
What is your favorite nighttime food?

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What is your favorite nighttime food?

what your favorite food at night before sleep do you care much about healthy food?


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I try not to eat right before bed. But if I do, then I make sure it is something light and healthy, like a yogurt.

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My favorite food at night before sleep are noodles or Rice in low quantity.

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I'm a light food eater at night,so I take in much before going to I just take in small quantity of pasta with stew or fish sauce.

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I tend to avoid eating late at night. However, I do eat some biscuits and cereal occasionally if I have to eat at night.

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They say that eating after eight at night is a sure fire way to gain weight and to throw off your metabolism, so I try not to make this a habit, but when I do snack at night, I like frozen yogurt, nuts, popcorn, or something like pretzels. I used to really snack in an unhealthy manner, but lately I have stopped this, and I have seen a lot of results in my waistline. I am in my forties now, so snacking is a LOT more unforgiving than it was when I was younger.

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Before i go to bed a drink milk and eat an apple.It helps me more comfortable when sleeping.I can't sleep without it, thats why i drink and eat before sleep.They say that is a healthy thing or to eat before sleep,but my true reason is that i can't sleep without it.I don't mind so much the healthy benefits as long as i received a good results.

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A night cup of tea or warm milk, in our community tea is quite common when you are retiring to bed. Since food is served earlier in the evening, a late night cup of tea comes in handy later before going to bed.

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I just can't sleep with an empty stomach, so, you could find me eating some heavy stuff just before sleep, I know this increased fat and cause some nasty nightmares. I hope I can get rid of this habit soon.

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Well my favorite night time food would probably be Milk, I just feel that I accomplished something before I sleep hahahaha and I feel healthy Lol because there is no age in terms of drinking milk, everyone should drink some for it gives us various nutrients such as calcium that we need as we age up for our bones becoming much weaker than before so we need something that would help and support to strengthen it somehow. God bless everyone and thanks.

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I always used to drink a hot cup of milk daily before going to bed. It not only accelerates sleep, but also I feel better after drinking my daily dose of milk.

I never have to worry about the fact that milk causes hormonal imbalance, as we get organic farm fresh milk from our own cows.

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It's been said that before going to bed you shouldn't eat heavy meals and it's better to eat something light as your body is going to rest and it won't be processing what you ate. Usually I eat dinner a few hours before going to sleep and I try to have balance between making it light and good enough to not get hungry in the middle of the night.

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Cereals, it's very light and you can also add milk on it

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I love to munch some popcorn in the night while watching movies. After what I've researched about health and eating before going to bed is bad for our health. Right now I only eat a piece of banana and drink 2 glasses of water before bedtime. This worked for me.

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I don't usually eat night time food but when I do, I usually eat Balut. It's a Filipino delicacy where you'll find a duck embryo inside of an egg. The soup is so tasty and the taste of the embryo itself is delicious and yummy. Maybe it's gross for someone who hasn't seen or taste it but you should try first before you judge.

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My favorite nighttime food is definitely potato chips or any chips. I'm a chips lover and I always enjoy eating it during nighttime while watching an Asian drama or movie.

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My favorite night time food to eat is Junk Foods like Piattos and any biscuits. This comforts me and i can't sleep well whenever i will not eat those before going to bed. There are times also that i watch TV shows and those chips are my favorite to spend while watching till i feel sleepy.

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usually, I don't eat at night time. I work late night and I like to have coffee. I will be drinking 2-3 cups of coffee during 4 hours of my work time at night. When I feel like eating, I eat apples. Sometimes I also like eating crips, pop corn and fries. usually I avoid heavy food at night time.

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My most favorite night time food is chocolate and a glass of water. My day ia not complete without eating this two before I sleep. It's like this is the reason why I lived. I want to eat more chocolates and drink more milk. Sometimes I eat peanuts or even heavy meals like spaghetti. It is not a problem to me because I sleep late. I eat what I want to eat before I sleep but most of the time I eat those two I mentioned first.

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My night time or our night time food would be a delivered fast food meal or snack, we always do this whenever it's weekend like we watch movies and buy some fast foods to make the night more awesome and exciting.

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My favorite night time food are pork buns and donuts.
Whenever I get hungry late at night I go where the best pork buns are sold and buy a couple of orders. An order consists of 2pcs of my favorite variant of pork bun and costs around $1.75 per order. But if I'm craving for something sweet, I go to Krispy Kreme and buy a box. My wife and kids gets the leftovers in the morning. I usually do this whenever I need to stay up all night to finish my work.

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One of my food cravings at night is to eat pizza. There's a pizza place near my home called Shakey's and they do deliveries so whenever I don't feel to go out at night I just call them up and order a box or 2 of thin crust pizza with my favorite toppings of ham, pepperoni, bell peppers and pineapples to be enjoyed by the whole family.

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If I feel the need for a night snack I don't really care for how healthy it is. Usually I don't crave for healthy snacks, I am more of a french fries or pizza at 2 AM kind of girl. My luck is that I don't feel the need to always have a midnight snack, I usually don't eat before bedtime, because I can't sleep, I feel agitated, so I avoid eating late. But sometimes my stomach doesn't agree with me and I take a visit to the fridge, to make a grilled cheese sandwich, or, when I am with my friends, we order a pizza.

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Sometimes I crave for something sweet at night, something that would be great with coffee like Doughnuts. The problem is I usually crave for it when most stores are closed at night, the ones sold at 7/11 doesn't taste good. Luckily I know a bakery owner who starts to make bread at 2 am. So I would drop by around 3 am to buy some dough, I would then shape it into rings and deep fry it in hot oil and roll it in some sugar.

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I am not much of a night-time eater. But whenever I find it hard to sleep, I usually pour myself with glass of milk and prepare three pieces of cookies or loft bread. Milk helps me sleep but fresh milk doesn't really taste much so I have something sweet to munch.

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