
I want to write eBooks on addiction

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I want to write eBooks on addiction

I am looking for some inspiration here. I am a drug addict and an alcoholic 8 years clean and in recovery.

I want to share my story. I can do this in a number of different books but I am a little stuck on where to start.

I can do stories about when I was using, stories from rehab (both as a client and an employee later on), how to get clean, the difficulties I have faced…

Oh my gosh the sky is the limit.

As a reader (and I am going to assume you are a reader) what would you be interested in hearing about?

I hope to start getting my eBooks out soon and ready to sell here!


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Lynne, I'm very proud of you that you would want to share your experiences publicly. So many people suffer with one form of addiction or another in private, even if only food addiction (which is very destructive in itself) and worry about speaking publicly for fear of being shunned by friends and family. And, if they realized you can receive such generous love and support from others just by speaking up, then I think more people would do just that. Reading your own first hand experiences will be so helpful for many who are going through the early processes of recovery or maybe someone who has not yet quit and wants to find a light to lead the way. I can't wait to read your ebook. I will be actively promoting your book on my own social media when it comes out and know that it will benefit many.

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Eating disorders are deadly too and very serious addictions. The worst part is that anyone suffering from an eating disorder is constantly faced with food. My heart goes out to everyone that suffers with an eating disorder, it must be awful.

Thank you so much for your kind words Beverly, I appreciate all the help I can get with promotions!

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This kind of thing is all around us Lynne and im glad you bring it up. First i want to say congrats for being clean so long. I recently just had a friend die due to a heroin overdose. The epidemic is real here in NH and all over the country its getting worse. When i hear about people who have been clean so long coming forward to tell stories that they went thorough it makes me happy! people who are addicted and fighting addiction need to know that they are not alone and that they can succeed. if i was reading your book i would want to know how life was before during and after your experience with this problem. Give a broad outlook on the entire situation and get detailed so people can relate to you. Even if one person reads your book and changes it was all worth it. Thanks Lynne for sharing and congratulations again.

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Oh I am so sorry to hear about your friend Jkeyz2, that is truly awful. Addiction claims so many lives and not just the lives of the addict that dies. The family that are left behind that felt so helpless and guilty are left devastated.

Addicts are not evil, they are people that are trapped by addiction and they have moms,dads, siblings and other close relatives and friends. It affects so many people;.

I actually do a lot of work in my area with addicts and their families too. Not like official work exactly through my blog and being so open about it people contact me for help... so I help where and how I can I want to write eBooks on addiction

Writing an eBook would be continuing this work in a really cool way!

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Exactly Lynne and you will be creating a following of people that will use your story to help themselves. I agree my friend was not a bad person he had feelings and he cared about others. Heroin is a hell of a drug and it will make you do anything to get it. I dealt with this and another friend dying in the same week on a unrelated health issue. Anyway its one hundred percent about rehab and helping people get their lives back in control. I think the time your taking to help people is awesome and i wish you well. When the book comes out let me know because i will make a purchase to support this wonderful cause you have going on. Thanks Lynne your a kind person and i hope god gives you many years of strength to continue your sobriety and helping others.

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Thanks Jkeyz2 I want to write eBooks on addiction

I actually wanted to ask you since you design work.... if you can put together an eBook cover for me and also maybe even put together the whole eBook.

I did one previously that a friend of mine put together for me. I just did the writing and told her what I wanted it to look like. Now the thing is Mike has told me to try out Apache OpenOffice which I ambusy downloading as we speak...

The thing is that I just know I won't be able to make it look like my other eBook myself.

Any chance we can discuss this?

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i think that is such a great idea! i would be interested in hearing it all and im sure an addict and an addict who is recovering would want to hear it all as well.

Very noble of you to share something so personal in hopes of helping others!

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Thanks I want to write eBooks on addiction I already have a blog for addiction but I wanted to start writing eBooks too! I have so much to write about that I just don't know where to start.

I don't know if you are familiar with the 12 step program? Well step 12 is basically spreading the message of recovery so in a way writing about these things and blogging helps me too!

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so true! heroin is so bad here and its so sad to hear such young people losing their precious lives. i agree with both mike and jkeyz i would like to hear it all too. get deep and personal, i believe that is what sells. and yea jkeyz is right congrats to you Lynne! such a beautiful accomplishment!

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Thank you! I really appreciate the support and encouragement. It makes it so much easier to get started.

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Lynne, in all honesty. You could literally write 37 different e-books, so where to start seems to be a tricky question to find an answer for and I can see why you're a bit stuck.

As a reader I would want to read everything. Your entire story. Why you started to use, when it was, how you did it and what you used. I would want to hear your "background-story" so to speak, before anything about the actual addiction. - So that could literally be your first e-book. Simply put, I would want to read your biography.

13 years ago, I started to write my own biography. - I was 18 when I first started to write and I'm not even close the finish line. It all depends on how you write, why and what your end-goal is. (Note that I write things like I would write a diary sort of, so if I'd started to write 15 years from now, I would probably have written the entire book in less than a year.) That being said, I want it all to be included. My entire journey. My entire life. All the good times but mostly the bad. - I want it to be something others could benefit from. A motivational thing sort of.

And that's what I would like to read too. I personally have never used drugs in the same way as you did, but I can't see any reason to become an addict just out of the blue. Something must have happened. Something must have been the "trigger" to it all, and that's the thing I want to hear about. - Why did you do the things you did, and why.

If you could share all of that, then you're on a pure gold mine, not only in terms of potential income but in terms of something beautiful and something others would see as an act of kindness from your side. - I suppose you don't want others to use drugs, as you've been on that road yourself. I suppose you want others to get insight in the horrifying, ugly truth. - And I bet you want this to be a creation of motivation for others to stop or to never start to use drugs themselves?

If I where you, I would start writing about the time when I grew up. How my parents raised me and everything like that, as people would need to relate to you. Not only in terms of using a needle, but in general. - If you start there, I bet you'll be writing like a crazy person in matter of seconds too. - And one more thing. I wouldn't write the content as if I wrote it to publish a book. - I would just write everything I could come up with, as I wrote a diary or an open letter to myself and friends sort of. - And edit everything later.

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Thanks Andre.

I saw this after I actually started writing my eBook today!

Thank you for this insightful reply. As I mentioned in reply in the other discussion I have actually done a few posts on my website about why I am an addict, where it all started and yes you are spot on, there were two incredibly traumatic events in my teens that sparked everything off. However I still believe I would have been an addict. I wrote about that too.

I will see how I can include some of that background into my eBook.

Thank you for taking the time to reply with such insightful advice! And yes of course I want others to stop using or to never pick up after reading my book. Perhaps families of addicts can be helped too.

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Lynne i would like to hear everything! From the beginning. How it felt, how you felt, what made you start , things that happened during the time, bad and good. Its always inspiring to hear someones story. It gives you a bigger picture on what actually happens instead of just watching a movie about it. Its so scary and realistic but also interesting to hear someones story, And the whole story!

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Thanks Kelly! I have finished the book now, so once you have read it you are welcome to give me feedback on it so I know what you would like to know more about I want to write eBooks on addiction

Thanks for the feedback!

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Keep up the writing. You weave a compelling narative. I enjoyed the stories and would love to read more!

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Thank you so much Nick! I was so nervous that I would get feedback with people telling me I am an idiot or something LOL.

I guess those feelings of inadequacy don't completely leave us do they?

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First of all, I would like to congratulate you for this wonderful idea!
I'm sure this book will be helpful to many people out there, who were struggling to overcome drug addiction.

As a reader I would like to hear all the sufferings you undergo in your life after the addiction, and your feelings post-rehab.

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Wow! this is great i think this is the book that you are saying that is finished from your other thread post. it;s all about rehab addiction. this is nice it will be a inspiring eBook to read. i hope you will still continue to make inspirational eBook this is your talent hold on to it . I want to write eBooks on addiction

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This is definitely a good idea and I will request you to go forward with it. I am sure that there is much to learn from your story. To be honest I am a bit curious and will like to know about your story. Maybe this story may inspire someone and they will change for the best.

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This would be a great book, it might turn out a best seller book because it coming from a place of authority, this person has been there done that and is ready to write about it and its remedies.This will be a great inspiration and motivation for addicts that need help to read and help themselves.I love the idea because you'll chronicle your journey from starting point of your intake to when you became clean.Will love to have one of this, would really love to read it.

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Ohh man, i feel you. I understand you very much. I am an alcoholic, which i hate myself for. Now, i understand that alcohol was just a method to try and get rid of some of my thoughts that i didn't want to keep in my head. However, it is not the right way to deal with such an issue. I only got more problems due to this ''solution''. And now, i changed one addiction for another. I started to smoke weed. To be honest i like it much more that alcohol. Recently i been looking for a Toronto Cannabis Dispensary, as i really want to ''treat'' myself well.

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Good luck with that,my friend. Hope to read it one dat.

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That's a great idea, this book will help so many people that suffer from addiction. I know how hard it can be to deal with this problem, and your book will be a good motivation for them. My father was an alcohol addict and I know the pain an addict
feels. But I didn't know about your book then, so I read on a website and decided to put my dad in a rehabilitation center, that was the choice then. He is getting better and better every day.

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It is going to e a great story, I believe

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I feel sorry for you that you had to pass through all these moments, but I believe that they made you stronger. It would be great to write an ebook about this, because people should know how bad it could be. Also, getting inspiration from other stories, will help you attract a huge auditory and more people will want to get to know your story. Anyway, if you feel that you still have such problems I would recommend you escape from the alcohol addiction.

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