
How many books in your collection?

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How many books in your collection?

I have been collecting hard back books for many years since I was a teen. I've read each one of my books at least twice. So far I have 376 in my collection. I can't think how much it will cost to move all those when I leave my current location.


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I'm such a big fan of hardback books. So much more so than paper back books. I know it's just the same information in all books, even ebooks. But the hardback books just 'feel' more authoritative. If given the choice I would read a good hardback book (or textbook) any day over a comparable ebook with similar information.

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i am from india
i have lot of collection of islamic and thriller holy Quran, bukhari sharif, and thriller books like The girl with dragon tattoo, Angels and demons, and lot of islamic books..

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I have shelves and shelves of books. I have loved to read for a while now so I usually get a new book everytime I am at the book store.

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I can't count anymore. I really got a lot.

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I am a book lover, I not only buy books but also collect books. I never discard any books that I bought, received as gifts or for free. Having a good library is one of my dreams. I have about 1000 printed books and over 25 GB digital books. Once I had 5000 books, but I lost them as I moved homes. Currently, I am more into digital books than printed books. Since storing ebooks do not require physical space and it is easy to save them, I prefer digital books to printed books.

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I think I have around 200 books in my collection but most of them are books for kids that I liked to buy when I was a kid or I got them as a present. I don't buy many books now, but sometimes I get them from others or I win them in some contests. I prefer to go to a library.

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I guess I have around 80 books now, I had over 400 books, that was my father's library book but I had to give up on it when I sold the old house, I asked the new owner to keep the books for free, and he was happy to do so.
Unfortunatly now I have a small apartment and I don't have too much space, that is why I have only 80- 90 books!

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I stopped to collect hardback books years ago, except for masterpieces, but I have thousands of Ebooks stored in DVDs.

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I have a great collector of hard back books a while back but now I accumulate more of Ebooks than hard back books.My hard back books should be less than 100 while my Ebooks should exceed 100.

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Honestly I've never counted my books, but I know for sure I've more than a hundred, and those are just the ones that I've have. But if I have to count the ones that I've read oh my God, I've read hundreds and hundreds. Ever since I learned how to read, I've been reading, buying, exchanging books. I have a very wide open taste for them, so I can read literally anything that comes to my hands. Nothing like a good book to involve myself in another world.

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I really love reading books. This is something that I do on a daily basis. I read both physical books and eBooks. I have never counted my books and so I can't give you an exact figure. I am looking forward to buy some new books.

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I do have a collection of books if I include comic books it would reach to about 3200 but if it's hard cover and paper back books it's around 700 plus.

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Books are really cheap nowadays, well old books are, whenever I have some extra spending money I go to Book Sale or National Bookstore and scan their books which are on sale and pick one I look for books in the $1 - $3 range. I'm now collecting coffee table books, those hard covered big books looks good because of the attractive hard bound covers.

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Wow, 376 books is a huge number, I am ashamed of the 16 books that I have, and these ones I own because my wife is using to buy me a book from time to time.

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I envy you for having such a big place for your collection. I used to collect books as well and I have about a hundred and four or five. A lot of them are series of a novel. But now I sort of collect online books, as there are a lot of writers that publishes ebooks now a days. I have about 500 more or less in my E-books collection.

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