
Handmade gifts vs store bought gifts?

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Handmade gifts vs store bought gifts?

I have been loving the community discussions here and I have been thinking more and more about Christmas looming up.

Every year it is getting more and more expensive to buy gifts for all my family members, and not just that but the quality of store bought products, especially for children, is just atrocious.

It was my daughter's birthday on Saturday and she received a Barbie doll with about 10 different outfits. When we opened the box the dresses were made with something that feels like a mix between plastic and paper. Not only that but none of the dresses even fit.

Taking another look at this Barbie, I can see the quality is not at all what we used to get as little girls...

Anyway the point of this post is not to grumble about the shoddy quality of products these days but more to suggest that everyone either makes all their own gifts for family members, or alternatively buy handmade products from a local or online market.

There is just so much plastic and rubbish doing the rounds and it makes no sense at all to buy rubbish gifts that are just going to land up in the bin!

I am going to go through all these awesome homemade gift ideas and make things for everyone in our family and I am going to get my kids to help me!


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LOL oh my gosh I forgot about Pinterest and I should have known you would pull me there to find things.

Yes the homemade things are lovely and I want to try and incorporate the idea of recycling (yes the glass jars) things I already have by jazzing them up and making storage containers to put the handmade gifts in. This way when the handmade soap or body scrub or whatever is finished they will have a pretty jar to use for something Handmade gifts vs store bought gifts? Holistic, green and natural is what I think is in order now.

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I always prefer hand made stuff because it usually unique, it has no replica and most times it long lasting and can give one prestige because it makes one stands out.I will sure a handmade gift.

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Home made gifts are so much more thoughtful and heartfelt. I was probably the worst gift giver ever back in the days. I would just give everyone cash or gift cards. Now that i have kids making gifts is a much better idea, its cost effective and it makes it more fun. I love the jar idea its like getting a stocking but better. Thank You for sharing!

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LOL a typical man gift - cash or vouchers! And yes I also love Christmas stockings Handmade gifts vs store bought gifts?

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yes Lynne, i 100% agree, the quality of everything now a days is just horrible. the kids get toys and new things and then not even a week later, more like a couple days and it's broken! same goes for gifts and things for adults.

homemade gifts, i think are such a great idea. they mean so much more because you actually took time to make it, wrap it up all nice and give it...rather than just picking something up, most likely already gift wrapped or something close to that.

i think a perfect gift for moms and grandmas and any female relatives would be a homemade nice smelling scrub and a homemade bath bomb or fizzy. who would not like that?? i know i would LOVE it!

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Yes I also love scrubs, bath salts or bath bombs, creams and soaps. I also love candles. I am going to be researching and trying to find out how to make all these things for Christmas this year!

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I have always preferred home made gifts... both for giving and receiving. Since I was a little girl, I have always loved making things. Whenever Christmas or birthdays came around, I loved gathering whatever items I could and coming up with creative handmade presents for those I loved. Lucky for me, both of my parents did a variety of crafting (they even sold in craft fairs over most of my childhood), so there was always lots of craft items around to use. My parents even saved odds and ends scraps for me to be able to use. As an adult, I still prefer to give handmade items whenever I can. A handmade baby blanket to welcome a new little one, special crocheted scarves for the holidays, some homemade personal ornaments, whatever I can come up with. Sometimes I try out something new and like it so much, that's what everyone on my list gets. The recipients of my gifts always seem to cherish what I give them. I really think that when you give something you've made, a bit of your heart goes into it and it is all the more special.

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Handmade gifts have always held so much more meaning for me, especially if they're made by someone I know! Just knowing that someone took the time and effort to create the gift with their hands gives it so much more significance. My mom's side of the family is Japanese, and in their culture, it's polite to bring and exchange gifts every time you come and visit from out of the country. My grandmother in Japan makes the neatest little crochet items or makes handbags and coin purses from scratch. It impresses me how much time she puts into creating these little crafts for us, and they always hold a special place in my heart because they came from her!

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Receiving hand made gifts is so much more meaningful than receiving a store bought gifts. I usually receive gifts from my family and friends, I usually get things like a volleyball ball, picture frames, chocolates and a lot more. This kind of gifts means something for me because these are the things that I long to have. But when my mom gifted me a handmade handkerchief incorporated with a letter, I was touched a million times. That was my first ever handmade gift. My mom doesn't usually do sewing or stitching, but she wanted to gift me something that she made, and something that would remain part of me. That was 8Years ago and I still have my mom's handmade handkerchief, and it always reminds me that it's okay to cry.

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Both options are good for me. Handmade could work if you have the skills to be creative and get something cute done out of your ideas, it's a nice gesture to take the time to sit and make something unique for a loved one with your own hands. Store presents are good too if you are in a hurry or you don't have the skills to make a present on your own, it can be a bit more expensive that a handmade present but those are nice too.

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I love hand crafted gifts it's more personalize and it also give a lot of meaning if you specialize it for a particular person. Which is really good.

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I really prefer home made gifts than store bought. I have a girlfriend and I always put in my mind to give her something in our special days. I always buy materials and craft it, she really appreciates it the fact that I made it by myself. I think it is sweeter than buying gifts in stores.

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Gifts that are made with effort mean much. So I'll go for home made gift. Well it's a little bit difficult but it worth the pain when you see the smiles of those people you loved.

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For me it is better to do handmade gifts than to buy gifts in store. The reason is some people may appreciate the gift if you do a lot of efforts. I am the kind of person who wants to make my own gifts to people. I hope that they appreciate what I do.

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Hand made gifts tends to have more values added to because it's made from ones craftiness and as such makes the gift more valuable than the ones bought from gift shops. The amount of time, energy and effort dedicated in hand making a gift shows that whoever you are intending on passing over such gift is very dear to you.

It costs less to hand make gifts, as this is an added advantage because it helps you save cost while still making a handsome craft to give to the one dear to you. Hand made gifts are so cool because of the uniqueness that comes with it. I personally hate having duplicates of any item I used, so by having a hand made gift it ensure that such gift is only one and one only.

Festive seasons see lots of hand made gifts given out to family and friends, it actually a very nice way to encourage bonding of the family members as anyone who received any gifts would strive to keep it for a foreseeable time and also be looking forward to getting the person that gave him/her such gift his or her own as soon as possible.

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I would agree on the people that says handmade gifts are the best, for me there will be no more explanation for this. The reason why handmade gifts are the best than bought store gifts is because the effort that a person put into it to make it more special for you and give to you. And also, handmade gifts makes you spend less money and save you more money.

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I do make my own gifts in home to make it customizable. It is best also to make your own so the receiver will feel how much effort you exerted just to give him or her a surprise. But there are times during rush hours that needs to buy gifts in store and this is the good thing about buying in store because they are ready made already and less hustle in deciding your design.

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I think if you make a hand made gift it is a memorable one because you are the one who is making effort of it and the value of that home made gift is high rather than buying gifts from malls it is just to common now a days. so i prefer home made gifts since it will symbolize as a personal gifts to your family and love once.

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Making a handmade gift is more special than buying one from the store. A handmade gift shows the appreciation you have for the person you are giving to, it shows how much it means for you. Of course, you must have talent and create something special and nice looking.

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The worst kind of shopping is any shopping for a gift for someone. With the the rise of consumerism, everyone is always shopping. You can get what you want at the drop of a hat or your credit card. No one saves for what you want anymore. If they want something they can get it on credit and pay later. I think it's easier to just make someone a gift because they can't get it anywhere else.

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I love shopping for others, but I hate buying for myself. I like to combine a product that I know they will love and add some creativity. People do not know how to listen and remember. When you own that skill you should not be hard to choose a gift. It is sometimes possible to do it yourself and make a really great gift, but often without money it is impossible. I find it very sad that people who have a lot of money have no idea what a gift to give for certain occasions. And I see websites like ...... and ask yourself is it possible that someone not have any good idea when you need others to tell you what gift to give?!

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If you are confusing between Handmade gifts and store bought gifts, then Printland gives a brilliant solution for you try some personalized gift items and make it Unique Gifts for anyone with Personalized Touch

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Store bought gifts are great. But to be honest I would rather choose to receive some handmade gift or for example some personalised photo gift. Like I will be happy to receive a gift from This Will make me happy. I believe that now for Christmas this is a great idea of a gift. I was thinking to buy for my family some stuff from this website.

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