
Are books your primary means of learning?

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Are books your primary means of learning?

I don't really bother to read traditional paper/hardback books anymore for learning as I did when I was in school. Now, I read blogs and ebooks/pdf's/whitepapers, online journals and wikis when I want to laern something.


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I use a mixture of books, and online material.
I prefer to read books, but if I'm writing an article then I will choose both for reference.

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For article research, technical nonfiction books are better for research as they are usually more comprehensive and cover the broadest range for the subject, not just a simple over view or surface read as you would get with an online blog or article source. Also, most times, the level of fact checking is better so they are more credible and so much more easily cited in your completed work.

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Online ebooks and blogs are an easy way to learn and you can use them when on the go with your mobile device and not have to tote along a hard cover text book for learning.

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Online sources are usually my top way to learn new things right now. Much more convenient for me.

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Yet I like reading books for my interest.I like auto biography very much.It inspires me.

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Books are a main source. I also like to read magazines and blogs online to learn.

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Books are a main source. I also like to read magazines and blogs online to learn.

For some time, I've used Youtube videos to gain information on how to do specific projects, such as home repair and crafts. This is especially ideal for a visual learner.

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I've only read fiction books for the past few years. Though when I was in college, I was constantly using textbooks for study. This is a very common practice as most people in school learn from books.

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No I use books and the internet to get a lot of my info.

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No I use books and the internet to get a lot of my info.

Very easy to learn what you need to know online. Even some universities have courses and degrees online. So it must be a good way to learn. Are books your primary means of learning?

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NO I feel that I can learn from online, my kindle, books, newspapers, etc.

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I prefer books. I get distracted easily when using a tablet/PC.

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No they are not. I learn from everything around me but do consider books to be a really large chunk of how I learn.

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I mostly read the blogs and other resources on web lately. I don't invest much into the book. The reason being books take a lot of time. I may some of the time listen to the audio book. But that is pretty much rare theses days. I'd say you can find me reading some of the small clips from the books. I do like to read small this way. I don't want to spend a lot of time trying to read a big books at all. That's just not my style. I am trying hard to read a lot of books though but time is not in my hand and so it gets boring.

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When I was in my teens and early adulthood, books were my primary source of learning. I read nonfictions books on history, philosophy, anthropology, literature, religion to gain knowledge and wisdom. However, these days, books are not my main source of learning. I use the internet to learn. You can find all sorts of knowledge and information on the internet. Good thing about the internet is it is free, you will have to pay internet bills though.

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Same with me. I am 90s kid. And internet was not much popular in that time. In fact the amount of cost it takes for earning was really hard. And on that note you can see that it'd be reasonable to say books were the only source to read. And these days like we get internet, and the news sites. So we have lot more ground to post on that note. I think there are some more sources of learning now a days than in past.

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Books taught me a lot of things from reading to writing properly. I had a lot of benefits from it even though i'm not a quick learner. I still miss physical types of books back then, reading them at the library is simply relaxing.

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I've grown to that stage in life that I don't totally depend on books to learn new things. I mean I can now go on Youtube and other sites and watch as some of those things that I'm actually interested to learn from are being taught. I don't depend on books to learn everything nowadays.

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There was a time when books were my only means of learning. I read books to enrich my knowledge. I developed skills even by reading books first and the practicing what I have learned. Books are still my primary source of learning, however, I also watch TV, surf the internet in order to find information and knowledge. These days instead of visiting a library for information and knowledge, I look on Google.

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Exactly, when I was a kid, and I was going to school, books where my primary source to study from. We didn't have internet, and I was living in a very small town where we didn't even have a Mc Donalds. So, obviously, I had to read and read, take notes, make summaries, all based on books. Going to libraries and bookstores, were my day by day. Eventually, it all changed and look where we are now. Right now, I do get all my info online, but mostly is the fact that surfing the net save me a lot of time.

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To be honest I learn more from the internet nowadays. There are so many information available on the internet. However when I was still at school the internet was not really that popular and at that time I was regularly reading books to increase my knowledge. Nowadays we also eBooks which are replacing the physical books. There are so many advantages of using eBooks.

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In this day and age, I usually learn new things through the internet. I seldom go to the bookstore these days to purchase a book about something that I need to learn.

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When I was a kid, books are my primary means of learning. My mother always buy new books everytime I finished one. So it become my hobby until I grown-up. Then internet and other things started to pop-up. Now, I learn most of the time in the game I always played. But I continue to read my books. It's like I have so many options now to learn new things.

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I can say that currently, my source of learning is thru the Internet. This is because it is very accessible that I can even research on the spot wherever I may be. Once an idea or question pops out of my mind, I can easily type it in search and find the answers in a few clicks. I still run to books whenever I have the time to hold one and flip the pages to read. As a mom of small kids, I have very limited "me" time that I cannot finish a book in one sitting.

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