
5 Split Ends DIY Home Remedies

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5 Split Ends DIY Home Remedies

Split ends in your hair can make it difficult to have a good hair day.... "Split ends" refers to the splitting or fraying of the ends of your hair. The cause of split ends can be from a variety of things, like using hair dryers or flat irons, and also using chemicals in your hair, like dying or bleaching. All of these actions causes stress and damage that wears away at the protective outer layer of the hair cuticle. Also lack of proper nourishment and moisture can make this problem worse and happen easier. The most effective and best way to get rid of split ends it to cut them off, if kept untrimmed though they can break off or continue to split all the way up your hair. Here are the top 5 remedies to help manage this and also prevent split ends from returning!

1. Egg Mask: eggs are high in protein and fatty acids that help treat split ends.The egg helps strengthen the hair follicles. (mix 1 egg yolk, 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of honey. work into damp hair. leave it on for 30 minutes and then shampoo hair.)

2. Hot Oil Deep Conditioner: hot oils help restore moisture, which helps control split ends. (slightly heat olive oil, coconut oil, castor oil, and almond oil in the microwave for 20 seconds. massage into hair and scalp, leave on for 45 minutes then shampoo your hair)

3. Avocado: this works as a great deep conditioner. its packed with protein, essential fatty acids, folic acid, magnesium, vitamins A, D and E, and other nutrients that helps nourish you hair and stimulates growth. (mash 1 ripe avocado and add 2 tablespoons each of olive oil and coconut oil until you come up with a creamy consistency. apply this mask onto your hair. leave it on for at least 30 minutes, rinse and then shampoo your hair. this can be done weekly or every 1-2 months.)

4. Mayonnaise: this nourishes your hair, prevents split ends, and leaves your soft and shiny. (wet and then towel dry your hair, work a half a cup of mayonnaise into your hair. leave it in for at least 15-20 minutes. rinse, then shampoo you hair. this can be repeated once or twice a week.

5. Bananas: these are rich in natural oils, potassium, zinc, iron, vitamin A C and E which helps restore your hairs natural elasticity. (process one ripe banana, 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt, and a little rose water and lemon juice in a blender. apply the banana mask to your hair. leave this on for one hour and then wash it off. this can be repeated once or twice a week.

I wish I would have known about these remedies a few years ago because I had a period of time where I had split ends really bad but I was trying to grow my hair out. I ended up getting so frustrated with all the knots and messy dryness, I ended up cutting it anyway. These tips seem like they are going to work really well and I will be trying them, I'm pretty sure i have all of these ingredients to try it out!

Hope this is helpful to someone and i hope you guys enjoy it. Thank you for reading!


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This is really different to say the least. I think being natural is great and all but this seems a bit extreme don't you think? Eggs and mayo? My hair is getting long do i have to worry about this yet? I am kind of out numbered here in our house four to one. The little ones would probably think your crazy if you told them to put eggs and mayonnaise in there hair. I guess this is taking organic hair products to the next level, but who will try it? I don't think its a good idea for me, this must make for a nice clean up in your shower huh? The other major problem i could see is clogged drains. I just want a video of this being done and then i will turn into a believer.

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well the eggs and the mayo have proteins and vitamins in them that helps restore the damaged hair!! and its actually pretty popular. lol i would try it, and youre right the girls would be a bit confused and definitely would not be trying it out with me.

these kinds of masks are supposed to make your hair nice and soft and silky smooth.

i dont think any drains would get clogged from doing this at least with the mayo or the egg...the water from the shower would help break that down...but im not sure because i have never done one of these. but i hear they are actually very effective and work well especially for split ends!! i will find a video for you and post it so you can see how this stuff works! heres a video for you to see how it works!

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I've heard of some of these before and have actually tried the mayonnaise one before. I think I did it at the time not only because I wanted to get my hair in better shape, but it also just so happened that we had some mayonnaise in our fridge that was about to expire. It's not typically a food we eat, so who knows why we had it or how long it would be there, but I hate to just throw things away if I can find some kind of use for them. So, I tried the mayonnaise hair treatment. It was rather easy to do, essentially just coating your hair with mayo, pile it on your head and put a shower cap on to help trap the natural heat and increase the mayo's power on your hair. When I washed it out however, it still felt greasy the first time, so I know I washed it at least one more time. Afterwards, my hair did seem softer and a bit shinier. I only tried it the once because as I said, we don't generally keep mayonnaise in the house, plus I suppose it didn't have a big enough effect for me to remember it as an option. Perhaps if done more regularly it would be more beneficial.

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Nice post with really useful tips!

Recently, I chopped my hair off upto three inches to get rid of those annoying split ends. I later regret my decision, and also I don't want to get back those split ends.

After reading this post, I'm sure to follow these tips. I liked the banana hair mask the most! So, it comes first in my list 5 Split Ends DIY Home Remedies

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This is such a helpful tips and remedies to get rid of Split Ends. I never thought about number four the avocado that it helps also in getting rid.The only solution as far as i know is shampoos which is frequently used here in the Philippines.

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I really thank you guys for this tips. Ive been looking for remedies for my hair split ends and this tips is great I will surely do this for my own good.

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I will try this DIY remedies in preventing split ends. I have a friend who always worried about her split ends. So maybe I will recommend this remedies to her. I hope it will help my friend. Thank you for the information you gave.

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My sister did try using the egg mask and the banana thing. And from what I saw it actually works but not that 100% and I don't even know why, but it almost take all the split ends that she had. Anyways, thank you for sharing this wonderful tips. 5 Split Ends DIY Home Remedies

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I have this problem very often. Normally what I do is I go to the salon and chop the ends of my hair off. I'm going to try some of this home remedies as suggested it may save me some money. I will try hot oil treatment, the avacado and mayonnaise. You learn something new everyday and you just never know. Thanks for this great home remedies, great tips and ideas as normal.

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These are interesting ways. But I think everyone should understand that if the quality of your hair is already spoiled, and your hair is split, only a good haircut can fix it. You can find a really high quality Kamisori shears for sale for this purpose here

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