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Okay so for a lot of people, asking them to depart with their beloved books is a last, last resort! To some people, books are very valuable to them for a myriad of reasons. Some people just like to collect books and I have a couple friends that have shelves of them. One guy has so many books he has to store them in boxes in his attic! I've said to him on several occasions that he could make a fortune if he sold all his books. I think he has about 2000 books so even if he sold them all for £1 each he would make £2000.
But he is adamant that he will never sell any of them and wants to keep them to hand them down to his sons, sons & daughters because he believes that they contain knowledge that this generation of people just don't get taught any more in schools.
I think he's right, however, if you do have a lot of books stacked up and you've already read them and you wouldn't mind parting with them for some cash then selling your books can be a quick and profitable way to make some quick cash for Christmas.
3. Sell Your Old Books
There are actually many ways to sell your old books. You can of course list them up for sale on sites like eBay (taking advantage of their 100 free listings or no sale-no fee offers). And for all intents and purposes, you can usually get more than £1 per book! Sometimes you can sell a book for £5-10 depending on the book, it's value and condition (quality).
You could even sell your old books to charity shops. Some charity shops like Oxfam (who mostly rely on free donations) will buy books at around £1 each so if you have 100 old books you don't want, that could get you around £100 on the spot.
However, I'd like to tell you about a cool site you can use to sell books called Bookscouter.com. They make sure that you get the best price you can for your books instead of the pennies you might get for it selling it online or at a charity shop!
The good thing about Bookscouter.com is that you can enter the ISBN number on the site and it will instantly give you a value for that book right there and then. What is more, they also give you a list of sites that will buy that book from you and the price that they'll give you for it as well.
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that site bookscouter is really cool and i think i will be checking it out and maybe i could get rid of some of them for my mom! HAHA i have sold a few books in yard sales but i think selling them through this site would work so much better and i probably would have a better outcome! LOL thank you for sharing this Mike! I cant wait to try this website out and see what its all about!! this is a great idea Mike! Although i am not much of a book reader anymore like i used to be but i do have some books laying around. Mostly Danielle Steel books my mom gave me to try to sell when we had our ebay store. The kids have a bunch of books and they always love getting new ones! that site bookscouter is really cool and i think i will be checking it out and maybe i could get rid of some of them for my mom! HAHA i have sold a few books in yard sales but i think selling them through this site would work so much better and i probably would have a better outcome! LOL thank you for sharing this Mike! I cant wait to try this website out and see what its all about!!
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