
How do you deal with loss of a beloved pet?

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How do you deal with loss of a beloved pet?

Just recently, my family lost a very long time member, being one of our pets. We are still grieving a lot. Please help me know how best to grieve a beloved pet? I don't just want to forget him and move on. I want us all to be happy again.


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Lots of love and support from family and friends and is what got me through the loss of a pet.

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Just knowing that as time goes by, it will get better but there will always be a hole there.

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Remember your memories that you have with your pets and always take lots of pictures.

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I think that this is a good response, and this is also what I try to do. Nothing can ever take away the loss of the beloved pet; but when you can focus on the good memories that helps. When you have pictures of your pet that were taken in happier times, then it helps to focus on the happy times together.
My little Yorker-poo, Chipper, is getting very old, and this will probably be his last winter. I can see that he is having more trouble standing and walking sometimes, although other times he still bounces around like a puppy.
He is now both blind and mostly deaf, so we have to help him find his way around, and when I take him outside, I always watch him to make sure he doesn’t wander off and get into the road accidentally. I know that it is only a matter of time until I lose him, and I have had him his whole life, and his mother as well; so it breaks my heart to think that one day he will be gone.
I am glad that I took lots of pictures over the years so I will always have those to remember Chipper with.

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Remember your memories that you have with your pets and always take lots of pictures.

I am still sad over my dog that I lost when I was a child. I do not have any photographs as they were lost in the move. I think of her often and wish she were with me.

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Same here,I wish I knew little molly would be gone too soon I would have taken a photograph of painful that I have no memory of her and it hurt the way she was stolen and to worsen I have the only child then and little Molly was like a kid sister to took a bit to have a replacement from the family.

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I usually keep moving forward and trying to forget about our memories together. I keep myself busy at work so that my intention was a focus on that. Playing video games is also one way of not remembering my pet. Buying another pet makes it easy to overcome the emotions.

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I am sorry to hear your loss. Humans and all living things including pets or plants will laid to rest one day, just don't know when. Bear in mind that your pet is not suffering anymore. It is rested in peace and in the hands of God Almighty. Pray so that your pet's soul may stay happy forever and talk to your pet in your prayers. I find it useful when I look at the photo while I pray as if it is listening.

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I am so sorry for your loss, there is nothing more painful like the dead of a loved one being a human or pets. I can actually tell you that it's going to be almost impossible for you or your family to forget the pet that easily, if any tells you so, take it from me as I talk from experience that it's not easy.

The only thing I would suggest to you is to cherish the memories your family shared with it during the time the pet was alive, makes pictures of it into slide clips and watch it whenever you miss him.

With time, you would accept the loss but not forget it and move on. Probably get another pet of the same specie and build new relationship and create new memories again. Take care and take heart alright.

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Sorry for the loss.Had a childhood pet that I loved so much partly because I grew up as the only child for years before my younger ones join me.The dog was like a BFF and she loved me too.When she was stolen I was devastated but I just had to move on after searching for her for months to no avail,it isn't easy but we just have to move on.

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It it never an easy thing to lose a loved one. We hold our pets close to our hearts and consider them members of our family. Time helps, but it is still difficult. I keep lots of pictures around of pets that I've lost; not sure if it helps but it helps me feel like I'm honoring them.

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I personally have never grieved over the loss of a pet. But my mother-in-law did. My in-laws' dog went missing. They don't know what happened to him. She was so upset she couldn't go to work. Her husband had to call in to tell the employer she wasn't coming in. If you knew my mother-in-law and her strong work ethic you would know that for her to miss a day at work … something extraordinary must have happened. A dog missing is worse than a dog dying. She was hysterical.

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I'm really not that emotionally attached to my pets. If a pet of mine dies of course it's normal to be affected but after a day, it's all okay again and I feel better. I wouldn't waste my time grieving for any of my pets. Besides I can get another one to replace my dead pet.

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