
Do you think ebooks will replace books in school?

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Do you think ebooks will replace books in school?

My son told me that they have a contribution to school for the Ebooks. He also said, that his teacher told them that they will no longer use books but they will use tablets for ebooks instead. 

I am not in favor of this method of learning for so many reasons. First, since tablet can connect to the internet, I can no longer monitor my son what appropriate website he should open when he is at school. Second, What about if it runs out of battery? Will the school provide plug-in sucket in every corner of their classroom? Third, How can I save electricity at home when my son is using tablet or gadget all night while studying? Forth, what if the tablet is malfunctioning? I will force to buy a new one where in fact it is much expensive than books. Fifth, children will get lazy in writing notes. Sixth, using a tablet at school is prone to cheating during the exam. And lastly, the radiation of tablet can affect eyesight though I don't have proof that it was true.

Maybe I was just overreacting but I can no longer help it. Nowadays technology really ruled the earth. What do you think? Are you in favor that ebooks are now better than books? 


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I think as you go further in your studies you'll see technology replace books more. Talking about high school and college mostly. The kids in elementary and most junior high's still use text books as the standard. But that's beginning to change also in some places. Overall, the problem with ebooks is that a school has to be able to afford the equipment for the kids to read them on. Ebook supported devices for a school full of kids would be very expensive. Public schools nowadays are struggling for money.

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Absolutely right! Time will come ebooks will replace paper books and I dread that to happen. I know students will use this opportunity to abuse their freedom using gadgets. Some private schools are working on it. They are pushing ebooks as one of the fastest ways to educate their students.

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I think that there will really come a time where ebooks, will replace paper books, and also all your worries are also correct. But I think that by the time where ebooks will be used in school officially, those issues that you have raised will already be resolved. For one example, students can connect to the internet to cheat, this can be prevented if the device that will be used will only be allowed to connect to the schools network and nothing else, this way they can control and monitor what the students can do in the internet.

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I have the same feeling that in the future ebooks will replace paper books. In this modern age of technology students are more inclined towards digital media. Ebooks are great but they don't have the charm and feeling as a paper book. The number of ebooks are increasing everyday and most probably will replace paper books. I would still prefer the students read from traditional paper books than ebooks.

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Yes--actually, where I am teaching right now, and I am teaching all online classes, this is already happening. All of our literature texts are available online and built into the courses when the students sign up for them. This really helps a lot because I have seen the paper textbooks come in late so many times over the years, and that really does hamper the classroom and the students' success. I work for a major university, so they have the budget for this most likely better than other types of schools, but I must admit, I think this is a very successful program, an the students seem to really appreciate it.

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Now, I understand why son's teacher is asking for our support. I've already bought a netbook for my son. It was really expensive but I had no choice all his classmate have tablet or netbook already. I decided to check my son from time to time if it really works for him. Thank you for your positive response.

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You are very welcome. I only teach on the college level, so I know this issue is different depending on varying school systems and school requirements, but I have seen a lot of students very happy and relieved to have all of their textbooks downloaded on their electronic devices at the onset of the classes rather than panicking about whether or not they can afford them or have access to them in time.

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When it comes to portability and avoiding the production of papers, yes e books would definitely be the answer.

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While I can see where you're coming from, I'm not sure if I agree with the statement that going further into your studies necessarily means technology replacing books more. Concerning elementary school through High School, our teachers never allowed any sort of technology in class so that was out of the question, but at that point tablets and such weren't really all that common. When I went to college I expected things to be based more around technology, but I found that wasn't true at all. Ebooks, tablets, and e-readers had become very common at that point, but it was pointless because all of my professors demanded we get text books from the university's shop and none of them came as ebooks. Frustrating to say the least.

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I seriously don't think that ebooks would completely kick out the use of ordinary books in the educational system. It would go a long way in rivaling the old books usage but certainly cannot replace it completely.

The major problem which ebooks would encounter in trying to replace normal books is the lack of technological improvements schools requires to completely pull off a grand kick out of old books and replace it with one of its own.

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Yeah, in addition, the school doesn't have to provide the resources for the students in college and a lot of them already have smartphones that can read ebooks, which makes it easier for them and also less expensive since books cost a lot of money.

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Perhaps e-books will replace school books, as they are convenient and compact to use. However, it is more convenient for me to use classic paper versions of books than electronic ones. This is not due to my generation or inability to use them, as I am an Illustrator and have a great command of technology. I recently purchased an e-book when I was updating my work equipment. as I said, it is convenient, compact, but still, something is not right. Together with him, I bought a new graphics tablet here, so I'm happy with my purchasesDo you think ebooks will replace books in school?

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At least, I hope so

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My son teacher said the same thing two years ago, but using the tablets instead of original books never happened. I am glad this never happened because it is very important for our kids to stay in touch with original books, reading and writing will develop the intellectual character of our child.
I do not think the education minister will let the ebooks to replace books in school.

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I also think it's good that children are not deprived of the privilege that print books offer. But I think the trend of ebooks is something that sooner or later will happen, although I don't believe in a complete replacement.

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I absolutely agree with you, it's definitely going to be a close call with ebooks trying to replace normal ordinary printed books but there is probably no way it's going to replace printed copies of books worldwide.

The implications of this is that the publishing industry would go out of business, thereby rendering a good number of people unemployed and out of business. I definitely don't see that happening.

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I think the idea might be a little too far fetched right now but I believe that eventually, it will happen. Considering that ebooks are much more handy, cost effective and convenient, many people nowadays prefer to read books this way than using the printed ones. Then again, it should also be taken into account that not everybody in the world can afford these high tech phones and gadgets needed for this. Sooner or later though, as much as I don't want it happening because I would always prefer feeling the paper while I read and study, this is the direction that the innovations in technology is taking us.

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Yeah its better to have a touch to the reality than being virtual. Just saying. In my opinion, all the enumerated reasons are valid why students should still have a book, paper and a pen in a classroom. Or is it just because we have accustomed ourselves in the traditional way of learning? I don't know. Let's see what will happen then.

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I think one of reason that many of us feel this way because we are used with the traditional way of reading, but most children now are not. So I guess we can all just wait and see to what the future really has for us. Although for me, I hope ebooks will not take over the printed ones.

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A hard copy book is the best of them all, but with the emergence of technology and this digital era, we are forced to embrace change, which is also coming very fast and if you are part of it you are left out.

Ebooks have many advantages than the hard copies since a single tablet can store a lot of books and to schools, they see an advantage of saving space and money since most of the books are available for free online or at very fair prices. Schools are being issued with tablets in our country by our government and there is a great improvement in the schools that have already been issued.
The major issue now it is the internet connection on those gadgets that is not well regulated since there are ways you can always go round the safety measure and still access the prohibited sites. This worries so much, we will have to talk to our children early on them before they start to discover on their own.

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Yes, you are right. You can store lots of books on your tablet which is advantageous to our children so they won't carry bags loaded with seven to eight books every day. I guess time will come they will use ebooks and if that so, I wish that the schools should have restrictions on websites accession by their students. I don't really know if they can be able to control it.

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Yes, your gadget can be like a mini library where you can bring it whenever and wherever you want to, Then again, one virus and everything can be deleted in a blink of an eye.

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I must admit that I totally prefer the hard copy book over any other choice, but I was swayed, over the years, while watching my students try to afford textbooks. I realized that the students needed to get to the literature any way that they could, and so I have to get over my "snobbery", so to speak, about the hardback and paper purist approach I was taking in my perspective. A book that can't be accessed is a book that can't be read, so it may as well not exist at all.

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All the points highlighted above are very valid points. If that were to happen, I think it will only be applicable to developed and Third World nations and not the least I'm Africa where I come from.

In Africa, a good percentage of the kids don't even have access to quality hard copy books. They copy notes directly from the blackboard while sitting on the floor a partially constructed benches. Over here, worrying about the method book delivery as such is a huge luxury.

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Despite the technological world in which we live... I think this won't happen in an amplified way, because the poorer part of the population will unfortunately be deprived of this kind of privilege. Moreover, there is a whole cultural issue that certainly sees this kind of change with many different eyes.

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I really get what you mean that it would indeed be very hard to totally replace paper bound books with ebooks because even up to today, not everyone has the access to the printed ones, what more the one which needs high tech gadgets and internet right? Then again, just like all the technological advancements the world has seen, not all individuals in our planet will be able to savor and enjoy them. Take TV for example, even as today, not everyone owns it, or has even seen it. How about the light bulb? Many in the world still use candle or oil lamp for light.

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There are many other problems to overcome before thinking of replacing books. I understand the need for this to happen, because it is one of the facilities that the future is enabling, but I find it very complicated to happen.

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Yes of course. What I'm pointing though that it is inevitable to happen. Sooner or later it will. In my opinion though, I hope it doesn't because I prefer reading printed books than in my phone.

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Yes, only students in private schools can benefit in this method of learnings. If I weight the pros and cons of using ebooks, still using paper books are the best for them. Though we may consider that this is a missed privilege for a poor student, in my own point of view, they don't really need ebooks.

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I wouldn't say that it would be a privilege only of private school students, because depending on the country the public system can work very well (however, it would be a minority)... But in any case, the scenario would be very uneven.

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Ebooks may not replace books, but they are certainly very useful in the classroom. Ebooks with audio readalong can be really beneficial to kids who are having trouble with reading fluency, because the words become highlighted as they are spoken. Ebooks are so accessible and easy to share/acquire, they are a really great resource. Real books are special, though. It would truly be a shame if ebooks totally replace them in schools.

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Tablets will definitely become a lot more popular in schools and that will help ebooks become a lot more popular. I can definitely see books becoming a lot less popular and becoming replaced because how inconvenient they are sometimes. They can be extremely expensive and it can take up a lot of space in the classroom. By having ebooks, you can have as many books as you want and it can all fit into one thin tablet.

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Through ebooks, you can have your own little library in your pocket. The drawback of this is that it can all be deleted in a blink of an eye by a virus or if your phone or tablet gets broken for whatever reason. Then again,as long as you back your files up, then there's nothing to worry about. The gadget, plus having access to internet to be able to download the files, might be a little expensive but considering that paper bound books are quite expensive too, buying the gadget for it would surely make you save more money. I, on the other hand, prefer to read the printed ones, but I don't deny the fact that reading these ebooks makes a whole lot more sense.

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Exactly! last time while I'm reading on my laptop, this software bugs keep on popping up makes my laptop to freeze-up and it really pisses me off. I have also this experience in the airport I'm reading a book on my tablet while I'm waiting for my flight, suddenly I was running out of battery so I don't have a choice but to switch off my tab and it was really irritating especially you are enjoying reading. That's why I still prefer to bring paper books with me and my tab or laptop is for online business only not for reading.

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Reading ebooks are not as convenient as many any think since the battery life of these high tech gadgets are really not that long that you have to carry around power banks to be able to read a lot of chapters in it, especially when you're travelling.

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I don't want to sound like a hypocrite--I have a HUGE collection of hardback and paperback books at home. It is always hell whenever I move, not because of my furniture, but because of the thousands of items I have in my library. However, that being said, I agree with you about the tablets and their efficiency. Essentially, one tablet, if taken care of, can be loaded with all of the books a kid will need to finish high school. We use online texts where I teach, and although I prefer a hard copy any day, for myself or my students, the ebook provides an affordable alternative to everyone.

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Yes, I prefer paper books too, but the positive things of having ebooks are undeniable.

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I think that E-book will eventually replace all books our children have to bring in and out of school. The fact that the books needed by our children are very many, the books are also very heavy to bring by children. So its a good idea to replace books with E-books.

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Yes bro, If that will happen our children will have more access in expensive books for free. It will be more convenient to them also, than bringing loaded bag of books. Hopefully, our government will have this program in the future.

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I probably agree and who knows right? the future is near, like you would see lots of cars that are flying and even skateboards too. All this can be possible plus its easy to use and it would definitely be trendy.

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I think this is the way moving forward. Especially in poor and marginalized countries. The tablets you have in mind are not for school children. Commercial tablets are different from the ones intended for school. The tablets for schools have no internet, I don't think you should worry about that.

Tablets intended for school children are for the convenience of accessing ebooks only. They are like the very first kindles produced. You should look at case studies of countries like Rwanda and Kenya who are piloting and intend to implement ebooks in schools.

In my opinion, students can access more books this way as they tend to be cheaper. And this is a one-off cost which in the long run could turn out to be cheaper.

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I think it will happen in the future, because of the modernization of technology which is affecting even hard copy books. Books can be transfer easily to Ebooks to be more convenient to all, especially for the average people. There are books in school that are too expensive, and many people cannot afford that. With the help of Ebooks they can easily access that expensive books for free if the government support it.

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I completely agree with you. In my country, it's already slowly happening. Classrooms are getting different tablets - one for each pupil and they're trying to transition to the ebooks as we speak. I am not sure how it is since I am long gone from the elementary school but I do see some benefits. Ebooks are quite easy to use. You can find terms within the ebook and the programs can automatically find whatever you're looking for it. And most importantly, ebooks don't weight anything. Here, I remember how painful it was carrying around 20 books in my bag.

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For studies purposes, ebooks are more practical the real books, if the schools won't adopt them officially, some smart student already using this power to their advantage.

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We all know that change is inevitable and soon rather than later, ebooks will replace books in school but this will only happen if the country's government will be funding the purchasing of gadgets like tablets and other tools for this newest trend in education. A third world country is most probably would not be able to comprehend with this trend immediately unless the private sectors or the parents are willing to spend their own money for this new concept in education. I believe that we must adapt with the changing world but we should always be vigilant while we embrace these kind of changes. Know what are the benefits we would get from it and also the consequences that might come up. The eventual phasing out of physical books might affect the business of Book Publishing and other related sectors.

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Yes. I think this is possible. Even now, there some schools that use tablets and ebooks for lesson, discussion and lecture. If that happens in all school around the world, it would be more convenient to the students because they wont have to carry such heavy books in school. But if I were to ask, I would still prefer real books than ebooks. Reading on the tablets can cause damage to our eyes, and it is not good especially for kids.

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I think it is inevitable. Even some years back when tablets and smartphones weren't as ubiquitous as they are now, I already heard some schools requiring students to have an iPad, and I'm sure that there are even more schools now that do this. I don't know if that would be a good or a bad thing, but I think it's going to happen either way, because it's just a bit more practical. Carrying and buying so many books that you will just need for a year or even a few months just isn't very practical, and I think eventually when the transition won't be too difficult it will definitely happen.

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Well we are now with fastest growing technology and I think that is inevitable in the future. Well for now I will recommend using the old books than the ebooks. Because in tablets, smartphones, and ipads, there many temptation that instead of reading and studying your lessons 'cause you have the access in the net either you will watch or play in the net. So I will go still with old books.

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Good point. Maybe using of ebook will be good if it will be used and presented through projector by the teacher during discussions. One more danger of using ebooks is that you can never be sure when you tablet is already infected with virus, that you might lose all the files saved to it. Maybe for teachers, they can go for ebooks, then the students for hard copy.

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I think this will happen in years to come. The IT companies will likely come up with ways of fixing some technical issues you have raised. For example, you may have newer versions of ebooks that consume less power or new ebook software with all the security settings the parents need for their children's devices.

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I think to some extent it is already happening. And as you can see that ebooks take their own time to establish. You may notice people are referring to the Wikipedia lately. And they do google for the reference. So the ebooks may not be yet to come in for replacing the books. But the move towards the digital books is already here.

Digital books have their own set of limitations though. Like you need electricity to access the devices. So on that basis I'd say print books need to be there for sure for few more decades.

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For sure that it is possible to happen in the near future. But for me, it is best that we have the books itself. If we have ebooks in school, maybe almost all of the students will have a problem in the eye due to radiation coming from gadgets. Keeping the old one is what's best for me.

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Exactly. This is also what I am thinking. Radiation have bad effects to children. Let us say that in one room, there are 20 students, so using 20 tablets at the same time in one room can release too much radiation. But then let us admit, this thing can really happen even many are against.

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Nothing compares to smell of a well made printed book to me. Agree, technology can help us, in this case, a kid will be able to bring all his texts in just one gadget. But I don't agree with making him change the traditional book for this one. A book was made to be read, to focus yourself on it, I can't say the same on a tablet, and kids get distracted by anything. I still keep buying books for my little cousins and friends. To me, as long as you keep the tradition to pass a book and awake the reading habit, then you will keep books alive, and if this is disappearing is nothing but our own fault.

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It's not impossible with the fast development of technology today. I'd still pick the good old books, because it's easier in the eyes. Reading an e book is an eye strainer like i get dizzy after hours of reading articles.

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While I am a big fan of traditional books, I think switching to e-books is inevitable and I am ready to embrace it. Switching to e-books means we don't have to cut down trees in order to yield papers where they can be printed thus nature can rehabilitate. Another advantage of using e-books over traditional books is that children don't have to trudge due to having heavy books on their backpack.

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Well,First and foremost publishers and authors would be thrown out of their job which will not be the students might not pay attention, we will not be surprised that the students will leave where they're supposed to study to get into social media.I think studying will be more expensive because the students need devices like phones, laptop or tablets.I still believe in the paper book and that should be used.

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I think in the future books will be replace by ebooks more convenient to being than bringing a lots of books that carries your child and can also cause a back spinal problem sue to heavy load of bag. So for me I like in my future kids to use ebooks for better learning and much fan to learn with.

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At my school, ebook already replaced books. Ebooks are more easy to have than books. Especially, those that are free and can be downloaded easily. It is also convenient for people who needs a lot of books because it can be brought all without carrying heavy ones. It is also easy to handle since searching for a certain word is automated unlike in books that you have to search manually.

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I'm really old school so I really prefer the old textbooks. Other than reading and learning, you can also use them for other purposes such as fly or mosquito swatter, placing mats? for hot pots, butt protector for when your daddy spanks you with his belt and for practicing therunway walk. Lol. Kidding aside, I prefer textbooks because first, it allows you to get more focused unlike digital devices which offer a lot of unecessary distractions. Second, it is far cheaper and is more accessible to most families. Third, it is not fragile and does not get corrupted like digital data. And last, it can be accessed anytime and anywhere even with the absence of wifi and electricity.

While I say so, I'm not really against the use of ebooks as major instructional references as it also has its own advantages. If they can be provided for free or if they are willingly accepted by everyone including the students and parents, then why not? The most important thing here is the content after all. Regardless of format, the bottomline is that the books should be accurate, useful, educational and contain relevant information.

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It's possible yes and it's not a bad thing at all in my opinion. Think of the costs we could save on purchasing physical books and on the storage we could free with this idea. Really great

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There are some possibilities that this may happen in the future but this would not be applied easily because it takes time to replace what we used to. This would be a great idea to avoid spending money for the books instead read it online with the internet. Inch by inch this idea is happening now as we can see people are using internet to search for their assignments. Internet is a great palce where in you can retrieve informations even lasted in several years not like the books that may be lost and could not be used again. This idea also could may lead to distractions of researchers over the internet and may cause harm to their eyes health. But we should think about the employees in the Books maker company of how they will feel and react to this possibilities.

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Yes, naturally it would take some time. And naturally, there would be those who firmly oppose this idea. Nevertheless, we can't stop progress. Modernity is here to stay and all we can do about it is to adapt.

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Yes that is true there is nothing we can do but to go with the flow of modernization. It is natural others will contradict for this because it will affect their lives. This is not good for others because it will bring a big changes in the way how they live. But this is for good sake for most of the people. High technology is getting bigger nowadays.

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Yup! Welcome to the Digital Era, where education and entertainment can be found on one gadget. You're right when you said changes are not a bad thing because the technology was created to make your life easier.

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My son who is in primary school is still using heavy text books for studies, his school bag weighs almost half of his weight, I would prefer to have text books replaced with e books, but I doubt so because of the cost

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Yes you are right. It is so cumbersome to carry books around. Moreover some eBooks are much cheaper than those physical books. Nowadays I read more eBooks for those reasons. Furthermore, this may help to reduce deforestation and pollution. Go Green.

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Your comment is quite pertinent, but there is a whole political question behind these intentions (as with any other subject).

For example: Do you think it is in the interest of government to offer eBooks to all types of students? I guess not.

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There are some schools in my area that require the students to have a laptop for high school and all of the students work and books are done on the laptop. I think as time goes on your going to see more and more schools go the way and before long all schools will be using tablets or laptops.

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Yes you're right. Even here in my country many schools use ebooks now for there students and students are required to buy a ipad for them to use.

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I believe that this is really the way to go, but it's as I said before... The big problem is related to an unprecedented political issue (because there is certainly a lot of interest involved in it).

I don't believe that this system will be egalitarian (worldwide and in all categories) for everyone.

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I think yes, and I also believe we shouldn't let this happen. Learning from books is much more effective, I think. Even if you are looking for specific information, some sites are better than others at giving you the information you need right away. You should understand that books are better. Online tests may just help you learn something new or prepare for an exam. When I applied to the university, I rained with, and it helped me.

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