
3 Tips to having the best Garden in the neighborhood.

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3 Tips to having the best Garden in the neighborhood.

I have some really good tips on how to start a good garden, today im going to talk about 3.

The first step in growing anything is planting the seed, the most common way to do this is in a pot then transplanting it into your garden later. I have a faster healthier method, first get a lemon or orange then cut it in half and cut the fruit out leaving it in half as shown below:

3 Tips to having the best Garden in the neighborhood.

Once you do this fill it with fertilizer but not too tight and plant your seed. You will find that this can be up to 5 times faster when trying to get your plant going.

The second method in growing a healthy plant i use is Egg shells.

Why egg shells? As you know plants need calcium, Carbon monoxide, and a few others to grow. Egg shells have a very high source of calcium and the plants use it as food. Its super easy just keep your egg shells instead of throwing them away and when your ready break them up and put them in your fertilizer

The third method i use is Talking to my plants. I know it sounds silly but let me explain why this helps plants grow. The first reason is when you talk you breath out carbon monoxide the plants take this in and provide oxygen in return. Studies show that plants react to people when they speak to them.

You have to remember plants are living things.

Mythbusters actually did a test, they made 2 green houses one silent one not. the plants that where in the silent greenhouse performed poorly, but the plants in the green house that had music and people coming in to talk to them did very well.

Here is the video of the episode on myth busters.

As always Thank you for reading and don't forget to follow me!


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Yes many people don't get it or understand that plants can react to us. You have inspired me to do research on small gardens for apartments and small homes with no yards. I think that its important for everyone to learn to grow food, this is way healthier. When you eat from your own garden you know how its been grown and what was used to grow it. God only knows what these guys are putting in our food. Thank you for taking the time to respond to my topic and sharing your experience. im going to watch this video soon.

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Plants are amazing, living things! They have actual sentience! I'm such a big believer in natural things, natural remedies, cures, staying with nature. And, this idea that plants can respond to you, just the same way an animal can. It's all true.

Here's something that I'm watching now.

Also, my mother was a big fan of marigolds! I could write all day about that. It was one of the only things she loved to grow and she was really good at it!

And, for that reason, I always wanted a garden of my own but never had the space for it.

Just recently we got into a new house (not really new, historic 1911) but it has a nice sized backyard and just enough room for a garden.

So I'm looking forward to having a garden of my own.

We have really good soil here and this is farm country, so it's just the right place for a garden.

One of the things that I'm looking forward to using is WormTea, which is just what you think it is! And, you can find out more online. Supposedly, gardens that have wormtea used on it are much healthier, resistant to disease and predators than one which has traditional fertilizers used on it.

I learned about WormTea from Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe.

If you're into natural/organic gardening without pesticides, this is likely something for you to use.

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Wow Jkeyz2 this is awesome. I have actually heard of the egg shells tip before and it really does work. My mom has a farm and she is totally into her veggie garden, growing her lawn, her compost and her worm garden so I am always hearing about awesome gardening tips. We grew up on a small holding with a huge veggie garden.

The lemon or orange peel is not something I have come across before, this sounds great and I know my mom would love something like this if she hasn't heard of it before. Plus they have an orange orchard so it is not like they will be short on orange peels!

Talking to plants... well some people believe they are sentient. My mom and sisters are tree huggers so I honestly don't find talking to plants that odd. I come from an interesting family so I wouldn't do a double take seeing anyone talking to their plants 3 Tips to having the best Garden in the neighborhood.

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LOL its very interesting that you talk to plants buahhahaha! yes the lemon or orange thing works and it adds moisture to the dirt so you don't even have to water it rite away.

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haha, I agree that it is desirable to grow food yourself, and what about marijuana, should I also try to grow it myself?

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Hi, I think yes is worth it. I've been smoking pot for about 3 years. And for 2 years I smoked purchased grass. At some point, I stopped having fun, getting high from smoking. My friend advised me to start growing grass. I didn't think long, I ordered portable vaporizer equipment, a box, lamps, in general, everything you need. And I immediately saw the difference. The very pleasure of the process, that you yourself do what you smoke.

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Unknown, thought to be a phenotype/S1 bagseed from Triangle cannabis seeds.

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This is really a wonderful informative post, It would definitely come in handy for those of us that appreciate garden work. Not all persons have the privilege to work in a garden or let alone own one, so it's definitely of a good news to we that have the opportunity of having a garden we cultivate on.

Growing some of the food one consume is very nice, that is why our federal government have a good liking to anyone taking up agricultural activities and projects. They are easily given loans and land to expand. This is very nice.

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The garden is a pretty interesting thing to have. To be honest I’m not the best gardener on practical level, but I like to study new things and even more I like when I’m involved not just on mind level but also practicing on body level. My wife has good designer skills, so she is the one who uses imagination to obtain the best final results. My role is to purchase all things she required, ha-ha. One of the best products was best lawn sprinkler it just made life easier and plants were healthy all the time, besides additional supplements.

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