
How To Make Your Own REUSABLE Dryer Sheets! DIY

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How To Make Your Own REUSABLE Dryer Sheets! DIY

So after finding out that dryer sheets can be used for so many things, I actually came across this super cool DIY homemade REUSABLE dryer sheets!!!

What you will need:
fabric softener
old rags (no need to buy new ones, you can use old ones)
a bowl
and a container with a lid to store your homemade reusable dryer sheets.

What you need to do:
Soak your rags in a bowl of fabric softener. make sure the rags are thoroughly soaked in the fabric softener. ( you don't really have to measure because whatever is extra, you can always pour back into you fabric softener bottle.) Next, you need to let these rags dry completely!! You can hang them up outside on a clothesline. After the rags are COMPLETELY dry, you can put them into your container with a lid.

How to use them:
Throw one sheet in with your load of clothes to dry. You can use these up to 30 to 40 times before you have to dip them into fabric softener and let them dry again. Using the fabric softener helps eliminate static electricity while drying!!!


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This is going to save us so much money! We have cut so much costs by cutting out paper towels and few other things this is just another way to save money. You are really good at finding ways to cut cost and i really appreciate that. We make a good team i cant wait to see how these work for us. Thank you for sharing!

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yes! i cant wait to try these!!! i was always the one to think that i could never be the type of person to savvy enough to do these kind of things for myself and my family.

im actually really excited to try all of these DIY hacks and life and money savers! they will save our family so much money wise but it will also be 100% safe for everyone and we wont have to worry about what is in it because we will already know! =]

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This sounds like a much better option than buying dryer sheets. There is so much waste in the world with disposable products being the norm now.

I love the idea of making my own things. Not only is it much more cost effective but it saves on all sorts of other things like the actual chore of having to do the shopping! Having to buy less things means less shopping time and that is a bonus in my eyes. Grocery shopping is always such a mission with two small children in to!

So you could use old clothes or scraps of material that are lying around which also makes full use of those old things too!

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yes i can totally relate. i usually take the grocery shopping as my time to be alone and my husband stays home with the 3 girls. they drive him bonkers but i think he can 2-3 times a month.

and i would much rather make my own stuff too because you just really dont know now a days!

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I agree@ermini2 with all the chemicals that are being used on products its safer to make your own products at home because you have your own interest at heart. I wish you would also find a home made fabric softener this would be even better and would ensure the dry sheets are completely home made and chemical free. I also love the reusable angel to this, I'm all about saving the environment where I can.

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I have to admit that this seems like a superb idea. I was also thinking of using some of my older clothes to make masks rather than buying from the pharmacy all the time! However, when it comes to the sheets we sleep on I always go with bamboo sheets. We spent a few years living in China as we were teachers there and one of the best secrets of the culture is the use of bamboo sheets. There are too many benefits to not use them, not to mention that they are clean or without germs for a much longer time.

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I have to admit that this seems like a superb idea. I was also thinking of using some of my older clothes to make masks rather than buying from the pharmacy all the time! However, when it comes to the sheets we sleep on I always go with bamboo sheets. We spent a few years living in China as we were teachers there and one of the best secrets of the culture is the use of bamboo sheets. There are too many benefits to not use them, not to mention that they are clean or without germs for a much longer time.

I have tried bamboo sheets before and they are actually the most comfortable I have ever slept on.

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