
Is apprenticeship more valuable than formal education?

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Is apprenticeship more valuable than formal education?

In the ancient times, people relied on apprenticeship to pass on skills and techniques onto the next generation. It was successful and some of the aspects involved were incorporated when the education system was introduced. There has been a huge failure in the formal education system as some people do not get real skills to survive and have success at their workplaces. This is more true for jobs that are manual and more technical. Do you think that some jobs are better grasped through apprentice learning rather than going to school? 


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No, I don't think so, going to school is still the best way of learning for every child all over the world because in school they can boost their knowledge a lot faster than apprenticeship.

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In our School, before we graduate from our tertiary education we are required to become an apprentice or trainee in a company. I applied in a radio company. It feels great to be an apprentice.

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OOh that is awesome such a nice school which gives you the opportunity to have a hands-on experience in the field and know what really happens. If it is the lower levels of education then that is better but if it is college it might be pretty common as internships and attachments are requirements for graduation.

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Education is the capability to think, practice it within the world and to understand the value of existence. It doesn’t restrict with self schooling, however also to unfold it to each human around us. There is no cease for education in each and every level of human existence we learn something. It isn't always about gaining knowledge of life, but education itself is a life. it's far the important thing to finding tremendous characters hidden in each character.

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Yes, in that case, of course, you need to be a trainee, everyone needs to. I agree with you, tho education the key for you to become a trainee.

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Same. Our school also does that. My course is about Teacher Education and I will be deployed on a public and private school a few weeks from now. However, the only thing that I hate about apprenticeships/Internship here where I live is that the apprentices will be the ones to pay to the company/school/etc. where they will become apprentice instead of the other way around which is practiced by other countries where students get payed even if they're only interns.

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Learn the basics and theories in school first and then learn the application of these theories through apprenticeship. I believe that's the usual route to have a better understanding of the practical work.

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school can give one the basic knowledge but the greatest thing is always gotten out there in the field. It is always important to know the basics so that you can perform better in the field but one should always get immersed in the field at long last.

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Well these are your comments and observations and we cannot argue that there has been a success all over the world in teaching for some students. There are still those nonetheless who are left behind and cannot keep up with the modern educational systems.

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Yeah going school is way better than going to apprenticeship. Apprenticeship is good also but for me school is even better.

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The same is true with me. I agree with you. Formal school is better than apprenticeship.

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Hahahah. I get your feeling and it is allowed but you should never lock out the possibilities that come with apprenticeship.

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If I am really made to choose between the two, I would choose formal education. If you come to look for a job, companies requires applicant some educational attainments. So its better to be formally educated than just apprenticeship.

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There are numerous jobs out there which also one does not need to have the formal education but skills. True you must have some level of education to be able to handle various tasks but the main technicalities require real field technicians.

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We are actually arguing on the point where you do not have to look for any employment as you are employed by the trainer. Apprentices are few in the world and they are always absorbed into their companies.

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These days, I think so. I know plenty of people with university degrees who are struggling to find full time work - but apprenticeships and learning a trade seems to guarantee work. I'm not sure that it's like that everywhere - but certainly where I live it seems to be the case.

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I agree with you, sometimes it is better to have an actual practice, a real life demo than to just imagine it and discuss it but don't have an actual demo.

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This is why a lot of graduates have a problem out in the field when adjusting to work. It really is not about their skills but how well they know what is practiced out in the field. They just imagine things making their life difficult when they see the actual work environment.

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Have you ever heard the term snowflake? properly it approach excessive expectation spoiled millennial. New grads assume to pop out of college with their diploma and get a excessive paying, low work job. Those jobs simply don’t exist. In order that they go whining about it and maintain on half of heartedly searching at the same time as living at their dad and mom expense.

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They are the same kind who will sit around in the house all day lazying about and complain about the lack of jobs. This is something that actually pains me a lot because a youth one is supposed to work so hard that they create something for their later years.

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Well, sometimes I agree with that because an experience is the best teacher.

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Experience is always the best trainer as you will be trained by the industry and through mistakes and correction you are much better than someone who has only seen things in theory.

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It does seem to be what's happening nowadays. One needs to undergo apprenticeship to be able to get a permanent job especially with industries requiring skills. It ensures the company that you already have the experience working with them before they actually hire you.

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I know someone who worked only as a trainee before but did go to school and now, he can handle things and already mastered the field. The owner always depends on his work as he really work well in the company. Knowing that he didn't take that course but he manage to know all the things that was thought to him from his big bosses.

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Apprentices always get absorbed into the companies or rather work places where they are trained which is the number one reason that they never lack any employment. I think companies should focus more on absorption of workers through this method.

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It also seems like apprentices just have more options for work - for instance, carpenters and electricians. There's always new construction of buildings happening, so I feel like they always have projects to work on. The same can't be said for some other industries out there.

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Carpenters and electrictricians in my country are some of the people in my country who never lack jobs since there are always buildings going up and people want those that have been in the industry, not just some graduates who know nothing about the technicalities of the job.

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Formal education is outdated. It is like someone teaching you to fight with spears in this era. Education used to have value in those days. It wastes the years too. Just learn the basics and go for apprenticeship.

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I agree. People who learned from actual learnibg has more advantages than those people who learned from schools or university. My professor once said that, there was a time that an engineer who was a carpenter before has a lot more knowledge and skills than the one who graduated from a top university.

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Apprenticeships are the best way to learn anything and I would agree that they are more valuable than formal education.

Nonetheless when someone has reached a level of proficiency some formal education could profit them because they can learn other aspects of how things work. This knowledge can make them get to be even better at what they do.

IMO, a little of both formal education and apprenticeship makes someone excellent at what they do.

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Yea thats true, they both need each other to produce a perfect individual. A good apprentice should have a good level of formal education to be able to utilize what he or she learns as an apprentice and be more productive to meet the demand of the labour market and maximize profit.

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Good point - a nice balance between the two makes someone a really valuable employee. Having the ability to think in a hands-on and hands-off manner really does create an all-rounder who can excel at just about every task that gets thrown their way.

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True true true. When you are able to balance the two then you can probably make the best employee as you have both the skills and knowledge needed. Tasks would then be easily accomplished and you can probably achieve a lot.

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I agree when you have the formal education and spend some time in the field learning the technical skills from the realists of the industry then no feat can ever be too big for you. The combination of the two makes anyone shine brightly in their work with fewer errors as they complement one another.

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It is through apprenticeship that you'll learn the skills necessary to become successful in a particular field. Learning is faster when you are actually doing the work in real world. Formal education is more focused on theories.

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Exactly, our schools these days no longer care about what a child want to be or where his talent lies but instead they just teach you whatever they want you to learn and get done with it and sometimes they push people to face what they are not prepared for but apprenticeship is something you decide to do or a skill you feel you can learn in practise and not in theory.

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It's better to have knowledge that you can use in real world even without finishing a degree than to graduate that doesn't know anything. Facebook for example, hires people that has good skills even they are not graduate from college. I once watched on youtube about a 13 year old boy who made to internship program then was hired as a software engineer.

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Yes I agree on that, sometimes apprenticeship give us some advantage in terms of physical and actual works because mostly formal education really needs a lot of time to fulfill and focus more on theories that sometimes we cannot apply into the real world. Apprenticeship is giving us some learnings in the shortest possible way and can easily used them for real works.

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In format education there's so much lessons to study that some of them are not really related to the job that you are going to apply in the future. While on apprenticeship, it is focus on learning the skills necessary for you to get a job. But of course with the current system of the education, all should have to go for a formal education to get a diploma which is the primary requirement for applying a job.

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Yes that is true and I think it is one of the reason why other people are forced to have a formal education because of the traditional way of thinking that we need a college degree to have a well paying job because if not we will end up unemployed. This is the main reason while mostly prefer to have a diploma rather than an apprenticeship because of the various factors during employment

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It is a mindset that has led to people impoverization especially in a majority of developing nations as the young people who go to school consider themselves higher in the society and neglect technical work that can make them richer while waiting for employment chances that never come soemtimes.

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In the reality of the industry, yes it is more realible to get more skills through apprenticeship. Well, it is because that you undergo directly with the job and not only with its information and knowledge taught at school. However, we still a proper education at school and get a diploma because it will serve your qualification that most companies today need a college graduate. But it is up to the person's choice on what way he wants to get his career. Whatever it is, reaching the goals and doing your passion which makes you a happy worker are the most important thing to consider. Also, it depends on the situation.

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Yea thats true, it depends on the situation, but those companies you see or industries are owned mostly by people who start as an apprentice but after they establish themselves they will still go back to acquire the formal school learning in form of Adult education and still employ formal education graduates.

it happens more often in Africa.

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Formal education is definitely necessary. Because if you don't learn math for say accounting and other simple calculation like calculating interest. If you have no knowledge of that. You'd have to rely more on other people. And that should be something leads to loss. So people should have minimum possible formal education. Then they can go ahead and take the apprenticeship and move the things onward.

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Formal education is the foundation of apprenticeship to me and we need formal education in life to go far in what ever we lay our hand into after apprenticeship. Apprenticeship leads to self employment and innovation more than formal education does.

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Yes lack of the foundation education leads to the business person being more handicap. So that person has to learn a lot of things. So it's always better to have some sort of formal education. Because applying those skills is necessity.

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I think formal education teaches the basic or foundation of learning with include reading, writing and arithmetics but apprenticeship teaches people to be able to be relevance more than formal education do, these day formal education has lost it worth and apprenticeship is more important that formal education because apprenticeship help someone to develop his talent which I don't think formal education do.

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That is what we have with formal education as they give you this information that you may struggle to apply it in the real world. If there is going to be that situation where formal education ensures that more than 50% of people that come out of it can easily create jobs, then we can say that they are making improvements.

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The relevance is the huge part. I went to university and got a degree, and I can tell you that the vast majority of what I learned from those textbooks has never actually been applied in the real world. It's good to have a foundation of knowledge but when most of it never actually sees the light of day it makes you wonder what the point was.

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I think it is. I would argue that I've learnt most of what I know working rather from school. Because I've worked so long, I am now confident that I can run my own business,Something I could not envision doing with the knowledge I covered from school. I know I need licences I know need to keep accounts and I have to have a register suppliers and a network of suppliers. I know how to go about getting them, something I learnt all this from work.

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The case that we are having with the formal education in our country is that the teachers are not creative to train these kids on how they can survive without having to spend time working for people. This is the place I can say that apprenticeship is better than what we have with formal education. This is because the latter makes one to be independent unlike what we have with the formal education.

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In my opinion formal education and apprenticeship goes together to make you well-equipped before becoming a part of a workforce.

Formal education is where you learn the basics and theories while apprenticeship is where you learn to apply the theories that you have. It will let you experience for yourself possible problems you might encounter with the job and how to deal with it.

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As a future educator, I believe that technical and vocational skills shouldn't be really taught inside the four corners of the classroom and so what you're saying is definitely right. As a teacher in training, I believe that skills are better learned with training and one of those are apprenticeship as the learners easily acquire what they have to learn first hand from their mentor. That's actually the reason why there's an On the Job Training (OJT) because it helps the students to either make use of their learnings from the classroom or get new learnings from the experiences and things they have seen from their mentors.

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I wouldn't say it is MORE effective than formal education, but it is definitely a valid way to learn and prepare for your future. Some trade workers end up making more money than people with college degrees. Whatever walk of life works for you is the best route to go.

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When you are looking at getting more efficient out in acquiring knowledge, then making use of both formal education and apprenticeship experience will give you the best tool to have you well equipped for the job.

The formal education will feed you with most relevant information mostly in theories and some little practical but apprenticeship will feed you real practical.

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Same opinion here. Education gives you the theories that you need to learn but apprenticeship gives you the experience of applying the theories that you have. When I graduated college and started working, I learned that I cannot rely entirely to what the books taught me. How you solve a problem at work doesn't only come from its pages but from what experienced have taught you.

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agree it is common to find graduates earning way less than those technical workers out there. IN many instances, it is because the technicians put everything into their skills study and practice and they only have fewer aspects to cover hence they stick faster than numerous lessons at school.

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I think that to the extent a formal education is actually functional then no, it is far better than apprenticeship and offers a wider range of skills as well as a better understanding of the group of specialties that are needed in your particular field. On the other hand, apprenticeship is a more practical way to do a certain job but offers just that , a way to do a certain job better. That breeds stagnation because there is no evolution. A mind needs to test different perspectives to become functional as well as creative.

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Some people don't have the financial support and resources to help them get formal education and it's the reason why it's advisable to anyone who has such opportunities for having access to formal education to try as much as possible to maximize their chances.

So, if you find yourself in a position where you can't afford to acquire formal education, you are definitely going to do with what you have in using apprenticeship to build your skills.

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Well, that is very true. Apprenticeship or practical work training is much more important than the formal education given in the schools and colleges. Any education system that only teaches you theory and does not prepare you for the actual physical work of the concerned field is completely pointless and of no use in the real world. Due to such flawed education systems, people will just get degrees and diplomas which would have no real value for getting employment.

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In my opinion, both apprentice and studying is important. You need to educate yourself first before you go to the real world. And you need to experience it first before going out in real deal.

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I assume that both are precious in their very own manner. If a person is looking to enter a few advanced area of study, they surely want education that allows you to recognize the basics. Although they don’t need to enter some thing that requires college, it is nevertheless essential to be educated, through high faculty or at the job training or something comparable.

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I think learning in school is much more better than apprentice. It all depends to what kind of school you gonna send your children because sometimes it all depends to the kind of school. We are into a modern day and I am not so sure that people would patronize apprentice compared to school.

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I kind of agree. It does depend on the experience they'll receive from apprenticeship. But overall, it's better to go to school. Maybe a combination of both would be nice.

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Yeah I am not against apprenticeship. For my own understanding it is good also. But I still prefer school where you can learn more in advance.

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Yeah, somewhat I agree with this. It all depends on individuals and the kind of school. There are certain person who doesn't want to study because of environment they have. It also good to be apprentice as its more on the experience or learning the exact field or work of your courses. It's good if you experience both of them.

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That is right. It depends on that individuals and the school as well. I believe that no matter how good the school if the person is like not really give full attentions to their studies so it is gonna be useless at all.

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Yes. There are certain folks who were just force to study the courses they don't like so the possible result would be failing of grades and yeah its gonna be useless if you force yourself to study you're not interested with.

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Many people actually experienced it. They selected a wrong course for them and yet they realized it after they graduated.

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It is something which is common in my country. The government normally selects courses for individuals especially if you have a grade that has been scored by many people and university positions have to be standardized.

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Wow. From what country is that? I haven't heard anything about it. It feels like you don't have any freedom to do your thing or select the interesting courses you want.

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I am one of those people who just realized that I am much more interested in this certain course after I graduated. Though I was not forced by my parents, it's just that maybe my mind was still syncing at that time not knowing where should I go or what course is best for me.

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Yes, I agree with you. Parents prefer to send their sons/daughters to a school, rather than sending them right through apprenticeships. Though you may not learn everything in school, still, schools help you be ready to face the real world.

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That is right. There is no other place to educate children like school. School is an institution where not just learning you can acquire but also socializing is part of it. And it is good for every individual to socialize because at the young age they can build friendship.

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Yeah, parents are one of those people who controls the life of their children even in choosing courses they want. I think it will not work if you force your child to send in school without any passion in it. If you really want your child to grow, let them choose what career path they want to go as long as its good for him and parents know they are happy with their job.

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In my case, I believe formal education comes first before apprenticeship. Formal education is the foundation and the substance by which one is appropriately prepared for apprenticeship and eventually for formal job. Apprenticeship is the venue by which a student or a trainee puts into first practice what he or she gained through formal education.

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Same with my opinion. I think without formal education understanding on what to do in business and what not to do is lot conflicting. So people need to understand what else can make their life worth with the mentorship. So worth thinking over on the traditional education.

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Definitely right. You can do whatever you want right after you graduated. You can start applying for a job or you can do apprenticeship. It is all up to you as long as you are happy to it.

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I totally agree. Formal Education have broaden the choices for an individual to pick his career. But the downside is that since it is too general, a lot fail to master a craft, find themselves afloat changing course after course trying to find their career until they lost interest in trying at all. O the other hand, apprenticeship offers you the choice to master a certain craft. Not just study, but master it. Thus in apprenticeship, talents and skills aren't too different since what is need for the craft is to be learned thoroughly. I think a lot of jobs today does not really require years of studying to start as one could learn at least the basics in a couple of days.

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I think both is important. Apprenticeship mean you can learn thing in a practical way. You can learn a lot not being in traditional school environent. But I think apprenticeship is more of a test on how you can apply the knowledge you learn at school to your work. You have to have basic knowledge on how things work and you can learn that in your studies.

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Apprenticeship in my opinion is very important but first you must learn and master the basics and this means you have to go through formal studies. It would be very hard for a person to start from scratch and it would take a longer time for the teacher to teach an apprentice from square one, so as not to waste both of their time, it's always best to have some kind of formal education.

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In America, we have vocational schools and institutions of higher learning (colleges and universities). If a person wants to learn certain skills or be trained for a particular profession there is no excuse. The educational opportunity is there.

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The apprenticeship can provide training and learning to students who search for technical skills and formal education trains soft skills. There is no clear cut line determining who from these two streams can become more successful in life than the other. What is important is character such perseverance, dedication, passion, patience etc that determine success and happiness in life. Education is a must, but it is not everything in life.

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In my own opinion, one should really still go to school to learn the basics of everything, and not only on the field that you are interested in. You know, it is always viewed that knowledge is power. You learn a lot of things from school, well, most schools do apprenticeship or OJT's. While you are at school you are being trained, and while you are on your OJT, you are being trained emand exposed to the field that you will be diving in after college. Well, even though mostly say that not all can be learned in school, we must always remember that learning is a life-long and continuous process. We learn everyday, and even though what we learn at school is not enough, we can always learn everyday and improve everyday.

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Most college courses in my country require at least a semester of apprenticeship and that allows students to have a grasp of the real working world. In general, apprenticeship complements but can't replace formal education. A college education will not guarantee success for most people but it will provide the basic qualification for your chosen career. It will also prepare you for other aspects of life, career, leadership, and even entrepreneurship.

The failure of some college graduates to land a good job is usually due to the mismatch between the needs of the industries/companies and the type of skills offered by the graduates.

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Well, I mean trade schools still use apprenticeship systems, and a lot of people who complete those programs tend to go on to really well-paying jobs. The problem these days is that there are far more college educated people than there is a demand for them. The market is oversaturated with people who just want to sit at a desk and push pencils, and not enough who want to get out there and get their hands dirty.

Apprenticeships are valuable because as less people want to find blue collar jobs, the demand is going up, making it easier to find a job faster.

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I do agree that for some jobs apprenticeship is highly significant, but formal still education still holds more weight for me as it will make you more flexible when it comes to job hunting and not restrict you into only one field of work.

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Apprenticeship is better than formal education. In apprenticeship, one learns practically and learns on job. The one with formal education needs to get somewhere to learn the practicals

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Exactly you get the hands on skills and an opportunity to practice as you work meaning that you can earn as you study. It also enables the continuation of certain duties by people who are really devoted and have a passion for the industry.

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I still prefer the formal education since it will give us more opportunities to earn a living than the apprenticeship. Formal education give us a lot of knowledge and some great advantages compare to the latter because it is not limited into certain things or field of study.

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I think you can do it both at the same time like you can go to school at the same time you have the subject for apprenticeship.

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With the current system that our communites have this day. It is quite important to have a formal eductation in order for you have a better edge in succeeding in life. Apprenticeship is just a part of formal educatin which requires students to undergo on the job training for at least a semester in order for them to graduate in school. So what I am trying is you dont have to choose between the two because apprenticeship combined with formal education is a sure fire way to success.

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Of course it isn't. formal education give us the theories and the basic knowledge. This is why we spend so many years having the formal education compared to just a few months or a year of internship. How could we be able to understand and perform a task given by our direct superior if we have no idea about it.

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Both are important. It's like asking which wing is important for birds, the left or the right? Not everything can be learned in school. However it's hard to be apprentice without any background knowledge.

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There is no replacement for formal education. Formal education will equip with skills and knowledge to do almost everything in life. Apprenticeship is also good, however, it is never a substitute for formal education. Apprenticeship should be an option only if you cannot get formal education. having said that Apprenticeship after formal education can be very beneficial as it will equip with knowledge and skills to earn bread and butter.

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I know that most the people would disagree with me. But I prefer apprenticeship rather than formal schooling in terms of it's value for your personal individuality versus general value. Of course, formal education is very valuable especially during this era because it is a prerequisite for you to be able to have a higher paying job and makes you a professional but I doubt that the skills were honed properly to the fullest. I believe that the successful professionals are those who already have the talent or skills. The skills on the other hand could improve during the work itself after schooling. In apprenticeship though, there is a focus on skills to be learned. You'll be able to experience things yourself beforehand preparing you for the the real thing. When it comes to value, both are good depending on your need. Apprenticeship is more recommended though for those who doesn't have inner talent or skills. For those who already have have the skills, both are good because apprenticeship can make your skills even more better while formal schooling will give you a broad knowledge of learning. It's just a matter of preference.

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School is still the best way to learning. Apprenticeship is not to deep in learning new ideas in which you can apply it to work. It is better that you the theories which you have learn from school and then you can put it into practice. but then again apprenticeship can also enhance your skill as a worker. But it would still better to go school for learning.

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Is apprenticeship more valuable than formal education: For me the apprenticeship is the part of education that will prepare you into the real world of what your studying, on how to interact with your co-worker,in your boss and to give you a chance to do in the act what you have learned in your formal stidies.

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I totally agree on this. There a saying that, "Experience is the best teacher" and being an apprentice is an example of that. Being an apprentice doesn't mean that you're a helper or assistant but rather you're a student that learns by being with your mentor and experience them by watching them done by your mentor. And yes, I would rather be an apprentice than to be a student from formal education as I would want to learn in actual than in imagination.

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Hey there!
That's a great topic.
I'd say yes, for sure. Formal education nowadays is dull, boring and makes you just like everyone else. If you want to be succesful in this world, and not a robot for the government, then you should find apprenticeship with a suitable person, depending on your skills and goals in life.

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We can have formal education and apprenticeship since when we are going to graduate we need to be trained to be efficient on our job since not all can be taught in school especially in developing our skills. So I think we can have both, anyways this can be beneficial to us when we are going to work.

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My take on apprenticeship is the same as the so called OJT which is the on-the-job training. Graduating college students undergo an OJT period of 3 to 6 months depending on the course. After graduation he is certified to know the work because he had completed the OJT training which is the equivalent of apprenticeship. But without a college diploma an applicant who had undergone apprenticeship has very little chance to be hired by big companies.

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Most college courses in my country require at least a semester of apprenticeship and that allows students to have a grasp of the real working world. But in college I wanted at least have a good scholarship. I remember that time. It was a little bit stressful for me(I was only 16) and needed to phone in every college by myself. My classmate said that there is an easier way. He used info on this page and found the best music scholarship for himself. I had luck too and received a good scholarship that suits me the best. We are both happy with our new colleges now and new experiences!

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Some might argue that, but it's totally individual.

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Some might argue that, but it's totally individual.

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I think this depends on the domain of activity. For example, in IT, an apprenticeship could be more valuable than formal education. Also, it depends on the individual person. Some might be very skilled without an education, and still make it in the job field, others need to pursue a degree in order to get a nice job. Personally, I’m more inclined toward formal education, but not the traditional kind, but rather online courses. They are so convenient to follow. For example, last month I completed my degree on I took a six-month course, which turned out to be very useful for my career. I really liked the whole experience with this online educational institution.

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Why didn't anyone tell me about this some months ago?!

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I think both have a significant impact on us. School is essential and prepares people for future life, but apprenticeship can give you more precise information. Another great thing that I recently found out is leadership development simulations. Advanced leadership simulations give you the chance to learn from leaders who have taken the top positions in their fields. You can gain the experience of working with the best and understand how your leadership options can grow. It's an excellent way for future leaders to understand this domain.

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Now, of course, there is a different education system. Due to the epidemic, many are switching to online education

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I found an essay writing service that I trust. This is very important to me, as the resource is always ready to help me with any academic assignments. Every time I am confident that I will get a job of the highest quality. The authors of the company's essays have a master's degree or a Ph.D. They helped me improve my academic writing results and I can always contact the team of professionals with any questions.

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friendship day dare

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The fundamental principles of non-formal education are accessibility and voluntariness. In combination with the concept of "lifelong learning," this makes non-formal education an optimal tool for people with very different purposes - from filling gaps in basic education to obtaining knowledge for professional activity. Today, virtually all training or the experience gained, which does not lead directly to a diploma, can be considered non-formal education. All of the above is just right for me because I plan to grow in my career. To that end, with the help of https://www.trinityschoolofmedicin...medical-schoolss, I enrolled in Caribbean Medical School.

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