
My Essential Oils Obsession

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My Essential Oils Obsession

About a year ago, my best friend gave me an oil diffuser for my birthday. At first I was like what a wasted gift. However, I used it and feel in love with it. Soon after, I began experimenting with essential oils. I started mixing different ones together to make my own custom scents, and used different carrier oils to bottle them up. I have been using them and giving them as gifts as well. People love them. I am really thinking of starting an essential oils business where I make custom blends for others. I truly feel that I could be quite successful at this.


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I too also love essential oils, they are amazing and some of the scents you can get really help you to relax which I love. Lavender is one scent I absolutely love when it comes to essential oils, I find lavender to be very relaxing especially after a long day.

That sounds like a great idea Kylie, if you have the skills to be able to create custom blends with essential oils then I would go for it. I am sure there will be success out there if you can advertise to the right kind of people who would be interested in what you have to offer. It would be nice if you could somehow find a way to get customers to suggest certain blends and you could work on maybe creating those blends.

Good luck!

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essential oils are very therapeutic and it relaxes me as well

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Absolutely, who wouldn't love a relaxing and healthy essentials for your body?. People would love this and mostly are adults, like they can use it everything when they need to relax due to stress and who knows maybe there is a chance that they'll get obsessed too, just like you.

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I absolutely love essential oils. I'm a bit of a hippie at heart, so things like essential oils are right up my alley. A friend of mine recommended them to me as she said that they are incredible at helping you relax and unwind after a long day. They not only help me relax but can energize me when I need it as well. I originally started off by buying a set of six just to see what all the fuss was about. Soon after, I had a collection of more than 100 essential oils. I haven't looked back since. Essential oils are an essential part of my life, pun absolutely intended.

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I started experimenting with essential oils at Yoga. One of my instructors, use to put some on diffuser during classes. Honestly, I thought it was just to give some special touch, but eventually it turned out to be perfect for a peaceful feeling while exercise. I like the citric ones, like lemon, tangerine, and some other fresh scents like lavender. My instructor said that another way to use them, is by putting some drops on the water you use to clean the house. It will give a really great scent to your place.

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I love essential oils. They gives us a peace of mind. My personal favourites are rose, lavender and ylang-ylang essential oils.

I use my rose one in the oil diffuser. It feels literally amazing. Holy basil essential oils are great for treating acne problems. I have used them a lot for my acne.

I always used to put two drops of lavender oil on my pillow before sleeping. It gives a soothing experience. You can also try this quick tip using your favourite essential oils.

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First, I just wanna say, I'm very glad in this topic and I'm really interested with this one. For someone like me who have some background in Chemistry, I have learned that essential oils are produced mostly from plants. Essential oils are what we call Esters, a family of organic substances, with formula R-(C=O)-O-R'. It can be easily extracted from plants using simple methods of extraction like heating and grinding. Actually, it's the only family of organic compounds that I want to experiment because ester's are the only one with a nice aroma. Also, it can be synthesized using other organic compounds for example, from the carboxylic family, and what's good is, after the experiment, the oil extracted from plants and the chemically synthesized one have the same aroma. So, essential oils are really good and easy to deal with and with just a creative mind, maybe one can create the next Number 1 perfume in the world.

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I love oils, especially coconut oil and almonds oil. They are perfect to nourish your skin. They give you a soft and beautiful skin and the best of all it is on a natural way. I like it too the Ricin Oil which is perfect to grow your eyelashes and brows. If you apply them on your hair you will have a radiant and perfect hair.

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That's right in the sense that if you get to apply oil on the skin, it brings a better shiny skin tone which is awesome. Also, essential oil is quite amazing in a way that the people getting to use it are growing higher by the day.

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I love Lavender essential oil!
It soothes your skin and felt sleepy while on massage. It also relaxes me after a long day work.

I used to always have an essential oil, it keeps me away from dizziness and to massage my own feet, forehead,
arms and neck.

There's also an oil perfume, but i would still have a lavender scent oil perfume and will always be my choice.

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Just for information, essential oils can also be used to add scent if you try making soap. If you know the process of saponification, wherein you can make your own soap by making adding sodium hydroxide to fatty acids. Sodium hydroxide in pellet form can be purchase from the store just easily and for fatty acids, you can use vegetable or even cooking oils. Just mix all the ingredients with water and finally add the essential oil for your soap to have your desired scent. Just be careful when handling sodium hydroxide because its an irritant.

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Well Oils have many use which help people aout their health. It is better that artificial candles or incense because they can create hazardous scent which can affect you're children, pets and even yourself. It can also make you relax and ease your pain. It can also kill mosquitoes or any other insects. It is a great product for people who is thinking about their health.

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I love essential oils that are used to invigorate your room. The ones that you heat up and gives aromatic scent to your whole house. It is calming and therapeutic at the same time. Generally I love a sweet smelling room, the one where I can work with good aura because of the smell. Starting up a business would be nice if you know the right stuff. good luck on your plans.

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What a great idea! I like essential oils, you can choose from many scents (and mix them, just like you do) and they make your house smell really good, They are also great for headaches, help you when you are sick or you just need to relax.

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This is a brilliant idea. In my country, people don't really value essential oils. They are hard to find, they is no variety and if you find them they are very expensive.

I think this is a good business idea especially if you can personalise and make the scents unique. You can target a few select clients. This would make your product exclusive and allow you to charge as much as you want.

You should also market to saloons and spas. This will give you good recurring business, especially if your products are liked. Best of luck.

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I also want to have a essential oil whenever I will go. Having a business with it is not bad. o don't try to mix an essential oil to another. It is a great idea of yours. I hope you will continue to have a business regarding essential oil.

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I love lifehacks on Youtube. I was watching them and they were showing how you can make essential oils at home on your own. You don't even have to buy them and mix them to come up with a unique scent, you can make them. For example, rose and lavender can be made from flowers. The process doesn't seem complicated. Whatever other ingredients you need you can get from a local store. I'm loving this idea more and more as a business.

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As a migraine suffer my doctor advised me to use essential oils and I have to admit that they do make me feel better. My favorite essential oils are lavender and peppermint. I just love the scents. Furthermore, those oils are not expensive to buy. I equally love it when my friends and relatives gift me those.

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I like essential oils too. They're a great way of relieving tension. Stress just goes away and you're left with a wonderful feeling of relaxation.

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I do think you can have a big success with this kind of business if you have the chance to have your own land and plants, extract the oil. etc. Here are a few people who tried this business and they end up to have a huge profit, no one expected of this.

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I also love essential oils specially eucalyptus oils. We always have one in our desk. Me and my husband can easily get colds and we find that applying eucalptus oil on the neck part of our shirts or near our noses very helpful in breathing. I personally love the minty sensation and scent.

I also love using sunflower oil. It's very helpful in making my skin feel smoother and brighter. It made my blemishes and discolorations go away and it gives me a beautiful and natural looking glow. It also helped my chapped lips more moisturized. I usually use it in the night. And I also use it when my baby has insect bites.

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I have looked up and down in my Country for affordable essential oils. All the essential oils that I have been able to find are very expensive and are sold in very little quantities. I'm seriously thinking about starting my own essential oil business. However I don't know how to start and how to advertise it so that people can buy essential oils. I would be interested in making essential like peppermint oil which helps with hair growth and clove oil which helps with tooth ache and maintenance.

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Wow, it is wonderful, think that everything will be nice and you will open your own shop) I have similar hobby, I likes to collect drug plants. It sounds weird, I understand it, but it is so amazing for me, that near us there are a lot of useful plants, which don't have side effects, but we use toxic ones. I can show the example) I have some mental disorders (nothing hard, but 1-2 months every year I take vacation to stabilize myself), and one year ago I have found an article on about kratom. This plant has wonderful influence on mental health. It is just a little bit about my hobby

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