
Who taught you how to cook?

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Who taught you how to cook?

I learned how to cook from my own mother, watching her bake and cook from the time I was three years old. My first real memory is sitting on the kitchen counter as she frosted a carrot cake. Maybe for that reason, I have loved carrot cake my entire life and it's always one of my favorites. My other baking/cooking influence was my grandmother who was a traditional Southern cook and could make the best homemade buttermilk biscuits. I have fond memories of many vacation mornings spent at her table as a child eating Southern style biscuits, fried eggs and grits. She was really the best cook ever. Who taught you how to cook?


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I had the opportunity to learn through many generations.
I was able to hold on to my Great Great Grandmother, Great Grandmother (on my Mother's side) and my Great Grandmother (on my Father's side) throughout my childhood and into my early teens.

I think back years ago to when we would all meet at my Great Grandmother's house regularly to cook, bake and talk. The people in the kitchen were my Great Great Grandmother, my Great Grandmother, my Grandmother, my mother, and then little ol me. Drinking wine while they cooked and baked, to having tea and coffee, while waiting for the bread to bake... My Great Grandfather would always be watching sports in the other room, usually Boxing. I would peek in on him from time to time where he would hold up his fists like he was going to box me, horsing around. For a man in his seventies, he sure knew how to box, let me tell you...

I have to stop myself, because I feel a huge story coming

I'm still lucky enough to have my Grandmother and my mother which are the best cooks and bakers in my life! Who taught you how to cook?Who taught you how to cook?

"Strive not to be a man of success, but rather to be a man of value."
~Albert Einstein

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Granny taught me. Only the best from her!

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I taught myself how to cook while in college as I was tired of eating just ramen noodles. Now, I can create really nice healthy meals. My friends love my cooking too, so that makes me happy.

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The best two women ever in my life taught me how to cook.They're my Granny and my mom.

My Granny taught me all the native food that I love to eat,while my mum was quite good with stewing and baking.So I have complete culinary skills and I thank them for that.

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forever love
I can cook a few things now, but not really into home cooking so much. I can just as easily order Chinese food or pizza or almost any food I want and have it delivered or go to the deli and buy it fresh cooked for me.

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I learned from watching my mom around the kitchen.

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You can learn from your mother .If there is time problem then you can learn online or recipe books .There are also many tv shows based on cooking.

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I learned from watching my mom around the kitchen.

My mom always made the best pancake suppers with bacon. One of my favorite childhood meals ever! Who taught you how to cook?

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My cook ever! hands down.

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My cook ever! hands down.

A Welsh friend of mine who is a lead chef at a three star Michelin restaurant always says, "Nothing beats mum's cooking!" And, I smile everytime I think about that as he has access to the finest foods in the world and still considers mom's cooking to be the best. Who taught you how to cook?

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My mom and her sisters.

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My Mom taught me how to cook delicious food.. she is the best masterchef for me..

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I don't think anyone really taught me how to cook. My mother was the head chef in the house, but I can't say that I ever really spent much time with her in the kitchen. Whenever I was in the kitchen with her, it was just because we were chatting, and while I may have been keeping track of what she was doing, it wasn't much in terms of a hands on experience.

Then everything changed when I moved out. Once I had to start cooking for myself, I figured I would have to learn somehow. At that point, all I started doing was looking up some of the simplest recipes on the internet. Through a process of trial and error, and many, many hardly edible meals, I eventually taught myself how to become a relatively decent cook.

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I learned cooking from my coworker when I was working in a restaurant before. When on slack hours they let me try to cook.

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Nobody really taught to me to cook growing up. I can make basic things like pasta, sandwiches and the likes. My roommate and I actually just started a routine where we each have one night a week where we cook for the two of us. This is great because it's forcing both of us to learn how to cook! We also push ourselves to cook things we've never cooked before, that way we don't just rotate between spaghetti or tacos every week.

So far it's been great, and a learning experience too. I think I have a good recipe for garlic shrimp pasta under my belt, and I'm looking forward to refining it in the future!

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I think we share the same experience in the sense that I learnt how to cook from my mother as well and it is always an interesting scene when baby visits and I want to be the person that prepares dinner or breakfast that we both eat before going to bed or setting out for the days journey. Mum would always give me a paper that contains how I am going to prepare a stew or make a soup and how much time boiling the white rice would as well as how to know that the food is done.

I appreciate my mother till today for giving me the chance to learn how to cook

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My mother taught me how to cook simple dishes using chicken , beef , and pork as main ingredients. She is the one that always cook at home and now I benefit from her lessons about cooking. Thanks to my mom!

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My mom taught me on how to cook and she also taught me on how to buy the perfect ingredients for a food. The first dish she taught me to make is the Spaghetti and I know you're thinking that it's quite easy to make but she taught me this when i was 9-10 years old, I guess because she wanted me to become a successful chef someday. And also my grandfather taught me how to make some gravy and other sauces which you can make when you're having a party.

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I was not really into cooking because for me it is for girls or women and not for boys or men, and that makes me an ignorant about cooking. So my first time to cook was with my mom (one of the greatest inventor of flavors of food) that really loves to cook. So she really wanted to pass her recipe to me and to my brother, people that have no interest in cooking but as the day passed and I cook with my mother in our free time I do enjoy it because the time you took and the effort of working hard to create a certain dish is worth and satisfying if you look at the peoples faces when they are eating your dish. So, I will try and learn more about cooking so that i can also improve what my mother wrote on a notebook.

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When I was young, I am not interested about learning how to cook. As I grow up, I am getting curious when my mother prepares food in the kitchen. One time, my grandmother invited me for lunch saying she cooked my favorite dish which is sinigang. Out of the blue, I ask her, "how to cook sinigang?", then she explained everything step by step. It was her who taught me how to cook. She's in heaven now and everytime I am in the kitchen, I always remember her. I miss her so much.

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I think mostly my mother as she was the one who cooks at home. Then mostly my father who were with us for at least a whole month once a year as he was working out of country. I can't remember though which particular dish he cooks so most of the memories of my childhood that relates to cooking are when my mother cook for our meals. Its not that hard to cook though supposedly you have a good memory of how and when ingredients should be added and you had a good sense of taste that others can be get into.

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My mum taught me how to cook. I can remember when I was a young boy she would show me how to mix flour and make pancakes, mostly during the afternoon. She would then tell me to prepare the mixture and with time I started making the pancakes on my own and as the years passed I used to let her relax in the sitting room while I made the food.

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No one! That's why I don't know how to cook well. Honestly, I've tried to cook many times but it always turns out either burnt or overcooked. I think, the only thing I'm good at are cooking rice, instant noodles and eggs (hard-boiled or poached). But I love to watch cooking shows and food blogs on Youtube, always. Isn't it ironic?

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I learned how to cook on my own. I have not much got comfortable with that though. i have yet to learn a lot of things. And in due time I have to get used to those things. Cooking is not going to be any easy. We just have to understand that some people have to learn how to cook due to they not having an option. Same is the case with me. I have learned to cook based on how the things were for me there. I guess we have different way of handling things these days. Youtube can be a good place to learn about cooking.

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I learned cooking by myself i mean by observing while my mother cooks. I do not have the passion in cooking but i love eating. My course is information technology and it is very obvious that im not fund of cooking food to eat. As days goes by i realized because soon ill be having my own family, i need to learn cooking for my future kids. So far i learned already but only basic way of cooking and common recipes but im interested to learn more.

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Cooking is one of the skills I want to know. I remember back then, I always watched my mother how she cooked our dishes. Because I know that my mother is a great cook. Not only we, her family, loves her cooking but to other people also who tasted her cooking. So I tell her to teached me how to cook. I'm glad I asked that question to her before. Now I can cook my favoeites dishes on my own.

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I learned cooking from my mom and every since I was a child we used to bake cakes together. I grew up helping her in the kitchen. At that time I loved being in the kitchen. Nowadays, cooking seems to be a herculean task for me as I am a very busy person. I also learned cooking from recipe books, YouTube videos and by researching recipes online.

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Hey guys, what do you think about cooking equipment? Since I try to find different types of equipment for food (I am the General Manager of the restaurant) I plan to find high-quality and inexpensive equipment with which I will not have problems in the future (because it often breaks down) What ideas do you have, because I was looking for a site on different forums that can offer the services By the way here is the site itself it is called which I see is doing a good job with my needs.

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When I was a child, I always strived to cook something extraordinary. Frankly speaking, my mom always was very wise and she always permitted me to make all the experiments I wished on our kitchen. Indeed, when I grow up, I selected another profession, and I didn't become a cook. But cooking remained my favorite hobby. So, I made a modern, well-equipped kitchen with help of I ordered all the qualitative techniques for a good price. And now I can please my family with many culinary delights.

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It was my sister who is 4 years junior to me taught me how to cook. No shame, man. The cooking lesson is something that anyone can teach anyone. The first dish I learned to cook in our family kitchen where we installed a ductless range hood to make the place smoke free is egg pudding. The recipe is simple- mixing up of yolks of 4 eggs, add some sugar to the mixture and then replace the content to an oven. The egg pudding is ready to eat.

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