
50 Words of Wisdom 2: Dating Tip for First Date

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50 Words of Wisdom 2: Dating Tip for First Date

Hello and welcome to number 2 of the 50 words of wisdom my old man taught to me when growing up from time to time that I've remembered that I'm now going to be sharing with you and the rest of the whole wide world! And who knows, maybe at the end of it, for all those that read them and share them on, the world will be a better, smarter, wiser place for it!

50 Words of Wisdom 2: Dating Tip for First Date

2. Looking for a place to take your date to son? Make sure it's not at the movies! Never take a woman to the movies on a first date because if the film is boring, that's the thing they'll remember. Ask your mother!
50 Words of Wisdom 2: Dating Tip for First Date
Now I think I was about 15 when my old man said this to me once. He knew I was dating and had a date for the weekend and was thinking about where to go together for it. I think I was on the phone in the front room as we never had mobile phones back then! So our parents could always usually overhear what we was talking about unless we were in our room or something but what 15 year old in England in the early 90's had a phone in their room? I wasn't a Prince!! Anyway, I think that's what he said to me somewhere around the lines of. That was typical of my dad though, I don't know how serious he is one minute or whether he's joking. He's like the most shrewd and subtle person I've ever met and always had a way of mixing satire in with the truth in such a way that is logical but slightly funny at the same time as way to try and put this kind of awry, bemused, unsure smile on my face! 50 Words of Wisdom 2: Dating Tip for First Date

Anyway yeah, as it turns out, it's pretty true! Taking your first date, or the first date you're having with someone else, to the cinema to watch a movie can be a bad idea if it turns out that movie is long and boring lol. It's a bit of a risk, unless you know the movie is going to be funny and good all throughout then you'll probably be okay.

Personally, I don't think my old man knew me that well or something. If he thought I would let a movie dictate the outcome of a date for someone that I liked then he either didn't think enough of me or perhaps was so old fashioned he didn't have as many choices for doing other stuff today like I did in my era or generation. There was more than movies to watch and stuff to do together on a first date and one of the things I'd usually do was just go into town with them and visit all the cool shops like the music and arts stores and interesting places and then take them for something to eat. Then home before tea time lol job done lol 50 Words of Wisdom 2: Dating Tip for First Date

What about you? Have you ever taken a first date to a movie and it turned out to be a boring movie which marred the relationship? lol

Or did you counter it by doing something else to make up for it?


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I have a different reason for not making first dates happen at the movies. I'm not worried that the film will be boring, but if it's a first date, I feel like the purpose should be to converse and get to know the person you're going out on a date with. It's very difficult to do this in a dark theater with a loud movie playing. Not very conductive to a good conversation necessarily, unless you get dinner before or afterwards.

I prefer to play it safe and plan a date where we can interact more and really get a feel for each others personalities and qualities. Coffee dates are nice, in my opinion.

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Lol, legends said and i quote “There is nothing like a perfect first date”, first dates are not always perfect, or turn out the way you want, but it depends on how you play your game and how you are on top of it, nice tips though.
But when your first date is on the cinema and the movie is boring, they are things you will do to lighten up the moments, that's when you pull up mystery method on her, get her mind off the movie and focus it on the moment, and that's when your sense of humour is expected, you make her laugh and laugh well, trust me attraction is based on emotion, girls don't chose who they like.

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Haha, your old man is smart. I haven't personally taken anybody to the cinema for the first date since I'm a girl and the boys always invited me, not vice versa. But I have been to the movies for the first date many times. What's my conclusion? It didn't go well at all but not because of the movie itself but because the 1-2 hours that the movie lasted we didn't converse at all. We just sat there and watched it. There was no interaction and lack of interaction can lead to no sparks. I think that first dates should be more based around getting a drink or something similar where you can actually talk.

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I agree that a movie might not be the best choice for a first date. I think first dates should be more about getting to know each other, so if both people are interested in movies, then at least just use the first meeting to talk about movies first instead. I guess a good compromise would be to just talk about old movies you like and compare your taste with each other first, then find a common old movie that you can both re-watch, so this way you at least eliminate the risk of watching a potentially bad movie on the first date.

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Take the girl to the cinema and watch a horror movie. That's the old technique. If the girl gets scared, she will jump on you and hug you. Nice plan, isn't it? It's worth a try. But to be serious, you still got to keep your connection with your date even while watching a movie, regardless if it is boring or not. What matters is how you connect with her. You have to slowly make your move and try make physical connection, if you know what I mean. If she doesn't budge, then you can go farther and maybe get to kiss her. It all depends on how comfortable you make her feel and how you connect with her.

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Most of my first date were mostly getting to see a movie.I really was always attention to our discussion than the movies,so I might not really noticed if the movie is boring or not.I think on first date the focus shouldn't be on a movie but on knowing more about yourselves to know if a revisit would occur or not.

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Never take a girl to a cool movie, it has to be lame, it'll give a chance to laugh at the actors, and if it would perfect if it's a foreign movie, if you took her to good movie, she might start fancying the actor, or a comedy star whose jokes beats yours, you see, cinema is a dangerous place for dates.

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I'm not really an expert when it comes to dating but I have been in some so here are some tips that I can give for first timer. I don't know if this is applicable to you because this are all based on my experience but it worth a shot.

1.) If you have an scheduled date, and you are a busy one, MARK SOMETHING THAT YOU SEE EVERYTIME TO NEVER FORGET THAT YOU HAVE A DATE. Maybe it sounds like BS, but really, there are cases where dates are being forgotten mainly by busy people.
2.) In a first date, try to go to different places and don't stay in just 1. This will help you to have a lot of fun and a more lively conversation since your body is active too.
3.) Prepare a budgetary plan for your date. For rich people it's not a problem but for those who are not, it's important. Always try to pick the cheaper choices at first. In a date, love is what's important not the expense, so you you don't have to spend a lot. It will also helps you to discover if your partner is only with you for money. Don't worry, if your date really loves you, there will be more dates to come and every time you have a date, you can increase your budget limit. It's better that it's rising than falling.
4.) Before the date ends, ask your partner if he/she is satisfied. Also ask for your status while it's early.

I hope that some tips can help you first timers in having your first dates. Goodluck

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First date tips.:
1. Bring flowers or token.
2. Take your date to a romantic place.
3. Treat her with respect.
4. Make your moments happy and unforgettable.
5.Make her feel comfortable.
6.Ask her how she felt after the date.

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As much as I would agree that these tips are quite interesting and mind blowing but I must still chip in that it's not applicable and effective in all locality. I am of this view with respect to how to go on first in my country Nigeria. Mostly our girls are after money and material things, though it's not all the girls but a great number of them.

Going for a date with girls in my state, one should prepare to radically impress the girl with money and material things as these would automatically win over her heart for you.

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Being a woman, it;s okay for me to go to a movie on the first date as long as we will be having a real date afterwards. When a movie we watched happens to be the most boring one in history, I wouldn't blame the guy for it because in the first place I agreed to see it too. I hope that it is not an issue for the guy if I offered to chip in and put my share in our date. But if he insists on paying all of it then it's fine with me. I respect that. But at the same time it is also a disappointment when the guy will not pay entirely. I know this may sound cruel but there really are men out there who are like this.

Always be a gentleman no matter the circumstances. Nobody gets in trouble for being nice and it's a free thing to do. So even though your date may lack manners or isn't really for you, then end the date, still, with kindness. the rest of the day reay depends on how the date went, so be sensitive and nice.

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in my case i already have a communication with the girl for couple of months and then we decided to go on a date of course she already have feelings for me and then we watch movie together we enjoyed it because i let her choose what movie she likes to watch so after that i take her to a dinner restaurant and have some talks it was a great experience for me and now we are 2 years in a relationship and i am happy about it. 50 Words of Wisdom 2: Dating Tip for First Date

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Well where we mostly went was on a public market and I'll tell you why. Before we became lovers, she was the only who always went with me on the market to buy food ingredients for the whole week cause me and my co-workers including her contributes with each other to lessen our expenses on our food. I guess that turns out to be our very first date and for almost a half a year we had always have been dating on that market and eat foods that we love there. Although we also went to watch movies at the mall and go with her sister home to sleep with them there.

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I disagree with this advise. I think you can tell if a movie is going to be boring or not by the trailer. For a first date, I think movies are best. My advice would be to go for a romantic comedy or a chick flick. Most women like those. If the movie is really funny, you will both relax. I think this will be a good start to your relationship. Dinner on a date, for people who don't know each other, is too much pressure.

For the record, I don't think a genuine person would judge you for a boring movie. After all, you're not the producer. If they do, then they are shallow and not worth dating.

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Seems like reasonable advice! More importantly, the point of a first date is to get to know the person you're with and you can only do that by talking. And you can't talk during the movies! A bar or other cool place would be better

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I've never experience going out with my date to watch a movie because for me that's what couples do. Whether the movie is boring or not still nothing will change because you're in a relationship but if, you're still dating, you must date her on a decent place like a restaurant or more something fun which you can definitely bond and be closed to each other.

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First date is the most important dates of all. It is the first thing that a woman or a man will remember. So you must think hard to make your first date the best memories of all. Do some research about the person who you dating with. Know his/her likes, what he/she wants or anythings that makes him/her happy. Goodluck on your first date!

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These are indeed some good tips. But a lot of these tips sound localized. And it seems like may differ from one person to another. So it can be harder to say that it may work for all. Some of the time such tips work for different people. So it seems like it's very context specific advice.

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You can always check if a movie is a good one by watching the trailer. You can also ask the opinion of others. That's what my boyfriend and I do most of the times. Nowadays things are much easier. For the first date I don't think that the cinema is the right place. There are many more interesting places where one can go. For my first date I went to the beach and I watched the sunset with my significant other and that was memorable.

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Thanks for the tip! On the first date, you should go to a quiet place, where you can talk, and talk, and talk, to discover each other, to gain interest. She needs to know you also before deciding if you deserve a second date or even more. The first date is the best chance to create a good impression that will last a long time. You should also not be uninformed on the first date. You should find some information about what she likes or not and use that to your advantage. Find articles like the one I'll leave below if she's different than the rest of the girls that you meet on the streets.

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Thanks for your tips! I am just coming in Europe on the first date with my mail order bride I met at where girls are looking for love with foreigners.

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great info dude. i might use these tips

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I liked your tips. I even used some of them when I signed up to a dating app. I’m not an ugly guy so the attention of the girls was all over me. I had such problems that the conversations got bored so I had to find some icebreak questions that would have helped me solving this problem. I’m happy that this website allows me to find more interesting things. I also managed to find a beautiful girl that wanted to hang out with me.

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Thank you for sharing this

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It's interesting to know about dating stories like this. In general, I have had luck with this. Therefore, I no longer hope to meet someone for a serious relationship. Now I use sex chat to have a good time and have fun. Thanks to this, I can chat with hot and horny strangers anywhere.

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