
Homeschooling VS Regular public school

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Homeschooling VS Regular public school

As we all know this world we live in is so crazy and scarey, that unfortunately schools arent even safe!

There was a school shooting, where 26 people were killed, 20 minutes from the town I grew up in. It was so scarey to know that this kind of stuff can happen anywhere at any time.

Not only are there these mass shootings but there are people hurting children in these school systems and stuff!

So because of all of this I ended up making a huge decision on homeschooling my kids. I get nervous when I cant protect them.

I actually have been homeschooling Jayla for like a year already. I started doing a little bit of school stuff with her around 3.5 yrs and by 4 yrs old we tackled it all, letters numbers, and all sorts of crafts and projects. This year we start kindergarten!


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Home schooling is the wave of the future for people who don't have a ton of money. The people who do have a little money will hire a teacher to come in and teach in the house or in a dedicated place. We have focused so much on the shootings that we have forgotten about the sexual abuse going on by the teachers to the students. All of these teachers having sex with underage kids needs to stop and this is far worse than a shooting why? When a shooting happens everyone knows rite away they can see the danger. When a teacher is sexually assaulting a student the victim will often be silent about the situation and nobody will know rite off. My kids will be trained to deal with this kind of thing as well as bullying. When i was in school the problem was not this bad. Now you have a laundry list of reasons why its better t home school then to send your kid to a public or even private school. Thanks for sharing

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i agree and its so scary to think how much it has changed. school used to be like a safe haven, you know, and now its not even safe. even daycare centers are getting a bad wrap, kids being abused and bullied by staff, sexual assault by staff, its just insane!

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Oh wow that is awesome. I know a few people that have homeschooled their children and they say it was a lovely experience. My one friend that was home schooling her 2 year old, 8 year old and 10 year old has now since the beginning of this year sent her children to a private school.

She said that while it was a great decision to homeschool her kids and it worked really well, it got to a stage where she felt her kids were in a bit of a sheltered world and she wanted them to learn how to socialize in a school environment.

Her kids are flying ahead with their school work because of the individual attention they had at home and they are also flourishing with friendships.

There are pros and cons to both a regular school and home schooling.

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I totally agree and that was one of my huge concerns and of course I would probably do exactly what your friend did if i feel there are any issues socially!

and yes you are right there arw pros and cons of both types of schooling!

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The important thing is just to be aware of the cons, I am sure you take your kids on playdates and places they can play with their peers... it is not impossible to bring up a well rounded home schooler for sure, loads of people have done it.

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yes of course, im just giving it shot, my 2 youngest arent old enough for school yet anyways, so if i end up changing my mind i still have time! haha =]

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oh my gosh how many do you have? I've only got two and they keep me so far on my toes! I could never manage another one.

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i have 2 girls of my own and then I have a 7 yr old step daughter! My stepdaughter goes to school because thats what she is used to and knows. (we gained full custody of her about a year ago) and my other two, the oldest just turned 5 (too late for kindergarten this year) and my youngest will be 2 in December!

im always so far on my toes all the time, its definitely not easy but i love them all! =]

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I can agree that safety concerns is one the things that is seriously affecting public schooling at the moment. These extremists feel the need to attack vulnerable school children and it's not a nice experience having to lose one's child through such manner.

As a result of this, I really wouldn't blame anyone who doesn't feel comfortable anymore with allowing his or her kids to school in a public school. I believe that their kids life is still very much important to them.

Home schooling can do quite a reasonable good job in training a kid but I really don't see it as being enough for a child's education. I practically see home schooling as a supplement to the public schooling.

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I think public school is where people learn the people skill. At home and the private tution are not the way to get them to get more social. So considering that part you can see that kids need to learn about how to make friends. And also learn how to do better communication. And on that point you'd be able to take better actions for them so they can do perform better in the school. Homeschooling is a good option when the kids are autistic and have other set of the issues.

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I think the only reason to home school your children would be to avoid them becoming followers and part of the social clique behaviors most kids display as early as Junior High. If you want to instill individuality into your child early or permanently. Then again, if you live in a small, rural area... your child's only interaction with people their own age might come from school. So it's a tough decision.

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Schools are not safe, but any public place is not safe now. So you don't have to isolate the child from the whole world. And to learn at home or at public school should be the choice of a child, because all children have different characters so, one kind of children would like to stay at home and to have 1-2 friends, as I was. And the other type wants to communicate with all the school, so it will be traumatic for him not to have a social life. I was studying in Public music school and had a happy childhood.

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