
Tips and Tricks INCREASE Dota 2 Match Making Rank (MMR) Fast?

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Tips and Tricks INCREASE Dota 2 Match Making Rank (MMR) Fast?

For those of you who don't know what is DOTA 2.
Dota 2 is competitive game where each opposing team fight with skills to destroy each others ancient tower. Well title explains its self already DOTA stands for Defense of the Ancient.

Most of the players are ranked according to their skill in playing the game. This is what we call the MMR or Match Making Rank. The higher your rank is the better player you are. So how can we get better MMR score ?

We can increase our MMR just playing DOTA 2 of course.(but in Ranking match not the casual game)

TIP #1
Communication is the key-Most the players in the Dota 2 don't really communicate. Each team should strategically pick their hero carefully that can fill up the composition of a good team of Five (there must be One carry, One support, One tanker, One offlaner or jungler and one midlaner). Each position should be filled can really help and every one should stick to their position for the team. One bad example of this is a team of 5 carries. It's better to quit the game if I were you.

Stick to your favorite hero- DOTA 2 has more than 100 heroes to pick from and some of them are to hard to master. (e.g. Invoker, Meempo and Visage). So I suggest to spam your favorite hero through out your Ranking games. High winning probability heroes are Spectre and Abbadon. But stick to your favorite if you have one until you are playing better than anyone else with that hero.

Have a decent and stable internet connection- This is self explanatory. Internet Lagging is one of the most terrible things to happen in DOTA 2 games really. Even the nicest person turns into something terrifying when the game suddenly lags in the middle of the fight.

This 3 Tips will help you a lot in increasing your DOTA 2 MMR quickly.
CHEERS to DOTA 2 players out there. Tips and Tricks INCREASE Dota 2 Match Making Rank (MMR) Fast?


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Good tips! I've been struggling to get out of the trench for sometime until I found out this guide which my friend sent me. Now I am playing as a support in the 4k bracket just in a months time from the 2k trench! But it's not that easy though. You will still face a lot of newbies but at least you would already know what to do. That guide definitely helped me a lot.

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Cool tips. There are some things I liked about Dota 2. For example, the courier system. You can buy a courier at the shop for 150g that will bring you items from the shop so you don't have to go back. That's pretty cool.
Also, there's a secret shop hidden in the jungle where you can buy special items only available at the secret shop. I like that feature as well.

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Hi Authord.

You automatically put an already existing game lover on the verge of wanting to play DOTA 2 by mentioning the courier system. It is awesome when a game like DOTA 2 allows you to buy things from the shop that you may need, including the courier. Further, being able to buy those special items from a hidden shop that we first need to find in the jungle somewhere, makes an already exciting game even more exciting. You've nicely made it clear that indeed it is a great feature that we all can enjoy. (smiles)

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Nice tips! I only have 2k mmr, so I want to increase my mmr to be in 3k or 4k. This is a good tips for me. I am almost a year on 2k and I can't escape from that bracket, maybe also because of some toxic player on SEA server there a lot's of noob's and thrower on my mmr bracket. I hate playing with those kinds of player. I feel my playing style is for 4k bracket but it is hard to escape 2k bracket. I will follow your tips and make it to 4k mmr. Thanks!

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Some good tips that I'm sure a lot of people will benefit from. These tips can actually be used for quite a few other games as well. I play Rainbow Six Siege quite a lot and these tips are actually probably the same that are shared for that game. Communication is extremely important (although not required all the time especially if you are playing Casual games). You can play as different players although it is a good idea to practice with a few to get used to them. And a good internet connection is very important!

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Yes I agree with you on this one, specially communication, when you have a team that talks to each other casually, you have a better chance at winning specially when you encounter those silent type. Also on the plus side, when you get friendly team mates you can experience more fun playing the game even if your MMR is on the line you won't feel a lose that bad. To add, I find this youtube video very informative on raising your MMR. He really points out the key problems players face on playing.

Good luck on our MMR raising crusade!

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My advice is to have lots of practice first and be expert to a particular hero or a set of heros then stick to using only those heroes during ranked match. Be familiar with the build for a particular hero and what works best in certain type of situation. Know the role of your hero. It's better if you play MMR with your friends because you can communicate better and play better together.

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Yes, better play a hero that you are comfortable with. Always used it and practice it. Spam your favorite hero and it will lead you to an even higher MMR. Just don't get tired of playing the same hero again and again.

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I prefer that you must have high GPM and XPM before starting to play in TBD. I try this on maybe my 4th account and it works and by the way it also depends on your game play. You must be good and must obtain high gpm and xpm every TBD games that you play. My first account in DOTA2 is a 2k scrub and yes it's me. Hahahaha. Just practice first in normal game because rank game is definitely an another level.

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Thank you for the tips! I'm also a Dota 2 player with 2600 matchmaking rank. My calibration MMR was 2700 and then goes up to 2800 but because I'm in the SEA server and lots of cancer teammates come, it goes down to 2600 mmr. I want to make it to 3k but I'm afraid I might go down to 2500 until it reaches to 1000+ mmr haha. So I used to play normal games this past few days and practicing heroes that I might use in ranked games.

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Awesome tips man! I've noticed a lot of players spamming the same hero in every game. And I personally think that it's good but it has some disadvantage as well.

I strongly suggest to follow strategies that works for you but keep an open mind for self improvement. And I can assure you that MMR will just follow.

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4 Tips that will make your MMR Increase

Find group of people who actually wants to win the game. Preferably people you called friends who plays Defense Of The Ancient (DOTA) 2 seriously.

Master one character that is strong in early and late game. This character will help you win and at the same time give you a better Kill/Death/Assist (KDA) ratio.

Practice or play more often so that you can familiarize with the map and the characters you will faced in the future.

Fourth :
Watch videos of great players in youtube that can help you improve your strategy in the game

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Wow! Thanks dude! That's a very amazing advise! I am playing DOTA2 for the last 2 years but it's difficult for me to reach higher MMR. I hope that I can apply your advise successfully! Thank you very much dude! I'll update you if I reach higher MMR using your advise.

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To improve your matchmaking rank in dota 2, just keep playing heroes that you are comfortable with. If you feel that you are good at that hero, then spam it to rank games so that you can at least have a high chance of wiining. I also suggest playing support roles because based on my own experiences, we always win if we have a good support. Even the carry is not good in laning during early game, you can still cope up and make strategies to make your carry fat. So its in your hands whether you win or not. And lastly, always be good with your teammates. Good communication is the best way to win.

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Well I don't play Dota 2 that much anymore because of the newbies and cry babies. I just play for fun and not a care these tips do help a scrub like me. I'll be returning to the world of competitive game play when i build my rig. I would love to teach this game to my gf too and rank until we reach that 4k mmr bracket.

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Everything depends on the way you think and if you yourself want to improve, just reading tips won't help you too much, unless you change yourself. Of course, there are some helpful tips such as learning what the pub stompers of the current patch are, however if you cannot play the heroes well enough, it really won't help you. The best thing you can do is focusing on the basic such as : last hitting, denying, positioning and etc.

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My advice for you would be simple, just play the hero you're comfortable with and the hero you're usually good at and please don't play on the SEA server because most cancerous players are there. But sometimes the problem is actually not on the hero you're playing with its actually on your team mates which sometimes are newbies and noobs. I remember once when i play mmr game when all our heroes are carries and I'm the last one to pick, due to having no support I had no choice but to pick support then when the game starts all of my carries in the game are actually noob but I can't blame them if they're newbie. i just told them to pick the heroes they're comfortable with.

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For the sake of your MMR's to increase fast you must have a good performance in the game and you must have a good record if possible avoid losses or defeats so that MMR will not be affected. Before you get the game increase your MMR fast, you must be a skillful gamer and have the ability to think hastily what would be the great strategy to destroy the opponent. You must train harder because you are not just competing in an artificial intelligence or bots but with players worldwide which have also mindsets and strategies how they will defeat you. This game is very challenging this really helps you think faster in realtime.

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If you are still on your MMR calibration phase meaning your MMR is yet to be determined, I suggest that you keep on using Alchemist. That is of course if you know how to play the hero. Part of your projected solo MMR is based on your GPM or your ability to earn gold per minute. No other hero in DOTA 2 can rival Alchemist when it comes to making money because of his skill called Goblin's Greed. It does not matter whether you win or lose the game for as long as you have a high GPM, your callibrated solo MMR will fall at around 4k.

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Nice tips bro i am also a dota 2 player currently at 3k average and now going to 4k this tips will really help a lot specially on lower tier players they will know what to do in game. and also an additional tips to all dota 2 player try to be postive player always don't blame just focus stop tilting and know to balance your early laning phase in that way it can help you improve your mmr solo or party mmr.

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Thanks for this tips bro. I will try to play dota 2 with this tips and I hope that it will really help to increase my MMR as fast as what you said. Since I'm not pro as a pro gamer, I will still use this tips and I will also share this tips to those people who are playing dota. Tips and Tricks INCREASE Dota 2 Match Making Rank (MMR) Fast?

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In addition, play more games to improve your skills on heroes that are relevant to the meta, and more importantly learn when to take a break from the game to avoid long streaks of losses due to tilt, internet connection, or strings of poor teammates.

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I think these tips I may be also apply to my MOBA games. In fact, me and my friends already doing these tips and I agree that it really helps us to boost our power and increase our MMR and eventually rise up in account ranking. Well, sometimes, the tip #2 is not applicable when you play solo especially in rank games because I've noticed that most of your teammates want to pick hitter or a carry-type role hero and if you're unlucky to be placed at slot 4 or slot 5 to choose a hero then probably you're going to adjust for your team and most of the time the remaining role for you is the tank role or sometimes the last two hero pickers aren't willing to adjust in picking. It would be a headache for your team if the pickings are not done well. Anyway, I'm just enjoying the game even I already knew that we would end up losing it.

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