
My most horrifying experience

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My most horrifying experience

It was just another weekend in the hills and during those days weekends for us was not less than Christmas because we were in a boarding school, we're not allowed to leave the compound unless we sneak out and head towards the town.

Saturday night after dinner, we were having fun, boys were listening to music, some of them were also watching movies and rest of them were discussing the football match that’s going to take place the following day. It was very noisy but our noise was not being heard by the in charge downstairs because it was raining heavily outside, and in the hills, it rains for days.

If I can recall correctly it was around 1 am, I went to the washroom to brush my teeth and face my wash before I can sleep. A Little description of the washroom. It was huge and had the capacity to hold up to 25 students at once

I still remember, when I entered the washroom I checked the whole place inside, and there was no one in there, I don't know why I checked maybe because I was alone. So, after I brush my teeth, I needed to take a loo.

And while I was busy discharging all the unwanted materials inside me, there was someone or something knocked on the door, instantly I was scared because I didn't hear any footsteps. I asked, who is it? but no answer. For a moment it was quiet and I thought that something or someone had gone then again it knocked for the second time, and again I kept asking who is it? I was calling out the name of my friends but no answer again, by this time I was scared but I was more of angry, I started to use foul language because I was so irritated, I threaten also that if I come out, I will bash you up, stuff like that.

And then it knocked for the third time, coincidentally all the knocking was one or two knocks all the three times.

So, with a lot of guts I came out excretory area, checked again, there was no one, and I didn’t hear any footsteps of someone coming inside or leaving. And I asked the boys and the in charge of the dorm the following day, no I was awake and came to the washroom after 1 am.

    • This incident took place when I was in a boarding school.
    • We have heard rumors that the boarding school was built on graveyard because it was situated on top of the hills.
    • In the school, we had dormitories and in my time we had around 25 to 30 students living together under one roof and the dorm was huge, I can’t explain in words.
Have you guys experienced any paranormal activities?


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After primary school in my country, it is almost compulsory for kids attend boarding secondary schools. Our hostel design was in such a way that the dormitories were just giant hall housing 50-70 bunk beds. As you can imagine not the most pleasant of living arrangements but one has to learn to survive.
I can't recall the date or day of the week very well but I was in my third year in high school or eleventh year in school. Because I was a senior in the school I had lower bunk rights, and my bunk was the one at the extreme end of the dormitory hall. I used to wrap a sheet around my bunk so as to protect myself from the glaring light of the giant torch our boarding master used to carry and wave around in the middle of the night.
So this was just another normal night at least to me, After the evening prep, I showered and got myself ready for bed. In the middle of the night I had this very vivid dream; I woke up the next day at 4 am so as to go to class and do some early morning studying. The morning was still very dark and cold. The morning dew-splashed on my shins as my feet rustled through the grass while making my way to the tuition block.
As I was making my way up the dark stairwell to my classroom I heard the voice of our boarding master calling from behind me. As I turned back he flashed his torch toward my direction and in an instant, his eyes turned bloodshot red like those of lucifer in the lucifer TV series. I immediately woke up but I could not move a muscle, I tried to scream, to sit up but nothing. Weirdly, the dream still continued even as I was awake which made me believe that this was really a paranormal incidence. The demon kept moving toward me now with a smile on his face, eyes still red. Then with a shadow of luck, the school bell was rung and the episode ended just like that due to the commotion

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I have never experienced any kind of paranormal experience. However, I like to create stories of paranormal activities and share with my friends and family as an event that actually happened to me. I once told a story of ghostly sightings in the front yard of my farm house. Because of my story, members of my household were afraid to go to the front yard during the night. Years later I told them the truth. When the truth was revealed, we all laughed.
My sister tells a story of a ghostly sighting. However, I believe that she is telling truth. It was the day when our grand mother died. When the elders took her to a crematorium, my sister heard coughing sound coming from grandma's room. She did not know grandma was already dead, therefore, she went to the room. Nothing was visible, however, she could hear coughing and sighing.

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Your such a strong person I guess because as for me, I will never try any kind of paranormal activities. I dont like it because Im scared of my own

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The boarding house is really a place for weird happenings and stories.I was also a boarder but before I got to the boarding house had heard so much horrifying stories about the boarding house.

Armed with this scary stories,I made sure I didn't go out alone at night,never walked on a lonely path alone.In fact never did most of my school runs alone.

So the bottom line is that I was in the boarding house for six years but never allow my self to experience such.

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If I will be in your position,knowing that a boarding house like that has an horrifying stories, I will not going to live there I promise.

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One of my horrifying experience happened over the phone. I am
talking to my friend, we were discussing about how we are going to spend vacation for upcoming holidays. It was late at night and we were listing the possible activities we can do on our vacation when suddenly, I heard something. It sounded like a child's voice. I asked her if her son is beside her, she replied no with a shaky voice. I told her that I heard a voice of a kid and to my surprise she said that she saw a shadow of a kid going upstairs. That really gave me a goosebumps!

My friend has a third eye, she told me a lot of ghosts stories before but this one that we experienced was quite different than the usual. That night was one of the most horrifying experience that I have.

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In my case I don't have any related experience when it comes to ghost or paranormal activities. But I was afraid to experience this kind of situations.

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My most horrifying experience happened in phone conversation. Me and my girlfriend was having a late night conversation, its was 2 am when suddenly I quite heard a little weird voice. I just thought it's because of noise in the outside but seriously man it goes over and over again. It is like a girl and she is like saying something. It is very horrific and I feel scared already. I just let him to finish what she's sharing with me and I told her that I am already sleepy. I didn't tell her that experience because I know she will be scared and until now, I still not sharing it with her.

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I used to come home late from work about two years ago. More often than not I saw a hooded figure in the corner of my street. I must have seen it about 20 times and I never questioned it's purpose nor tried to understand it. As I studied more about spirituality I found out that it was one of my spiritual guides protecting me from harm and granting me a safe homecoming.

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My worst and horrifying experience would be the time my friend almost got killed by a gangster because of a fight. The story is when me and my friends went to out to eat food and then some gangster looking guys just suddenly showed up saying that my friend is staring at him in a bad way, and by that time we know we're gonna get into fight but we don't actually know is they have a gun, the next thing that happened was suddenly a guy shouted that someone has a gun and because of that the gangsters just ran away.

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My worst horrifying experience is not about ghost, monsters or any scary characters or human my horrifying experience is when II see my grade in a certain subject (private matters) and I failed it. It was the most horrifying and sad experience I have ever experience since my parents said that if I failed a subject they won't let me continue in my study which I was scared that it might really happen since I have dreams. I was really sad, frustrated and at the same time scared of what my parents would say and do. But my parents were kind enough to let me continue reach my goals or dreams so in the end I was able to repeat the subject and did my best to never fail again. Well this is the most horrifying because it may affect my future and that's what I am most scared of.

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I was scuba diving for the first time, and I made the mistake to dive near the rocks, suddenly a wave hit me and dragged me along a hundred meters of ocean rocks, I have come near death several times in my life, but this one could've been the end of me.

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Creepy story. Could've been a spirit, or could've been knocking coming from somewhere else and maybe it was loud or carried enough of an echo to make you believe it was knocking at the stall door. Either way, if the school was built atop a graveyard then you're probably not the only one whose experienced some weird occurrences.

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Scary stuff! You may actually be right it may be some spirit. I, however, don't think it was because you were scared. I don't think a spirit would scare you. I tend to think that spirits approach people who are not scared of them and who are receptive.What if you would have opened the door? Do you think a spirit would be kept out by a door?

My theory is that it was the wind. Especially if the building is old and huge. Also because you heard the stories of the building being built in a graveyard, you must have been super paranoid. The mind is an interesting thing. Ever heard of the secret? You attract what you think about?

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I was getting ready to hear something horrifying but you stopped halfway. Forgive me for hoping, but I was expecting it to go further than

I've had many weird and strange experiences like that of yours. I don't think I can make the choice of which one to pick and put down here. Let's just say somethings can never be explained after they happen.

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It's really a scary school and one I wouldn't want to experience in a long time no matter how old I'm going to live on earth. For goodness sake, these are the type of stories that strengthen the fact that there are existence of ghosts in our world and that calls for us to be careful of where we are at a certain point in time.

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I am chicken-hearted and I am feeling scared after reading this post. Fortunately, I have never witnessed any paranormal activities. However, my cousin used to stay in a haunted house. She could hear footsteps at night and the dripping sounds of water. She stayed in that house only for three days. She couldn't sleep at night and she was obviously scared. Had I been in her place I would have left this house the first day itself.

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