
What can I put on flea bites?

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What can I put on flea bites?

My precious kitten, Little Buddy has many flea bites on her face and neck. She scratches her neck until she gets sores. I need to put some medicine on the sores but not sure what to use that will be safe. I am going to buy some anti-biotic topical cream from the store but not sure if that is safe as she might ingest it while cleaning. Please suggest a good topical cream to relieve the pain of flea bite on a cat or kitten and speed healing.


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I had the same problem with my cat when she had fleas, she woudl scratch herself until she was sore and it also made her ill when she washed herself which alrmed me. I took her to the vets and was told that she had an allergy to female flea saliva. She now has to be treated every month without fail for fleas as well as go to regular vets visits each year.

Could it be that your cat has some kind of allergy to the bites Beverly?

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Hi Shortie, yes I think that's possible. At that time, we were living near the woods and it's hard to keep the fleas out of the house when you are walking in the country and they just get on your clothes and come back into the house with you. This past year, we had moved to more of the city area and I assumed we would have no fleas at all but our cats ended up so badly infested with fleas they had to go to the vet for treatment. I found a really good flea treatment that goes internally and works almost instantly to kill all the fleas for at least 3 to 4 days. During that time, we were able to treat the entire home (carpets, ulpholstery, etc) for fleas and it knocked down the flea population to almost zero for awhile. Treatment of the whole house was essential for us in the flea control. Another thing that I learned, was to be very careful about what topical treatments were being used on the cats. I had tried a name brand topical flea spray they recommend for cats. This was from one of the big name pet care companies too. One of the cats got pretty sick from licking the residue off his fur and several became lethargic and would not move. The second they were home from the vet, I threw all that mess in the trash. This upcoming year, I plan to be way more prepared.

Later on, I was reading the reviews about that product online and one woman said her little cat went into seizures, after she used a topical flea spray. I'm way more careful now! Just holistic and natural flea prevention if possible and if I have to treat an area of the house with legit flea spray then I make sure the cats don't enter that area for a long time.

I had read you can get a good deal of flea prevention by just sucking up the fleas in one of those bagless vacuums. Though you have to empty it properly such as in water to ensure the fleas actually die. One woman who tried that idea said she opened the little vacuum canister and there were dozens of fleas hopping around inside. I will be trying that. Another said, you can use a bagged vacuum and just snip a cat flea collar and put the collar inside the bag and when the fleas are sucked up, they will die in the bag.

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If you suspect that your pet has fleas, take the following steps:

Wash your pet’s bedding in hot water every couple of days. Dry it on the highest heat setting after each washing. You can take the pet bed to a dry cleaner, but make sure the potential cleaning chemicals are pet friendly.

Wash your pet using flea shampoo. Ask your vet or natural food store about the best options for your pet. Many effective pet shampoos contain pyrethrin, an extract derived from chrysanthemum flowers.

Purchase a flea comb. Have a bowl of soapy water handy to dunk the critters once you comb them out of your pet’s hair. Fleas typically reside around the neck and tail areas.

Talk to your vet about oral or topical flea remedies. Flea collars can be highly toxic so avoid them if possible.

If you prefer natural remedies,make a strong solution by adding a few cut lemons or two cups of rosemary leaves to hot water. Allow the mixture to cool down and use it to spray, rinse, or soak your pet.

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