
How to make a cheap green screen using dollar store items

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How to make a cheap green screen using dollar store items

Green screens are one of the most widely used tools in the media industry. Do you have to be in Hollywood or spend big bucks to have one? The simple answer to this question is no! In fact today i am going to teach you guys how to create a green screen for as low as ten bucks!

Here are the things you will need:

  1. Green Poster board. (Lime Green) (Quantity depends on the size you need)
  2. Duct tape
  3. That is it! that is all you need to get your green screen started. Now i am going to explain how to put it together. This is very simple and you do not need any special tools just what i described above.

How to make your green screen:
  1. Lay our all pieces of poster board on floor the way you want them. with the green side faced down.
  2. Use the duct tape to tape all of the pieces together. Make sure no duct tape is showing or else your screen will look horrible.
  3. Use duct tape to tape your screen to the ceiling and make sure it comes all the way down to the floor.

This is how i made my green screen back in the day, and i hope it works the same for you as it did for me. If you have any questions feel free to just ask.

As always thank you for reading please don't forget to follow me.


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Wow that is cool. I had no idea it was that easy to make a green screen. This is really helpful for photographers or music artists even models who are just starting off!

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Some difficult things can be made to seem so easy by others.I have seen other ways of making green screen but it wasn't this easy.I have just saved this page, will be trying this way and I hope it will come out nice just as intended.

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Exactly! I think we can continue to post stuff like this. We are creating a market for information here on listingdock. Thank you for being a contributing member.

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Totally! Thank you so much! Im happy to be apart of such a nice community!

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This is actually a superb method to make your own green-screen. I've never used one myself or made one, but I've work with "green-screens" within specific video editing programs a few years back. It's a super-cool feature actually and I can see why tons of people are using one. On twitch or youtube for instance. Instead of showing your room or window etc. - Wouldn't it be cool to show a picture of a beach or even have a video as a background? - It's getting more and more common too. People are using green-screens on a "daily basis" nowadays.

Thanks for the information, I appreciate it!

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Yea man people don't realize how cheap you can make green screens so i had to make this. I used to use this and it works perfectly no need to go out and buy any kits or expensive cloth screens. Video editing is all you need after you record you video. As i mentioned to Lynne it can take your channel to the next level for sure. People are more excited to see your video is you have something behind you that catches your eye. no problem if you have any other questions about them feel free to let me know. Super easy hope everyone enjoys this.

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I don't even know what a green screen is Jkeyz2. How would you make use of a green screen?

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Hey Lynne green screens are the coolest thing you will ever see lol. Its actually used in everyday TV shows like the news. You know when the weather guy stands in front of that screen? Thats a green screen and basically it allows you to change your background while your filming to do the news or to make it look like your somewhere your actually not. Purchasing a green screen cast cost a ton of money so making one like this is cheaper and it works the same way. if you do anything involving videos this could be an option for you to spice up your show a little bit by putting different exciting backgrounds into your set. If you have a little knowledge of a video editing software like Final Cut Pro then it will be a breeze for you to use. What do you think of green screens now Lynne?

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It is really cool to see that it is that easy to make a green screen without much issue involved. I must say that every musician and those into designing of music stuff will find this an interesting read as well. I enjoyed reading it as well.

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Nice DIY! That is one easy instruction to follow. It can really be used for some bloggers that want to put some background animation design. Thank you for sharing this.

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I agree this is actually a great tip and also a less hassle thing to make for a cheap price. Any YouTube content creators, most likely on a animation platform would be so happy if they knew that they can make a green for their background for a cheap and affordable price, plus it's less hassle to make. Amazing!

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Wow great post!! i never thought that this is how simple to create a green screen. i will try this one since my cousin have a film making in her school i will recommend this kind of method.

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