
When it comes time to write how do you come up with ideas?

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When it comes time to write how do you come up with ideas?

I have been writing for a few months now and im beginning to love it. Many people all over the world are passionate writers and im starting to learn why. One of the most challenging things writers face when working is coming up with good content to write about. How can someone overcome these problems? I have learned to adapt and shake things up when finding new content to write about. We all can do this its very simple just takes a little time.

First thing i do is find something new and popular if not both than at least one. Lets use video games for example, if i see a popular game that i want to do a review on i will download it. Play it for at least 10-15 minutes and watch a few videos on it as well. Once i do this i have a good idea of what im going to write about. Popular content gets alot of searches on Google and you have better chances of coming up on a search if your talking about it.

Second thing i do is make sure im ready to capture ideas and save them for later. We don't always have time to sit and look for good content. We all have busy lives and some of us are even parents. We cant miss the opportunity to get a good idea while we are out and away from our computers. For example if i take my girls into town to go to a museum or to a zoo i will take that chance to use that outing as content to write about. If you try this next time you go out you will be surprised how many ideas you actually come up with.

We all know writing can be hard guys but if you think about it things don't have to be this way. Take he time to think outside the box and push the envelope. We have a whole world of content just waiting to be explored.?As always thank you for reading please don't forget to follow me and like the topic.


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yes, it can be so hard sometimes trying to think of good content to write, especially if you have a family and a really busy life style. i find it hard to stay concentrated when the kids are around, theyre always asking for something, if its not one, its the other and if its not that one then its the last one!! but it does make plenty sense to look for something new and popular to write about because in actuality its more of an attention grabber! and people always have something to say about the new things that come out!

saving ideas or events that happen for a later use in writing is such a great idea because it give people a sense of who you are without actually meeting you in person. they get to know you through what you do and how you write about it and also your opinions on certain matters in the world. i was always one that like to write things down, especially when i was going through my pre teen and teenaged years. i always had some sort of "diary" and a poem book. when i felt unhappy and upset i would write about it either in my diary or i would compose a poem.

i am pretty sure we are really good at doing things, taking pictures and then sharing it with everyone here on LD! its very informative for people who are curious about different places in the world and interested in learning how they live. thanks for these great tips, i will be coming back to this post the nest time i have writers block!

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Hmm. When it comes to writing, whenever I think about something interesting and if I would decide to make it into a topic, I would first make draft notes about that topic and think a bit more. I wouldn't rush it on one sitting. I sometimes would let time pass by and eventually thoughts and things will just come up to my mind and next thing I know, my hands are already typing 100wpm on my computer. Lol

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I get my ideas from my environment, people around me,books,research and people behavior. I can write about a whole lot of thing provided it what people can relate with.

It always easy for me to cone with ideas because most times I write on the ills of the society which are everywhere.

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I too, am not a veteran in this industry, but I have gotten beautiful ideas from fellow writers, on how to come up with content. For instance, I have learnt that you can get ideas from listening to local radio stations, newspapers and last but not least, Google alerts. This play a huge role in keeping one up to date with current trends, in which you as a writer can come up with topics that can interest your readers.

Another place to get ideas can be in various social media. This is infact more viable, when you are in a group. Find out which topics that people are interested in or those that bring about heated debates, and discuss them in a broader manner in a blog or an article.

Last but not least, just like you said above, mother nature is very generous when it comes to giving ideas. You can write about physical features, natural sceneries, animals, and a host of other items. There will always be something to write about, and all one needs is to open the third eye.

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It's sometimes hard to come up with your owns especially if you have writer's block. No matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to come up with anything good to write. If you think that you have writer's block then it's best that you try to relax for a bit to try and get rid of it. Play some games, go for a run or just take a break from writing and do something else for a bit. Once you get rid of writer's block then you should be able to come up with some great ideas to write about

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I would pick a topic from anywhere, it can be a debate we are having, maybe a discussion on social media or something trending like current news. Before it was quite a task to come up with new ideas or topics I would want to write about. Not anymore, since it's easy to have more content and ideas from something trending unlike coming up with completely new content.

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I look at the incidents around me. And I try to make a story out of it. Though I usually write into the horror genre. So the ideas are usually based on the fear associated with the events. And that's how I have managed to come up with most of the ideas. As you can see that it'd be not that easy to get with the ideas in that case. I personally don't see much headache in coming up with an idea. I do think about the good content though and so the focus is always that.

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I get ideas in various ways. I am something searching online, I don't find the right answer. Lo and behold! I got my idea. I do my research and develop an article on the topic. This article will have a lot of readers because this topic has not been covered extensively online.
I am reading something and I don't agree with the writer's point of view or the facts presented in the article. I do my own research and develop an idea.

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The ideas rarely come to me in "my time to write". They usually come in random moments when I am inspired by something and I feel the creativity. The trick is to remember what inspired you and remember the stories that come up. Even if you think you will remember it you should write it down quickly to not let it slip away.

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Writing is not something you do carelessly, you need a clear and calm mindset to actually write anything that would be meaningful and insightful when being read by others. Whenever I actually intend on writing anything, I engage in meditation therapy session for about 2 months before picking up my pen to write.

Meditation helps to clarify my thoughts, clear my mind and gives me inspiration need to write, and most times I derive my writing inspiration from nature which is why meditation helps me a lot because while at meditating, it helps me to reconnect with nature.

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I agree to what everybody's response. As a beginner,i think the easiest way for me to have a story is writing my life story(you'll never go wrong When it comes time to write how do you come up with ideas? . Whether the ending is good or bad as long as there some lessons that the readers will get. You know, in some point we're dealing with the same situations that readers can relate to the story, and i think that's what readers like. Just like Carrie Bradshaw (SATC) on how she writes in her column. Her drama, she observe, she can relate to it, she tries it, she asks others opinion, she learn from it and bam! she just come up with a great story.

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I am also in need of a guide on how to write an article for my blog. I don't know how to start and what topic to discuss. How can we come up with inspiration to write?

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You can hit a roadblock sometimes but most of the times it takes s movie, a show, an event or just a good lunch to get your juices flowing. Writers are very fickle creatures. We can be dry on ideas on a Monday afternoon. But come Monday night at 3 am, a bunch of ideas come flowing through our heads and we just have to get up and jot them down. Well, at least in my case that's true.

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You can just come up with ideas through your daily experiences and by thinking something which is related to what you are writing which you have been experienced before. In writing, you must think of content which captivates readers attention and which you think can easily convince or attract them to read your story. As a writer you must also select a place or environment where in free from distraction. In this way you can think quickly and abundantly ideas for a good content.

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When it comes to writing if I want to right something new and fresh or thinking some unique idea I go to a quiet place and think what kind of article should I publish in that way I can think clearly with all those nature surroundings that I can see.

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I've been a reader and that's how I create ideas of things that I write. I always look at it from the aspect of creating new ideas from what I've read as it concerns relationship tips, finance and the rest.

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When the time comes to write, I have always applied what I learned in high school, and it has almost helped in writing plentifully without having difficulties no matter how little. Before getting started with writing at all, I would first list some relevant points I am going to write about. These points will be taken one after the other while writing and the whole process becomes simple. From introduction to the last paragraph, everything becomes easy and the content will be great.

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At times if I can't get an idea what to write about I go through photos on different sites and I usually come up with an idea. I do this very often. I prefer to write about trending topics on my blog as this is what everyone will be interested in. I also get ideas by reading books and magazines.

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I am writing articles on two sites and my topics come from what I see on television or I read on other sites, some of my writings are from what I see around me or the people who surround me.

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