
What do you like, COFFEE OR TEA?

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What do you like, COFFEE OR TEA?

Every morning my Mom used to prepare me coffee and tea, coffee during breakfast and tea after shower.

But my friends find it weird. Really? you drink both coffee and tea in the morning? I said why not? coffee energize my cold body in the morning and warm my stomach, and what about your tea? ( she asked again) well, my tea is refreshing in my stomach, i drink those 10 minutes before going in the office. Are you serious? both coffee and tea are antioxidants, you better choose only one!

This keeps me wondering right now, whats wrong with my coffee and tea? am i doing wrong? perhaps there's a medical reason about it. But it doesn't matter to me right now, i both enjoyed coffee and tea.

How about you guys? what would you prefer? COFFEE OR TEA?


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Since I don't drink Coffee, I would go for the Tea (If I have to choose between them.) But I'm more of like a hot-choco type of guy. I easily get a hyperacidity whenever I drink coffee for some reason.

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Yes I like chocolate too. Specially when chocolate is served hot. I also love to mix it with coffee and it becomes mocha flavor. Tea is not always my first choice of hot drinks.

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Me too! I actually like the coconut chocolate the best but I usually add a little coconut extract and chocolate extract to make it even stronger and I use double the tea bags too. Then I sweeten it a little bit with stevia and add a splash of cream or whatever I have on hand and it's like a Mounds bar. it's wonderful. it's my go-to snack at night when I'm trying to be good! Now I want to try the strawberry chocolate and the caramel vanilla. What do you like, COFFEE OR TEA?

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I think that we are opposite sir because I dont like the taste of tea, I am more on a coffee matter because everytime my morning is not complete if I didnt drink coffee but according to studies, it is more healthy if you are taking tea rather than the coffee so I am planning to drink more and more tea as of

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When raining days I enjoy drinking a turmeric mushroom latte. Since I have discovered the benefits of Mushroom Coffee I gave up drinking normal coffee and tea too. I had problems with digestion, so I was looking for a similar alternatives to the coffee. Since I have disovered that I can drink as much mushroom coffe as I want I went defintey to buy the best product on the market. You have no idea how chill I feel after a cup of this coffee. My work is going better and my stress level is lower than before.

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Wait, do you still drink hot tea even in the summer? You'd probably burn alive here if you did that, haha. Anyway, I personally prefer coffee in the morning. I have gotten used to it and it's what gets me going when I wake up. I mix it with some nice cold milk and it's so delicious. It gives me that nice extra boost of energy and allows me to feel motivated. I always drink two cups per day - one in the morning and the other one in the afternoon. I very rarely drink tea. Only during really cold winter days.

I never heard that you can't drink both tea and coffee though.

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Where I live, people usually drink a lot of iced tea in the summer, and even in the winter, it is a popular drink. I enjoy coffee on a cold winter morning; but in the summer, I often do not even drink coffee, or if I do, I make and iced coffee or latte instead of having it hot.
I drink iced tea, but I don’t like it that much, so mostly I drink hot tea, and I do that in cold weather, but in the evening and not when I am drinking hot coffee.

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There's nothing wrong with drinking both! I like both coffee and tea. Which one I choose depends on the time of day and how I feel. I like coffee with breakfast to wake me up. However, coffee can be hard on my stomach, so if I haven't eaten or I don't feel well, I have tea instead. In the evening, I like to have a cup of tea. Sometimes I will have one cup of coffee after dinner, but then I switch to tea because too much caffeine will keep me awake at night.

I also make my own iced tea to drink throughout the day, because it tastes nicer than plain water and it's much healthier than soda or juice.

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Hi KMarlowe. You absolutely said it almost exactly as I myself was thinking, in that the time of day is what is mostly considered by people to put coffee in their system. As it often is said that breakfast is the most important part of the day, a cup of coffee that supplies that caffeine that most people feel they need to get that extra "pick me up" as their day gets started can make an already fine breakfast even finer. You have also nicely said as well that switching to a cup of tea is also a nice thing, as it can be either hot tea or of course iced tea that can be drank anytime of the day. Nice way of looking at things.

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I prefer to drink coffee when I wake up in the morning as it helps to keep me alert and energized. I usually write articles in the morning and having a cup of coffee helps me to think clearly. I am allergic to milk and so I prefer to take herbal tea after lunch. I usually have green tea or earl grey tea or chamomile tea. However, in summer I prefer to have iced tea for lunch and fortunately this is sold in the office canteen. To conclude, I am both a tea and coffee lover but I can't take both at the same time.

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I prefer to drink tea, but I also used to drink coffee when I wake up in the morning also to make me awake and energised. But sometimes I hate coffee, because It makes me more nervous. I also prefer to drink milk in the evening it helps us to sleep well at night and milk gives us a lot of vitamins that our body need.

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Yes milk is definitely important but unfortunately I am lactose intolerant and can't usually drink milk and have to avoid dairy products. So, I usually drink black coffee and herbal teas as I stated above. I am actually taking Probiotics and calcium supplements.

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Same here, when I drink coffee, my heartbeat becomes irregular and my mind becomes blur. I prefer t drink milk tea in the morning, keeps my bowel clean and feel perk up too. Yes, milk is the best for evening or before bedtime. I think I have the same choice as yours.

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I used to have the same feeling when taking coffee, I would really get so anxious with the irregular heartbeats. Since then am not a regular coffee drinker am more of tea, it is the most common drink in our country since we are also a major producer of the tea leaves.

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I thought that tea leaves brew with hot boiling water without sugar or milk is good for health. Something like green tea or black tea, less caffeine compare to tea bags. Anyway, i can't drink both tea and coffee too. Heart beat race like Speedy Gonzale!

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Both actually. I dont eat breakfast at home just a cup of coffee and then done. And tea during work hour, it keeps me full in a long run.

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I actually like both but I don't drink much tea during summertime. I drink coffee because it's too hot for other hot beverages. Coffee gives me energy but I try not to get addicted to it. I drink it every day or every other day but it's only one cup. I like the one made in a proper coffee machine because it tastes amazing.

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Yeah, that's exactly how I feel about tea - I can't possibly imagine drinking it during the summer. Here it gets up to 40°C so imagine drinking hot tea on top. When it's summer I even drink my coffee cold. And I agree with you about the coffee machine. I assume you mean the home coffee maker? Those are so good and quite affordable nowadays. They can produce a very high-quality coffee.

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Taste of coffee vary also defend to types of coffee bean you will use.

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Neither to be honest with you. I just have a hot chocolate in the morning. I used to drink tea quite a lot but I stopped because it was making my teeth a bit yellow. Since I stopped, I'm seen such a big improvement that I just can't see myself drinking it again. It's probably a good thing since I don't even know how to make a proper cup of tea lol. I only drink coffee if I have some work to do and I am really tired. Otherwise, I try to stay away from it as well.

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I must admit that I am pretty addicted to my iced coffee, and I drink it all year round. I drink a lot of iced unsweet tea with lemon, as well, but in the mornings, I like to make my iced coffee with a little bit of vanilla extract and some 2% milk. I not only like the taste, but I love the caffeine boost I get to propel me into my writing jobs and basic morning activities. I also like many varieties of coffees, such Ethiopian blends, and Sumatran varieties. I worked in several cafes over the years, so I think my appreciation of coffee, and my addiction to it, began there in those experiences.

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Too bad I can't drink too much coffee because that will make my heart pump 3x faster than yours. Yes, I am palpitating - so I would choose a Tea over coffee. There is not much we can argue about the two because everybody to be honest likes to drink both, depends on the occasion of course. Give me a name of a restaurant who doesn't serve coffee or tea? I bet you can't name one these days, right? But Statistically, Philippines is one of the largest promoter and consumer of Coffee, so I think Coffee wins! Yaaay!

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I also do not drink coffee at all. So naturally I will rather have tea because i love the taste better. Now coffee does have a good taste but I am just not an avid coffee drinker. I am not too sure about drinking both of them back to back in the morning, but I say to each their own. I do not think that it is a bad thing to have one cup of each. Do what you love!

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Coffee is a great drink and many people drink coffee but they don't know coffee Caffeine increases the amount of sugary beverages consumed by people, which contributes to obesity and diabetes. It can also cause insomnia. That's why I prefer drinking tea because drinking could help, reduce the risk of heart attack. Organic tea is very healthy to our health and it's very refreshing.

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When I was younger, I would always choose coffee over tea. As I grow older though, my palate seems to change its preference. Lately, I've been drinking tea a lot more than coffee. The last time I've had a cup of coffee was six months ago. I just feel that tea is healthier than coffee and as I am getting older, I am being more cautious on anything I eat or drink.

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I don't drink either to start my mornings. I like tea but I normally make a pitcher of cold tea just to have to drink. I start my morning with apple juice, orange juice or cranberry juice. I am not a coffee person by nature. I drink it once in awhile but I prefer hot chocolate.

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I definitely like coffee over tea. Because I like the taste of coffee. I feel awake whenever I drink it waking up in the morning. I prefdr tea after eating heavy meals. Tea helps me in digestion and its refreshing after eating strong smelling foods.

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I agree coffee is the best way for you to feel awake. Everyday I wake up in the morning I drink coffee and it gives me energy even though I don't eat in the morning. Since "ber" month has already started which means winter is coming the best beverage I can think of is coffee the warm it gives you is very satisfying like your girlfriend or your wife hugged you. Coffee will definitely give you the taste of satisfaction.

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I love to both, and i take them at different time interval for different purpose. But i love coffee because the quality starts firstly in the soil, where the (not so wide) variety of coffee species resides. Coffea Arabica, the main species of quality coffee, was voyaged by conquistadors many decades ago to the mountains of equatorial countries. There it lies entrenched in soils with a diverse makeup, set against (what were once) stable micro climates, and grown by people with their own unique cultures, traditions and farming practices. The production techniques favored by coffee farmers at origin forever impact the makeup and flavour potential of the coffee beans.

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Tea, we have it anytime of the day. It the most important beverage in our community and when you go to visit someone at their home the first thing they will offer you it is a cup of tea. We take it black or white with milk and sugar to sweeten it. Since it is locally grown that's why it is very common in any town you visit in our country.

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Taking both tea and coffee is a no go area for me. I enjoy taking tea especially at night when the weather is cold during the rainy season. I enjoy my tea with some tea spoons of pints of milk and two cubes of sugar when I want to feel vibrant at night while I was studying at the college. I know that my younger brother prefers to take the coffee instead of tea, but only the taste of a coffee puts me off from taking it.

Your mum made you be able to take both every morning and she deserves thumbs up for making you like taking both. I do not see myself enjoying coffee and tea within a space of 6 hours or so.

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It depends on what tea, I suppose. If it's black tea, it can contain more caffeine than your average cup of coffee. With that in mind, it may not be the best idea to drink both coffee and tea so close together since you'd be putting a lot of caffeine in your body all at once. But the fact that both coffee and tea contain antioxidants shouldn't be a problem since you can't overdose on antioxidants. The more antioxidants, the better, I say!

Personally, I prefer a strong cup of black breakfast tea instead of coffee since coffee makes me jittery and nervous. Tea gives me a steadier caffeine boost without the crash.

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I LOVE TEA, is healthier it doesn't have caffeine and It is natural you can drink it iced or hot when I have a cold I prefer to drink it hot but normally I drink it iced. Tea can boost exercise endurance and can reduce heart attacks. Also, might provide protection from ultraviolet rays. Green tea may act as a backup sunscreen.

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I was a Coffee freak back then, But when i found out that too much coffee will give you sleepless nights, palpitations and more. So i started drinking tea with honey and i also started drinking tea with milk which is really awesome.

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For me both, every morning i drink coffee or tea, its ok if its green tea or black tea because sometimes I also drink milk tea. If the weather is cold or rainy days I love to drink coffee or brewed coffee. They said that coffee can perk you up in the morning and a soothing cup of tea can help you relax after a stressful day.

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I drink coffee every morning and I find it very refeshing specially when drank together with a fresh-from-the-oven bread. Also I use coffee to make me more lively in the morning instead of just getting up and going to the shower. Back then that is my routine for weekdays, but now I drink it daily every morning and most of the times during weekdays I drink some on afternoon breaks. I also enjoy some tea from time to time, but I seldom get access to tea so definitely coffee for me.

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I love them both but If I were to choose which one should go on top? I'll go for tea, simply because its a booster. It's rich in antioxidant that helps our body fight against cancer. It is also capable of burning fat and it reduce the risk of experiencing heart attack.

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I prefer tea over coffee, because there's so many health benefits that, tea can provide into our bodies. My mother consumes it everyday, and still drink in different flavoring. I always see my family doing such habit of drinking. but I am not often drink tea, at all. I just drink once in three days, after that, I drink a lot of coffee instead.

I may drink a lot of coffee, but I feel coffee is not a good to the health, in my opinion. I always drink coffee in different flavorings, and I feel I'm not working on it, always. So, I'm practicing now drinking tea.

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I like tea more than coffee.whenever I drink coffee I feel a bit nauseous so I preferably drink tea whenever or whatever I do,plus Its has way more health benefits and it's much better to drink with milk as its tummy friendly.

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Most people would probably react just like how your friend did. Coffee and tea in the same morning? Really? It would not be strange if you them like an hour or two apart but if it's on the same sitting, man my tummy's feeling weird just thinking about it. Lol. Isn't that too much caffeine for you? Oh well, if it makes you feel better then it's not too bad as long as you keep it under one of each every time.

As for me, I like both but I drink them on separate occassions. For coffee, I find it most appropriate to drink it in the morning as it wakes you up and gives you that energy boost you need for the day. As for tea, I usually drink it in the afternoon or evening to get myself relaxed after a hard day's work.

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I love coffee. I grew up drinking coffee specially in the morning. My mother always drink coffee so i think she's the one that influence me in being a coffee drinker. i also drink tea but not that often. I think it is ok to drink both coffee and tea but we should always consider the balance. Anything that is too much is bad for our health.

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Neither do I drink both. But, if I were to choose. I'd stick with tea for its beneficial healthy effect on our body. Coffee on the other hand is so bad for me, I just can't handle its side effects like palpitations, and not to mention the anxiety it gives after drinking it for a long time.

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I prefer Green Tea for I believe it is the healthiest beverage in the Planet. I love having it in the morning, during breaks at work and at night before I retire to bed. It's been six years now since I switched to Green Tea and I can tell that it helps a lot in keeping me awake and alert at night specially when I have deadlines. Maybe I can also say that drinking Green Tea helped me in losing weight. Green Tea is believed to have powerful antioxidants that helps in removing the unnecessary toxins from our body. My father is also into Green Tea now and I'm happy that he is enjoying it very much.

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Tea! I love green tea and milk tea. Back in the day, my mom used to make a pot of tea every morning while listening to her favorite music, until now, my siblings and I still love drinking tea. Sometimes we just have to meet in spite of our busy schedules just to catch-up about life while sipping tea.

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I prefer Tea because tea has a lot of good benefits and it can also relaxes your body maybe coffee has some benefits but there is also a side effect because some strong coffee can make you tense and maybe you just can't feel it because it is not really has a strong effect some of people love to drink coffee for some reason like working overtime or some stuff like relaxing and thinking but trust me, coffee has bad effect for our body that's why I prefer Tea over coffined coffee because Tea can cleanses your body and relax your mind. I know this because I drink many times of both coffee and tea but Tea is better for the health.

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I love to drink tea rather than coffee because it has a lot of benefits on our body. Like, Tea contains antioxidants, Antioxidants work to prevent the body’s version of rust and thus help to keep us young and protect us from damage from pollution. Second, Tea has less caffeine than coffee, Herbal blends have no caffeine, while traditional teas have less than 50 percent of what typically is found in coffee. That means you can consume it without those pesky effects on your nervous system, says Leslie Bonci, nutritionist and owner of Active Eating Advice. Tea may reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke, In fact, a study published earlier this year that combined data from a host of earlier reports found a nearly 20 percent reduction in the risk of heart attack and a 35 percent reduced risk of stroke among those who drank one to three cups of green tea a day. Those who drank four or more cups of green tea daily had a 32 percent reduction in the risk of having a heart attack and lower levels of LDL cholesterol.

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Tea for the win! Come on guys. It helps soothe the digestive system. For example: Herbal Teas, in particular chamomile, can be good for people with irritable bowel syndrome and ginger tea can calm nausea. Plus chamomile helps you sleep and calm down. Personally I drink tea because it literally helps my asthma .

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If I were to choose between Coffee or Tea I would probably choose coffee. My favorite flavor of coffee would be caramel iced coffee, it’s probably the most delicious iced coffee for me. Drinking coffee gives me more energy, more relaxed and it gives me the caffeine I need. I don’t know if it’s true but they say caffeine increases your memory that’s why I love drinking coffee.

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for me i regularly drink coffee that's what i like it makes me more energetic and wide awake keeps me alive nor sleepy, also it can help me with late night assignments to stay awake and keep going on. but for tea i still drink it but not everyday like twice a week only to wash out toxin.

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Coffee is life. Without coffee every morning my day will be miserable. It is also one of my stress reliever.

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Yes you're right. I too, is a coffee person. I can't do work in the morning without drinking coffee. It makes me feel good and relax.

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I choose coffee. Filipinos like me love to drink coffee especially for breakfast. I like it done with creamer or milk, a perfect partner for cheese sandwich. But I only drink coffee in the morning coz it bothers my sleep when I drink it at night. Just one cup in the morning will do. For tea, I can only take it if it is iced tea. I don't like the taste of a hot tea, maybe because of the strong aroma of the herbs.

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Yeah i prefer coffee to drink every morning partner with 'pandesal with dairycream' this is my childhood breakfast. I feel really energize drinking black coffee. I also love milk tea it helps stabilize and neutralize the strong herb aroma.

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Hi Betty, to be honest, I like both of them and I drink both. I drink a coffee every morning because it gives me energy for the rest of the day and keeps me alert, and in the rest of the day, I may drink a cup of tea as well. I usually drink tea for its healing features, for example, I drink mint tea if I have problems with my stomach, or celery tea for the liver, etc.

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I used to be a coffee person all the way, but after trying out the tea not from a teabag but the flowers itself, I began to be really attached to drinking tea. I love both coffee and tea, and would prefer either depending on my mood. Sometimes, I drink both in a day. Coffee could be quite unhealthy, yes, but it gives me energy in the morning. I just cannot be bothered until I drink my first cup of it. Tea on the other hand, despite it not being too flavorful, is a very healthy drink which is full of antioxidants. Plus, I really love Starbucks' Green Tea Latte, I have ever since I got a taste of it.

I guess it would really depend on a person's taste buds and being mindful of their health. Health conscious individuals would most likely choose tea over coffee, but I think majority of the people, would prefer coffee over tea.

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I'm a coffee drinker for the reason that I appreciate the flavor of the coffee rather than tea. Coffee's flavor can be adjusted in numerous ways, while whenever I drink tea, all I taste is slightly flavored water.

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Hahaha, we have the same opinion about drinking tea, even if it has different flavors, for me it all taste the same. Unlike coffee, when they add flavor you can really taste it better.

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I am not good with coffee at all. The taste bugs me. I prefer tea, especially green tea. Also the caffeine contained in coffee is another thing that deters me from taking it. There are some substances that I don't fancy having in my body system and caffeine is among them.

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I choose both. Coffee is good when you wanted not to fall asleep. Tea is great every morning serves as my every morning habit to take tea.

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Like the others here, I also used to drink tea before but that has changed when we moved and weren't able to get tea for some reason lol. But I was already a heavy coffee drinker too. Now, I seldom drink tea and always drink coffee sometimes with milk on it. It's really delicious and keeps me energized throughout the day. What do you like, COFFEE OR TEA?

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Coffee for me. Every morning, I always drink Coffee to start my day. It is my routine, the warmness of the coffee is very comforting for me. For me it's my energy booster. I tried also tea before, I know tea is very healthy and majority of people drink tea ,but I really don't like that leafy taste. Maybe, because it is not our usual everyday drink here, and our country also is not abundant of tea plants. You can rarely see tea plants here, it's because of our hot season.

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I used to consume coffee three times a day. And that is what made me invite blood pressure and other things. I can tell you that it was not a good experience in many counts. So on that point you can see that tea is lot better. Though in terms of health issues both of them are likely to have their share of the issues. And I personally think that it'd be reasonable to consume coffee and tea as much as possible. I try to avoid both of them these days.

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I like tea more. But i enjoy coffee aswell. I just dislike the part that i feel anxious after drinking coffee. So i stick with tea more. Its so calming and relaxing. And i love the fragrance of it. My favorite tea would be jasmine green tea.

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I did't really get used to drinking tea regularly, so I obviously I will prefer drinking coffee. I really enjoy drinking coffee every morning on breakfast and every afternoon on snacks to keep me awake in the afternoon in the office. I especially like coffee when it is freshly ground and brewed, it smells and tastes different compared to instant coffee or readily ground coffee.

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Coffee for me is a must, I have an old espresso machine which can press and brew at the same time, every time I'm about to make coffee is a ritual, a special moment in the day.

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Both and, the seasons and, weather dictate whether I have my coffee and tea hot or iced. I have a cup of coffee first thing in the morning and, after dinner in the evening for sure, sometimes a cup with lunch as well. I have tea after breakfast, mid afternoon and, any other time I want a cup or glass of tea.

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Coffee is my go-to thing every single morning throughout the week. I wouldn't say that I'm addicted, but I really can't feel like waking up and getting my day started without couple cups of strong, black coffee. Before I used to drink during the day as well, but nowadays I just drink in the mornings. Must be becoming old, lol.

I've tasted tea before, but I don't find it giving me the same benefits as coffee does, so that's why I prefer coffee over tea every time.

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I also find that weird. That would be too much, I think. You may search on it on the net, though. Anyways, for me I am more a coffee girl. When ordering in Starbucks I love the espresso flavor, something strong for my taste. However, there are times that I like tea. That depends on my mood, especially when I am constipated and on diet.

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I am a connoisseur of both beverages. I have been drinking coffee usually when I work or study. There is this feeling (I don't know if it has scientific basis or placebo effect) that when I drink coffee I feel alert and energize to do some tasks. When I drink coffee, It's when I need relaxation or before going to sleep. I love both but if I were to choose just one, I'll choose coffee but... It has to go with health guilt.

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I always drink coffee so I will choose coffee. Well, both drinks is nutritious and healthy but I prefer more the coffee because it makes me energetic during morning and it helps me to stay awake at night if I have something important to do (school works, etc.) but sometimes I drink tea especially if I have bowel problem (excuse me to those who are eating What do you like, COFFEE OR TEA?) because tea cleanse your intestine so it can help you with bowel problems.

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I prefer coffee than tea, for me. Coffee is more relaxing and enjoyable when I drink it, usually it is my morning drink and some biscuits or bread, I really love the taste and aroma of the coffee, it relax my mind and clear my thoughts for a moment.

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Same here bro. I'm not a tea person but I am not also a coffee person but I prefer to drink coffee. Yes it's kinda more relaxing and enjoyable if partnered with some bread.

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I've never ever drank coffee in my life and honestly I don't understand how people can be so addicted to it, it's not that necessary for a person to start his day with a coffee, it's just a bad habit they've put for themselves. Well, on another note I am a tea lover so there's that, however it's not like I can't live without it, I just appreciate a nice cup of tea when the weather is cold.

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I know. People say stuff like... 'I can't function without coffee' or ... 'I can't start my day without my coffee.' It's a form or programming yourself to think you need something when you really don't. If anything, what one really needs in the morning is a hot shower to get them up and perky. Coffee is just a luxury for people who like the way it tastes but honestly, after a hot shower I could function all morning long on a single can of Mountain Dew.

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I prefer to drink coffee rather than that bitter tasting tea. Never became fond of drinking that although the benefits are quite good for the body. I can't really take its taste so I rather stick with my favorite brand of 3 in 1 coffee mix in the morning after having my breakfast. I've tasted some brands though from my workmate and my father use to buy Lipton tea from abroad whenever he's on vacation. Drank at least one bag but since then never tried it again because of the taste.

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I prefer coffee than tea because coffee helps me energize my body and mind when I drink it in the morning. It also helps me to be awake when I am working at night doing my business with my clients.

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Same here buddy! I do like a good tea to relax late at night but when I need to wake up and do my work no better thing than a warm cup of coffee. I do have a problem with drinking too much however and then I get an upset stomach afterward. Moderation always!

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I admit I am a certified coffeeholic. Before I drink two to three cups a day. I'ts not only my energy booster but my desert as well. Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes so my doctor prohibited me to drink coffee. After hearing her words I feel like my world has ended. Sometimes if I smell the aroma of coffee, I can't control my self but to get one. I know it was cheating but I can't help my self it is my guilty pleasure.

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Yup same here. It seems to me that my life simply doesn't start without coffee. Whenever I need to wake up (Everyday) I take a warm cup of joe

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I used to be a coffee addict but I had to stop. Currently I neither like coffee nor tea. I used to have headaches at the withdrawal stage but now I am okay. I also learned that coffee shrinks breasts.

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I do like both and the many kinds of it. It just depends on my mood if I want to have coffee or tea for that time. Although, I drink coffee more especially in the morning to keep me up! I'm a breastfeeding mom so I can't drink as much as I want though they say it wouldn't affect my milk production I think it's better to be safe than sorry. Just earlier I drank milk tea because I was in the mood for it. Tomorrow morning I will be having my favorite brand of coffee again. Do you think both are safe to drink? Which one is better? I think that should be the next or follow-up question.

Meanwhile, for my students in China, they really prefer tea over coffee because they say it's so much healthier. There are lots of kinds of tea. Eg. Black, white, flower, milk, Oolong, yellow, green, English, fermented, I want to try them all if I could! I already have tried many kinds of coffee though so it's more exciting for me to try out the various kinds of tea now!

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If you're a big coffee lover, everyday is national coffee day indeed, at least you're the one who celebrates it every day. Btw, guys, speaking of coffee, do you have coffee machines in your apartment? I'd been thinking that this purchase was the most useless one, however not long ago I have really become a coffee nerd, I can't live with coffee now, especially in the morning when this cup of coffee is pure salvation. Thanks to I even bought myself new coffee machine, the review explains everything you need to know while choosing best suitable coffee machine.

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poishishikochi, it's really useful, thank you for offering this source, my friend has been looking for sth similar for so long...

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