
Are you playing video games for fun or for money?

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Are you playing video games for fun or for money?

Videos games are meant for leisure which is why most people play at their free time to have fun, relax and relive themselves of any kind of stress.

But on the other hand, there are some people whom their gaming purposes are for making money. Such people believe that every minute of their time should be monetized even when they are having fun.


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I think that most of the time I am playing some video games either for entertainment or leisure purposes only as I don't have much skills in gaming when it comes to money making purposes. I have no idea on some sites that I could join that would pay me for playing some video games, it would really be a good idea if someone would suggest me some gaming site so that I can earn some passive income everyday in my idle time..

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It's more interesting to play for money, so I can tell you that I played for money. Not only once, but also receive money and pleasure. But when you play for money, it's kind of random. I tried to play sports betting, and I was received. I put on an Asian betting site I think it is better than other sites because I can get the money, even last week I won a serious bet and made good money.

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Mostly I play video games for fun, I never did this with the purpose to make money even if I succeeded. I think that if you have enough potential as a gamer and a little charisma, it will be very easy for you to become a star on twitch. But twitch can bring you a lot of money, also different sponsorships and so one. Besides that I can play, I do this for fun as well mostly, but sometimes I hit huge jackpots as well. So I'm kinda money magnet, I exchange fun on cash and this seems like magic to me.

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I have limited speed and the limited quota for internet. So I don't have means to make money off my gaming skills. Also I don't have followers on my youtube channel where I post tutorials. I think on that note I can tell you that I may not have much means for playing them for money. I mostly play for fun. And mostly I record in some worst case scenarios. I can tell you that it can be tiresome playing all the time and uploading it youtube and expecting to make money on twitch.

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I am not into gambling. I don't play anything that involves betting and winning money. I love playing games but I don't want to have any money involved. I have seen many people ruin and wasted their money, time and lives because of gambling. So, as much as possible I choose to avoid any form of that.

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It's not necessarily gambling. There are employers out there who pay people to play their game to have more active players in the community. I know of a BPO company before who employs people to play WoW.

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Wow. I think that I am doing the wrong things with my life If I have not gone out of my way to look out for these opportunities.

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Haha, no I'm sure you're okay. The thing is these types of work may only be temporary and not long-term since online games don't last forever. I guess they're transferred to another account if this happens.

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Hahahaha. Thanks for reassuring me but I still feel like I have missed a lot. Will be keeping my eye out for any such opportunities.

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Actually, I've found a couple of jobs like these on Upwork, one is about gaming, and one is quite similar. The position is to be a member of a dating site then interact with its members. It's like being paid to be an active member of the app. I'm sure you will be managing a lot of fake accounts though.

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Professional gaming is quite different from gambling. These people actually play games and they are paid for it. Some play for prize money, others play for a salary. The third group plays to attain a certain level in a game and sell their gaming account or gaming assets to people who don't have as much time but want upgrades anyway. There are plenty of ways to make money from gaming and the most you can lose is your time.

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I would love to get some more exposure on how to earn using this tactic. It seems like the most excellent option for all gaming heads out there.

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I play also for the fun of it.i don't gamble with my hard earned monet for any game. I play video games but it mostly for the fun and entertainment.

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I usually play games just to relax and just enjoy my free time but also meeting some new friends is one of my reasons why I play some games. I already meet a lot of people from a game and made them my friend personally. We go out some and share our new ideas about the game and also play it at the same time. I also tried to play some games that involves some money but it was just small amount of cash and I've never tried again after winning.

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Well i do like to play games sometimes when i feel bored with work or when i feel like doing something different than mu normal routine. I would say that i play Games only for the purpose of my own entertainment. I have never played a game for earning money. I am not good at the gambling so i have never ever played games related to gambling. However, i dont have any problem with people who play for earning money as long as they dont get addicted to it.

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I earn money through other means, but I'm not dismissing it if I may make money and have fun at the same time. To answer the question, I play video games to entertain myself. If I find a platform that has earning potential while playing too, I might try it out.

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I've never seen people earning money through gaming. I would love to find out so that i can do this. I think that I would absolutely love this.I love gaming and if I can make money while doing it this would be the icing on the cake. I think most people are gaming for fun because they genuinely enjoy it, me included.

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The easiest way to make money as a gamer is by selling your gaming account. There are sites on the net where you can sell your gaming account.

Playacutions dot com for example is but one of the many sites someone can sell their gaming accounts. There is no guarantee however that someone will buy your gaming account.

But since others have successfully sold their gaming accounts, I suppose anyone could list their accounts on such sites and hope for the best.

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Selling accounts goes against EULA but of course it doesn't stop other players. There are also some games where RMT is against their policy. And of course that doesn't stop other players.

Selling accounts is a good way to make a profit from games though. Especially if you've managed to make a little beastie that's really going to get sold real high.

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There's a game I heard about which can make money for the gamer when they sell assets they've bought in the game for real hard cash.

According to the article I read, someone can buy something like an apartment block and rent it out to other players for real cash. Apparently some people actually pay for such things! So it's pretty much like investing in real estate and other businesses only difference is it's in a virtual world.

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Some games do let players trade with real money. Still some think it's not safe, and the only reason they have a rule against it is to prevent other people from getting scammed.

Oh wow that's insane. I wonder what game it is. I'm curious now. And you're right, it makes a good investment and it is similar to real estate.

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I can't quite remember the title of the game.

World of Warcraft offers gamers a chance to make money from the game by selling WoW token which buy players more game time.

I don't know if it is profitable but you can sell your account too. There's one gamer who made over $400K selling WoW accounts.

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That's a lot for a game! Makes me want to consider playing it now! LOL! I know DOTA also offers players a chance to make real money. I think the only games that don't allow real money trading are Japanese developers. I know a mobile dev company that has strict rules against RMT.

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I think that it is not necessary to buy them, just try to make win them. You know I started my online journey playing Dota and I was really impressed by it. Thanks to this game I started to look for the gambling games. To be honest I like playing them more and it is not so hard to make an account there it is harder to bring it at that lever that will bring you money. But I found a new solution, this site makes you become a winner from the first try. This was my experience, I won 57$. Maybe I'm lucky but it brings incredible results.

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You can check play store for some video gaming apps that one can play for money.Just read some reviews about the ones that are legit for you to sign up with.

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I play video games for fun only. If I am being honest, I'd say that's pnly because I am not aware of ways to have fun playing video games, while making money at the same time. If anyone here has some tips, please do share. Nothing wrong with making money while doing something fun. I actually think it is the ideal way to make money.

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I play a video game just for pure fun and enjoyment, but if someone will pay me to play a video game? that would be great it just likes having your cake and eating it too. I know a lot of people or streamers are getting paid just by playing video games I don't don't see the harm in that they seem to be enjoying themselves in the same time being paid to play.

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I mainly play it for fun, because I just love playing games especially with the company of my friends, I enjoy it a lot more with my friends. And really if I have a chance to earn money while playing games then that would be awesome, imagine that enjoying something you love doing and earning money out of it, that's awesome!

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Games are more fun when it's enjoyed with your friends or siblings. It's more fun when something that you're into is also loved by people around you. It gives you a reason to bond and have fun.

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I know some games needs one starting with some money and this can hinder me from even trying this out. I just play mostly for fun but if one can easily make money off it then better.

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I play games during my spare time or as a stress-reliever. It makes me forget all my problems for awhile and all the stress during the whole day. When I play games, I feel like a child with no problems at all. I see games as a form of relaxation. It relaxes me and money is just a bonus. If I win and earn money from it, why not?

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Are playing video games for fun or for money: I only play a video games in my free time or if i am bored. I play it just for fun to enjoy my self ang escape from being bored. I makes me enegtic as well ang make me feel more yound. I always remember my childhood time everytime a play video games.

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I do play video games for fun not for money. It's one way of relieving stress from my job and also a bonding with my siblings.

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I play video games for fun. It's a good way for me to bond with my kid who is nearing the teen years. I'm thankful that we still get to do this thing once in a while. I know that there will come a time when my kid wouldn't want to play games with me anymore. [sniff]

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Youtubers always do that. They have fun while earning money. They make reviews out of playing games and edit those videos and post it in Youtube. They will really get benefits from playing games and make a review out of it.

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Exactly. These YouTubers are very skilled that I envy them for earning money while playing. They get to enjoy their life, their hobby while getting a decent amount of money for a living.

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We can also do that. It is just that, we don't have much tools for us to do that. Having a good quality camera is essential here and voice recording as well as good computer to edit videos.

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I play for fun. I've always had. And because of this fun I always managed to make pretty decent characters. Decent enough to get sold when I'm done having my fun. I feel that instead of just letting it rot in virtual space it's best to sell it to someone who can use it. BUT yes I do play just for fun, until I get tired of the game. LOL!

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I think this is the best way to approach games! Just play for fun, and spend time with your friends if they play the same game as you. I have a good friend who moved to another state for work, and I haven't seen him in a couple years. However, we spend several nights out of the week playing League of Legends online, which allows me to keep in contact with him, stay up do date with how he's doing, and just generally keep that strong friendship intact! If we didn't play this game together, I don't know how often I'd actually talk to him anymore.

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That's how games should be played. It's always nice having a friend to play with. I usually quit games because the friends I meet would eventually stop playing and the game just feels different without them, it's almost empty.

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I play video games strictly for fun. I work 40 hours a week, am going to grad school, and do freelance work on the side, so video games are a time for me to relax, destress, and spend time with my friends. Not everything has to be about earning money for me. And it's good to just take time out for yourself during the week and relax.

Anymore, I really only have time to play games like League of Legends and Payday 2 with my friends, but I'm hoping once the school semester is over and I have more time, I can pick up some other games that I still need to finish from my Steam library.

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I'm not really a fan of video games. But, when I play it, it is actually out of boredom. I just admire people who can do well with playing that they can even earn a living.

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I love playing video games even when I was a child until now. I do that to relieve stress after an exam, a work or a tiring day. I am not a professional but how I wish though. Because of that, my only means to earn from playing video games is to do piloting. I will be the one playing for the customer. I will level up his/her character and he/she will pay me for the service. Another way to earn is to sell rare virtual items or game currency to other players.

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Wow! I'm not a gamer, so this thing "piloting" is very new to me. I didn't know that players can entrust their accounts others just so they can level up. Well, I already know about selling items to the players as I hear that quite often from my brother.

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I play video games for just fun and entertainment now and I'm really enjoying. It can be very helpful to play with friends on a very boring day but if I can play for money it will be a good idea.

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Primarily for fun, but I use every opportunity to get some passive income, because if you combine a lot of passive incomes then you get a hell of a lot profit. For example, I use to record some gameplay videos and upload them on YouTube, and also, I used to sell gaming accounts. For example I would level them up, and a buyer would get a good, well grinded account.

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It is a very good question. I want to say that some time ago I was playing just for fun and relaxation. After some time I observed that my friend is playing in a game that brings him very good money, namely Dominoqq Online. Besides the fact that I play games just for relaxation, I decided to make some money. And it is not a lie, from the first days I had to win and I'm very pleased. I advised you to try.

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Whether you play low stakes cash games or tournaments there is a ton of opportunity to make serious money. Even the average lower limit players can make $30,000 per year without much trouble. The time and effort you put in will determine how far your poker bankroll will grow. The more effort you put in the more you get out of it. On average for cash game players at 50nl-1,000nl, you can see steady amounts piling in per month both from rakeback as well as from profit.

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The online pkv poker domino 99 is a great site and if you want a nice friendly environment to play then it is the site to go with. I have played on all the sites out there and have to say I always just end up back at 99poker. I play a good selection of about 4-6 MTTs a night alongside both the DYMs and Regular Sit and Gos and turn a tidy profit. If you honestly believe this site is rigged please ask yourself when was the last time you sat down and really tried to study and improve your game. Has anybody played here?

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Everybody starts to play for fun and I can tell you that the majority are playing for fun, not for money. Money are for real professional who are training day by day and preparing for the stage. To play for money, it is like to start smoking. At the beginning you smoke at parties for fun, then you get used to do this everyday. Also I was playing poker on weekends with my friends, then I start to make good money on it. Now I am playing on and I get more addicted, but I don't think it is a problem, while I am making good money.

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I guess playing for fun is the idea, but if you can make money from it, it is great.

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Dude, the idea of the simple video games is to have fun and spend money on them, especially if you play a game like CS:GO, or anything like this. I really enjoy playing games, and i was doing it just for fun. And yeah, it is really true that there are a lot of people that do actually gain pretty good money out of gaming. There are different streamers or even pro gamers and so on. I started to gain money out of gaming when i found W88, and i found out that we can actually make real bets there on a game we are having. That was the way i won my first 50 bucks out of gaming, on cs:go. So you can actually combine them.

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Usually I play for fun, but sometimes I can even win something

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Well, in my opinion, it is not the best idea to play for money, because in most of the cases the casino wins. I can play once in a 2 weeks period, and only online, only for fun. It is just a way of spending my free time. I have a weekly budget that I am ready to lose on different games and entertainment things, that is why I am still not addicted to gambling. I put a sum of money on my account, and I am ok to lose it all, because after that I won't supply my account till the next week.

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Some people might think I am crazy or addictive. I play online casino awards and spend a lot of money and usually win as well. When I play it, I
feel some kind of pleasure that I can not describe. It does not matter I
win or loose I have same feeling for both. Maybe I just enjoy the whole
process like a child that likes to spend money on video games. Some of
my friends think that I am addictive, but in their cases they are
playing online games such as call of duty and donating money on battle
pass and some other weird things and I think they get same pleasure as I
play in casino. Also I find very attractive that casino offers some
free stuff for joining the casino. For example, I got 10 pounds for free
so I can practice in that casino. Hope you won't judge me for what I am
doing and maybe there same people as me. Have a goo one

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I am betting for years, as i am in love with sport, and played cricket when i was younger. Now my only way to enjoy sport is wagering using tips and tricks and having fun from it watching matches with my friends.

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Excellent blog you have here but I was wondering if you knew of any forums that cover the same topics talked about in this article? I'd really like to be a part of online community where I can get suggestions from other knowledgeable individuals that share the same interest. If you have any recommendations, please let me know. Bless you -

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Gaming is really a workout for your mind disguised as fun. Studies have shown that playing video games regularly may increase gray matter in the brain and boost brain connectivity. Open-world, mission-based, and multi-level games are designed like complex puzzles that take several hours to solve. Occasionally, the solution varies based on your actions in the game. Learning to think on your feet and strategize in a fast-paced fantasy environment is a skill that can translate to the real world. I've found that gives you free stuff in lots of different games, and I've started playing since then Bingo Blitz it really helps you improve your reaction and your way of thinking

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The world of io games is always especially hidden with interesting and outstanding games. These include all of the most classic io games. With a series of the latest, hottest, and most popular games. Specifically, survival action games, zombie, puzzle, slither, agario,...The conquest will make you curious, join now to break the records.

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Hey, games are really a significant piece of my life. I need to play dream catcher, would you have the option to admonish me a couple? I need really reliable wellspring of stage, with speedy withdrawal and enormous gold mines. In case it's not all that much difficulty, help me sir.

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I only play video games for fun. I'm 28 years old now, and I work, so I have very little time to play video games. When I was a teenager, I started to play Minecraft, and I still do. It is an exciting game that brings together people of different generations. On weekends I play together with colleagues at work. Playing together is much more fun; we work as a team, and all together, we choose the server here and for a good reason. To play on a good server is much more enjoyable. Even the community is friendlier.

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I play minecraft for fun, to boost my mood. In addition to escapism, a successful game helps to reduce irritability and relaxation. I often notice a feeling of pride, and deep immersion in the game gives a sense of control, in which you completely forget about yourself. This mental state contributes to the growth of self-confidence and self-confidence, which, theoretically, can positively affect the state of mind. If there were an opportunity to earn money on minecraft smp servers, I would receive both earnings and pleasure simultaneously. But pleasure is much more important to me.

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My dream is to go on a cruise with my friends. I love it, because I love the sea, and on a cruise, we stay there for a long time. Also, good cruise companies have a lot of fun things to take part in with friends. I think it would not be boring there. So next week we decided on such a trip, and took a ticket to Australia one way, as we want to stay there for a while longer. We want to go to the famous gambling clubs in Australia. Since we only played online at c .We have had some good winnings there, so we would like to try playing in a club live.

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