
Walmart Yoga Pants VS Champion Yoga Pants Review

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Walmart Yoga Pants VS Champion Yoga Pants Review

I am a yoga pant person. I love them, they are so comfy and can be worn anywhere!! LOL Although because those are the only things i wear, they kind of get worn out and start ripping... =[

But I tested myself, the durability of both over the course of 2 years. I was always buying the Danskin (Walmart brand) yoga pants and they always seemed to get worn out really really fast between washing and wearing them, i was going through way too many to be able to buy new yoga pants all the time. Two years ago, when my family and I went on vacation, we all got some new clothes to bring with us! Well of course, I got yoga pants and yoga capris to bring with me on vacation. I got a few really good pairs like Nike and Champion which were a little bit more than the ones I would normally get from Walmart, and I also got a few Danskin brand ones.

I figured out that the Danskin ones were not as durable and did not last as long as the Nike and Champion brand yoga pants. After using them and washing them for a few weeks, the Danskin yoga pants started to become thinner and worn out and also the color faded. I also realized with the Nike and Champion yoga pants after washing them and using them, it took way longer for them to even begin to feel any different.

I hope you enjoyed this review if there is anything you have questions about, please feel free to respond! As always thank you for reading!


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Yes this is the classic case and point of "You get what you paid for". You never mentioned price which for me is important because if the yoga pants at Walmart are really cheap you may still be ahead of the game buying a few cheap pairs rather than one really expensive one. I personally don't wear yoga pants but i do love the way they look on you. I also noticed that you did not complain about the Nike ones at all meanwhile the Walmart brand was getting insulted and tossed all the time it seems like. Yoga pants are becoming so popular now that even some men are wearing them lol.

Check out this prank:

This guy goes around making people look at his butt in yoga pants except he doesn't let people see his face first! If this type of thing does not bother you than check it out its funny as hell. All guys know that yoga pants make your but look better overall. Lets see what happens when these guys check out Fousey! Awesome topic thank you for sharing it.

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well the yoga pants at walmart for like 11 bucks and the Champion or Nike one are closer to $20-$22 bucks. i think its definitely well worth the money for the more expensive yoga pants because like i said before the walmart kind get worn down quicker. Its most likely made with a cheaper fabric because the Champion ones i have are still going strong!!! still nice and black and no holes or rips anywhere!! LOL yoga pants/exercise pants are becoming pretty popular and i like to wear them because number one they are super comfortable and number two you don't have to try to squeeze into them when you want to wear them!!

that prank is absolutely hilarious!!! i have seen one like this before where some people actually get mad!! LOL this guy here is playing with fire though, especially messing with those gangster dudes!!! HAHA hes lucky he didn't get knocked out! thanks for posting that video, i was definitely laughing out loud at this one!

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For yoga classes, it is very important that the clothes are super comfortable. Because if the pants are uncomfortable, you will not get any relaxation from yoga. This is the most important thing in yoga for me. In this case, the champion yoga pants win. And when I took a yoga course in Bali (you can see here, many girls had just such pants. But I have met people who could do yoga in any clothes and nothing prevented them from performing asanas and getting complete relaxation from them. And it is very important for me to have special sports clothes for this purpose.

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Thanks a lot for the interesting review. For sure, this information will be useful for me. I just was thinking which yoga pants to buy. I'm the beginner

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Hey, I see that it is a little late, but do you have some new information about this? Which one is the best now, Walmart or Champion yoga pants? You know as everything is open now I'd like to go to the studio and start practicing yoga. Honestly, I started to practice it online during the pandemic. I learned how to breathe correctly 'cause you know that in yoga breath is the most important. So now I think that I'm ready for the new level and I started to look for information about how people are using yoga blocks while practicing. You can see more information here if you are interested.

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For me Nike yoga pants are the best one. It costs me about $80-90. Yes, the price is higher than other brand, but I can wear these pants for a long time. I practice yoga for 5 years yet. From the beginning I was quite skeptical about this sport. Later I could realize that I’ve got second breath. Yoga really changes you inside. Those who just begin to practice it should understand that breath is at the base of all yoga poses and techniques. I consider that a breath of fire yoga is the most important of techniques. For sure yoga is the best way to discover a new part of yourself. To become one part of this big world. Definitely I would recommend it everyone.

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I prefer Walmart pants. Though you really should change them quite often. In any way I feel comfortable in these pants

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Ever since I started doing sports a year ago, going to the gym, lifting weights, and keeping fit, I have also loved yoga pants. I like that it gives me flexibility and freedom of movement, and even more, so it shapes my sculpted body that I worked on for a year in the gym. I also combine them with sports shoes like Nike and Adidas yeezys. I don't know if I will ever get tired of these yoga pants, I already have over 20 pairs in the collection of different colors.

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