
Is it worth investing in a Smart TV

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Is it worth investing in a Smart TV

Smart televisions are essentially TVs which can be connected to the internet. due to this feature of being able to use the internet, the smart TVs have created a buzz in the public. I have never used a Smart Television till now but am very excited about this technology. However, some smart tv sets can be quiet expensive. Is the experience of the Smart TV s worth the investment. would like to know your feedback and experiences in this regard.


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Buying a smart TV is not an investment, it is expenditure. There is a difference between these two terms. Investment means something that gives you return, expenditure means spending. You can of course use internet on your smart TV, however, if you are using internet just like you use TV, then why do you need an expensive device.

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Haha, thanks for pointing that out about differentiating an investment from an expenditure. When I first read the content title, I was thinking the poster was meaning to go into the business of selling SmartTV but on reading the content body, it became obvious it's about purchasing Smart TV for the person's use.

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I agree that it is not investment. I think computer can be called as an investment. considering it can give you work and some financial returns. So on that note I'd say that smart TV offers none of that. And on that note I'd definitely go for the computer instead of TV.

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That's what I am trying to point. A Computer is an investment. If you are using a computer with 8 GB RAM and i4 processor, buying a computer with 16 GB RAM and i& processor can be called an investment because you use can use your computer to generate money. However, smart TV is just a better TV and there has no other purpose rather than entertaining you.

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I agree higher the RAM, it is easier for it to become both computer and gaming machine. And people can also make use of it for the movie and other things. In fact I know many who are trying to use it as a mix of all things. And the best part is that smart TV are also forced to be cheaper.

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Yes, and it can be a substitute for your phone when it's on low battery.

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Not sure how phone would fit into this context. The reason being phone has small screen. And something I wont' prefer for big screen movies and stuff. I only prefer phone for the gaming and some other small time tasks. So that may help out as well.

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Thanks for pointing this out sir. I am actually misguided with the meaning of investment because I thought it could also mean benefits like a slight improvement on convenience, quality, etc. that's why I didn't think about it's difference when I first replied to this thread.

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I think its worth it. The learning you can acquire through the smart tv is invaluable. You can also make the most out of it after you buy, if you feel you're short changed.

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Yes, I agree with you and investing in buying a smart T.V. because you can use it as a substitute for your phone.

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I have never used one as well but each time I go to visit a close friend of mine that has the television I get a new reason to purchase one. It is so easy to watch anything at any time that you want plus the joy of having youtube on such a big screen rather than on just a laptop or pc.

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I agree with you. I am also excited to buy my own smart tv. My brother has bought one. I would like also to buy smart tv.

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I am telling you there is no great joy than that of buying a commodity that you have been longing for for a long period. I am hustling focused on making some savings to get a much bigger smart television and it will make me happy when it lands in the house.

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I agree with you. There is no greater joy than to have the product that I have been praying for. I am excited to buy a smart tv soon.

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You will buy one my friend and I am sure that you will share the happy moments here when it indeed does land finally. there are many things I am sure that you can't wait to discover when you have one.

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I don't have a Smart TV at home but my older sister does, and based from what I saw I believe that purchasing a Smart TV is a good investment. It has a lot of features like being able to watch videos and movies online that will definitely make it easier for you and your family to have movie nights without paying extra on cable providers. Also, I like Smart TVs because it can connect to the internet which makes it easier for me to browse on things that needs to be seen on a big screen or like practicing for presentations and etc.

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The internet connection aspect is important. When you are connected to the internet then you are definitely sorted and will experience and watch a lot of things which are happening all over the world. IF you have internet then you will also get to experience and watch things that you can control fully.

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That's right. Having a Smart TV is definitely beneficial because of how it helps people to access contents that aren't very filtered or contents that are much better compared to those that are being offered by Television Networks/Companies. I actually like the idea of Smart TV because I can control it unlike with the conventional TV where you'll have to wait until you can see/access your favorite programs, hence boredom.

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I agree with you, it is really costly at first but it is really useful.

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Definitely costly because of the technology it has. Smart TV's are yet to be a thing worldwide because some countries aren't capable yet especially with some having slow internet connections and so I guess it's reasonable for manufacturers to set the price high for now. And yes, it's definitely useful especially for those parents who have busy schedules but doesn't want their children to damage their eyes by watching YouTube on tablets, laptops and smartphones. My sister does the same with her 2 year old. Their Smart TV is on the living room and the child comfortably sits on the sofa a proper distance away from the TV.

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Call me old-fashioned but I don't really like the idea of my TV connected to the Internet. They sell cable TV in a "bundle" which means the service includes cable TV, the Internet and your phone service. I love the conveniences of technology but I don't like "one entity" having that much control over stuff that I use on a daily basis.

Is it worth the investment? For some people maybe. But not for me.

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I agree with you on this. If I want to watch something on demand, I'll head over to my hand-held devices but not on the telly. Those are for cable subscriptions like NBA and such, the old-school way of things.

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It depends on your needs. If you like watching youtube videos and if you want to watch it with your family in bigger screen then you might want that smart tv. Also, it is good at streaming videos while you're lying on your couch or from your bed. But I suggest that you should consider your purpose and needs of having a smart tv at home before you decide to buy one.

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For me, as much as I would like to purchase a Smart TV, our internet connection hinders us from doing so. It would be a disappointment if I buy a Smart TV and use the internet connection that is so slow. I think I can still settle with our current television.

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That's a good point. If you do have slow internet connection you might not be ale to fully enjoy the perks a Smart TV can offer. Good connection is a requirement for such device.

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Android television gives a masses of features than smart television. Android television is upgrade over a smart tv however on the equal time a little bit pricey too. A television is supposed for viewing purpose whether by myself or with circle of relatives, obviously it is enjoyed with pals and circle of relatives. So before shopping for smart television or Android television,its better to understand whats your expectations & necessities from it.

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I'm the kind of guy who likes to go with the trend especially with technology advancement. So, with regards to purchasing of a Smart TV, I have done that already. I must admit that it's quite expensive but the features it comes with are definitely worth the price tag which it comes with.

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If I just have extra money to buy Smart TV, I would do it. Since it is big and can be connected to the internet, I think it is much better to us compared to ordinary TV. Especially if you are subscribed to online streaming like Netflix, you would probably enjoy watching movies on Smart TV.

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It's a great idea, but dont you feel comfortable watching your Netflix on your tablet and Iphones. I subscribe to Netflix on my mobile phone and it more comfortable watching it there than the TV which is very large and immobile. But still I think everyones opinion varies so your suggestions is good.

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When I'm outside the house I would probably use tablet if I want to watch movie. I don't enjoy watching movies on Iphones because screen is small. When I'm home I like to watch movie using TV because the screen is wider and I could watch it clearly.

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The fact that I can stream on a big screen, then without any doubt I will go for a Smart TV if I had some extra cash to spend.

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Yeah right! As long as you can afford to buy without necessarily to spend your savings, go for it.

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I don't really think the smart TV is a good investment because we already have mobile phones and tablets that can be connected to the internet to provide us with the satisfaction we need, why do we need extra Smart TV to do the internet for us. To me it is a wasted investment and I can't waste my money on it,no matter the extra features at least for now.

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Some enjoy watching on a small screen while others prepare to watch movies on a big screen. As for me, I enjoyed much watching on a widescreen especially HD movies. Unfortunately, I don't have the extra money to buy my own.

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I think investing into smart TV can be good if you have not purchased the TV for years. And the thing is that TV technology changes every year. And most of the time it is not easy to replace the tech once new one comes in. So make sure to purchase with long term in mind. And long term here means atleast 5 years. Because these days stretching it beyond is not that easy and also not suitable.

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If you have some spending money and prefer to watch You Tube videos and Netflix on a much wider screen then I think its a good investment getting a Smart TV. You have instant access to the internet without connecting it to a PC and you can put in some apps just like a tablet of phone. There are reasonably priced Smart TVs in the market.

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I have a smart TV right now and it's super convenient. We honestly use it for so many things, including watching YouTube videos from the computer itself. Sure, it's not essential to have a smart TV, but with the way the world is going I think they're just going to become more and more common.

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Agree with most of the comments made here on the post. Well, I have been thinking of buying a Smart television for a long time now but always have been in two minds about it. I think it may be very appealing to purchase it as a new technology and the interesting experience of accessing the internet through a television but I think when it comes to the actual use of the device it will mostly be used to watch movies on Netflix or youtube at the most. for the other internetwork, I will prefer to continue to do that on a smartphone or my laptop.

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Yes, I guess so, because smart T.V can do a lot of things, you can use it to watch movies on Netflix and Youtube, so it's a 2 in 1 product, you can also browse on a smart T.V.

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If you're big on the whole watching movies on your TV using streaming services, then maybe. Though if you have an existing "dumb" TV with an HDMI port, you can purchase a Chromecast to make it smart. Even in Smart TVs, I prefer the convenience of the Chromecast since I can control everything on the TV with a smartphone as opposed to the remote of a Smart TV.

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I am not very familiar with Chromecast, what exactly is it? Is it a separate device? A service like Netflix? Or only a cable to link those two devices?

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It's a device you plug into the HDMI port of your TV. It acts like a Apple Home or Roku if you're familiar with those devices. It has it's own Wifi signal which your phone connects to. It then connects to your router and that's how you're able to use the apps. It doesn't have any apps pre-installed. The apps on your phone that are compatible with the Chromecast are the apps you'll need to play those apps on the TV. It's quite genius actually.
I find that it's faster to search something and play it from your phone than it is on a Smart TV. On the Smart TV, you have to use the remote to manually dial the letters to form a search on YOutube for example. Very slow.

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If that's the case, I'd rather watch on a tablet or my smartphone to consume content on YouTube. Using the remote to type in each letter for a search is time-consuming, it's not worth it. Better to download the video on your laptop and save it on a USB flash drive and play it on the TV.

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I do not have a smart TV since I am just using the current flat screen TV that does not have any internet connection. I guess it is a good idea to have such smart TV because I can sing now with my favorite new karaoke songs at YouTube because my old karaoke has an outdated songs which makes me feel bored to sing at some time. I just have no idea on how much does it cost to have such smart TV, I hope that it will not be too expensive so that I can have it in the future.

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Unless it is giving back in returns I do not think it is necessary. However, if you feel it is an asset worth having and you have money then it is good.

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I guess there are ways to use a SmartTV for "returns", but I doubt very many people look at TVs as a means of securing ROI. If anything, they're meant for entertainment, so if you consider their value of entertaining you and your family as a return, then I suppose I can see where you're coming from.

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Seriously i don't see any reason to invest on a perishable product like a smart TV which i don't see any value that it has in store that other device doesn't but the choice of everyone varies greatly. Smart TV can only be utilize in a play where they have a very good network service and electricity not just in any neighborhood.

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I do think so because it has a lot of features that the normal TV doesn't have. Some of the features that I really like is the plug and play part, I can plug my smartphone, tablet and Laptop to a smart TV. Also it's USB / Memory Stick capable so I can use it to watch downloaded movies. It's internet browsing function is also very useful.

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I personally think a SmartTV is well worth the investment. Of course, this can vary depending on who's looking at the TV.

For my purposes, I don't have a cable subscription. I watch all my movies and TV shows through Netflix and Amazon Prime, which only requires an internet connection (through a smartTV or Roku/FireTV connection). Because of this, a smartTV is a better investment for me than for someone who watches a lot of cable.

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For me it would depend on what I'll be getting from the smart tv to justify it's cost. If all I'll get is access to the net and a few extras I can get from other tech devices then I won't buy a smart tv. Should I want to stream movies or play a game on larger screen I'll simply use a HDMI cable to connect my computer to the TV and it will work just fine.

However when prices drop and they will, that will probably be the right time for the purchase.

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Yes, it's like a big screen mobile phone, you could watch Netflix, browse facebook and it even includes games like Snake. It also improves the atmosphere of the home, it looks great with the house and being able to watch in HD is a great feature.

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We have smart televisions in our household, but we seldom use it to connect to the internet. What I do usually is to download a movie or a TV series on a laptop, transfer it to a USB flash drive, insert it into the TV, and watch. But the idea of having an internet connection on a TV is cool, and I might use its features someday.

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Yes, I agree with you. It is such a joy for everyone to have a Smart TV and then be able to connect to the internet automatically. I hope though that every place on Earth has a stable internet connection. It is such a shame that in our country, there are a lot of companies that sell high-tech gadgets and equipments but we don't have a consistent internet connection. The networks would just like to get our money and have fun with it while we suffer with poor connections.

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Where do you live? I am from the Philippines, but my internet connection (wired) is stable enough to stream videos in 1080p. If you're referring to mobile data connections, now that's a different story, and I agree with you that the infrastructure needs a lot of improvement.

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We have smart TV and we always use it when we are home. I played online games there and browse there if my brother use our computer.

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That sounds great. May I ask? Does the TV have native apps on it to play online, or do you use the TV as the monitor for your computer and play online?

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I haven't tried installing games in it. But, I connect it to the internet so I can play games so, basically I used it as a monitor or more like a life size ipad hahaha.

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I see because I thought you get to install apps on the telly as well. Thanks! All the best!

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Well if you plan to create a mini Cinema on your local area, running shows, or you own a tech store, smart TV's can be an investment. Or if you do your work on a computer and would like to have a larger screen. Or iif you are a professional gamer. But in all of these, in order for something to be an investment, the thing that you are investing to, should in one way or another, have the potentiality of return. Otherwise you are just spending.

But smart T.V.'s are a great expenditure only if you have a good internet connection.

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Personally, it is not worthwhile to invest in a smart TV given the high cost involved. With so many third party applications, one can simply connect a TV to a gadget such as iPhone or iPad to browse internet, play youtube etc on TV. The gadget can be detached from TV and used independently. Besides the smart TV becomes obsolete very soon and be replaced with new model or version, which makes the overall investment not worthwhile.

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A Smart TV is a luxury item for many people and not a typical investment. People normally use it for leisure and entertainment. I definitely would not use it in place of my laptop which is a versatile device that can be used for work and entertainment. Smart TV has become common though and if you have plans of replacing an old TV, then it would seem logical to buy the latest technology. Smart TV is now more affordable and we can expect prices to drop even further as newer models and brands emerge and become available to the market.

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Smart T.V is the innovation of a big T.V that we used to have before. It's okay to invest money on it because it can connect thru the internet, and Smart T.V has less electricity rate than the old T.V.

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I think it depends on which medium is most important to you. if you liked videos a smart Tv is definitely an investment. It's also good for gaming and you can access the internet through it on a big screen which is a plus. Its also good for subscription Tv like Netflix if you like watching YouTube videos I think this is the way of the future definitely. This is definitely the way to go in my opinion.

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I have been fascinated by Smart TVs since its inception. The thought that you can watch videos, listen to music and most importantly access the ever-increasing trove of treasure on the Internet wants you to have a Smart TV at your home.But all these things can also be achieved with a streaming device and that at just a little extra cost. You can watch videos, listen to music and access the Internet.

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I personally do not own a smart tv, but if i could afford it I would love too. They are helpful and I feel very convienent.

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I think it is good to invest at smart TV since we can make use of it everyday because it will give us some entertainment and learning which is pretty cool. I am planing to buy for it the coming years since I really like to have a big screen whenever I am watching YouTube and other videos that I want to have. I can easily get connected with my favorite sites since it is highly susceptible for online use, I mean it is already all in one package which is really great.

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I love electronics, and I would not even think twice about it. I will definitely purchase a smart TV. It is all a matter of preference and choice. Since my Wii connection is stable, having a smart TV is something I yearn for. Why should I stream on my tablet when I can stream on a big screen?

However, I would advise anyone to only purchase when you have the extra cash to spend because you can purchase a smart TV today, and tomorrow you have a more pressing need, forcing to resell at a loss. In short, always set your priorities right when it comes to investments and expenditure.

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I think it is not bad to be ambitious to buy certain things for our selves as long as we have the extra budget to do that. I really like to buy the smart TV because I want to give rewards for my family for doing a great job for me for being always there no matter what happens. I think it is about time to give them some sort of pleasure to make them happy even in just simple ways.

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I wouldn’t necessarily call buying a Smart TV to be an investment. It’s more along the lines of just luxurious expenditure.

That being said, do I think it’s worth buying a Smart TV? Well, it depends on what technology you already own. The main incentive to buy a Smart TV is to be able to browse sites like YouTube and Facebook straight from your television.

Now think about it, if you already have a smartphone and/or a computer, is that really necessary? You can just buy a regular LED TV and hook up your computer to it. Smart TVs are, in my opinion, entirely unnecessary.

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Smart TV has great and advanced features than other Television or computer monitor. However, I consider it as luxury. Not everyone can afford and will afford this one so I can't consider it as an investment.

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For sure!
Smart TV is a great option. Personally, I don't like when the government is forcing me into commercials and trash news of propaganda. That's why the ability to connect to the internet is a perfect choice for me.

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Although it wasn't an investment but still you are planning on to own one, You must think about your needs and wants always when you are spending on something. Smart TV belongs to the wants category. If you can one afford then buy one, it has a lot of good features though than the normal tv ones. If you only want to use your TV to watch on youtube, you might check about having a Chrome Cast when you already got an TV with USB socket. It was cheaper than buying a new smart tv.

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It is very easy to connect and you can use it instead of your phone. I'm in love even if I'm using it only fr 1 month

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First of all, investment is a different thing from the expenditure. An investment can be in something that will return you extra cash lol Is it worth investing in a Smart TV In your case buying a smart tv is an expenditure and comfort for you as a consumer. I would say definitely yes if you have an old tv and want to upgrade to a new one just in this case I see it worth buying a new tv. I usually check the best smart tv options on before buying something new. There I found a new generation Samsung 65 inch smart tv with an extremely attractive price. Also if you are upgrading your tv I would suggest buying 4k or 8k as the difference is huge in resolution between these two and 1080p.

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First of all, investment is a different thing from the expenditure. An investment can be in something
that will return you extra cash lol Is it worth investing in a Smart TV In your case buying a smart tv is an expenditure and comfort for you as
a consumer. I would say definitely yes if you have an old tv and want
to upgrade to a new one just in this case I see it worth buying a new
tv. I usually check the best smart tv options on before buying something new. There I found a new generation Samsung 65
inch smart tv with an extremely attractive price. Also if you are
upgrading your tv I would suggest buying 4k or 8k as the difference is
huge in resolution between these two and 1080p.

Do these guys provide discounts?

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