have 50% than 10%.

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That is really true. Freelancing sites do not really give you 100% guarantee that you'll get paid by clients. Your idea is great, but I really hope that one day, freelancers online will be protected by law and contract that will put us to ease. Though there could be contracts by some clients, it's so much hard since it's done virtually.

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Asking for a downpayment is a good idea since it serves as a security deposit. I heard a lot of stories wherein a client did not pay the freelancer after getting what he asked him to do. As a freelancer, this is one of the nightmares that you may encounter.

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Trust is a very delicate and sensitive commodity. It doesn't come easy. A lot of people have been scammed as a result of trusting freely, I wouldn't blame any writer who demands down part payment before getting any job done. Also some clients have been duped as well by some mischievous writers who take their money and disappear. It's a 2-way street.

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I haven't tried asking for a downpayment before from a client. I'm not really sure if most of the clients would agree that's why I haven't tried it yet. Maybe they expect their writers to complete the work in full before they pay them. However, I would also like to receive a downpayment while doing the task because it gives you motivation and assurance that the client really does pay.

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If you have ever been forced to lose out completely on a job fully done, you are definitely going to be asking for a down payment for 90% of all the online work you have to do. It's going to be in form of negotiations between you and the client and you both are going to reach an agreement on what's going to be paid and how it's going to be paid.

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Agreed. Once you experienced not getting paid for the work you've done, it would feel very bad. The good thing is I haven't experienced it yet. Once I have another client, I'll try asking for a down payment before I start completing the job.

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Prevention is better than regrets, so it would be very much better to try and prevent hearing stories that touch the heart when you have completed the work and end up not getting paid by requesting down-payment or part payment before turning in your work for security reasons.

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I agree with you. It would really be disappointing in the writer's part if something like not being paid happens. It is really best to negotiate properly with the downpayment and have a concrete agreement or contract.

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I always require a downpayment for my video and photo gigs, so if I were doing a good amount of writing work, I'd do the same for that as well. I would make sure to have a good contract written out as well. More than anything, a down payment is meant to ensure that a client is going to follow through with their end of the job and not flake out on you.

For instance, for wedding video, my contract requires my client to inform me in writing at least 30 days prior to the wedding date if they decide to cancel my services. If they don't do that, I keep the down payment in full since I've kept their day reserved for long (typically more than a year). This also makes sure that you're not screwed over by a client as well.

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I believe on Upwork there is "Escrow" - the client deposits the funds for fixed-price jobs, and then Upwork releases them to the freelancer once the client received and reviewed the agreed upon work. Escrow acts like a neutral holding place where clients put money aside until the project or piece of the project is complete.

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Freelance writers write for a living and it is an honest and noble endeavour. Writing requires mental effort not to mention the accumulated skills in gathering information and constructing all the information to one cohesive and interesting story. The writers have all the right to ask for upfront payment, and the amount should be no less than 50% of the full payment agreed upon by the two parties. Unless the quality is very much questionable, writers should be given the respect and compensation they deserve.

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I was a victim of not getting paid twice, yet I could see the work is already published. Since then, I always demand a down payment and make an agreement that payments should be done upon delivery and acceptance.

On sites such as which is the den of cons, I only work when someone has a created a milestone, and I give half the work or screenshots. That way, I am a bit safe. It is painful to work so hard and get conned.

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I myself had been a victim of this. There are just too many clients that would say anything just to get out of payment. As such, learning to ask for down-payments should always be a habit before a contract. It is reasonable and you are entitled to it. If a client refuse then chances are high that he may not do so. Plus, if you have been paid partially, you would have the motivation to put more effort in you work since you know you are getting paid. So this is good practice.

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I believe this is a must for all writers. We need to make sure that we at least get paid for the work we've done. This is also a good way of knowing if the client is really serious about hiring our service and not just someone looking around to scam for free work.

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That's correct since some of the clients will just run away if your done submitting your work. It's also good for he writers if they ask for down payment for them to be motivated to work hard since they already ask 25% of the money.

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I have been scammed a few times and it does not feel good. I usually do not have issues with my clients and them paying me. The two major issues that come to my mind with people scamming me are one guy not paying after I wrote for him a second time. I badgered him for the money, and he never paid. I just happened to be talking to a guy that I met online in a business forum, and he looked up some information about the guy, and it turns out he was a scammer.
The other situation was a guy recommended me to a friend of his. I never had any trouble being paid from the client, so I agreed to take on his friend. Well, his friend paid me once and then placed another order. I wrote it, as he had paid me the first time. Then had to badger him for the money. He would not pay it and just blew me off. Well, I told his friend about it on his next order, and he paid me what his friend owed just so I would continue to work with him since he was the one that recommended me.

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True, freelancing is hard sometimes. Not everyone is honest. You also have to be on the safe side. There are lots of scammers online so better be wise. Don't let these people take you for granted. We put so much of our time and effort on our work and will not be paid? No way, That's Unfair! At least demand a down payment. That way, you will also know if the buyer is really serious to hire you or not.

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