
Freakiest Thing That Ever Happen to You?

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Freakiest Thing That Ever Happen to You?

Last week, when I'm working kinda late on my printing office, I got really spooked out when my phone  that I was charging beside me, which I put at the top of my CPU that is beside my keyboard suddenly got dropped on the floor when I turned around my chair to look for a drink. The thing is, I'm sure that the cord of my charger was not blocking around my arms and is on the other side of the CPU when that happened. Well I don't cared enough and its not freaky enough although I got scared when thinking about it.

Have you had any experience like this before? Well its still early before the Halloween though.


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That is really strange, something similar happened to me as well. Two years ago I was alone in my house and I know for sure when I reached my home I put my cell phone on the desk near my PC. I went to my chitche, I eaten and came back in the room.....surprise my cell phone was on my couch and not on my desk.
This was really creepy and I have no explanation for this.

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Every homes has paranormal activities that are happening in fact i felt and experienced things at the same way. When i was trying to repair some parts in my car i am very sure that i put the tools just right beside me and when i'm going to use it already its gone and i tried to find it but after a minutes i saw it right where i just put the tools. This must be creepy things. One also thing happened is in my sleep, i know i'm conscious that time but can't even glimpse my eyes, can not move any part in my body and cant even talk and it was my first time to experience my unforgettable nightmare. All i did is pray and think about Jesus. I saw also a girl above me with a blur face. This term to us is called Bangungut.

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About your sleep. I have experienced that few times too. It's not actually a nightmare for me. I would go to bed then I get paralysed and I can't move. When I try to open my eyes, I see a dark shadow next to me but I can't see the whole of it because I can't move even my head. It is like it is trying to control my body when my soul is awake. I try to talk but I can't. So I pray and try to say "Jesus" then I suddenly I am able to move and I can't see it again. I always want to know what it means.

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did you forgot where you had put the cell phone or was your house previously owned by someone else?

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This was about 4 years ago. My dad is fixing the lock in our front door and some of the pieces of the lock was accidentally thrown in the garden and when me and my sisters went to look for it we couldn't find it anymore. My dad told us to stop looking for it because we're looking for it for an hour and we didn't find it. So my dad just decided to put back the old lock and to my dads surprise he found the missing piece inside the door when he clearly saw it being thrown outside. We were just really creep out by the situation.

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Maybe it could have just been absentmindedness as a result of being tired from your day? I know with myself that after I have had a particularly long day, I often zone out and go on auto-pilot when I do certain things. I may sit down and think to myself, "Darn, I forgot to brew a cup of tea." And I go into the kitchen and find that there is already a cup brewing. I had forgotten I did that because I was lost in thought or stressed out about something. If that isn't the situation, that is definitely very odd and creepy.

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So this is a little freaky. A few years back, I was sleeping and in it I had a dream of this "light" image pulling me closer, as I was moving close, a hand tapped me and woke me up. Freaky part is that when I woke up, there was no one there because I slept alone. Still can't forget that night.

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Damn, that's creepy. I would feel extremely weird after waking up. It was probably all part of your dream though but perhaps it was some sort of a vision? The hand tapping is the weirdest. Did you have anybody close to you pass away recently or something similar?

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Probably but it still scares me till date plus I have never lost anyone to dear to me.

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This one's I think the most freakiest I've read on this discussion. I think its really nice that someone has tapped you to wake you up. You'll never what will happen if you had followed the light. You might not have woke up and maybe woke up to some other place at all. Now I'm getting the chills again reading these posts here as I was alone here again on my office browsing around the forums.

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I do always experience a sleep paralysis where I'm half awake and aware of the surroundings but I can't move or do anything. I remember the first time that I experienced it when I was a kid, I just closed my eyes and my uncle was still there in the same room, doing something. I still can see him because I haven't shut my eyes closed totally, but when he went outside, right away, I can't move and there's a shadow man who's on top of me that's trying to stop me from moving and I can't do anything. When my uncle came back to the room and turn on the lights, that's the time that I manage to move and wake up, right away. It's a good thing that I learn how to counteract it. It's a bad thing to experience a sleep paralysis as it can lead to your death.

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It could possibly be a part of sleep paralysis. I myself have a lot of experience with sleep paralysis because it is part of my lucid dreaming training, and often times just before falling asleep I experience strong hallucinations involving bright lights. Sometimes the light is pure white and sometimes it is colorful, but in general it always turns out to be a hallucination and part of the process of falling asleep. I believe that they are called hypnagogic hallucinations, but yes they can be very creepy if you don't know what's happening.

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The weirdest thing that probably happened to me was when I was on holiday. I was at my grandmother's place and almost everyone was out, it was just me at their house. I was watching TV downstairs when the doorknob of the front door started moving as if someone was trying to open it. There is a window next to the front door so I went to look and there was literally no one there. I went pretty quickly as well since I thought it was my grandmother returning. We still don't know if it was a person trying to break in or a ghost!

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Well, if it's a ghost or a burglar, I will surely freak out! Personally, I don't believe in ghosts, but what if they truly exist? Freakiest Thing That Ever Happen to You? Just be safe there okay? It's a good practice to always lock your door to avoid uninvited guests.

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Something similar happened to me some years back. I was in the TV room watching a movie and I wanted to have a snack. I went to the kitchen to get something to eat. As I was passing by the front door I could see someone trying to break the lock. I immediately called my cousin who lives next door to me. I think that the burglar saw my cousins coming and he ran away. My cousins tried to run after him but couldn't catch him. I went to stay at their place that day.

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These kind of moments actually freak me out the most. I don't really believe in ghosts, but I'd probably feel less frightened of some other worldly entity than I would of a human being. Ghosts are spooky but when have you ever heard of anyone who was tortured or killed by a ghost? Besides in the movies, just about never. On the other hand, home invaders are terrifying. I've read too many home invasion stories to not be freaked out by the idea of someone trying to break in.

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I don't know if my personal story sounds freaky to some of you but this experience that I am having for 3 years now is really freaking me out. I always see and find the numbers 333, whether in my dreams and even in reality. There was a time that I wake up at 3:33 in the morning for 3 consecutive days! A shirt that I was supposed to buy was at sale for 333 Pesos! I took a bus last week and was very surprised to find out that it's plate number ends in 33. In my dream I was inside a hot air balloon with a stranger who's wearing a shirt that has a number 33 printed on it. These are only some of my experiences that has been giving me scares lately. I am turning 33 years old on December and it's quite freaky to think what would happen to me on that day. Is this some sort of an omen? An omen of luck I hope.

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Your Life is like some sort of movie. Creepy though. I wish you good fortune.

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That's right! This reminds me of a movie Focus where they are planting a certain number everywhere into a millionaire/billionaire person's subconsciousness, who's an addicted gambler that bets on anything. They're planning to trick him that he's winning lots of money at first but at the end, they're showing that they are desperate to win back the money so they make a bet which the rich gambler will pick any number and the protagonist will guess it correctly. They end up winning on a bet. If you haven't watched it, I recommend you to watch Focus starring will smith. Enjoy! Freakiest Thing That Ever Happen to You?

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Sounds like some of you guys have run into ghosts of some kind. I've had a few weird experiences of my own recently though. I thought I had turned off the light in one of the bedrooms, and when I came back it was on and not off. Also there was one time where my PC was supposedly in hibernation mode and then went back into active mode by itself. The only way to do that would be to hit the power button with your fingers. This also happened years ago with one of my flat screen monitors which was in sleep mode, and then came out by itself.

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There is one time when I was looking for my phone, I checked all corners in my room but it is not there. Then I went down the stairs to look for it in the living room, in the kitchen, and all the possible place where I always put my phone. I didn't find it so I borrowed my mother's phone to call my phone so I can locate it through its tone. I was shocked hearing the sound coming from my room, then found it beside my laptop on the table. Goosebumps.

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That is creepy! In the house I live in now, there is a stairwell to the basement with a lock on the door. I have heard voices several times in this house but just dismissed them as my over-active imagination. However, I was doing laundry, in the basement, and I walked upstairs after starting the clothes. A little while later, I went to go and check on the clothes, and the door was locked. As I tried to unlock the door to go down to get my clothes, I heard muffled voices again. I opened the door and went downstairs. No one was there, and the hair was standing up all over my body.

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That's creepy spooky man! Have you consider to move from there? hahaha. To be honest never had the chance to experience something like this, and I'm really thankful about it, because otherwise I would have some stroke, attack or whatever. An advice, please never ever try to do some paranormal investigation, spiritual game or anything like it, I've heard those don't tend to turn as you planned them. I would start to plan to move from there, not a fan of creepy events like those.

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There is a time when I got home late and no one is in there so I opened the door and turn on the lights. I am very nervous at that time because I know no one is there. But suddenly a sudden shout and sound, I was shocked the sound said happy birthday to you. They surprise me.

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HAHAHAHAHA. This one's good! I was surprised at the ending. LOL
Anyways, at least they have remembered your birthday. This birthday surprise is really common to do but when you are unaware of everything it feels so great to have it experience by yourself. By the way, Belated!!

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Wow you're also surprised. Now we're now the same hahaha.
By the way thanks for the greatings, that happen's last year though.

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Yeah, I was since I was reading all comments here and their endings are creepy so I expected it to be like it, too. LOL.

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If this the way freaky experience goes, then I would love to have it everyday. LoL. How sweet of them to surprise you. You are lucky to have them as your family. Maybe you could plan little surprise in return. Freakiest Thing That Ever Happen to You?

At first, I thought this something like ghost stories, well I must say, you really got me there. haha.

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Hahaha! Well just for me, I will recommend them to inform me ahead of time so that I will not be feel afraid and nervous that something bad will happen to me when they are not around.
I also thought at first that I will encounter ghost but a twist event has happened and that's it. hehe

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If they have informed you then it will never be a suprise. Freakiest Thing That Ever Happen to You? Well that twist is the best part of your thought "ghost encounter". You can also do the same so they will know how it feels. LOL. And wait I forgot to say, belated happy birthday. More surprises to come.

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The freakiest thing that happened to me is when my mom told me a horror story about what happen to her and then because of that I can't sleep and keep thinking about it. I remember me having a mirage, like I thought I did see a ghost but it's just nothing and that horrifies me.

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Indeed weird thing that happened to you. In my case I had some of the time issues with the office time. I was the only person working. And I had those times when the lights went off. And some sounds came from the office. And it was indeed spooky experience. I was not sure what to do. And it was kinda of scary as there was some noise happening around me. And it made me feel a bit odd. So I learned that the sounds were due to the power generator. And in few minutes the power came in so it was kind of spooky for me till that part I realized.

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The freakiest thing that ever happened to me is while I'm sleeping. In my dream, I was running in circles again and again and someone's chasing me. And even though I know I ran in my dream, I can't move. It's like a real one so my heart continue to pound when I'm awaked.

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I think that would be two girls fighting over me in our classroom. I feel so embarrassed that time, I couldn't even look at them i just went out without them noticing.

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It happened a long time ago when I was at our house's restroom. I just took a leak and checked my face in the mirror. For few seconds, my reflection in the mirror looked passive and suddenly stopped moving. It freaked the hell out of me but I was able to pull myself together and calmly walk out. Although I think this phenomena can be attributed to the fact that I unwillingly woke up due to the call of nature. It could be some sort of hallucination as only half my body and thought was awake.

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Wow that's freaky! It sounds like in a horror movie. Possibly, FInal Destination. huhu
I hope that didn't happen again to you. That's spooky to look at yourself being the ghost.

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Yeah it might be eddy from that horror movie. Although i love horror movies experiencing something like that is just scary.

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That;s why I never enjoyed horror movies. I find myself in their place. Just pray that it won;t happen again.

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Well,I have not experienced them myself but when I was to move to the boarding house I heard some many creepy stories that in the house every tinniest noise freak me out.Still, I left school I was never alone in my room, I was always in the company of people.Those ghostly stories almost damage psychologically.

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Yes I tried some freaking experience when. I am taking a bath someone knocks my door and my parents is not at home they are in the grocery so I am the one left alone it freaks me out very badly that I go out immediately then change cloth and wait outside the house and when my parents I arrive I never told them what happen because they might laugh at me so I keep it to myself until now I still wondering who is knocking he door.

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Offices are common ground to spirits. It's just on how we respond to them. For me I have encountered it while my co-workers are within my perimeters but are unaware of what happened. I was actually talking to my senior while my other co-workers are laughing behind us talking something out of work, then suddenly I felt my hair was touched and held up. I was really spooked that I stopped listening to my senior and just stayed still. After that I told my senior what happened and she just shrugged it off that "Junjun" is at it again. Then we proceeded talking, after a while my senior stopped talking and said that she was the one being targeted now by "Junjun", that he's holding her hair too. I was really scared that we went silent.... We panicked and told our co-workers.

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Oh my God. This is really scary. Who is that Junjun? Is that the name of the ghost in your office? Well, seems like ghost stories are common on work places, hospitals and schools. The reason is, there are always stories before those establishment are built.

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It happened a few months ago. I was so happy that all of my exams ate done and I am free to do what I want. I decided to play skyrim all night and I won't sleep 'till I can. Then I played all night and when the sun starts to shine, I felt sleepy and went to bed. After a few hours, I know that I suddenly wakes up, but I cannot move my body. I really tried to move but I cannot. I'm starting to panic since I am thinking that will I die? Then, I started to feel my toes and tried to move them. Fortunately, I got to move my toe and like magic that I moved my body. Then, I tell it to people around me if they know what happened to me, they say that it was a sleep paralysis. I don't really know it but I know that what happens really scared me.

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That's called sleep paralysis. The brain wakes up before the body does. Sometimes it's slow in receiving signals to activate itself. Another thing involving sleep is the 'falling' phenomena. Where you're asleep and feel yourself falling and then you wake up. Supposedly, it's your soul trying to leave your body.

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Yes, the brain paralyzes the body so we can't dream and hurt ourselves in the process. It's a tricky little defense mechanism. Sometimes the brain does wake up first then the body and this happens

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This often happens to me before, and this is really scary that one would never ever want to experience. To me, everytime it happens, I feel like I am near to death. I did a little research before and I found out that sleep position, stress, lack of sleep and depression can cause sleep paralysis. How to avoid it? Have a regular schedule, and enough hours of sleep. Avoid anything that can trouble you mind, most of all, pray before you sleep.

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I used to work at a call center and the building that we were using back then was really old and creepy. One night, during my break, I decided to take a quick nap since I was a bit tired and badly needed rest. I headed down stairs to the dark sleeping quarters and found myself an empty bed in the corner. After three minutes of lying down, I was finally about to get my sleep but as I was about to shut my eyes, I felt this light weight being gradually applied on the mattress in the area near my feet. I thought it was my imagination at first however it happened again, this time a bit higher just behind my knees. This time, I was spooked up. I felt that someone r something was on my bed, crawling it's way up the bed in the space behind me. I was lying on my side and I was too scared to look back. Gradually, as it made it's way up, I started to feel cold starting from my feet going up. This time, I tried to struggle but I found myself unable to move or shout. Finally, I could feel the weight behind my back and suddenly, I felt this rush of coldness on my back like being embraced by ice. That was it. I panicked. With the last bit of strength and will, I struggled to break free. Then, I fell off the bed. Everything felt so real that until now, I amstill trying to figure out if it was real or just a dream.

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Sounds like your employers needed to move you guys to better office space. It also sounds like that building had a pretty interesting history and most likely someone died or was killed there.

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Well sometimes having those experience will build up your courage though I hope I will not experience it like you have. In my school where there are rumors about ghost I have experience once that I can't really explain why it happened. I was on my remedial class where there are only 5 students and I was at the back then suddenly I was shock when I see the chair moved a little bit and I really don't know why it moved since there is no reason or thing that will cause it move so I was scared and moved to a different seat near to one of my friend. So maybe it is not a ghost maybe it was cased by something but what I saw is legit scary.

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Did anyone walk past the chair? Was the chair in close proximity to any other students? If not, and it moved by itself then perhaps it could've been your eyes playing tricks on you. Or maybe something paranormal. Chairs are one of many things that aren't susceptible to wind blowing from an open window or a drafty breeze from a nearby doorway.

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I had a guy robbed me at gunpoint when I was delivering pizzas and I wasn't having any part of it. So I used my fist and beat the living crap out of him and I quit delivering pizza in that area. (It was a bad area but I needed the money)

P.S. when I use to deliver pizza I made $300~$400 a week for 20hrs worth of work.

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That's good pay for a pizza delivery guy. Was that before or after tips?

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