
Establishing a career through YouTube. Impossible now?

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Establishing a career through YouTube. Impossible now?

Those of you who frequent the video sharing site YouTube may know that recently it has suffered what is being called the "Ad-pocalypse." For those unaware, the gist of it is that after a good bit of controversy, many advertisers have pulled out of the advertising program on YouTube. As a result, hundreds of content creators experienced massive drops in revenue and have been finding it difficult to make a living through the video sharing platform. 

Because of the situation, many experienced YouTubers claim that starting a channel and monetizing it under YouTube's current condition is not only extremely difficult, but almost impossible. This can be incredibly disheartening to anyone who may have aspired to start their own channel, and perhaps even make a living there. Needless to say, I'm one of those people. 

My question is, do you yourself own a YouTube channel? If so, what is your channel about and have you been able to establish a living off of it, or is it simply a hobby for now? I'd love to hear your stories and experiences! 


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Hi thanks for sharing this about youtube services. I own a channel and it is all about random stuffs but mostly are tutorials. My Purpose in creating channel is both for money and entertainment. I just love sharing videos that could be a possible reason of people's happiness. Very sad to hear that lots of ads are pulled from youtube and possibilities in earning compare to last year is completely different and embarrassing. Sooner youtube will loose a big amount of users and visitors in their website. Pewdiepie is the reason of all this changes in youtube because he acts like a boss which should not be tolerated because it affects other people personality which is really bad and unrespectful.

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I didnt know about this issue and how did this thing come up but maybe because since almost all of the people use youtube to earn extra money so therefore the developer did that.

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Actually the reason behind is Pewdiepie. He used some words which is harassing other people's nationality. Try to google it and you will know all the reason why there is a lot of changes in Youtube when it comes to paying services. It is said that all videos that contains abusive words or unappropriate words will be deleted permanently. All changes pertains to manners of youtubers. I hope this will end and i hope all youtubers will learn from that lesson and will never do it again .

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Yeah, I have heard about this already and I have a few friends that create content for their YouTube channels weekly. They have told me that from their personal experience, they are earning less now so you are right to assume that it isn't easy at all. I don't think that it's impossible but it is definitely very rough and you'd probably have an easier time monetizing other things elsewhere.

As for me, I do own a YouTube channel but I never uploaded anything to it. I simply have it so I can subscribe to the people that I find interesting. So, when they upload new content I get a notification Establishing a career through YouTube. Impossible now?

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That's the same as me really. I do actually have a YouTube channel that I did post a few videos on from time to time in the past. My best video was one that actually managed to get 75,000 views but since it wasn't exactly completely created by me I wasn't able to monetize that video. I would have been able to earn a decent amount if I had. Nowadays I just use the YT account to subscribe to my favourite content creators.

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It's not only harder, because of the Adpocalypse, but also the way YouTube has changed and stopped involving new content creators in the whole scheme, if you wanna be successful, you gotta get shout-outed by popular YouTubers, which is pretty hard to achieve and even if you have a big, but still small audience, with the way ads are now, you won't make too much money. It's not impossible, but it's definitely way harder.

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I agree with you.

It really is not so easy to get into the game because the competition is playing heavy, almost every single day with something new. For those who want to start in this "war for the audience", I think the work is much more difficult (which can cause much frustration for those who are not prepared for the
difficulties that will surely come).

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It is definitely harder to establish a career now. Even before you consider the money, it is actually a lot more difficult to get a channel growing and doing well now because of how many content creators YouTube has at the moment. A lot of people are trying to get into YouTube that it is just becoming very difficult to get popular quickly. And then you start thinking about the money and it's just not worth it. Until they resolve the advertising problems, it's not a good idea to start a YouTube channel as a career.

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This is so true, nowadays is really hard to get a channel there. It seems like all the channels are taken by gamers or make up tutorials. I know, tons of people want to be there and upload their videos, but all that traffic makes it impossible for others. And once you finally make it, competence is fatal, you have like a zillion people chasing and targeting your job. Now, ads are a plus too, to me is really overwhelming just to think about making a career there.

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If this kind of youtube service about advertisements will continue, this will be the reasons of loosing their fame and visitors. The only thing also that made it hard to be on top is the number of registered member there. Making a living with youtube is oviously impossible now.The current status of youtube is good for people who are just seeking an attention and popularity.

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I don't think a YouTube channel should ever be viewed as a quote unquote career. I think creating a channel and getting lots of subscribers and views is great but overall, the goal for creating a popular channel should be to get your content out there so you can connect with brands and companies who're willing to pay you a lump sum to push their products on your channel. This is outside of the regular youtube advertising platform and connects Youtuber's with brands and advertisers directly. That should be the goal.

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Well, it can actually be considered as a career. And it is a career for a lot of big YouTubers. Think of people like KSI or even PewDiePie. They were able to make millions before and will have definitely considered YouTube as a career because they wouldn't have had to do any other jobs. It is obviously different now but at one point it was definitely a good career to have.

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I absolutely agree with you in the regard that one shouldn't base their "career" simply around their channel, and their channel alone. I think it's important to utilize YouTube as a business tool, and in some ways that is what I intended to use it as. I planned on starting a website to write about certain content, and all the while posting content to YouTube in order to act as a supplement to the content on the site, and sending traffic back and forth from one to the other as the audience grows. For many people on YouTube, they utilized their channel as the building blocks of their business, growing a dedicated fanbase and eventually gaining sponsorships and selling merchandise like an actual business. There are a lot of different ways to succeed I think.

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I already had a channel on YouTube a few years ago (it was about Cinema, in general) but I had never thought of making it profitable because it was something just to "kill my will" in talking about movies of a broader form. So, it was all a hobby.

The channel doesn't exist anymore, but I confess that sometimes I still think about getting back active and making it all into something profitable. However, I wouldn't risk my official work for this adventure, haha.

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I love those type of movies! Perhaps because I adore movies, haha Establishing a career through YouTube. Impossible now? but I think that you should definitely get back into it and see how the channel does. TImes have changed and so many new films are released every single month. You could quite easily do reviews or top 5 lists of different genres and so on. Think about it!

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Yes, I confess I've been thinking about this a lot lately. Establishing a career through YouTube. Impossible now?

Unfortunately, I don't have enough time left to dedicate myself to a new channel, but movies still remain as one of my passions. The idea is still alive, and I'm planning something.

I hope to be able to create the project soon and see how I behave myself in the new market (and to the competitors, haha).

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You can do both your work at the same time youtube. You do not need to choose between youtube and your career now because youtube is always there to wait for you. You can do it on sideline or full time career based on what i observed on the rising internet sensation nowadays. Like Cong TV, he sacrificed his job just to focus on youtube because he realized something that profit in youtube is higher than being an employee. He is the reason also why i keep my channel active up until now but i never gave up my job because i am only new to youtube so no stable income from the site still. Someday i will consider youtube as my fulltime online job if ever the time will come that i will start earning from my uploads and i am hoping that time arrives.

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You said very well.

The ideas keep popping up (to be honest, plenty of them lately) and circulating in my mind quite often... This should be a sign that I really have to come back with a new project.

However, I want to create something very interesting before entering the game again.

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It seems the only people these days who can make a killing from YouTube are gamers. I think though that people already highly financially established before YouTube's ad-pocalypse didn't see much of a hit. Maybe a small loss of coin they could make up on the back end or from somewhere else. But the up and comers were all but wiped out. YouTube's draconian restrictions on content also caused this to happen. Anything deemed controversial or "kind of violent" is banned from receiving any ad revenue.

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Gamers have been benefiting the most on YouTube due to the change in the algorithm that decides how much money you make through AdSense. I remember when YouTube changed it, and it was total chaos and drama. It went from the number of views you got being the most important factor, to the number of minutes watched. So now people who were making lengthy content which could only be uploaded once or twice a month saw a massive drop in revenue, while people who could upload daily content reaped the benefits. It's easy for Let's Players to make one or two daily videos that are ten minutes or longer and make plenty of cash, because the system works in their favor.

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It's possible to establish a career through Youtube but it's not gonna be easy as there are tons of bloggers who already did every inch of the idea that you can think about. The big question is, what kind of idea that's on your mind now that are gonna stand out among those other bloggers? In order to get viral, you should have the "WOW Factor" where they can never forget you, which leads to subscribing to your channel and share it with others. That's the fastest thing to do in order to get popular, not just by asking for like, subscribe or to share your video. Another tip, you should also start thinking of your own slogan as this will also gonna be your ID. Good luck! Establishing a career through YouTube. Impossible now?

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That will the big question. To make a channel, a different one that will stand out among the rest. But it is hard to think since most of the possible content to be created are all in youtube, be it tutorial, game strategies, reviews, dramas, cooking lesson, music videos, etc. Almost all are there, so to make it to the top, you have to be better than those existing contents or think of something different that will capture people's attention.

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Well, I think the people that are making money off YouTube today didn't create it with the aim of a career or making money off it.
I think the most important thing is building up a brand,
And in other for you to make money, you must help people. so taking your skills to YouTube can only be useful, if your skills can help people. Once you start helping people by solving a particular problem, then everything will fall into place at the right time.

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Yeah that is actually one thing that you hear in interviews with many popular YouTubers. I don't know if I've ever heard one of them say they got into content creation for the money. Most say it just started off as them doing it for the fun of it, and that eventually it blossomed into a successful and lucrative career. Not many openly say that they jumped into it for the money. It's definitely all about making a presence for yourself and developing a fanbase, and the rest falls into place.

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I think you are correct about it. When you aim money not the career, it will more likely will fail in that sort of field. I did the same thing in the past which is likely aim for money alone. I didn't think any strategy to rather I only think to earn a lot of money which is why I field in some sort of things. I can think only now where I could start, as a YouTuber, I as k everyone, specially my friends to help me to start a proper way of attracting viewers.

I feel more comfortable when I started upload about my opinion in politics, specially making a good way opinion to understand by simple person. I always tend to stick in hot trend topics, and give important points of how a politician to perform in a certain way. People always give their thought about politics which also connected to my topic trend in my YouTube, so it will likely possible I will start with these things.

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I think it's definitely possible to establish the career through YouTube. You need to make sure that you're spending the time and money the right way. Because it's hard to say what is career. You make money randomly. And you try to monetize for short term period. And that's where things are going to be a bit out of cycle. So you can see that making career out of it is not going to be easy. I think for each one of us having career through youtube would be different experience. Not everyone can have it like pewdiepie and few others.

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I am not a youtube publisher, therefore, I don't know what is happening on Youtube. However, in the past I have tried to launch a youtube channel. My account is verified and adsense approved, however, I don't have enough videos to make money. I don't think making a career as a youtube publisher is impossible even when there is Ad-pocalypse. Youtube is Google's product and Google will come up with innovative ideas to take youtube to the next level.

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Currently, things are much more complicated... However, I think things still have a good side: the competition will offer more ways of earnings for new users (I guess). I know this may be a two-way street, but I think there will come more advantages than disadvantages on the road.

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I do have a YouTube channel and yes, it is impossible to turn this into a real business, this worked for many in the past, I know people who earned thousands of dollars with their YouTube channel, but now is not working very well.
Thre are only a few YouTubers who are still earning well from there. but they have worked for that revenue for years.

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This is another place to earn but because of growing number of creators of channel this became harder for each and every one. As far as I know you can earn money not only by advertising but mainly thru thousands of views. Some are dependent on this lifestyle since they have already established a good number of subscribers and viewers but for starters you've got to earn it hard. I have a youtube channel but its not for profit purposes. I only made it just for fun. Maybe I'd go that way someday.

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Yeah, that's the main aim, just start up with the aim of driving fun out of your channel. When you have it at the back of your mind that you are creating a YouTube channel for fun, you won't be easily disappointed, or frustrated, when the money is not forth coming.

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Though I was yet to have a channel on Youtube I think one can still make money or kickstart a career with Youtube.I try not to be pessimistic.I know even when the latest controversy, I think we can still make it with Youtube.The only snag would be working hard to achieve a good feat because now one needs about 10,000 views to monetize Youtube channel with Google Adsense..So it more about working very hard now.

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But how do you get those views? Mostly people got them with edgy content but YouTube now shuts down or de-monetizes any content they deem too edgy. Back in the old days, they'd really let YouTuber's put some juicy stuff up there but not now. Everything now has to be watered down or 'vanilla'. I think this mostly has to do with YouTube Red though. A new branch of YouTube that is pushing out a lot more risque content. I think they see anyone else with that same content as competition. So the new rules are a corporate way of shutting them down.

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Yes i am planning to establish my own youtube channel it is kinda hard to attract many subscriber to your channel if you don't know how to interact or set up an good environment video with them. for me right now i am still on stage of planning on what kind of youtube channel should i create and how to manage it properly. it takes time to build reputation on youtube but with determination and positive thinking never give up we can achieve this goal.

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Well I wouldn't say impossible but it's definitely harder. In a way this is good because there was lots of shitty content being produced. On the other hand it's totally unfair with the youtubers that were already established and making more money from it. Too bad

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I think the contents of the channels should undergo a strong change in the classification grid, so that the issue of monetization would be something fairer. I honestly hate to see a lot of YouTubers making so much money producing content so poor (in every way possible).

There are a lot of YouTubers producing much more relevant content and don't have the recognition they desserve.

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Agreed. Unfortunately, it's the way content creation rolls. It happens with any type of media. Just take a look at the songs that are being high rated nowadays. A bunch of poor content. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter if it's good or bad only if there are people buying. And if someone's buying there is someone making money and that's all that matters nowadays

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Well... Is that old story of "quantity doesn't mean quality", right?

It's very bad / sad to see that everything seems to always have to revolve around futile / unimportant things. But, as you yourself said... That's how things work and as money speaks louder, the rules won't be changed.

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I don't own a YouTube channel but I feel sad for all the hardworking content creators who can get demonitized. And also, I do believe that it's still possible to get monetized but so hard to achieve. People like Casey Neistat and other good content creators would be really pissed if this happens but still they make a good and enjoyable content for people.

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I have a channel on YouTube where I have shared things about my country mostly. I started this channel some years back and it was mainly for fun. I am not on YouTube to make money. I know someone whose main source of income comes from YouTube. This person is my favorite YouTuber and I watch his videos over and over again. He stated how disappointing this way for him as his earnings are decreasing. I hope that YouTube finds a solution to this.

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I have never heard of ad-pocalypse before. I always encounter forums talking about youtube but this was never mentioned before. If that is the case, it will really be hard to make a channel or monetize from them now. This is a sad news for youtubers who make moner through Ads. The sudden change on revenue will really affect a lot and can also discourage new content creator to start monetize their channels.

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The ad-apocalypse has caused lots of people on Youtube to lose money. People have lost up to 60% of revenue. YouTube has also introduced new rules to streaming ads, which also is affecting people's earnings.The bad news is that there was no consultation. Content creators had to find out the hard way. Personally, I don't have a Youtube channel but was thinking of creating one.

Having seen the way things are playing out I have changed my mind. I don't think Youtube is a viable way to make money anymore. I am currently looking into other ways of making money online.

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I think it is not impossible but certainly more difficult than before. There are other ways to make money off youtube, like selling your own gadgets and promoting things on your additional social media. The advertisements that are directly on youtube probably don't pay that well now but still there are new channels getting popular and more and more people access youtube (especially in developing countries).

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You can still make money on YouTube but you should focus your financial desires more towards connecting with companies that will pay you to do videos on their products. Stuff like un-boxing, demonstrations, etc.

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It is always possible by the power of internet. As far as I concern, the only problem with it is making yourself available to the public, and to make best assume is to have a live interaction with the public viewers. I think the main reason why you-tube dropout their earnings is the same reason why sponsors pay later to the website which is sometimes a cheap that changes the entire youtube.

I think the youtube is just adjusting itself to the sponsors donations, and their commercials commission is dropping out. It is out of control by this time, and I think the youtube will find other ways to sustain the past year's monetization, so the youtubers will happy again unlike today, it's hard earning money. We should not blame the youtube, because they are in the verge of processing their entire model to improve. Maybe the website is adjusting base from the commission given to the advertisers.

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It's getting tough to have real views. And also having subscribers is not an easy part. People spend years trying to build a channel.Also making some realistic income out of it is not going to be easy. People are spending time trying to build youtube income from the branding. It works out but you need to take more efforts in due process. I am sure that some of the options that you see in the youtube these days with the new algorithm limits your earning. So better to properly do research and then get into the youtube career.

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Well I guess no because there are many people who already building a career in youtube. Youtube is one of the internet site that have a lots of subsciber so it is not impossible when you building a career in youtube.

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It's impossible to build a career in any website, you could just work on a website while it's possible, you never know what rules YouTube is going to come up with in the future.

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Establishing one's career in Youtube doesn't come easy and might be impossible to most of the people.

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Yes, it is possible now to establish and start a career in Youtube. It is a fact that you can have a career in Youtube but there are also other media to start from. An example is make a blog in any blogsite form. You can be known to be a great writer and influencer.

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Guys your idea of other streams of income is noble. Blogging, for example, is a super idea. Remember though it requires you to write lots of content. For people to like and follow your blog you need to put a lot of work into it. Most importantly you need to be a skilled writer and have interesting and trending content.

In my opinion, a YouTube channel is easier to create. It's very easy to find a niche in YouTube.It's even easier to get people to subscribe to it. You can have your own channel but not necessarily have your own content. YouTube, in my opinion, is an easier and more creative way to make money online.

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I don't think it's impossible, but it may be more difficult for some channels with topics that have been overdone. For example, I think let's play channels have gone extinct now because there have been so many over the years and the taste of the people have evolved into wanting something more, but even then if the gaming channel was able to evolve along with the trend then it still wouldn't be completely extinct despite the subject matter being over saturated.

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YouTube remains one of the biggest video sharing network and irrespective of the controversy that happened there. I still think they can overcome those challenges and on the note of those having fears about having a YouTube channel, it has gone so much to do with the passion and not about the money at the initial stage.

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You need to be ready for the fame though. A lot of people want to build a YouTube channel and make a career and money off of it. But once the fame hits they freak out because it's all so overwhelming. Then their videos becoming awkward and depressing. Which then spawns rumors throughout the fame machine about how a popular YouTube star is 'contemplating suicide' or something. A lot of people say... they want to be YouTube famous but be careful what you wish for.

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I don't want to say that it is impossible to have a career in youtube. My only point is, in this kind of industry, it is hard to enter in it because of so many people who wants to build a career in youtube. So if you want to continue in this one, you need to put a lot of effort in it.

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Well thank you for this information but it is really so sad to hear these things especially I'm dreaming of earning some money here in YouTube but I guess I have to wait for even years just to resolve this issue. In the other hand, even though I currently own a YouTube channel it is not my primarily source of money for I have monthly allowance from my school and parents but still this will give me some confusion and low motivation in producing some videos for I will not earn that much or for what I supposed to earn. For all YouTube Channel out there maybe there is a big problem going on right now, but we have to believed that everything happen for a reason and there is no problem that can't be resolve as long YouTube will done its part and effort in solving this issue then there is still chance for everyone and for everything to go back to the way it was. Well God bless and thank you everyone.

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I didn't know this. I'm not a Youtuber either but I've seen that every day there more and more people trying to be a youtuber as a profession. I'm not an expert but I've realized that some youtubers have talked about this problem and how they manage it. I think, in any job or profession there's always ups and downs and being a youtuber doesn't escape from this problem.

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I think a lot of people fail to realize that the 2.0 internet make a lot of money boat is over. I am sure that if you have a super special talent or skill you can probably make money on youtube. But the sad fact is the average joe is simply going to be wasting their time money and energy.

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It is not impossible to have a career on youtube. All of the youtubers start on 0 they just keep on pursuing. Hard work and perseverance is the key. But some of them are just not lucky. They want to have their names on youtube but the fate won't come their way. They just waste their time and effort and that is terrible.

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Starting out is the most difficult part of trying to make a name in YouTube job but once one is determined to make it in the task, surly the person will succeed. Having a good niche is very important because it's what would determine the number of people subscribing to your channel.

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It's quite possible to build a carrier on YouTube, but that must be realistic only in certain countries. Youtube does not recognize countries like Nigeria, Pakistan, North Korea, and so on. If you are residing in the United States, you have your opportunity to build a strong carrier. Countries like the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and so on are recognized by Facebook.

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Not impossible by any means, but there's a ton more competition in any niche compared to 10 years ago, but that shouldn't come across as a surprise. New and popular YouTubers come up all the time, because you don't have to be big when you start, and you even can't - engaging content is important.

Remember that it's very likely that you'll spend quite a while without being noticed at all, but it'll pick up I'm certain!

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I've had time to think about this now and I've come to realize that advertisers and these big companies are really finicky and downright hypocritical, it seems. They pull out of advertising on certain programs and channels, not just on Youtube but even on TV shows and radio shows, just because of certain controversial topics, but a lot of them still advertise on the news which is obviously fairly similar at this point and also show way more controversial videos and topics. Not that I fault them for doing what they want though because it is their money and they do need to protect their business, but it just seems very off to me.

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I do have a 4 year old youtube channel but I have never posted videos on it. It is true that earning from youtube is difficult nowadays. This is because there are many people who are joining youtube daily and making it populated. I cannot call this competition because most people are not competing against each other, some are dumping videos and making it hard for the real youtubers.

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I first started out my own YouTube channel when I was fully into networking in the platform called Mavrodi Mondial Movement (MMM). It's system shuffle peer to peer donations whereby one request to offer help and getting help once the person time to get help is due. I started out my YouTube channel when I applied to become a guider in the system because of the benefits that comes from it.

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Hello everybody, thanks for the information. Yes, I do own a channel on youtube. I created it in 2014, when I was a professional dancer. I thought it would be interesting to share my videos with choreo to people on youtube, so that everybody can comment, share their opinion, or try to learn the steps and I would earn some money. But those times I didn't have enough support (money and inspiration). Now I do have but don't know how to do everything. Yesterday I bought real subscribers on Youtube channel and I think it may work. The seller said that they are real people, that will comment and put likes so it might help make my channel more popular. Today 400 people subscribed already on my channel)) Here is the link if you need the same help Good luck everybody!

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