
Turn Your Smart Phone Into A Black Light Hack!

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Turn Your Smart Phone Into A Black Light Hack!

Most smart phones have a flashlight option on their phones now. I remember having to download an app in order to have a flashlight! LOL So it is so much more convenient now and now you can do the ultimate! Turn your smart phone into a black light. I always wanted to have black lights in my room as a kid! I always thought they were so cool! So i came across this really cool smart phone black light hack! Its really easy and you only need 3 things plus your smart phone! You only need tape (transparent works best), a blue sharpie, and a purple sharpie (plus your smart phone)! THAT'S IT! LOL I cant wait to try this today, this could be so cool for my daughters to do with me!

So first, tear a small piece of tape and place it over the light on the back of your smart phone (not the camera lens). Take your blue sharpie and color the piece of tape on your smart phone and then tear another piece of tape and place it over the tape you just colored. Color that second piece of tape blue again and then place another piece of tape on top of that one. Lastly, color that final piece of tape purple! Now, turn on the flashlight and you have a black light! SO COOL!!

I will post pictures of the steps for making this and also pictures of when I try this with my daughters! Hope you all enjoyed this and thank you for reading!


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WOW I've never thought of this before. There are many colors of flashlights and black didn't came across in my mind. I would love to try this sometime. Though it may not really be that a necessity but it would really be cool to try this.

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As funny as this sounds I couldn't help it laughing after reading. It seems to a funny thing to do but I believe kids would enjoy doing it. Although I am not considering trying it with my smartphone, for crying out loud what would I gain for trying such childish stuff.

But seriously, I am not discouraging anyone that feel it's alright to try such out, please by all means be my guest and feel free to do what makes you happy.

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Thanks for an amazing and simlle life hack! I will do this in my spare time. By the way, what is the purpose or uses of blacklight? Thanks for the response.

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I don't really need a black light but for sure it can be a fun thing for kids. It's a good trick and I would have never thought of doing this but it is quick, cheap and very easy to do. Everybody has a smartphone and some tape.

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It is amazing for you to discover this life hacks. Your correct that some smartphones don't have lights. It is so innovative to think like that. I will try it and share it to my friends. That's a wonderful idea.

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Thanks for sharing this hack about the black light. I want to try it myself and see what can I see using this. Is there any other hack that you can share with us again?

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Thanks again, this hack seems pretty nice. For sure, no way I'm going to tell my little cousins about it, until I realize this thing works, otherwise I will get them over my neck day and night, until I finally get a way to do it. Black lights and glow in the dark effects, are really attractive to me. In fact, those are one of the rooms I like to visit on fairs and funny houses. I even dress myself with white t-shirts, so I can actually play with the effect, I guess they get my inner child out hahaha.

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This hack is great, although black light bubs and tubes are now cheaper than ever. I have both at home. We used the black light fluorescent tube during a Christmas presentation while the the black light bulb is being used to check for authenticity of currency bills. Some cellphone models have built-in fake money detector features and they use the same UV light that you see in black lights. Surprisingly, these cellphones aren't even smartphones and are quite cheap. The black light effect was particularly fun during the Halloween.

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I don't think I would be doing that hack anytime soon. Because I really don't have any use for a black light flashlight. I mean I really think it's just for kids, something that unique that they can show to their friends.

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oh! Its great! Thank u!

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WOW, MAN, YOU'RE A GENIUS! Thank you, I think this is a cool life hack that many people will use, I will also use it, thank you again. But I also want to note that in our modern year of technology, you can buy absolutely everything, and a flashlight with a black color is no exception lol. For example, I have been thinking for a long time where I can find a flashlight that I can carry with me on hikes and in caves. I needed one so that I had my hands free and it held the battery well. As a result, I found a headlamp on the Internet, which is surprisingly inexpensive and, as it turned out, keeps charging well. I ordered it from here and now I use it in every campaign. Thank you again for the life hack with a black flashlight light, I wish you good luck!

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