
Remove Rust Stains On Your Knives With This DIY LIfe Hack

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Remove Rust Stains On Your Knives With This DIY LIfe Hack

So apparently you aren't supposed to wash your knives in the dishwasher...oops!!! I put my stainless steel knives in the dishwasher everyday and now they have little rust spots and I was going to throw them out because I didn't want anyone to get sick or anything.

Of course, being the life hack and DIY queen, I had to see if there was a way to get these off so I didn't have to toss them....AND I found a solution that you can make from what you have at home to let them sit in to remove the rust spots!! Do you have lemon juice? That is all you need!

Put some lemon juice into a cup (enough to cover the blades) and allow 3 or 4 knives to sit there and soak for a couple minutes and then take them out and wipe and rinse the blades with a the spots wipe off!!!!!

I will be doing this later on today to see if this actually works or not. LOL I really hope it does so I don't have to throw away the ones I already have.

Thanks to everyone who reads and responds to all these life hacks I post! Enjoy everyone!


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Oh nice tip Ermini2 Remove Rust Stains On Your Knives With This DIY LIfe Hack Once again I love all the life hacks that use things that you would most likely have at home anyway, I almost always have lemons at home and most of the time I also have lemon juice too.

I wonder if using lemon juice from fresh lemons would work better than using store bought lemon juice? Can you maybe use lemon juice to remove rust from other things, like for example we live on the beach and so many things get rust damage, like our window handles!

This would be great if I can use lemon juice to sort out all these bits and pieces that get rusted regularly!

Please let us know how this hack works for you!

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same here! it may work better be with fresh lemons because i. sure it is something in the lemon juice obviously that helps get rid of the rust! and im sure you could use it on those other things you mentioned too! i will most definitely let you all know when i try this out!!!

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Nice informative post!

I guess that I'll try this out this sunday. My knife got rusted, and I tried to scrap them off. But, the stains remains same.

I hope this lemon trick will work. Citric acid, present in the lemon juice is the thing, that helps in the removal of the stains.

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I knew about the method using the lemon, my mother told my wife about this, she said that the vinegar may help in this situation. My wife is using both methods and sometimes she is trying Coca-Cola, not only to lean the knifes, she cleans all that is made from steel, the batteries from kitchen or bath, knifes, or cutlery.

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I never knew about this hack. To be honest I wash my knives everyday and whenever they become rusty I throw them away. Have you been able to try this trick? I will try this trick the next time. I can't believe that lemons have such properties. I will suggest this to my friends and relatives if it works.

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My mom is a fan of this trick and it really works. She also use it with fabrics. Sometimes, when you have some t-shirts or jeans with metallic ornaments, that get rusty, she puts some lemon juice on those spots, then she iron them, and the spots just vanish. What looks weird, is that you knives are getting rusty if they're stainless steel. I try to keep them on steel, and so far they're doing great.

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Though I have never tried this, I believe this will work considering the fact that lemon is a it might work to do away with the rust.Will also try this with butcher knives before tossing them in the garbage.They're a bit rusted and getting blunt.

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This diy life hack seems cool and I'll definitely try it, since my metal polish is missing, this alternative better works. Lemons are totally the best thing you can have, like it can be a fruit, a weapon or even a very effective cleaning tool.

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I think it's better if you buy stainless steel knives and kitchenware so that it won't get all rusted up. Using regular metal knives is not advisable because with the constant washing it easily gets rusted and accidental consumption of rust is dangerous.

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Interesting one. I've never had of a life hack that destroys rust. I know they are life hacks to prevent rust like colorless nail polish and vinegar. My concern would be, are utensils with rust still safe to use ? I don't even want to think about the chemical reaction you would get from rust and lemon. I honestly think this life hack is harmful to your health. I think rust has been known to cause cancer. I would do my research first before using it. But I could be wrong. Let me know.

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We only use stainless steel knives, forks and spoons at home because it doesn't get all rusted up, and that means we can use it longer, which saves our family money. But for non stainless steel knives that get rusted this would be a good and easy hack. Because the only way I know of taking off rust from knives and other metal utensils is to use a sharpener or a grinder.

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Wow. You really are the Queen of life hacks. But how did your knives get rusty in the dishwasher? After all, all dishwashers are provided so
that dishes don't rust in them. Maybe you added the wrong tool to the
dishwasher or maybe the knives were not washed well ? It's just that my
dishes used to rust because of the dishwasher. But I had an outdated
model and I understood why dishes rust. It is clear that I threw away
the damaged dishes, since it is damaged metal. I bought another
dishwasher, it looks like this And now my dishes do not rust, and there are no problems with the dishwasher.

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