
Coding tips and tricks

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Coding tips and tricks

I am very new to coding and made a somewhat extensive research on it. Coding is about programming a system that is functional and helpful. I just started learning HTML, CSS, and javascript. Javascript gives me hell of a time to understand and the learning curve is very steep for me. Any helpful tips on doing Javascript? Also please feel free to drop any tips on any coding subjects for the benefit of the rest.


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Hai my friend, I also do coding. But we have different language cause I use C++ as a required in our school. I cannot give some tricks on coding in java script but as a programmer we have the same thoughts in programming. It is to analyze the code or the concept that we wanted to build for the outputs that we desire. I advice you to master the language you are using cause it helps you to make program easier.

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I think, you probably start start first to the most popular one, because they are more opportunities, and high probability to accept big companies. Javascript is a good starting point, for the beginner, like you. It would help you, in all web projects, in the near future. Don't just stop, in css and HTML alone. There are many programming languages much easier, and easy to find with it.

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Thank you for the tips. I will try try these.

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I was also thinking about learning how to program with C. But I can't seem to find any good software to use besides unity. Any C programming softwares I can also use?

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Hahaha, i can vividly remember, when i was learning JavaScript, it gave so much head ache, and stress, java script is one hell of a scripting language, with a very bad structure, like PHP, it's not well structured, at all. That's why you are experiencing the difficulties in grasping some of the concepts. because the learning curve is out of the normal procedure for an average coder.
But try your best to get pass it, there are many resources online, and you can hit me up, if there are things you don't understand.

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I can't really help much with Javascript because I have no knowledge or experience of it. The only languages I know are HTML, CSS and Python. I spent about 2 years learning Python at college and I would say I'm pretty good at it. You just have to spend a lot of time looking at various tutorials and code to be good at it. What I tended to do was just experiment with different pieces of code that others had written. By looking at their code, I was able to learn different techniques.

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There's actually a lot of coding bootcamps to choose from right now. But there was this coding web developing site that I just knew that is totally free and very good. I even mirrored the entire website to use it offline lol. They provide tutorials from HTML to PHP. Try checking And if you try looking up on google, there is a compressed file which you can download for the offline version of the website.

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I haven't done much coding but the sites I can recommend are codecademy (and it's one of the most popular ones, has basic level tutorials and courses in many programming languages) and freecodecamp. Freecodecamp requires you to work more on your own and it's a bit like those coding camps that people pay for but it's free.

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There's actually a lot of coding bootcamps to choose from right now. But there was this coding web developing site that I just knew that is totally free and very good. I even mirrored the entire website to use it offline lol. They provide tutorials from HTML5 to bootstrap to mySQL . Try checking And if you try looking up on google, there is a compressed file which you can download for the offline version of the website.

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There's actually a lot of coding bootcamps to choose from right now. But there was this coding web developing site that I just knew that is totally free and very good. I even mirrored the entire website to use it offline lol. They provide tutorials from HTML5 to bootstrap to mySQL . Try checking And if you try looking up on google, there is a compressed file which you can download for the offline version of the website.

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I have been experimenting with HTML coding on my website still I have to say that I am a complete newbie. Do they offer some sort of tutorial for people starting from 0 like me or do they assume you have at least a basic notion of coding?

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Yes absolutely. It's where I also started out. Very concise tutorials and very definitive.

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I never had a wish to learn programing, never wished to study web designing. However, after I launched my websites, now I feel that I must learn programing, I must have skills with coding. In order to run and manage websites, you must have coding knowledge or skills. It is not always possible to hire a programmer. It will not only be a costly because you have to pay every time, but also time-consuming because you have to find a programmer and then negotiate about payment. A better option is learn how to do coding. If you have coding skills, you can also earn extra money by offering your service.

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You don't have to learn to program to be fair. You could always use a content management system like Wordpress or one of those website builder sites who will also host your site for you. The only problem, of course, is that it is pretty limiting although Wordpress is probably a good choice. Wordpress pretty much lets you do almost anything with your website and will have a lot of extensions available to turn a website into anything.

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I don't have coding skills and I manage and operate half a dozen wordpress sites. It is true that you cna run wordpress site without coding skills. However, if you do not have coding skills, you cannot design a good wordpress site. Without your coding skills, your website will look very primitive.

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I think with WordPress you can pretty much learn it at slow pace. And starting from CSS editing in themes of Wordpress, you can take the skills. As wordpress is PHP based you can learn to make use of that code too. I have learned most of my skills through WordPress and for me that works out just fine. I have also learned PHP code through pure experimentation. I won't say it's that bad but it works for me with bits and small pieces.

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Always Stick to One Task at a Time

Whenever I’m trying to learn how to do new stuff, or if I have a project where I’d have to figure out how to do a lot of things, I try to just pick a particular task and attack that.

Often times in programming, you’ll hold a lot of context in your head depending on what you’re working on, so it’s best to focus on one thing and try to get it done. There are a lot of ways you can tackle a single problem, so a lot of things will depend on what solution you end up choosing. For example, if you’re trying to build a CMS website that build websites where it will deploy things to each user, you could organize a site where it’s a big giant app where everyone has a specific subdomain, or you can make it so that each individual subdomain is a separate instance of your app with configuration changes. There are pros and cons to each approach, so this is where the judgment comes in and why some people say programming is an art, since you constantly have to weigh different tradeoffs.

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Each programming language has it's own trick. Also the IDE that you use will allow to take the most out of the code. You should read the code tips and tricks based on what languages you are using. That is what going to set the tone for the code. In that case you'd be able to understand how to get most out of the output. I have found that you may have to fail a lot and that is how you're going to build on the coding language.

I suggest taking a look at the coding standards for that language. I think code complete is the name of the book which you may want to make use of for the content.

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Just stick to a single language until you are an expert in using it. After becoming an expert in a specific language I suggest you to change language. For example, from Java into python. But being an expert in a specific language is very hard and it takes time to do. However, if you have the time and motivation in perfecting a language then go for it. Happy coding!!!

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My advice to you as a IT student try to choose which one do you want to master the front end developer?? where in html, css. or the back end developer php , javascript , java code, you need to master particular path don't go segway because it will just make you confuse try to learn particular set of code so that you can move on to other programming languages without getting stranded with the previous lesson.

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I, also want to learn how to code without going to school but I think its not possible thats why I think I dont have anything to start with. But I never tend to stop. I know someday I'll learn how to code. Coding tips and tricks

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I think every programming language is pretty much the same. They just differ in the syntax. If you already know one programming language, then you wouldn't have a hard time learning another. Learning your first programming language is always the hardest. Once you're done with that, then learning others is a piece of cake. I would suggest that you download ebooks about programming like For Dummies. They are extremely helpful and very easy to understnad especially for beginners. Watching tutorials on Youtube also helps.

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Remember that when you're programming aside from memorizing the codes in your specific language also remember that you must understand the logic and the process of the project that you're doing. Most of neophyte programmers are only memorizing their codes without minding the process of it tending to have difficulties when they encountered errors. Programming don't need brilliant minds as long as you're resourceful and patient you can be a good developer someday.

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The way coding is working. Don't memorize. There are tools that can be used for that stuff. You can't memorize code every year. Because the API and other things changes all the time. And you can't keep up with that from what I have learned.

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Hi! I'm a coder too. Game programmer actually. Well, if I will give you tips in coding, I will just say that you can watch tutorials in youtube. They really help actually. If it's about HTML and CSS, I recommend to you w3school (.com i think?). Just google it. They sample websites there where you can see the codes. you can experiment it and there are also tutorials to follow. It's easy to understand the tutorials there. Goodluck! I hope my suggestions can help you.

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I am actually using the In fact I have a mirror of the entire website for offline use. But Javascript really is giving me a hard time to study.

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my approach toward learning a programming language is to look into an already working project and try to strip it down to the bare minimum trying to see when it would completely become useless, it's a kind of reverse engineering, no courses no hefty books, just decompose project and build them all over again, until you make it your own.

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I've been studying web developement using PHP/HTML/CSS for a few months now. what got me a better understanding was I watched a video playlist in youtube where there is a complete tutorial for developing a website from starting from scratch. the total of the video was about 35hrs+ I think. I haven't really finshed it all but I'm way more than half of it.

A personal advice I could give you is find a study source with a tutorial that shows a complete course from start to end. if you don't have good source of study materials you'll just end up jumping from one topic to another.

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Netbeans! Typing "sout" then pressing tab button makes you tyoe a line "system. Out. Println(""); making it easy to use and fast programming. Pressing shift+alt+tab makes the code lines to be in formal position, making it easy to understand and easy to read in any ways.

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Hi guys. I'm an electrical engineering student here in the Philippines and I want to learn some ideas about coding or programming. I want to learn coding because I want to use it for some projects in my course. I also want to learn how they program machines and make it work according to their command. Thank you very much!

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I always wanted to learn to code, it's just that though I haven't even started it yet I always find coding quite critical and not easy. I just recently got a computer set just weeks ago and learning coding is one of my targets to learn in the coming days. Though I only have a basic knowledge of computer, things can be learned. It's cool if you know how to coding so I'll be trying this.

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I've not gone deep into coding and all that and that is my bad simply because I've got friends that can teach me without paying a dime about the tricks involved in coding. Anyways, I must say that you did a good job in sharing with us these amazing tips that would help anyone that is thinking of going into coding anytime soon.

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My advice to you as a fourth year student in Information technology course just try to study the basic coding languages so that you will have a good foundation to begin also choose which do you prefer to be in like front end for website html , css javascript etcc and for back end developer for php , python , angular js etc. so choose which you like in that way it will minimize your confusion also it will help you focus more on the important details. but if you are intelligent enough you can do both the front end and back end developer is great. keep it up just be positive never give up.

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Focus in one programming/scripting first. Gain as much as you can in that particular programming so you have a solid foundation. But make sure also that what you are learning is what the market demands. Start from the basic and keep on improving until you become expert in that particular programming/scripting. If you are in web development, you probably need to start with HTML, CSS, Javascript/Jquery. If you are proficient enough in those technologies then try to venture out in other web programming/scripting language.

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You can literally learn JavaScript or any web programming language on the internet, for me it's the best and fast possible way you can learn and plus it's for free so less hassle, you can even learn while laying down on your couch. I did learn this HTML and CSS thing on the internet with the website called Udemy which has a payed and also a free course. I did chose the free course and did learn a lot of things on also there is website called w3school which has a bunch of topics and test you can take to learn more about programming.

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How long did it take you to learn coding? I also want to learn this and I gather there are also lessons that are fit for kids these days. DO you know anything about them? I want my son to learn this by the end of school yer but unfortunately this is not available in any schools here in my location.

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Don't memorize a particular code just know its function and use it frequently if necessary. Most of the programmers on the field use to master coding by their experience. What about the neophytes ? In able to be a successful programmer you need to be patient and have perseverance. By the way, One of coding tips is to stick only on a specific programming language so that you can have all your time by studying that language.

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This advice sums it all. The only way to master coding is by experience, which means he must keep on practicing. This is something I learned when I started self-teaching to code.

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I tried coding a little while ago, and I was having an incredibly tough time with it. When I was younger I used to learn how to code by customizing my MySpace page, as it required you to know a degree of HTML if you wanted to really get into personalizing things. HTML was and is fairly simple, so that shouldn't be too much of a struggle if you use resources like YouTube tutorials and learn from them.

Anyway, what started giving me a tough time was trying to learn how to code in C#. This is when things got real. I understood the basics but I could not get into anything slightly more complex. Then my cousin, who is an experienced programmer, told me something that changed my perspective entirely. "Don't try to learn how to code. Learn how to think."

Coding boils down to logic and problem solving. It is a form of mathematics in some way, and much like math it takes practice, practice, and more practice. Look up coding problems online and try to solve them. Take lessons. Learn logic before you try to learn how to code. Once you know how to think logically, coding will be that much easier.

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Hello everybody! I think information about Java always relevant, that's why propose you use service with java assignment help. If you looking good quality of assistance with assignment - use tips. I was satisfied!

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Who knows something about what I need to have more chances in IT position, I don't have work experience!

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I can tell my opinion based on experience. I live in a poor country! But I'm good at math and coding. Even my math teacher at university hated me because I could tell his mistakes. But this is not the case, while I was busy studying years past but not till was too late for me I found out about Cisco certificate that is available worldwide and has international value, basically it is good! I went to learn in London UK additional 3 years in programming for the program where government invest money! And I finished while that I did Cisco certificate and now work in Java, Python and do project particularly for apps iOS/Android and private project in field of tech also (gadgets, smartphones). Now I live in London. And pay rent 2000+ for my house. You feel how much money I do per month! - here are the guys! No need to thank me!

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DumpsTool is a well-known name for real ACE exam questions. You can rely on our for more powerful and effective ACE exam preparation in a very short time of period. Good Luck for your upcoming ACE certificate test.

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It was so exhausting to study for Palo Alto Networks ACE because of all of its hard terms. Thankfully I knew of Dumps4free and their simplified Palo Alto Networks ACE Practice Questions that I made it through the test.

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Oh man, after reading this post, I have got soooo many flashbacks from my college years when I was studying coding. Man, I guess that was one of the toughest and most beautiful periods of my life at the same time. It was tough as I had to work at nights, and the most beautiful ... a lot of parties and so on and so forth. To be honest, javascript took me a hell a lot of time to understand, however as soon as you learned it, you won't be having any kind of issues with any codes. That is exactly what I felt when trying to code a certain system for the guys from . We were working on their documentation soft, and I understood that javascript is actually so freaking great!

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Every business owner understands that this is not an easy task. And if you want to create a really powerful web solution for your business, you need a team of professionals. You can always find quality services for yourself here

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