
How To Fold a Fitted more ball of sheets!

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How To Fold a Fitted more ball of sheets!

I'm sure we all have the same problem when it comes time to was dry and FOLD our fitted sheets (sheets with the elastic that fit onto the mattress). Every time i try to fold the fitted sheet, it ends up in a ball of mess! I have finally found a step by step to follow to get these darn things folded and not looking like a ball of messiness!

1. Drape the sheet over you hands (one corner in each hand), with the top two corners inside out and the elastic facing you.
2. Fold the sheet in a half vertically flipping the right corner over to the left creating a pocket and tuck in the corners. Turn the sheet 180 degrees and create a second pocket up top.
3. Fold in half again. readjust yourself and make it so that 2 corners are in your left hand and 2 corners are in your right hand, with the folded seam at the bottom and the tucked and gathered edge facing you. Fold the sheet in half one more time so that all 4 fitted corners are in one hand.
4. Lay the sheet either on your bed or a flat surface with the gathered edges facing up. Fold the longer part of the curved edge to the center just a couple inches so you can get a straight edge. Now your sheet should be rectangle, fold in half lengthwise and then fold into thirds.

How To Fold a Fitted more ball of sheets!

Heres a little diagram to help and i also have a video for you!

I hope this helps you guys because it sure did help me, i no longer have a ball of mess sitting in my closet!!


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Why do i have a feeling you posted this one just for me? Yes ill admit i have a hard time folding anything especially these stupid fitted sheets lol. Folding is like an art and its just something i hate to do. I have never been good at it and i would always have my clothes washed and folded at the laundry mat. When you came along my life got easier because i really suck at folding. I like how you posted pictures and gave a step by step because i never understand a written out instruction without pictures. I still think this is a 2 person job and without someone to help me the sheet will end up rolled up and in the closet buahahhaha! Thank you for sharing!

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hahah your life became alot easier in many different ways when i came along....LOL!!!

im the same way when it comes to instructions, i need the written layout plus a step by step picture diagram in order to be able to follow it correctly!

i already dislike folding laundry ESPECIALLY when it's time to fold these darn fitted sheets! but now, i think i wont have such a bad time!! LOL

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Oh my gosh, thank you. We have fitted sheets for all of our beds at home and I have to be honest I don't even bother trying to fold these sheets anymore. I just open the cupboard and shove them in because it has just seemed completely hopeless to me!

I am going to give this a go as soon as I get home from holiday. If I can make my sheets look like the sheets in those images then I will be so happy. I love having everything neat and tidy, but folding fitted sheets has been something that I just have not been able to get right!

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hahah and youre not the only one...especially when i was first on my own and just like you said, they ended up just thrown into the closet because there was just no use! LOL

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