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Montessori schooling is a way different approach at education, which was developed by and Italian physician and educator, who emphasizes ?independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child’s natural psychological, physical, and social development. It seems like it would be a slow paced, really quiet place to learn. I have never been inside a Montessori school but my question is how do they learn things that will help them with their futures and career. I get they are being taught things but it just seems like it is structured differently.
In a Montessori school their lessons and activities are student centered, very hands on and active which helps students discover things on their own, their lessons will be as long as they need to be based on the needs of the student, teachers act as guides in the classroom to help have a more of a one on one learning experience, the grade levels are flexible and are determined by the child's developmental range, their curriculum is based on what the students need, their work pace is honored and encouraged, and lastly the curriculum provided by the Montessori schooling is more meant to attract their inner want to learn.
I think these are all great things to teach a child for sure, but i dont think it is something that will help a child get a job and make a living for themselves. I may be wrong and not really understanding the whole Montessori educational process. It sounds like it is very effective and everyone has a right to choose how their child should be educated.
Traditional schooling is way different. Kids are supposed to be seated most of the day and are drilled with all these things that is going to eventually help the child in their future. Traditional schooling is based on teacher centered lessons and activities. Unlike working in a hands on environment traditional school is often composed of students who listen to the teacher, memorize and take tests. Everything in a traditional school has a time limit and most of the time, it is mandatory. Certain things need to be taught by a certain grade level and children need to know how to do certain things in order to proceed. Teachers in a traditional school setting are supposed to teach the same lesson, at the same kind of pace, for every single student. I understand not all kids are the same, some are faster learners and some are slower learners, unlike Montessori schooling where they take the time they need to learn. Grade levels are not flexible and are defined by age, not developmental progression. Traditional schooling curriculum is already predetermined and not based on the needs of the students. And also in a traditional school setting their main focus is on the number they place on the standardized tests they take and they learn because its mandatory not because they want to.
So with all this information, what is your take on these two different schooling atmospheres? Although it seems like a Montessori school setting seems a little more fair for a child, to be able to learn at their own pace and be able to advance when they are ready to. I dont think I would ever send my child to a Montessori school. Im not sure why, maybe because it is different and viewed as weird or snobby. I think there is a small community for those kind of schools anyway, it doesnt seem like it is that popular. I have never met anyone that was taught in a Montessori school. Would you send your child to a Montessori school? Does this type of education sound like it could be useful?
Thanks for reading guys!
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