
Discussions about Google

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Aliens need no introduction. Over the years we've seen so many conspiracy theories on the existence of aliens, or so the government says.If you query a search of Aliens on Google, you'd be overwhelmed with the results es...

  • Rumu
    Rumu Level 1
  • 111 8 years ago

    So as of January 2017, Google Chrome browser was used by 44.5% of internet users. The second most used browser? As popular as Internet Explorer used to be, it has fallen behind Safari. Which is preferred by 25.4% of inte...

  • Judas2018
    Judas2018 Level 1
  • 85 8 years ago

    Those of you who frequent the video sharing site YouTube may know that recently it has suffered what is being called the "Ad-pocalypse." For those unaware, the gist of it is that after a good bit of controversy, many adv...

  • DenisP
    DenisP Level 1
  • 67 8 years ago

    Every morning my Mom used to prepare me coffee and tea, coffee during breakfast and tea after shower. But my friends find it weird. Really? you drink both coffee and tea in the morning? I said why not? coffee energize...

  • betty01
    betty01 Level 1
  • 83 8 years ago

    I don't have master card or visa card. I have applied for master card and will have within next 30 days. Its a long time for me. I need to buy some software from Google Play store. But I don't have fund in my Google wall...

  • NomanProdhan
    NomanProdhan Level 1
  • 15 8 years ago