
Can drinking too much River Nurishment be bad for you?

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Can drinking too much River Nurishment be bad for you?

So I usually buy a Dunn's River Nurishment every day. They come in four different flavors, vanilla, chocolate, raspberry and strawberry. I usually get the strawberry one as it has a really nice taste to it. It's basically just milkshake but it has a lot of nourishment in it. Tons of vitamin A, D, C and B12. Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid. Calcium, copper, magnesium, iodine amongst some other stuff.
Can drinking too much River Nurishment be bad for you?
But in the actual ingredients itself, it does have a number of E numbers too. (E120 and E160a) for coloring and flavoring I guess. But E numbers are never good for you, especially in large doses. But I usually drink one of these a day. Or at least up to 3-5 cans of the stuff a week anyway. Sometimes I don't eat breakfast so I'll have this as a liquid breakfast alternative instead.

But I'm just wondering if this stuff is really as healthy as they say it is. To be honest I've been drinking this stuff for years. I went through a bit of a phase about 10 years ago where I'd drink a lot of it like one to two cans a day. And lately I'm starting to drink it again although not quite the same excessive amount as before.

I also notice a lot of weight lifters and those in training will drink this stuff as well, probably because of all the vitamins and mineral that are in it. Plus it does taste kinda nice. Can drinking too much River Nurishment be bad for you?

Do you drink Dunn's River Nurishment?

Could too much be bad for you?

How much is a safe amount to drink?


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OK so I just don't believe in a liquid diet. I don't care what they say is in it or what you need in your daily nutritional intake.

I believe in eating food, like real food Can drinking too much River Nurishment be bad for you? I don't even take any vitamins, I honestly believe everything you need you can get from your food.

I eat well and I am very healthy. I hardly ever get ill, not so much as even a headache. And on the odd occasions that I do get ill I usually try and recover without any medication. I'll drink natural things that I make myself like ginger, lemon and honey tea... not from a teabag. I literally put slices of lemon and ginger into a cup, pour boiling water in and stir in some honey.

I wouldn't drink those things, sorry!

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I think any time you go without actual solid food for a long time, it's quite a risk. Especially depending on age and any health issues you might have. Like blood sugar levels and stuff. The longest I can go without actual solid food is 2 days before I am totally miserable. I normally do it in the Summer because it's the hottest time of year. So most of the time in between mid July and late August, I keep myself hydrated because it's either too hot to eat or I forget to eat because I'm so busy trying to stay cool.

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I have ever tried this particular nourishment but I just use to give the producers the benefits of doubts because truthfully you never can tell
the true state of a drink, one only goes by the labeling words so You can't just know unless one shares a bad experience.

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I have never tried this one or even my close relatives, like they know that there is such a product that exist but they're wasn't sure about the benefits or the health problems it can give as well. But they also do believe that it has some benefits that would want them to try it for sure.

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What I think about these kind of drinks is that they aren't really came from natural fruits that give its flavor and I think they only use the artificial flavor. Although there advertisements says that it came from natural flavors but they will just hide it from us for the sake of business and of course money. Its better if we will drink the natural water and eat some natural fruits and vegetables.

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I'm Like you said you can eat in a morning but being a builder I need energy to work just started with these and they are good. By the way the chocolate one has less E numbers as the flavour is from cocoa power. Seem to be far better at energy and healthier that chugging a red bull every morning.

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Yes it can esp vitamin A overdoses and iron overdose .there is no antidote.lack of other minerals such as potassium unless potassium iodide provides enough if any potassium .too much K is also dangerous.

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As far as I know, it contains many vitamins that the body needs so that it is really worth consuming.
I personally am a follower of supplements and a healthy lifestyle and I always strive to eat as correctly as possible. Lately, I have taken a large set of vitamins and minerals and every day together with the whole family we consume.
The last order in this area was vitamin for vein health and we have been consuming them for three months now and I really like the effect.

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Is this product as good as you described it?

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Interestingly you are admitting yourself that conservatives should not be there and you still having it in large quantities while it's probably hurting you more than doing you any good! What's the point of residing to products that are not natural and pure when it comes to our health and wellbeing? I would never go with any kind of powder or pill. The only type of merchandises I entrust right now is the ones that come in the form of gummies such as this exquisite top quality elderberry gummies that have proven to be of great importance for a better overall health and gut function!

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