
What are some of your best gift wrapping tips?

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What are some of your best gift wrapping tips?

Wrapping gifts is a centuries old tradition, though cloth or silk was once used before paper became commonly available for the same purpose. Do you wrap your gifts? Do you have a Christmas wrapping party for your family and friends?


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I have done a few different things to save money.
I have used newspaper for gift wrapping before. What is most fun I find is (if you have kids or pets), go and purchase a BIG roll of paper and lay it outside. Get some water based paints, and have them put their hand, feet and/or paw prints ALL over the paper in different colors. Let it dry, then save the paper for Christmas. What are some of your best gift wrapping tips?What are some of your best gift wrapping tips?What are some of your best gift wrapping tips?What are some of your best gift wrapping tips?

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Wow, this is very interesting quite much. Some people can be very creative in a pleasing manner. And to think that I have been wasting my hard earned money buying foil to use and wrap gifts, when there are better options to use which is pretty cool and money saving as well. I'm definitely trying it out in this coming up Christmas that is just 2 months away.

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I have done a few different things to save money.
I have used newspaper for gift wrapping before. What is most fun I find is (if you have kids or pets), go and purchase a BIG roll of paper and lay it outside. Get some water based paints, and have them put their hand, feet and/or paw prints ALL over the paper in different colors. Let it dry, then save the paper for Christmas. What are some of your best gift wrapping tips?What are some of your best gift wrapping tips?What are some of your best gift wrapping tips?What are some of your best gift wrapping tips?

This is a really fun idea. And, we might try this one out.

My daughter loves illustrating and drawing. I'm sure she would have a good time drawing on the paper. What are some of your best gift wrapping tips?

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This is a really fun idea. And, we might try this one out.

My daughter loves illustrating and drawing. I'm sure she would have a good time drawing on the paper. What are some of your best gift wrapping tips?

Even if you use the roll of paper to draw all over and colour it. It's encouraging the creative side and you're having fun and bonding. I really enjoy it What are some of your best gift wrapping tips? I would like to know how to make paper mashee (not sure how to spell that I think that would be another fun activity. To mold and shape, then colour or paint What are some of your best gift wrapping tips?

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Put it in a bag. I never am able to wrap a gift to look good.

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Towels make great gifts to wrap something in.

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One of the ways to easily wrap a gift is buying an empty box and putting into it the gift and have a wrapper wrap around the box and that's it. The best way to make the gift pretty is by adding a ribbon into it.

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I am really terrible with this. I have tried many times wrapping gifts and I always end up failing. Now whenever I get a present for somebody I pay somebody to wrap it for me. It's not expensive and the present will look good, better than what I could do. Another option is buying present bags.

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Here we usually use 2 to 3 differently designed and colired gift wrapping papers per gift. Doing some specialty folds it would end up quite beautiful and unique.

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