
A Sudden Friend Request

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A Sudden Friend Request

A Sudden Friend Request

You wake up in the morning, take a shower, have your breakfast then go to work. You login and check your Facebook account and saw a notification for a friend request. To your surprise, your employer, boss, head of the company sends you a sudden friend request.

What will you do in these kind of situation? Will you accept his/her friend request? If so, how would you feel if you sudden meet him/her at the office? Will you feel awkward facing him/her?


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hahaha! actually i'd been experienced that 3 years ago...I am a night shift so One day after work I got home, eat my breakfast, change my clothes, do all the necessary things and rest for a while. After that i went to my bed checked my cellphone if i have text or calls and then i open my facebook and saw that my chinese leader in production have friend request. Of course I'm little bit shocked, I'd checked the profile picture and that was him, but I ignored the friend request hahaha lol, after that i went to sleep. At 8 pm I went to my work, inside the production while i am working i didn't noticed my chinese leader went beside me and he asked me why i didn't accept his friend request in facebook. I've been shock for a while but I said to him "oh is that you leader I thought Its not you thats why i didn't accept the friend request your profile picture is too young i didn't noticed that is you...." ( What a lame excused). So the next morning I accepted his friend request.

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I would decline, because I keep my work life and private life very separate. I have had this exact scenario happen in the past, and there has never been any real issues with it, because in general people do this same themselves as well so there are no issues with it.

Should someone start whining about it and not respect my choice, I would just ignore them because they are the smaller person in this scenario. I wouldn't have any hard feelings though.

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I am totally with you on this. I actually think it is kind of intimidating, and maybe even sinister, for one's boss to send you a friend request. I would have to question the motivation behind such a request on a variety of levels. I would most likely ignore it and just wait and see if he or she brings it up. It might be completely innocent, but still, it is very important, I think, to keep one's personal and professional lives separate in order to have healthy relationships on either end.

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I would gladly accept it. I think there's nothing wrong on being friends with them. You may have this employer-employee relationship inside the office but you can also be friends outside the office, right? They added you because maybe they want to know you more, know what you can do and what you can bring to the company. They may get a chance to know how to get along with you and what are your hobbies. It's good to have friends inside the company, it'll be more fun working with them.

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It also happen to me a year ago and yes I feel awkward but I realized there is nothing wrong with it. Fortunately the said "employer-employee" relationship does not affects us even were friends outside of work as long as I follow his rules and still look at him as a boss in the office. I think the advantage of being friend with your boss in the social media is that you can figure out his personality so sometimes I know how to deal with him in case I am bringing up some concerns. Anyway, if it turns out that its not a good idea to continue befriends with him, well its so easy to blocked. I don't think so he will asked why hahahahahaha!

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Personally, I don't see a problem with that. I have never been a fan of social medias and FB is no exception. I find that people add other people all the time and it doesn't necessarily mean much. Some people out there have this "I don't add who I don't know" policy and by all means, it's extremely valid. But at the end of the day, I don't see a big problem in adding people I don't know. It's not like I share many details of my life online anyway.

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I get tons of friend requests from all sorts of people, as a result my rule of thumb here is to ignore about 99% of them! Ever since the days of MSN messenger, I decided not to allow my accounts to be flooded with messages and notices. I suppose it has alarmed a few people who I know but I like the quiet and sure set pace of my accounts right now. Those who are accustomed to my Facebook policy are ok with it which also acts as a natural barrier preventing any would be undesirables from even thinking about the slightest intrusions.

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Oh my god I've been in the same situation a year ago, I never confirm his request cause for me, my professional and personal life should be separated not unless if my boss is a kin.

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Capital No for me,this is funny.This is what we call monitoring spirit.What! please a Boss should not try this or only if his or her intentions are sure.If not please request a friend request from your generation.

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I do not think I will be that shocked if I get such request from my boss at work. My real fear always comes when I get friend requests on facebook from my uncles, aunts, and parents because these are people that can really scold the hell out of me if they log onto facebook, and discovers that I made posts that do not concur with what they believe in or like.

In the case my boss at work sends me a request, I will not accept and even if he asks why I did not accept his request, I have got cool excuses to give him. I do not really like when people close to me watch contents I put on my Facebook timeline. I ensure I have the fun I can have online while my physical life stays different.

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I had some of such requests plenty of times. I don't think such friend request coming to your account is anything new. People spend on the creation of the spam account. And it's possible to get friend request this way. You may understand that in such cases friend request definitely helps.

I think you should just ignore when you get such type of the request. The reason being some of the requests of this type can be scam too. You may be tricked into clicking a link. And this could lead into going to through random sites etc. So better to be proactive in that case.

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Well I guess I will accept all their request because I'm not a kind of person that like to reject someone, I appreciate these things and maybe this event can be a stepping stone to have a good relationship with them. I guess even though professional and personal life should be somewhat separated but in some cases they go along well.

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I definitely will accept their friend request. Sometimes, it feels very awkward to face some people, whose friend request had been rejected by us.

Im my case, nobody asked me like, "why you have'nt accepted my friend request?" thank God.

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I would accept it because it's my boss, right?
And i would not feel ashamed or anything like that because it was his ideea to send me a friend request.

Also, it's ok to be friends with your boss on facebook so don't worry.
As for the meeting part, just don't ask about the friend request and there you have it.

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That really depends on how close you are with your boss. I know this employee who is friendly with her boss but there is no some kind of intimate relationship in there. Some people would find it really awkward to be friends on facebook with their boss. It depends on you really.

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I've been in this kind of situation too. And I don't totally give any big deal of having a friend request coming from my bosses, I just immediately accept their friend request. Lucky I am that they added me where in fact there my boss. And the next day usual thing happens, nothing out from the ordinary happens. We just get on the day and end it. That's it.

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A sudden friend request from a boss or higher than you? Immediately accept it! Because you will make an impression that if you dont accept him or her you will gain a negative image towards work. Be happy that you are to be friends with your boss. For me its a privilage.

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I think that is a very a hard thing to decide because if your boss is terror you cannot express any feelings in facebook.You cannot post any bad words or things that related to your work, but if your boss is a good boss then why you don't accept his friend request.There is so many reason that your boss make friend request on their employees, i think they want a good relationship or they want to know if any one there is angry or not satisfied on his job.I think he wants to know how his job and relationship in his employees works.

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It happen to me last year. The vice president of my company send me a Friend Request and I was really shock because we don't talk that much at the office. I have this thoughts that maybe he did it in purpose like he want to monitor me if I'm using social media during office hour or maybe he want to know my where about. But still I accept his friend request even I feel awkward because I don't want him to think that I am hiding something if I will delete his request. The next day when I bump him in the cafeteria, he said "Thanks for the accept!"and I replied, "Nice meeting you on Facebook sir" hahahahahaha! so awkward! but I'm glad knowing that my Boss is trying his best to reach out.

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I accept a friend request only if I've treated that person before, I mean, If I've never talked to that person, had a conversation or, even, we haven't introduced each other, I don't accept his/her friend request. I don't reject it either, I just leave that request waiting until I have the opportunity to know better that person.
But, if it was my boss or some employee, I would accept his/her request. It's just a request, there's no reason to feel awkward at all.

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Accept it. If you had not done anything wrong, why not? My FB, Twitter account do not contain any of my original data or personal details. I doubt your boss would know who you are!

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I would gladly accept any friend request from my boss. For me, there's nothing wrong being friends with your boss socially as long as your not doing anything wrong, maybe that's a way to be more open to your co-league specially your boss. the bright side of it is you can reach your boss easier in ways of communication. lets say you have a suggestion on the way that can make the job easier. you can easily reach your boss on Facebook.

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First of all it depends peoples attitude, sometimes they make it as a big issue even if the boss only want is to become your friend in social media. If you are confident to show who you are and if you love your job then accept the friend request its not a big deal because you are already part of their company and maybe they want to know you much better.

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Well, this is impossible for me since I am a freelancer and I am my own boss but let's pretend that I am working at some big company and that our boss sends me a friend request on Facebook. I think that my initial reaction would be surprise and shock since I wouldn't be expecting it but then I'd ask myself "why does he/she want to add me?" I always try to look at things in a positive way so I'd assume that they like me. Therefore I would gladly accept their friend request but made sure that I never posted anything bad about my job, haha A Sudden Friend Request

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i would greatly appreciate it if that's happen. it means your boss cares for you or want to know more about you and then if i see him in the office i would just wear my smile to show the positiveness of that act they made. it sounds awkward but its a great sign for a stronger relationship you and the boss to succeed in your career.

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I think there's nothing wrong on adding your boss. Specially if they are the one who initiate on adding you in their friends list. I experience it and i did not feel it's a big deal. It's just a friend request. They are also a normal human being. Maybe they are the type of person who does not mixed personal life into work. But if that boss started to have a conversation with you in the sense of courtship or you feel something fishy, well that's the start of the big problem. Hahaha.. it's a different story. Maybe you can ask us again if that happens. A Sudden Friend Request

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I feel the same way as you. In general, I don't think there's anything wrong with adding your boss online, especially if they're professional about everything. When I started my job, one of my responsibilities was to be a manager for the official Facebook page, and in order to give me administrative access, my boss had to friend me on Facebook.

She approached me about this before she did anything and told me that in order to make me an admin for the page, she would have to friend me. She asked if I was comfortable with that which I really appreciated.

Everything has been fine, too. I don't post anything on Facebook that I don't want people to see anyway, so I don't have anything to hide. She doesn't comment, like, or share any of my stuff, but will mention things to me in conversation if she liked them. For instance, I posted a short film online that my friends and I made, and she brought it up at work and said she enjoyed it. But she didn't interact with it at all online, which I think is very professional on her part.

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Social media is a huge part of our lives now. And some social media websites are more personal than others. For example: it’s almost never a good idea to add your boss on Facebook. You’ll suddenly notice that the lines separating different social interactions are blurred. Are they now your friend? Can you really be yourself around them?Or are you going to be judged professionally based on your Facebook profile? Some people are lucky to have bosses that know how to separate between work and play. If you’re sure your boss is of this kind, feel free to add them. If not, then you should never add your boss on Facebook.

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This is a pretty good point. I'm lucky that all of the bosses I've had so far have been good about separating their professional and persona lives, especially if we've all connected via social media. My workplace is very good about making work about work and saving social things for when we go out together.

When I was working as a night manager for a retail store while I was still in college, I was managing a team of people very close to my own age. Naturally we all got along and added each other on social media, which made the workplace seem more like "friend time" than work time, which was detrimental to us getting stuff done. I can definitely see where the lines can be blurred sometimes.

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I don't usually add my employer, when most of them tend to make part of your emotional life. I have experienced it before, when I was tag to a certain personal outing. They refer it as my foul to work, which make me so disappointed to he boss. So, I left the company, and find another job. I always struggle, when it comes of good employer, because most of my skills are demands to a big company.

But, now I am more a job of project base work. I don't prefer to regular work, because I take more sideline work as not a direct income. I have my own business in my house, that's I don't attract into regular work, because i don't want bosses to involve in my life.

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This is something that doesn't bother me at all really. For starters, I don't have anything to hide on my Facebook, and I don't do anything online that I'm particularly ashamed of. I work at a college and was given access to the school's Facebook page almost immediately since dealing with social media was one of my responsibilities. To do this, my boss had to friend me on Facebook anyway to give me administrative access to the college Facebook page.

She was a good sport about it of course, and warned me that she'd have to friend me in order to send me the administrative invitation. She asked if that was okay before she did it, which was professional and respectable.

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It would really depend on the type of relationship we would be having, if it's personal then I wouldn't mind accepting but if its professional that a capital No. Facebook is my personal life away from work, which would really not be appropriate to have my boss as a Facebook friend.

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If I'm not familiar with you, it's going to be hard to accept a sudden and unknown friend request on any of my social media accounts especially on Facebook where a lot of people are using the social media network for one form of scam or another.

I have friends abroad who are victim of online fraud and it all started with an innocent friend's request and before you realize, they have gotten so deep and made away with your money by having you fooled.

But accepting a friend request from my boss is a complicated question because I wouldn't want him to monitor my online activities and I wouldn't want him to feel like I ignored his friend's request.

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Like someone that said in one of the replies above, it depends on what kind of relationship I have with my boss or owner of the company. If I'm extremely close to them and I know that they enjoy the occasional joke here and there then I wouldn't mind accepting the friend request because you don't really have to worry about what you like or post on the social network then. If however, they are pretty serious or if you're not too close to them, I would probably just make up an excuse like "I don't really use Facebook much" or "I'll accept it when I go on later".

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For me I accepted my boss friend request in facebook because I asked some of my workmates if they also received a friend request from our boss and they said yes.. And my boss explained to us why he needed to add us in facebook, its one way for him to know if we have problems, comments or suggestions in our work place so we can easily tell him confidentially. So it depends what is the reason or purpose of your boss why you need to accept his/her friend request.

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Nowadays I work as a freelancer and I have no boss. So, I will never be in that situation. What really keeps me thinking is when I receive friend requests from people who are unknown to me and with whom I have no mutual friends. Usually when I receive such requests I immediately delete them. When I was still working in a company even the HR Manager sent me a friend request which I accepted. In fact I didn't really had anything to worry about as I hadn't shared much about myself on Facebook. I still keep my account this way.

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Oh the be my friend request, a never ending issue. It really annoys me that people is basically forcing you to accept their request, like, they don't know if I'm too busy, or if I ever use my account anymore. So yes, people have come to me asking me why didn't I accept their request, and the answer is the same, if I don't do it is because I'm very busy and I didn't have time to, and you should know I don't use my FB or IG or whatever anymore. I'm sorry for them if they don't like it, but I don't like to be pushed into doing something either.

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I really can't believe I got lots of responses about this topic for a short amount of time I posted this discussion. Well most of people are in facebook nowadays so maybe lots of us can relate in this kind of situation. In my case though, I can't remember since when I became friends on facebook with my employer who is a not so close relative of mine, a second cousin on the side of my mother and we use this as form of communication between his business clients which are mostly his friends and me via messenger. We're in a not so small printing and advertising and business with less 10 workers on our shop and office so its not kinda awkward as we see each other everyday.

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I will accept his friend request. Since I don't have anything to hide to my boss on my online accounts why shouldn't I accept it? It may be my boss' way of trying to personally be closer to me and my co-workers. You may even use this opportunity to your advantage by trying to stalk your boss see the things he likes or his interests, then use these to start a friendly conversation with him at the office to be closer to you boss and make him see you at a higher level in the office than your other workmates haha!

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In my case, I would gladly accept my boss request. Like us, they too want to get appreciated and the social media is one medium that will bridge the gap. The workplace is our second home and it would be easier and fun if both sides have a healthy working relationship, though there are some cases that we need to realize that a boss will always be a boss, we can talk to them but the respect should always be there. I remember years ago that I have a boss who is much younger than us and he wanted to reach each of his employees but he feel awkward to make the first move, so we feel uneasy too, how I wish there is Facebook during those times for a start. A Sudden Friend Request

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Like , Oh MY Gosh! That would basically be my first impression. Then I'll just click accept afterwards. For me, It is a good sign that I have been doing well in the office that my Boss finally notices me. This might signify healthy working relationship with your boss. It will also be a reminder to cut harsh posts because my Boss will definitely see these. But, nevertheless, its just a friendly gesture. I would still look at my Boss and greet him/her just like before and thank him for the add.

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I would not accept their friend request right away. Maybe they don't want to stalk you somehow and know more about your personal life, maybe they do. If they ask you why you haven't accept their request you could say as an excuse that you don't use your Facebook account often (that's what I'd say). I find it a bit awkward to have your boss as a friend on Facebook.

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If you can confirm that the accounts actually belong to the people whose name they bear, then just go ahead and accept it. You can always put them under security filter afterwards so you can still keep your privacy. If you just downright ignore them, they might feel offended and that would be much worse. They are still your superiors and you would all be happier if you remain on their good side.

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It actually depends on your boss' character. I had this kind of situation before. My previous boss was a cool guy and when he sent me a friend request, I didn't hesitate to accept it.

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I would also decline because I don't want my boss nosing around my business. Whatever I post or whatever activity I do in that social media, he's gonna know. And that may affect my performance rating in the office. Unless we are really really good friends, I wouldn't accept him as a friend because there is no way to unfriend him without offending him.

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Yeah, that is probably the best thing to do. You really don't want your boss to see the things that you are posting and liking on social media because you may want to have a bit of fun but if you have a boss as your friend then it may affect what you start posting. I think the best thing to do is to just ignore the friend request and if they do ask you about it, just tell them about the situation.

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Don't put too much thought in it, maybe he/she just want to be your facebook friend, just accept the request, you can't make an assumption to what his or her, motives in adding you to social media.

Then maybe if you feel. Awkward about it, just let it be don't accept the request, just let it be.

When she/he ask why are not accepting him/her on facebook just tell, i didn't see any friend notification, LOL,

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The ball is in your court if you want to accept this friend request or not. After all, that is your account and he/she knows that that should always be subject to approval. Perhaps normally, your big question would be, "WHY?". I would be puzzled if this would be a situation for me but it would not be so much of a big deal. Not sure if I'm gonna accept it though. I would not want him/her to stalk me when I'm on sick leave! LOL

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I would ignore their request, having my boss on my facebook is 'taking work home' too far. I prefer to keep my work and home life separate. Co workers and bosses are not our friends, I see no reason for us to be that close.

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I don't really accept friend request from superiors. I am always careful on what I post. They usually check their employees that's why they are adding it

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It's not uncommon for bosses, superiors or employers to add their employees and workers on Facebook, or Linked In. Two more business friendly social medias. They just want to keep an eye on your probably. To make sure you aren't goofing off at work.

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Ohhh same situation and plus massage " jen pls accept and dowload Hay Day" hahaha i thought there is something. He just want me to be friends so that i can help him on passing some level in Hay day. Childish thing.

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I would accept the request. Though I would be a little skeptical but there is really nothing to it after all social media is an extension of our lives.
so if I can say the traditional hello- hi and casually talk with my boss then we can be friends on social media

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Make sure to check it as well carefully. Remember guys not all of our FB friends are really our personal friends. Please be aware of it, but if it's our boss. It depends. They usually add us to check our activities, and make sure that we are telling the truth if we are absent at work.

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If I don't really know the person , I even block it. That's not good. They need to send message first before sending a request. Because that is really creepy.

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I would be honored if it was me. Of course, you will know of your limitations as an employer once inside the office or as a friend outside. There are a lot of instances already that an employer is just friendly and it is a way to keep his or her employees motivated and comfortable. Also, you need to verify first if it was the real thing or not before accepting it. It wouldn't hurt to ask.

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In my case if I was that person, I will gladly accept it 'cause he/she is my boss. It is pleasure to me to know him more. Well at first it will be awkward but by days will pass by you will be familiar to it.

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I'll accept the friend request if the person is familiar to me. meaning i've seen him/her around before or if we have mutual friends.
if none of those conditions apply then i'll just ignore the request.

If I meet the person after accepting then i'll give a simple "hi" , if I didn't accept the friend request then I probably won't talk to the person in the office lol

btw sounds to me you're a bit skeptic in accepting friend requests from work. office politics problems maybe?

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Sudden friend request is very rampant in facebook. Before accepting it kindly back ground check. Identify if you have mutual friend. Identify if you have in common such as the place you live, habit, your school etc. Check his profile how long he has been using the facebook and how often he changes his profile picture. If you didn't have mutual friend and in common don't better not to accept it just for your safety.

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I get friend requests all of a sudden sometimes (Facebook). There's nothing wrong with it however what i hate is that I don't know them. I could feel they are in need of something from me, maybe they want me to be part of what they so call "networking" wherein they are already members. I hate getting involved into such a thing so I don't accept their requests. They just keep coming back and It makes me sick. What I do is I adjust my friend request setting to "friends of friends" so that only Facebook users who have mutual friends with me would be able to send me requests.

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Well, it did happen to me as well. When I worked in Iraq with my previous employer asking for friends request on FB. I was not surprised because my co workers got the same request as well. I thought it's weird and we were wondering why? When we had a meeting that day he mentioned that he wanted that to have a close contact with his employees because of the nature of the job we have in that region. He's just concerned you know and so warm. I don't mind having a boss friend on FB who keep liking my posts. LOL

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For me its OK to be friend your boss. That is why I will accept his/her friend request. I'm a friendly person and I wanted to have more friends. Your boss is your boss when you're at work and a friend when outside at work.

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For me I will gratefully accept the friend request though it is embarrassing but maybe it has a positive meaning which means that my boss or manager acknowledge my hard work and efforts for the company. And also I can use it in future communication with my boss or manager and actually it can be a reason for my promotion so it will be awkward but think on the positive side that me and my boss or manager has a strong connection.

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I would probably decide, if my boss is good to me then why not. I would be a bit embarrassed though if he/she see's some embarrassing funny moments with my family, friends or some stranger. But that's just me speaking since i keep my boss close like family.

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I wouldn't have a problem with it. In fact, I would feel a little flattered that my boss would want to connect with me outside of an employee/employer relationship. But, it would also depend on my relationship with my boss in the office too. If we weren't so close at work, then I would hesitate a little. If we were already friendly in the office, then no problem. I would thank my boss for initiating the connection and hope that our work relationship will get even better.

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This is what I did before, I feel a little awkward accepting his request but then I dont want to offend my boss so I accepted his request. And besides, I think there is nothing wrong being friends with them in social media as long as they are not taking part or lecturing us in our personal lives. So if ever this happens to me again, I will still accept it.

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I do not feel that it is inappropriate at all! I had to deal with the same issues when I became a Sergeant in the United States Army. I just believe that you keep work and friendship separate and everything is good. but there have been times where I had an individual that was unable to do so, therefore i had no choice but to cut them off. That was something that needed to be done for the benefit of us both.

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Personally, I've been to this situation. I did accept their requests. But you see, there is a marvelous thing in Facebook app called restricted list. I have placed a lot of people there whom I work with. This still allows them to be on my friends list but I can always restrict my posts so that they won't see them. The good thing here is, I don't have to reject them. They are accepted but if there are things I don't feel like sharing to my work friends, I can freely do so. But even though you can do this, I advice you to be a responsible social media user. There is always this rule I apply to myself. If you can say to that person in face, what you are about to post, then by all means, post it. But if not, then it is advisable to step away from your social media and compose yourself without posting drama on it.

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I'll only get surprised if the said employer or boss is not very close to me. For someone I know very well and talk to almost everyday, that won't surprise me at all. I'll try to talk to the boss on how he added me as a friend on Facebook. Maybe he had issues with his previous account, and while sending new friend requests, he opted to include the employees on his contact list. Things like that happen sometimes.

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When it comes to accepting friend request I always make sure if I know the person who's requesting or if we have any mutual friends since I set priority in my security and safety.I want to avoid spam message from unknown person too and it's better to know the person you're accepting to avoid any unnecessary things or danger that may happen to you by adding that person.

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I would accept it and will be thankful of course. There is no problem with that you should be thankful you have a friendly boss or employer. It would be great to have a connection with them. This is not an awkward situation for you to know. There are some people who just has a friendly behavior and want to know about your personal life i know it sounds scary but it is not what you think. Well at last it will depend on you. There is no big deal about this and it's just a friendly request. This one situation also could be a way of having a close relationship with them and where you will be comfortable interacting with them in the future.

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Wow, That's a tough one. To be honest, it's not okay to accept their friend request because they'll see your post, friend's post, family gathering, etc. It feels like whenever you apply for a vacation leave, your boss will wait for your post to see where you really went or when you apply for sick leave, you feel like you're entitled to post it and show some proof because you know that your boss will wait for it. Maybe you tell your boss that you don't use your Facebook anymore because you're busy or something or you forgot your password and you can't log in anymore. That's a tough decision to ignore your boss' friend request.

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I definitely would not agree to a friend request from my boss. Have u heard the saying don't defecate where you eat? I wholly agree with that.Facebook and any other social media sites are your private life.

This is where you post pictures of your family , your friends ,the places you visit and all the naughty activities you get up to in your private time. In my opinion this is none of your employers business.

You have to remember that your employer is a human being and more likely than not will judge you by your postings which is not fair.He should judge you purely by your performance at work. If my employer asked me I would tell him/her that i'm not responding to their friend requests.

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Who wouldn't accept your boss's friend request?. For me I think it's a good thing, it simply means your boss likes you and want to be friends with you. I don't mind accepting any friend request unless they're all related to me.

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For me accepting a boss's friend request on any social media account that I have is just fine. Within the office there would be limited time that you’ll get to share and know more about your boss. Social media also helps to build good employer-employee relationship especially if you’re posting related interests. You’re also become cautious on the things that you’re going to post in your account. But of course
we have different notions about this. I’m just comfortable with it.

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My current boss actually did send friend request to me on facebook and to me it was nothing especial. I just simply accepted it. When I've got into office, there’s no strange feeling I’ve experience. It’s all the same normal boss-employee interaction. On the other hand, I do not send friend’s request to any of the bosses that I’ve had because I feel awkward of doing it.

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It is advisable to accept his friend request, denying will make him think that you have some negative feelings for him/her. If I would meet my boss at work after this, I would not make a comment about this, if my boss wants he/she may open a discussion!

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Maybe if you are new in the company, it will sound awkward in both of you. But if you spend a lot of times in this company, it is common if someone in your company add you in social media. It is way better if you do the first action than they do it first. It is good in a way that they can contact you if there are some emergencies in the company and also you can be updated on what they are doing inside and outside yhe company. It helps in knowing your co-employees more than before.

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I think it's a good idea to keep your business life as separate from your personal life as possible. I don't want to take any chances offending my employer. I also try not to put anything controversial on my social media as a rule.

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I want to keep my work and private life separate, so if someone was to add me like that, I'd just decline them and in case they asked about it, I'd tell them the same thing. So far everyone has understood, and if they didn't I wouldn't care about it. And besides, I hardly ever use any social media, so why would they bother with me?

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Everyone has the right to a personal opinion, so I will share my experience. When I got a job at the company, my boss also sent me a friend request on a social network. I didn't know how to react or what it meant, either. But thanks to social media, we realized that we have a lot in common with him. We go on business trips together. Once when we were in Australia he hired an escort girl and we really liked it. The girl that came to us was very cute. She was a really interesting and communicative. Since then, sometimes we hire escort girls because we don't see anything wrong with these services from here Everyone can become a friend of their boss.

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Everyone has the right to a personal opinion, so I will share my experience. When I got a job at the company, my boss also sent me a friend request on a social network. I didn't know how to react or what it meant, either. But thanks to social media, we realized that we have a lot in common with him. We go on business trips together. Once when we were in Australia he hired an escort girl and we really liked it. The girl that came to us was very cute. She was a really interesting and communicative. Since then, sometimes we hire escort girls because we don't see anything wrong with these services from here Everyone can become a friend of their boss.
I'm also in a good relationships with my boss. It's seems so weird sometimes because at my last work i was in a bad relationships with my boss.

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Everyone has the right to a personal opinion, so I will share my experience. When I got a job at the company, my boss also sent me a friend request on a social network. I didn't know how to react or what it meant, either. But thanks to social media, we realized that we have a lot in common with him. We go on business trips together. Once when we were in Australia he hired an escort girl and we really liked it. The girl that came to us was very cute. She was a really interesting and communicative. Since then, sometimes we hire escort girls because we don't see anything wrong with these services from here Everyone can become a friend of their boss.
I'm also in a good relationships with my boss. It's seems so weird sometimes because at my last work i was in a bad relationships with my boss.

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Everyone has the right to a personal opinion, so I will share my experience. When I got a job at the company, my boss also sent me a friend request on a social network. I didn't know how to react or what it meant, either. But thanks to social media, we realized that we have a lot in common with him. We go on business trips together. Once when we were in Australia he hired an escort girl and we really liked it. The girl that came to us was very cute. She was a really interesting and communicative. Since then, sometimes we hire escort girls because we don't see anything wrong with these services from here Everyone can become a friend of their boss.
I'm also in a good relationships with my boss. It's seems so weird sometimes because at my last work i was in a bad relationships with my boss.

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