
What is your favourite season?

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What is your favourite season?

I have spoken to many people who I have asked this same question to and it amazes me how many different answers I get and when I ask why it amazes me again how many different reasons I get for each answer. I myself personally prefer the Spring if I am honest, I love to see the colours from the flowers making an appearance again since the Winter and I also love to see the leaves come back on the tree's again, that is always a lovely sight but the main reason for me liking Spring as much as I do is because I find the weather to be just right, it's not too warm and it's not too cold. I hate the weather when it gets too cold and too warm so if I can get an in between kind of temperature that's perfect for me.

What season is your favourite? Why is it your most favourite?


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I definitely love summer. I love it personally because I can easily dry my clothes. Summer is swimming time also where I can bond with family and friends. Summer makes my work easier and less hassle. It's like having a good mood before and after work. Furthermore, summer time makes my car clean and dry wherein I don't have to wash it daily. It's my favorite among them because it makes my life plain and simple yet worth it.

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I really like both spring and fall because they are not as cold and wet as winter, nor are they as hot and humid as summer is. Where I live, we seldom have snow; but the trees are all deciduous trees so the leaves fall off in the fall and winter, the grass dies and turns brown, and everything just looks dreary. When spring comes, the trees bud out with leaves and blossoms, the flowers start to grow , and the grass turned green again, and everything is beautiful. But soon, the hot summer heats sets in, and we have a very humid climate here, so the air is so think that it is hard to even breathe, and the mosquitoes are everywhere, so that even when you wear repellant, you still get mosquito bites all over. By then I am looking forward to the cooler days of fall; but I know that will take us back into the dreariness of winter............. so it goes.

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Wow, am I the only one that absolutely loves winters? My birthday is right at the beginning of winter so it's the perfect fit. I don't know why people love summer when it's hot as hell and you can barely breathe. Sure, you can go to the beach but even the water is hot here. It's impossible to cool down What is your favourite season? Winter on the other hand... now that's heavens. You have so many great winter activities and my country always gets huge amounts of snow. I love making the snowman or mess around with my friends.

If it's too cold or I'm feeling lazy, then I can make a nice hot chocolate, wrap up in my blanket and just watch outside. The snow and the night calm me down and that's why winter is my favorite season.

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I like the winter season because I like cold weather. I think it's because I have always lived in a tropical climate so I appreciate cold weather a lot more since living in heat can be very uncomfortable and tiring, not to mention very expensive since you have to turn on the air conditioner a lot of the time. I think it's nice to see the flowers in spring and it's nice to be out on a sunny day during the summer, but I can trade all that for a colder climate.

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I actually adore Autumn. I love the start of the school season, the start of football, and Halloween. I love to watch the leaves change color and fall as we descend into winter. I like the fall fashions and breaking out my winter jackets and other garb. People where I live tend to dress better in the winter. I like watching the snow fall outside my window as I type. There is a sort of romance to that.

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My favorite season is definitely Autumn. I love Halloween and carving pumpkins and Halloween parties. I love watching the leaves change and blow as the cool breeze arrives to cool off and put to sleep the finally over harsh Georgia summer. I like drinking hot chocolate on the porch as the days get shorter and football season encroaches. I like getting out the stored winter clothes and having more options to dress nicer and warmer. Autumn is the best.

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My favorite season is summer because you can get out of the house and do anything. During summer, we have a basketball league in our subdivision which I look forward to every year. Me and my college friends can also go on summer outings. You can pretty much anything during the summer. It's not hard to commute because it's not raining and the weather's great. You can wash your clothes and dry them up easily because the sun is up. Summer also means that you don't have to go to school and there is less traffic.

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My favorite season is summer beach, vacation no to school and its warm.You can sit on your backyard drink beer, make barbeque that was really good and awesome.In summer there is so many outdoors activity, you can go climbing or camping.The sun is warm when summer because of that i go to my friend's and we play basketball.I don't like any season just summer, i don't like cold i just want a hot weather.

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My favorite season of the year is autumn as it always seems to have the perfect temperature designed just for me. The climate is never too cold or never too hot and that works fine with the ailments that I have. Watching the leaves fall from the trees and feeling the slight breeze that blows is a great comfort for me. Seeing neighbors rake up the combination of orange and green leaves is an active work of art. And last but not least, smelling the warm fragrance of pumpkin spices and cider in the air reminds me of Halloween and Thanksgiving.

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Has to be winter for me. It's just a nice season especially since it is so close to Christmas. And if it snows, which unfortunately it hasn't over here in the United Kingdom for a few years, it makes it even better. I like summer as well because of the warm weather and the fact that you usually tend to go on holidays that time of year.

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My favorite season is definitely summer. I love the summer vibe so much. Enjoying the view and spending quality time with your family or friends. It is my most awaited season every year. I don't care if it is too hot I just want to enjoy the beach by doing water sports and keep on swimming until I get tired.

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My best season the holidays,this is the Xmas period because of the frenzy and excitement that comes with season,Everyone wear this delightful looks and nothing pleases me like when people around me are happy.

The period is characterized with enough eating,merriment,visits and celebration.I even love the weather that usher in this period,in fact everything about this period is pleasant

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Summer season, because I lived in a tropical country with only 2 seasons. Summer is the most awaited season here in Philippines. It's a break in school classes and vacation time for some tourist. I like the beaches here in our country, one of the best beaches in the world. Many fiesta celebrations held only in summer & lots of adventures to do.

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Summer is the best of all the seasons, it's always a time to have fun and enjoy. The sunshine is amazing during this time and you know you can do a lot under the sun.
Vaccations are at this time and even the summer camps, a lot of fun during summer makes it the best time.

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It might sound odd but I love Autumn. I just like it when it rains and the relaxation it gives me. I am a pluviophile in some way I guess. The sound of the rain gives me a sense of peacefulness. I love looking out the window when it pours.

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In my place I love winter here there is no snow but what I like is the cool breeze. It is not so cold here because we have a tropical weather.

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My home country, Philippines, has only two seasons. Dry and wet season. Definitely, Summer season is my favorite. It is summer break for students and all the people goes to the beaches or planning to have an outing. I love to go to the beaches for my vacations and yes, we have the most beautiful beaches in the world!

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In the Philippines, we only have 2 seasons: dry and wet season. I think you know what I would choose. Of course, NOT wet season. Wet season means staying home almost every day due to the danger of the flood or landslides everywhere. The dry season is exactly like summer though, in most places in my country, it's extremely hot! I'm lucky because I live in the coldest city in my country. The average temperature in the dry season here is 18'C. How cool is that? That's why it's called the "Summer Capital of the Philippines".

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Well, summer is great and I usually spend it with my dear friends where we would go to beaches. But my favorite season of the year is the winter season. Here in our country, it is from mid October to mid January. One thing that winter is special for me is because of Christmas and New Year celebrations. A lot of family time is spent during this season. Reunions with good old friends are everywhere.

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In summer because in country like Philippines we two seasons only dry and wet seasons in these I like dry season (we call it summer too) from March to end of May. During these days I can go to lagoon or lake sometimes in the rivers to bait fish while reading books under the shade of tree. I can't never forget during my childhood we playing chasing while we are climbing to a big mango tree. Happy memories usually during summer.

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WE only have rainy and summer seasons in my country, which would obviously make me automatically choose the latter one since that would mean vacations and going to the beach. I f we have four seasons here though, I'd surely choose spring. I really find it awesome how nature looks during this time of year. Everything would look so healthy and green.

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My favorite season is the summer time in our country here in the Philippines. When the summer starts here, many tourist comes and visits many beaches and cultural hotspots for relaxation and enjoyment. We are happy because summer is the vacation of the students here in the country and we are used to going for a vacation or a trip to somewhere in Baguio or Boracay.

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It's definitely the Summer, which is probably everybody's favorite season especially here in our country where we gather at the beach then swim at day and party at night. The main reason why I love this season is because most of my cousins or other relatives are usually busy because of work but because of this season we can gather for one day or a week and have fun just like the old times. And also. the reason is I love swimming and meet beautiful girls or girls who looks good at bikinis, but for real though I just love putting or diving myself on the water under the heat.

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As much as I want to experience all seasons, the only season we have are limited. LOL. I want to try all seasons someday, especially autumn and spring. I would love to see the beautiful transitions of the environment.

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I love summer and totally hate winter. Waking up and hearing the chirping of birds in the morning in summer is so amazing. Gardening is a summer thing and the blooming flowers in my garden makes me love summer more. Moreover, summer is the perfect time to go camping at the beach. Watching the sunrise and the sunset are just amazing. I equally enjoy the evening walks to the lake in summer. The best thing about summer is definitely the summer fruits. I get to taste those delicious juicy fruits only during this period.

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For me, it's gotta be winter. I live in a very warm country and winter provides me with a blessing. I love how we sleep better, eat better, work out better and do most things better in the winter

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My favorite season is summer, because I can not stand the cold. The cold goes right to my bones and they hurt so bad that I don't want to move. If I had the money I would move to Florida and never look back!

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Great question! My best season is winter. I love love love, winter. I like wearing my winter coats and I think I look quite cool in them. I prefer also the clothes and shoes made for winter they are quite stylish.

I also like the cozy feeling you get in winter. Don't you just feel like going to bed even in the middle of the day? Don't you look forward to your fire and your hot cup of chocolate or soup?I do!

I 'm not really a fan of the heat. I hate the sweating, the lack of wind and breeze and worst of all the mosquitoes that behave like a mini army, attacking you all night.

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Summer. I particularly like early Summer when it's warm and the air smells fresh and different. Mid to late Summer is when it gets scorching hot and can be unpleasant at times or on certain days. Spring is my second favorite season, Fall is third, winter is of course - last.

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My favourite season is the cold season. I prefer cold to heat realizing that cold is controllable while heat is not. During dry seasons, people try using all of those precautionary ways to control heat. It gets to extents when the electric fan will start blowing heat instead of cold. This occurs because of the season. There is no cold atmosphere for the electric fan to generate cool air from.

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We don't have seasons here. So we never experience things like snow, winter, spring e.t.c
I don't like when it rains because it gets too cold and I also don't like when it is sunny because it gets too hot. But I like seasons for fruit especially avocado because I get to eat plenty of them before they go out of season.

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My favourite season is cold season. I am such a person who has lots of weights and sweats so much even when there's no heat at all. I try using fan, air conditioner and other air generating appliances to cool myself off when there's much heat out there, but still don't get comfortable. Sometimes, I notice that the air coming out out of the fan is hot and, thus, can never satisfy anyone for cooling off.

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