
Moms are best and superb in Home & Gardens?

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Moms are best and superb in Home & Gardens?

Its my experience what i saw in life and its my thinking, and all have different thinking and experiences.

Well mostly the home is only looks home when moms are their or ladies are their in home that we call House.
We all need to their all efforts to be appricate always and they also create a Garden in living area or some part of not in use area.

If you have any experience or something to share freely share and point comments.



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conventionally, yes. Moms are best at home and garden. But the thing in mind that describes mom being best at, is that they are well-organized because they don't want things cluttered. As much as possible they want things where it should be. But we as family members become invaders of what has been in placed, doing the same thing everyday, for them, makes their routine tedious and boring. That's why it is not bad for them to have their back on couch with a magazine or on with the television to get some ideas on redecoration. Bright ideas also comes from learned expert in designs. Moms are appreciative about anything specially in their haven of joy and that's when they are superb about it.

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I truly enjoy spending time in my garden, and I love seeing flowers as well as growing fruit and vegetables. The main problem that I have is not finding time to garden; but the weather and the climate here make it hard to have a nice garden. We live in an area with almost total tree coverage, so even when the weather is sunny, we seldom get enough sunshine for things like tomatoes to grow well. They turn out tall and skinny and only have a few tomatoes. The climate here is hot and humid, so most of the gardening has to be done either in spring or fall when it is cooler, and there are not as many leaves on the trees.
I am starting to grow more perennial plants and some fruits and berries, and hopefully that will work better since they do not have to be replanted each year.

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Moms and grandmoms! Moms are best and superb in Home & Gardens? Seriously though, they have this built-in garden abilities wherein they really do well when it comes to gardening. I mean, not all moms love to hangout in their gardens; some don't even have a garden! But when it comes to gardening, they are really pretty pro on that field specially if they are having new sets of plants or decors - they could probably even sleep on their gardens! Moms are best and superb in Home & Gardens?

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Women have this magical touch, it's almost natural, they can enter a home which has just been struck by a tornado and make it look like a museum, men could do this, but with more effort and less heart, it's like work for them, it has to be done.

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Yes exactly correct our mom is more excellent in doing gardening it its very nice to see them doing it gracefully they make it like a paradise the way the decorate all those flowers. mothers are the light in our home they know better in arranging things more than our father.

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Without moms, most family gardens would have been gone by now and that's where I always I realized how important moms are in our homes. They always take out time to make the garden look beautiful.

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My mom is great in gardening. Our ancestral house is sorrounded with trees, plants and flowers. She really like gardening. We even have a big backyard which she grows her vegetables like tomato, chili, bokchoy and gumbo. That's why we can eat fresh vegetables whenever she harvest it. Planting is her way of relaxation. She's really great even in decorating our house, cooking and she also knows how to sew. She is the one who sew my uniform when i was still studying, also our blanket and pillow cases are all made by her. I can say that she is the best housewife.

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Yes and also Grandmas. They always know tips and facts about everything, especially plants and home things. It is their specialty.
My mom and grandma love plants they are always buying a new flower on the market or keeping beautiful the plants they already have. My grandma has papayas trees so, she is frequently eating papaya or drinking juice of that fruit.

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Can't argue with that statement. It's a natural thing for the feminine to take care of the nest. The house is an extension of the woman itself and you can tell a lot of a woman by looking at her house. It's all in the genes. Men were made to go and hunt and women were bred to take care of the children and the nest.

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Yes, moms are hundred percent perfect at home and the garden. They have the idea all up in their heads and they have the solution to every problem.

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If it's not mothers then believe me garden works would have long forgotten. Men mostly deal with farming on a larger scale but they find back garden work so boring.

Every time I travel home, the way our garden looks from freshness and green appealing color of the crops and vegetables in it makes me want to always take pictures around the garden. Mothers have excellent craft in making a garden work look so good.

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If it's not mothers then believe me garden works would have long forgotten. Men mostly deal with farming on a larger scale but they find back garden work so boring.

Every time I travel home, the way our garden looks from freshness and green appealing color of the crops and vegetables in it makes me want to always take pictures around the garden. Mothers have excellent craft in making a garden work look so good.

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Moms are superstars at home. They tend to all areas of the home. They sweep,clean,wash,cook and birthed kids.

My mom used to have a vegetable farm and this help us to stop buying vegetables.

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I totally agree with you. Mom's are gifted by god to us. They can find a solution for every situations. They can manage the home all alone.

They are also good at maintaing a garden and taking care of it. I love my mom a lot. She is a superwomen to me.

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Every woman is gifted. You cannot ask anybody else when it regards to your home up to garden matter

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Well my mom is like that too we have plants all over the corners of our house. It's great since its very relaxing the watering part is just a little annoying since you have to carry the pots outside, so the water wont drip to the floor. My mom also plants vegetables outside which is amazing. She is taking care of us and at the same time taking care of the plants inside and outside the house.

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Moms are really great when it comes to home decors and gardening but my dad is also best in gardening. Infact he do the landscaping in our garden and it was really amazing. Since most mom stayed at home so I think they already master how to make our home cozy and relaxing.

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Definitely. My mom has always had the magical hands. I would love to learn from her, too. And, I think not just my mom, my grandfather had shown his expertise, too. He has his own garden. Every early in the morning I would see him watering his garden. I was still in elementary back then and waking up early in the morning is mandatory for us sisters. I do notice that most of my loved elderly are good with it maybe since their generation is into it, unlike us now.

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I agree that all mom are great in terms of home and garden. Since it was one of the oldest tradition of people around the world that women are the one who do the chores at home but as the time passes it was bit by bit being change where in some households the men are the one who are doing it though mostly women are. Moms are very organized, loving, caring people that loves their children and they would sacrifice for their child. Me as a son I always give her presents on mother's day as a token for my appreciation to the things she has done to me. I love my mom.

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Typically, yes, mothers keep the house all aligned and good, but it really depends these days. Growing up in the 80s, my mother works in a beauty parlor and she sews dresses in other days. My father works also, so we're usually left with my grandmother and she's the one who keeps our house in order. she also loves gardening. She showed me how to till the soil and other stuffs such as the proper way of ironing your clothes and washing you clothes. Now as a mother too, I may not be the most organized mother in the world, but I am proud to say I can keep my house clean most of the time.

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I agree that my mom is good at home be it cooking or household chores but she is lousy in gardening. Instead, my dad is superb in gardening, he has the patience and compassion for plants, not my mom.

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Well I agree that moms are best and supeb in garden most of the times. But in our case, it is the opposite. Our dad is the one who always left in our house. So he is the one responsible in it. And also he takes care of our garden. He is more passionate in gardening than my mom. He loves to plant trees. And because of this, it helps us a lot especially if we need somethig to eat.

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Well I can say its true, all mothers are the best in gardening just like my mom. We have a beatiful garden because my mom took care of it. In our garden you can find peace and that is thanks to my mother.

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Absolutely, like they are the Goddess in terms of home gardening or taking care of our garden. They take car of it like its their child or something and I feel like I had a lost brother/sister. My mom did all the work the she can do just to maintain the cleanliness of our garden, she decorated it also like it's almost a paradise.

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I agree to this, i know there are some father who knows gardening but moms are still the best and caring gardener. They took care of plants regularly and they know most of methods how they will grow their plants fast and healthy. IN our home my mom take care of all even with our pets and other animals because our dad is always out for his job.

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Women are better than men in the home department. I take interest in household work, I not only do the laundry and the dishes but also clean the house, scrub the floor, clean bathroom tiles and commode. If my work is compared with my wife's similar work, my wife always excels. My mother is better than the tfather in household work, so is my sister than her husband.

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Guys are we discriminating against men? In 2017? In the era of the internet and Gay rights? I thought we were better than that.In my country at least I don't find your sentiments to be true, and I come from a third world country. Women and men both go out to work. Most gardens are handled by men, who are hired to do the gardening like landscapers. I've also seen many house husband who do the gardening and chores while their wives go to work. They do this task well, if not better.

In my country women are also good at large scale farming, this skill is not limited to men.

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Naturally, there are duties that are usually assigned to women, which are not suitable for men, though some men might be able to do them at will. These duties are the common duties and assignments that moms do in the gardens and at homes. To women, such duties are very easy while to men, these duties are quite hard because it's not meant for them.

Such common duties performed by moms at home which are not suitable for men include cooking in the kitchen, sweeping, cleaning around the rooms and surroundings, and monitoring the kids aggainst school assignments.

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I also agree that moms are the best in home and gardens. I doubt if men can outdo what women do when it comes to arranging the home and garden. I house will feel like home if a woman is present and living in it.

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Mom would always tell us to help out at the garden to cut the overgrown flowers. We always see that as being tasking not until we understood the need to have a garden at our place.

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Moms are best and superb at home and gardens because they are naturally endowed for such tasks. It's part of their lives and nature to carry out some domestic assignments at home and in the gardens. In every marriage, it's the responsibility of the husband to go out to look for money and foods while the house wife has her responsibility in the kitchen, in the gardens and in every other place in the house.

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I do appreciate my mom's work, our house looks cleaner and has a nice smell when she is around. She comes twice to help us cleaning our house and cooking for us or in some cases to help us with our kids.
I love her very much and I thank God for her help.

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Moms are great with garden but i do the hard work most of the time. Well i enjoy it, working with my mom in the garden is more of bonding time than work. Also i learned lots of thing specially traditional methods of planting. Actually we had more time together in the garden than going to malls and other places.

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That's a fact! My mom always make sure to visit her garden every morning that would be after breakfast and sometimes we use to have tea and pie party in there late afternoon. There are times when there's many flowers that bloomed and we caught her talking to them, it's funny though and unbelievable how she does everything to her garden because it always feels alive and always refreshing to be in that particular place in the house.

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Well, moms are good anywhere and everywhere. Women have this amazing ability of multi-tasking and still be good at everything that they do. I don't think that there is any point in limiting the role of women to the house. My Mom was a teacher and she excelled in her profession. Along with her profession, she also managed to take care of her home. My dad loves gardening and so do i. Both of us have been taking care of our garden since my childhood. I don't think that there is any use in stereotyping women in a particular manner, especially in the Twenty-First century.

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