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So im wondering who is tired of using the old bagged peas or carrots for ice packs? I know i am! I have a super easy way to make your own!!

What you'll need:
1. ziploc bag
2. water
3. rubbing alcohol

Its easy, you just put 3 parts of water into the baggie and then 1 part of rubbing alcohol. You can also add coloring or even glitter to make them more fun for the kiddos!! The rubbing alcohol helps to not feeeze the ice pack so it is nice and flexible for any kind of boo boo!


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This is a Genius idea, its amazing how something so simple can be so helpful. We focus so much on buying things that sometimes we lose sight of being able to make things with stuff you already have. The alcohol can be a little scary so this would probably not be good for kids under the age of 3. I would always keep a close eye while using this kind of freezer pack as well. The funny thing is i knew that alcohol did not freeze because i use to always put my bottles in the freezer. I never thought of using it this way until you mentioned it. I wonder how many people know about this home made ice pack. we should sell these on hot days in those long balloon tubes lol! On a hot day might make a killing ice cold neck coolers. Thank You for sharing this my kids are lucky!

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yea, i hear you. it is so much easier now a days to just go buy it rather than taking the time to make it or do it yourself! Everybody likes the gratification of everything being accessible and instant.

of course keeping an eye on a little one with this kind of pack or any ice pack, really, is recommended.

those neck coolers sounds like a great idea....especially those who work in nursing homes with minimal to no AC.

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Oh this is a great idea. My kids are always bumping their heads all the time. I love that the ice pack doesn't actually freeze. When you have a sore head and then you have to hold a pack of frozen peas there it can be sore. Not just that, but my bloody veggies defrost LOL and that never helps the situation does it?

I personally love being able to make what I can at home. I enjoy the challenge and often we have everything we need right here, yet we get in our car and drive all the way to the shop and spend a fortune.

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exactly!! LOL its the convenience we pay for. we would rather spend a little more and have it all ready to go, than just taking a little more time to make it!!

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