
Importance of holidays?

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Importance of holidays?


I got myself thinking one day, why do we celebrate holidays? Is it because we get a day off from work, or it's to get together with family and relatives.

Our family consists of 3 people (husband, wife and child), but we never celebrate any holidays because we just don't feel the need to. We treat every day as a unique day and a holiday on it's own.

Share your opinion please! Importance of holidays?


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Holidays are an important part of our culture. I think our holidays in my country mirrors our culture and people. It is an integral part of our country. Heroe's day, Christmas and many other holidays are celebrated throughout the country. It is also a good way to have some rest and recover your strength. Even in my office has a holiday treats1

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Everyday should not be the time to work and this is one of the reasons we should be celebrating holidays. To rest and recharge the mind and body to continue with the work that we do. It is always necessary for that time to feel free and enjoy.

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You are right, and to ready our self for a new set of works again. Breaks and holidays are really impossible because it is healthy for our mind.

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Yes, I agree with you, that we need to recharge to make ourselves look energetic when we are going to work on a regular day.

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There is time to reflect and I always use that period of holidays to do that! It is that moment where I get to feel great and great which is quite okay as long as I celebrate it with friends and family as well.

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Here on our country, we treat holidays that are still working days that pays us in double. That's what we forward to. I often spend it with our family because we also need want to earn more money for our family and that would make sense. The only holidays that we celebrate with our family are Christmas and New year's Eve which is a part of our tradition.

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That is right. You are still required to go to work and got double paid for working during the holidays. But if you are working in some office, bank, or school, then this will serve as your vacation with your family.

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That is why most of the people here in our country would tend to go to work instead of taking it as a day off from work and take a rest. They will sacrifice their time for themselves in order to earn more money.

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I agree with you. Especially if you are single and you don't have a kid, working during holidays is so easy to do. I am single and I remember that when I was working, I was happy every holiday. Holidays meant money for me. I even tried to render overtime so I can take advantage that day.

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Most of the people tend to see holidays as an opportunity to earn more. We become more practical as we think that it is more important to earn money than to take a break. I am also single and I totally agree with what you said.

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Holiday is very important, especially for those who have work, because it gives them an extra income and also has some relaxation from the stressful job.

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I agree with you, it will give them a break from office or whatsoever too.

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For me, holidays provide a much-needed space for workers to be with their families and loved ones, without having to worry about money or their job. That is very good for the overall population, as it maintains stress levels low.

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It is always important to appreciate holidays by being available to spend time with our family members and share some of the most awesome moments.

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You are right, it's essential to spend time with family. A lot of people don't realize it at first, but those persons that you love won't be there forever, and holidays are the perfect time to create beautiful memories with them.

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Holiday is improving, because it means vacation or take a break from work which we need because we deserve it.

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How about the fact that holidays are times to make merry and have unforgettable moments. Some of us only get such extended fun during Christmas.

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Holidays are good for tourism, and Internal Tourism is a powerful redistributor of economic resources from large cities to regional economies. It generates employment, inclusion and allows to revalue the national identity.

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Holidays are breathers. We rewind from heavy work and forge ahead. A vacation or touring helps a lot.

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For me, holidays are more about family time. It's important to take off time from our busy schedules and have a special moment with those we love and call family and friends. As such, holidays help us take a break from work and at the same time, offer us a chance to bond with our families. Needless to say that memories made on holidays are special in their own right, if only for the fact that, they were made on special days (the holidays). That said, it's okay foe your family to not take any interest in celebrating holidays. All that matters is that you all are happy.

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You know by this response you are just tempting the loners to say that all they love about the holidays is to get some more time alone. I am the family loving kind by the way don't get me wrong.

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I think certain holidays are important to celebrate - because they make us reflect on what's really important in life. Some people are able to do that every day, but some others need that wakeup call of a holiday to make them realize to be thankful for what they've got in life.

Personally, I think holidays are great - but I do wish that the happiness and joy people feel on them could be extended to everyday life! Importance of holidays?

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You're right. Let's not make a holiday as an excuse to spend time with our loved ones. Let's make it a habit by just doing our best to spend time with them every chance we get.

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Celebrating holiday is important for us because this is the only time that we could spend altogether with the family. It is more likely as reunion and it is very good to see that all of you are present that time. Talking about what was happening in your life with your family members and your plans,something like that is very much interesting.

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That is right. For some people, the holiday is like a family time. I notice that during the holidays, you will see a lot of people or a group of family at the malls. They take this opportunity to have a bonding with their family.

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It is to spend with family surely. But do we spend with them or we do not? Sometimes friends take most of our time and family falls into oblivion.

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That is right. We should not totally spend time with friends. Family is always there and we should spend more times with them.

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In the African context, if you see a man talking fondly with a lady then that is a lover and not a wife. Wives are left alone.

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I think in some part of Africa but not as a whole Africa. I used to stay and lived in Angola for about 2 years and the way they treated both ladies and wives are same the way we treated them in our country.

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Holiday is part of our lives and we celebrate holidays especially the Christmas and New year days. I think if you refer to other holidays then we don't really celebrate that. When I was working in the office, we treat holidays as blessings because we got double paid when we got to our work. Those kinds of Holidays are something that we look forward to. In some companies like bank or school, I know that they are not required to work during holidays but for the work that I had which was the BPO, we were required to report to our work unless it was your rest day.

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Why do we have holidays?
This is the major question here.
Every holiday has its purpose. It might be a celebration of some sort. If it is a leave; it gives time off from work and cool off with family and friends.

Other holidays like Christmas is to celebrate the saviour of mankind from sins. He should be the reason for the season.

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Definitely. Christmas is essential because it is a major spiritual holiday for us, due to the fact it's far a broadly celebrated secular holiday, and as it accounts for substantial financial activity within the entire world. For us, this holiday is significant as it celebrates God turning into man on the way to save mankind from its sin through the birth of Jesus Christ.

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I agree with you. It's the morning wonderful time of the year. However, I pity those who have grave yard shifts and have schedules on Christmas Eve. I experienced it before and it felt lonely.

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Holidays are a way for people to take a break from the stress or even job of each day life and rejoice life and it is really worth living for. People can spend time with pals and circle of relatives and have a terrific time.

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I agree with you. I guess, no one in their right mindset would hate holidays. Holidays are the best times and opportunities to break away from the stressful life at work and at the city.

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A different way to treat Holidays for us is seeing is as milestones in our journey. Holidays is a break for whatever we are doing and getting together to celebrate what we have accomplished.

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Maybe we should also see why there is a holiday in the first place. Some holidays are meant to celebrate things and the holidays are named the reason for the celebration. Christmas, for example, is a holiday that is meant to celebrate Jesus' birth and these holidays hold meaning for Christians.

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Actually the word holiday was originally referred only to special religious days unlike today that we have a lot of holidays that are not related to religious days. Importance wise, it is important. These are the times that we are able to set aside our work to do other things which could promote recreational activities and the like. The only thing that will make you think that holidays are useless is when it doesn't mean anything to you.

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Holidays are very important to everyone. Whatever reason there is. It's one of the reasons why a lot of people can finally relax and get away from the stressful work environment. The other factors will just follow.

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Exactly! I don't mess with my holiday vacation from work because it gives me ample time to get my family and friends to be with me often and have fun together.

Human being are not robots, so the rest from holidays sessions is very good for our health.

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That's true - I know when I've had holidays I always come back to work with my batteries recharged and a new sense of focus. I think for that reason holidays can be good for both an individual and for a business overall.

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I'm also one of those who believe that holidays are good mostly for getting some much needed rest.

There are some who are workaholics who need a good reason to enjoy themselves and not think about working even if it is only one day. If it is a holiday, they'll at least enjoy themselves and not feel guilty that they wasted a day or two. I'm one of those people.

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Importance of holidays:Every free day of every one whether it is a holiday or day off it is for a family bonding. The extra time that was given to each of us to have more time to create a moment in our family because we know if we already have our own family the one day off is not enough to fullfill the 6 days you are in your work.

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It's called holidays means that it's time for rest from workplace especially. It's the time you get to spend good quality time with your friends and family, allow your body to recover from the stress of working for too long.

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Well, the original term for holiday obviously has religious connotations—as in Holy Day—and was originally used to describe special days for religious observance. These days it’s taken on a different meaning, and can refer to a number of different days which we simply take off to either relax or celebrate with our friends and family.

I think that holidays have an important place in our society, because we as social creatures need a unifying force which brings us together at least now and again. For many people, it isn’t so much about religious observance as it is about spending time with each other and having something in common.

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Think of holidays as a bonus, no work stress, just staying at home on a "work day" and spending time with your loved ones. I as well don't see much of my relatives as we live far away but I see holidays as another full day I get to spend with my kids. They have school for five days a week and they're usually home late, during weekends they have their own plans and schedule. Just having extra full day/s spent with them that they don't have any plans on is always special. For me that's what makes holidays more enjoyable. And that's what holidays are for me, just an extra time to spend with family.

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I think that the is that so that you can remember a particular event or incident. For example today is thanksgiving it is an event that we remember to give thanks for all we have. In life sometimes it is important to take a breathe and remember where we come from. I think to move forward we must remember where we come from.That’s why we celebrate Christmas, Independence days and other important holidays.

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Apart from the religious values and the social values, you can see that holidays seems to be good for health. You take break from you work. And also it helps work around with the change of perspective. And you have plenty of things to note ahead as well. That's what I have learned from my example. So when you want change of weather and have some break, then holidays can be a good time for that.

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I agree with you. It is the only time that you can be away from the stressful working area without filing for your leave of absence.

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Indeed. And working all the time and not stopping eventually leads to the burnout. And we don't know what we are doing and where we are going. So we have to consider holidays as our way to manage the time and look forward to better refreshed routine later. That's what I have noticed.

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Holidays are important in every ones life.We all are humans and we need a regular break so that we can have the spirit of going back to work with more enthusiasm. Sometimes we feel not to go to work this is the time when one should go for a break. Life is not only about doing work, earning money and die. Explore the world as much as you can. Even the travelers take holidays from their work although for sitting peacefully at home.

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First of all I would like to wish every American around the globe a Happy and Bountiful Thanksgiving.

Holidays are set to commemorate an important event and or person in the history of a nation.

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Celebrating holidays are very important because it give us some time to have some rest from our offline and online works. It also give us the opportunity to go shopping and buy some things for our selves or for the family. Sometimes it is becoming a family reunion wherein we can have a bonding moments even in just a short period of time.

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While I agree with most commentators on my post, I still don't see the reason for a Holiday to be that thing that binds people and brings them together. Yes, it's a break from work.
But overall, I think people can get together without the prelude theme of the Holiday. When people get together on Anniversary of New Year, then it's almost 100% guaranteed they'll buy a Turkey and cook it.

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Holidays are very important on our lives because we can do a lot of things for that day which is very rare to come. We can make some relaxation or make some family bonding whenever we like. Sometimes I am taking some break on my freelancing sites during holidays because I need to give time for myself to rest and have a good sleep so that I can still motivated to work for the next day.

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Holidays are very important in our life. They give us an opportunity to take a break from our daily routine and do something different. Holidays can give us the free time to pursue our hobbies and break the monotony of our work life. It also gives us the opportunity to bond with our family and friends. Taking holidays periodically is a must to recharge our batteries and increase our efficiency at work.

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Holidays are there primarily for us to celebrate or remember a specific occasion. As for it's implications to students and the working class, holidays are a respite from the hustle and bustle of working/studying every day. It is the time to recollect, to spend time with family, and to re-energize oneself.

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Holiday is important also as it serves as a break from work. Work can be stressful and for you to be able to get some rest is thru holidays as sometimes even if weekends, some companies wanted you to work and I think it's too much for a company to ask for with minimum salary. It can happen to some people.

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Holidays used to be called “holy days”. There were certain days that were set aside and certain things or events were celebrated for religious purposes. During time holy days became holidays which were days set aside for not necessarily for religious purposes. Like the 4th of July which celebrates America's birthday. It's fun to participate in the various holiday celebrations. But if you don't feel the need, that's cool too. There's no law against not celebrating. For some people these special days are important. To some people, they are not important.

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So that's the history of holidays. Thanks for the information. Nowadays, it's more of a day to take a breather from work or school. It is also a time to do some of the things that we have set aside which usually includes some form of cleaning.

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I think often commercialization often slows down the holy-ness in the day. But if you want to make people remember the day. In such case you need some level of commercialization. The reason being people are more addicted to the internet. And that makes them remember only if they celebrate like this.

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Yes indeed. Sometimes it is related to religious celebrations and government event celebration. It's up to you if you want to attend or participate in an event as long as you are free to do what you want to do.

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Holidays are meant to give time for people to reflect on the reason for that holiday. I know that it isn't always the case as most people consider a holiday a time for rest and relaxation but the fact that most people anticipate the holiday helps perpetuate the object of that holiday. Would someone anticipate a working holiday? I doubt. In addition, holidays are good for a lot of businesses including malls, hotels, airlines, and resorts so it's great to have them from time to time. Most holidays are seasons that entice people to spend more and this is generally great for the economy.

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The best things in holidays are being able to spend time with your family with good foods, laughters and still get paid. But sometimes, my dad still go to work because he gets double paid which is still a good thing.

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Well that's one of the reason. Ofcourse family came first. Thanks for the holidays we have time to catch up with everybody. Another reason is to give thanks to the highest for the blessing that he gives.

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Holidays is very important because we are being paid doubled by our ordinary rates in our job if we are having a chance to be on duty on those occasions. Most private employees are very happy during holidays because it would only mean additional earnings for the day which is really good and motivating. So far I am enjoying my holidays because I have spent to my family and we go shopping to make them happy for a while.

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Holidays are made to commemorate something, like a historical event, or someone who made a difference in society. It's not because for you to spend more time with family or to get off from work. Haha!

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Holidays are important to the point where these days are when we are able to unwind, have precious time with the family and celebrate the essence of whatever the holiday is.

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Yes I agree that holidays are meant to commemorate or remember something that had happened in the past which symbolizes something or had made an important contribution to our country or to our society. I think we mainly celebrated different holidays every month to give tribute to some people or events that have a historic or significance to our country.

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Christmas is the most important of all the holidays. Because it's a time for sharing things, gift giving and family bonding. It also commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ to the world. It's the most wonderful and happiest time of the year for me.

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Holidays, I believe are days to do extra special things with family. It might be an extravagant dinner or a festive one and it could be a beach outing. Living in a family of four siblings and a mom and dad who loves to eat, we enjoy the holidays very much. In the past, both of my parents were very busy and I am very thankful that Holidays exist because it gives us a chance to bond longer with our families compared to regular days where not everyone gets a chance to be free because of work.

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Holidays is very important in our family, it has been a tradition to us to be together and have a bonding. It is not just to take a day off but keep with the family and share the blessings together.

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I used to take rest on holidays most of the time because I find it nice to relax after doing a lot of work in my office. I am giving some time for my self to do those things that I really like during holidays because it is very rare to happen and I am taking the opportunity to have some relaxation.

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I think the purpose of having a holiday is to have a bonding with your family and give thanks to the lord for the blessings that you have receive. It is one way also to reunite and look back on what happen to you through the years and to move forward for the next chapter on your life.

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For a person like me who work 8 hours a day and 6 days a week, holidays is the privilege to have short break and spend the time with my family. I don't really think about what's the importance of the occasion but I'm just thankful that there's holiday because I can be with my family for the rest of the day.

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Holidays help us to commemorate important events in our history.I always prepare my favourite food and take the family out.Holidays are important.They help the children form a tradition and this is good for bonding.

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Holidays are a time to rest. People work most of their lives so they need rest. I'm really amazed on how people have the energy to go partying or even throwing parties. That must be very exhausting for them to do those on top of the work fatigue they've accumulated in the year.

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As for me, holidays are very essential when you are working. It's a great chance to relax and take a rest. It's a way out from work stress and pressure. All workers or employees deserve to take a rest and enjoy holidays such as doing things they love to do, out and away from work.

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During these holidays I made several shopping activities where I buy a new karaoke set for my entertainment purposes at home. It is good that after doing a lot of hard work I am able to buy something for myself so that I will be motivated more to work on my own. It is good that these holidays I was able to make some rest and relaxation. I spend some time with my family since it was already a long time since I go home from my hometown and I was really happy about since it makes my holiday turns to great day for me.

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Without holiday, I guess the rates of suicide would probably increase, because imagine doing works nonstop especially to the ones that doesn't really love their work, it's hell on earth I suppose and life would be a disaster if holidays doesn't exist. Holidays are for relaxation, a time to unwind, to just relax and enjoy time with families, spend time on vacations or anything, it gives balance to life and I couldn't imagine life without it.

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Holidays are important to our society today. Some holidays commemorate the past while some give breaks from work and that is one thing to look forward to. Holidays are also driving forces in economy. Some dictate prices of certain products while some sustain whole communities that would not have a means of living without that specific holiday. On the personal side, holidays give us time to spend with our family and friends while also reminding us of their importance.

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I think that holidays are meant for us to have some unwind for our self for doing a long hours of work. It is a great time for our selves to do those things that makes our attention and interest since they would make us more productive and motivated to work hard after the holidays.

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For me, Holiday is Rest. This is the time that I can rest from my work and just relax and spend time for myself and my family. It's also remembering the reason of the holiday at the same time. It's hitting two birds in one stone. But even though during holidays, I still see to it that I'm not wasting my time but I make sure that I spend it wisely enough.

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I believe that as important as food is, so is rest because qualitative rest influences our energy and our way of reacting to different situations is the same. I allow myself to go to the mountains, oceans when I need them, and I don't see anything wrong with that. For example, a few weeks ago, my family and I wanted to learn how to snowboard. I was so afraid of trying such new things. I thought I would end up with a broken leg or hand, but I often looked at some facts and tips about extreme winter sports from before arriving at the hotel. You didn't know, but it helped me so much.

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Holidays are important because they provide you with the opportunity to unwind, recuperate, take a step back, and assess your personal life, needs, desires, and, why not, future projects. In essence, vacations are one of the finest, if not the best, ways to assure high productivity at work and school.
For me, a holiday is an opportunity to restart. To get out of my daily routine and just spend some quality time with my friends and family. Usually, we are checking the train schedules and are booking in advance some small train trips. That's some kind of a tradition already.

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