
Favorite hot drink

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Favorite hot drink

What is your favorite hot drink? For me it would have to be hot cocoa. Love it with mini marshmellows or cool whip.


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Coffee with milk and sugar for me please.

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I love coffee with the flavored creamers.

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Green tea with no sweetners.

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I drink hot tea almost daily. It's not my favorite drink, just what I have. I would prefer hot cocoa or hot coffee with milk and sugar, those are the absolute best. Favorite hot drink

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My favorite hot drink would be gold blend coffee with 1 sugar Favorite hot drink

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I like 2 different ones
At home I drink lots of coffee with lots of milk, but we I go out I stop at Tim Horton's regularly and I usually get a large half coffee half hot chocolate double

If any of you know of Tim Horton's and haven't tried this combination, you should... VERY yummy!

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Hot chocolate or cocoa with marshmellows is best during winter. I don't really drink any hot beverages during summer. Although I don't mind a hot cup of coffee to start the day.

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Coffee is actually good, something rich and strong tasting, nothing too light. And, I don't really like adding sugar as it's not good for my health.

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Green tea is a favorite of mine.

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Hot coffee with sugar and milk. Very simple but delicious. I don't go in for any of the fancy flavors, just take mine plain.

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Easy Chai Tea: A very delicious hot drink for winter or anytime. A cafe favorite but you can make it at home too. Just bring crushed spices, cinnamon sticks, ginger, and milk to a boil, add tea bags, and steep for 10 minutes.

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Too hot for hot drinks today, 98 degrees. I need something cool to drink like iced tea. :/

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tomato soup Favorite hot drink

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chicken soup with mint flavor.

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cappuccino, espresso, coffee, cocoa ... I love them all ;)

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noting better than tea :-) :-)

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I like coffee very much but tea is also good.

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Chicken soup.

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chicken soup Favorite hot drink

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The Hot drink I've ever Enjoyed is only the " Hot chocolate "

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Chicken Soup is my favorite.

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I'm a simple man, so I'd have to say that my favorite hot drink is just some good old tea. But then again, things don't exactly stay simple once you head deep enough down the rabbit hole that is tea blending. This is backed by the fact that I have an entire cabinet in my kitchen dedicated to just all the different varieties of tea I own. That being said, I do have some favorite blends. My all-time favorite is a blend of green tea and Earl Gray black tea. Another favorite of mine is green tea with jasmine. It's a very energizing combination. And sometimes I'm in the mood for just some classic chamomile. The possibilities are infinite with tea, and that's why I love it so much.

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Latte and green tea but no sugar

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Hot Choco is my most favorite hot drink. I specifically love to have hot choco during the cold season, it's very refreshing.

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I would like to have always a hot tea.

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I'm just a simple man. I like hot Milo and that's it. I don't like coffee or tea (not that much). I always drink Milo every day. If everyone's addicted to their coffee, mine is Milo. Milo every day!! Favorite hot drink

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My favorite hot drink would be Hot powdered milk i love drinking milk even i am already 20 years old i feel strong when i drink milk good for the bones and even after work i also drink milk to make me sleepy and have a nice sleep at night. and also my mom would prefer to drink milk for me because she likes to make my muscles strong and in good condition.

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As usual coffee is still my best especially for Information Technology courses like us who fights from sleepy nights. Coffee is one of my energizer at morning and night and it helps me to stay active. I know there are side effects of drinking this like it keeps you active at night that seems like if you are about to sleep the effect is still there. But I am very thankful to this coffee because this ones saved my life when i drive alone, without the coffee i will bump to a tree trunk. For me coffee is power and coffee gives us the energy to start our day a very productive one.

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I only take a hot drink in very cold mornings which would just hot tea preferable a choco drink and I will okay with it.

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Well, I like coffee just like almost everyone but it's a drink that I drink almost everywhere and I don't consider it anything special. I prefer to drink hot chocolate or cocoa for cold days. It makes you feel warm inside and you can add some spices to that like cinnamon and it smells delicious.

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My favorite drink is hot chocolate with milk. It always satisfy my morning. Because of this, I can wake up early in the morning just to taste my favorite hot drink. The best partner of it for me is longganisa with cantonese rice. I always want seconds if I eat this combo meal.

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I rarely consume hot drinks unless they are a little hot or warm. So my favorite is porridge, warm milk and coffee.

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For breakfast I drink hot chocolate either Swiss miss, Hershey's or Milo spiked with a teaspoon of my favorite instant coffee.

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I love drinking coffee and I have 3 cups of coffee per day. In the morning, I usually have black coffee. When I have coffee during the day I usually add some cream to it. I am addicted to coffee and I have to admit that it helps me to stay alert.

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My favorite hot drink is coffee, I love a hot coffee in the morning. In some cases, I like to drink hot red wine mixed with sugar in the cold nights.

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After instant coffee comes instant chocolate and I like Hershey's chocolate the most with marshmallows on top specially on Christmas morning.

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