
Discussions about Marketing

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Google the search query "small business ideas" and you'll find thousands of articles which will purportedly provide you with this valuable information. Truth though is while some of the business ideas listed in some of...

  • Jeane
    Jeane Level 1
  • 58 6 years ago

    Some few months ago I bought a new car that could carry seven (7) passengers including the driver. Prior to sale of the unit the agent who attended my queries relative to my preferred unit. During our initial discussi...

  • builtwell
    builtwell Level 1
  • 55 6 years ago

    All ads are supposed to entice people to buy something. Those who make these ads know people won't just buy a product because they've seen it on a TV or in a newspaper. Implied satisfaction after someone buys what they a...

  • Jeane
    Jeane Level 1
  • 51 6 years ago

    Negative reviews are always gonna pop out. It's part of business and life. But what do yu do about reviews that bordered on derogatory? Insulting remarks? What is the best step to do? Ignore it? Or answer it? If you...

  • Alymae
    Alymae Level 1
  • 122 7 years ago

    Most of us have been in business right from the time that we began understanding what money is all about. I have seen some that got to the point where they even became company managers at an early. So, this thread is for...

  • Barida
    Barida Level 1
  • 80 7 years ago

    Those of you who frequent the video sharing site YouTube may know that recently it has suffered what is being called the "Ad-pocalypse." For those unaware, the gist of it is that after a good bit of controversy, many adv...

  • DenisP
    DenisP Level 1
  • 67 8 years ago

    I have written and published two ebooks. However, my book sales are not very satisfactory. I did not even sell 100 copies of my book. How do I drive sales for my ebook? Don't give me prosaic answers such as promote on so...

  • vinaya
    vinaya Level 1
  • 71 8 years ago

    (I wanted to post this under freelance or business section but there seems to be none) As I go about reading posts here from our fellow listers, I noticed that we have a lot of freelancers, such as myself, and some bu...

  • galegatling
    galegatling Level 1
  • 62 8 years ago