
Where is my yesternight's dreams

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Where is my yesternight's dreams

Four months ago, I stopped remembering my dreams, I know that not everyone is blessed to have this ability, or in some cases cursed. To me, the dream is the stuff which art is made of, be it sweet or nightmare, it helped me see patterns I would've seen being awake.
Am I alone? Can this be cured?


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I have been through this too. There are times in my life where I dream every day and remember them all. And other times I can't remember a single dream. I read that taking notes right before you wake up might help you remember your dreams. Also, keep in mind that dreams are about things that you think a lot in the previous day so if you have been thinking a lot about an issue then you are more likely to dream about it.

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Even though I'm seldom obsessed with all what I do at a given time, I still don't remember anything, maybe it's the age s 'm not getting any younger.

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I don't think so. My father, for instance, is in his 60s but he says that he never remembered his dreams even when he was young. So I think it's a very individual question. Some research on the matter could help you

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Everyone goes through this,so definitely you aren't alone.There are times I don't remember my dreams.I will try to recall all day to no avail.So I just let it go.

But sincerely I would have loved to recalled them a lot of times

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I agree with you, some dreams are so disturbing I ask my self, how my mind could be so twisted.

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I think that is normal. I'm in the state of "unremembering" my dreams, currently. That really depends on your current situation: physically, mentally and spiritually which shapes the condition of your dreams. There are times that I only remember snippets of my dreams and not the whole story. It is best to jot them down, you'll never know that they'll come back again.

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I do suspect my physical state to be the issue, cause I stopped working out two months ago because of an injured shoulder, and I don't take any drugs, or get into uncalled for problems which could affect my mental health. for the spirituality, that's something I'm postponing for now.

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Usually that happens to me when I'm really tired, so maybe you are going to bed feeling completely destroyed, then you end up falling asleep in a very deep way, so you can't remember your dreams. Maybe you can try to get a better sleep by getting a nice hot shower, drinking some tea, doing some meditation, everything that gives you a more peaceful bed time, and that will improve your ability to remember your dreams.

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Sounds like a good plan, I'll execute it to the letter, and I would be surprised if I remember nothing after that.

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Actually we have are in the same boat for I can't remember most of my dreams and I don't know why. It seems like I almost know it or my brain have it, but it can't come out. But I guess this things are just normal for you to not remember stop and I heard in some studies that the more you are forgetful the more intelligent you are. Of course, not only you and me experience this thing but I'm sure a lot of people also for forget about their dreams. God bless and thank you.

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You are right about intelligent people being forgetful, as intelligence don't just result from thinking, but it could be shutting one's brain down. thank you for comforting words.

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I always remember my dreams, sometimes it becomes dejavu. Why I say so? because, when I have a dream, it will often times happens in reality, like when I going into my car, while my children running to me. It always happens often times, and it irritates to think about it. I do believed that, this dreams can predict past, and read some sign will happen.

I don't know, why I could remember those things that, I don't like the most. I very certain about it, it has an explanation, but beyond our imaginations. Only time can tell, what are these phenomenon. Still, it is more mysterious, or just a coincidence of dream at all.

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Dreams are our past events with our future aspirations, add to that our present concerns, what you could be sure of, is that a bad dream won't manifest itself in the future.

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I know that I have had dreams because sometimes I will just wake up suddenly. But the thing is, for the past year or so I have never been able to remember what the dream actually was and what happened in the dream. I just didn't bother to even look into really because it didn't seem like a problem. Maybe it is something to do with the amount of sleep you get because I have not been sleeping early recently. The weird thing is that I can't even remember what I was dreaming about if I suddenly wake up.

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I'm writing this comment at 3:40 AM, which would tell how much sleep I lack, maybe this is the problem.

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Well, i was in your shoes some years ago, till i read some book, i have forgotten the name, but the book was talking about the God in us. You need to discover who you are, understanding thy self is the beginning of wisdom. Till i discovered my real self.
Your consciousness is been tampered with on the astral plane, you need to align your mind with your soul, your soul is experiencing an abnormal bio-location, bio-location is not abnormal, but since it's not retaining the signals of the astral plane on your mental plane, then there is an error.
You need some yoga exercise,or meditation on a very quite place, to sharpen the state of your consciousness, do this for 1hour in 30days and watch your soul and mind align to that of the earth's electromagnetic force so you can start gaining signals direct from the source field.

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I admit that I haven't been investigating my soul lately, it was all intellect for the last ten years, although I'm a little skeptical toward yoga and self improvement stuff, I'll try it nonetheless and see what will happen.

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I sometimes happen to remember my dreams but now at this very moment I just noticed that I don't remember having dreams a long time. I used to have dreams thats so vivid that I can almost recall everything that happened. Maybe its because of our daily life stress that we don't remember our dreams anymore.

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Sometimes I remember my dreams and a lot of times I don't, other times It is Deja Vu. Dreams mostly give you a code to decipher for sure. Sometimes they are fragments of our daily life but together but nothing really to be worried about

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My grandmother once told me that as we aged, our physical body and our state of mind changes as well. I would agree that after I turned 30, I started to forget some of my dreams. Gone are the days when I can recall the exact details of my dreams. However, there is a very weird dream that somehow haunting me until now. I always dream of the number 333, once a week at least. I know this sounds really scary. My friend told me that it might bring me luck and suggested to me to play the lottery but I was unlucky of winning. I don't know if this dream has a secret message for me, but I always ask for guidance from God to protect me from any harm and also bless me to have a more fruitful life.

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I got the same feeling on this. I also have a certain dream that keeps haunting me until now. I always dream of a plane crash. Sometimes I am one of the passengers, sometimes I am to the exact place where the plane will crash. Like you, I dont know if it has a secret message for me but there is a weird feeling i get whenever I hear the sound of a plane passing through the sky.

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bless your grandmother and bless you my friend.
I was afraid of the inevitable, that is age, I guess I have to embrace it now. You are lucky having God protecting you.

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This frequently happens to me. There are many dreams that I cant remember soon as I wake up. I think it is a natural scenario that can happen to everyone. Well, sometimes it feels disappointing when you had a good dream but you cant remember what happened. There is also one time where I can remember the people and their actions in my dream but the conversation is unclear, it is like I've watched a tv show on mute. I guess dreaming and not remembering a single thing about it is a similar feeling to a person who is suffering from amnesia.

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and those similarities with amnesia is what has gotten me worried about my state, even when I was remembering my dreams it wasn't that clear every time, but it was something.

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I don't think you're alone and I also don't think you have a problem. I've also experience that trying to recall a wonderful dream that I had but can't remember the details before. I've also had a dream that felt so real one could say it is like those in movie "inception" unfortunately I haven't had a dream which felt the same since that time.

A blessing or a curse, it is a blessing to remember all the wonderful dreams you've had , but a curse to remember all the nightmares you've had.

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Now all dreams to me a blessing, even nightmares, because in dreams I used to see patterns and images I would've not have seen being awake, I don't know if I had mentioned this earlier, but it's my main concern.

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I don't believe that you dream the things that you often think before you sleep. Perhaps some of it, I guess that's why we can't remember all of it since we already experienced or think about it before we sleep. In my experience, I only remember those crazy and weird dreams especially it happened when I'm about to wake up in the morning after a long sleep. Dreams can evoke a feeling or idea that has much profound meaning.

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sometimes I could remember several dreams with variable clarity, but most of the time just before waking up like you've mentioned, and I agree with you also that dreams do have meaning, it's the unconscious trying to figure out a solution for an unsolved problem, I often relied on signs from my dreams to decide on a complex problem.

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A few friends remember most of their dreams regularly, and I find it funny, because I never really remember mine. The few times it happened they were really vivid dreams, and I keep them in memory to this day. But if you ask me what i dreamed last night I'd have no idea.

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I never really cared about remembering my dreams or not. Some days I remember them well, some days I don't. Sometimes I do not want to remember them if they are scary ones, LOL. What do you mean about being cursed if you don't suddenly remember your dreams anymore? I want to know more about this, I hope you could give me more ideas on this. By the way, when I dream about things I could remember, I try to search for the meanings of it on the internet and see how I could relate it in my life at the moment. You can also try to use the app called, "DreamMoods". I find it useful for me, I downloaded it on my Android device, I'm not sure if you have it on IOS.

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I meant by being cursed is the fact that not everybody wanting to remember his or her dream, the kind of repetitive dreams that haunt us every night, even in every day life we consider someone who could remember everything to have a mental illness.
I'll check up the app on my sister's phone.

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There definitely are certain ways to improve dream recall, it's just going to depend on everyone's individual scenario. It may be that you remember your dream as you're just waking up, but as you go about your waking routine it may escape you. In this situation it's good to keep a dream journal. Literally as soon as you open your eyes and recall any little detail from a dream, write it down. Studies have shown that keeping a dream journal helps with dream recall. There are also a lot of supplements out there that can improve the clarity of your dreams, but then there are also certain drugs (such as marijuana) which could be inhibiting your dream recall, so you have to take a close look at exactly what you've been putting in your system since you've stopped remembering your dreams.

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Maybe it depends on how old you are cause I can recall when I am much younger lucid dreaming is much easier to do. Now, I can't even remember what my dreams were last night.

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I'm 37 years old now, and this possibility of age is growing on me, but I'm not sure yet, as people older then me can recite their dreams in details.

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I can't always remember my dreams. At times I have to think really hard to remember my dreams. However there are many occasions on which I had recurrent dreams which were haunting me and I discussed this with my best friend. Then she told me that maybe I am taken up with something which explains the reason why I am dreaming about the same thing. I started thinking about this and found out that she was right.

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It's like, the more you are thinking about the meaning of your dream the more chance that same dream is going to occur again, you might even dream about yourself and your friend talking about that dream.

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I don't remember my dreams at all! I guess it has been like this for what, three, four years? It's a little bit strange but eventually I got used to. Nowdays I just lie to sleep, and the next thats my last memory.
Not a single trace of my dreams. I would love to try some lucid dreaming, but I think that won't be happening any time soon.

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I think lucid dreaming is just focusing hard enough on something to the point of obsession, and to do that, one have to dedicate himself for a week or so to get some results, which is hard for a busy modern man.

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I believed dreams is a connection of your other self into other parallel universe. That's my theory, but not proven anything. What I really interested about this phenomenon, like dreaming. I don't totally believed that, dreams is a form of human
creativeness of their mind, and manifested into dreaming at night. Though, there's a reason that, dreaming is a form of minds creation, but I believed it was a connection of yourself from other worlds.

I always getting it, as a serious matter. Because, no matter what other people explains it, as a normal human activity, but not true at all. I do a lot of research, about this kind of theory. Maybe, this could be explained, in quantum physics. Only time will come, it will be discover how far it goes, when it comes about this extra ordinary phenomenon.

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Creativity is the only reason I have raised this problem, since I don't take any drugs, I have no means to access other dimensions but dreams, and it scares me the fact I will never dream again.
I haven't yet gotten into the science side of it yet, which I'm willing to in the near future.

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Remembering your dreams has to do with focusing on them after you wake up. If you think of something else or get out of your bed fast you'll most likely forget your dreams. They key is to focus on what you just were dreaming about right after you wake up.

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you're right, there is no use to try to remember your dreams after getting into the daily hectic life. I'll try to stay in bed a little while before jumping of the bed.

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This is something that rarely crosses my mind. I dream almost everyday but because I have a lot of things to do when I wake up, I rarely focus or remember what dream I had. Bad and horror dreams are the only dreams that I remember on many occasions and even discuss with friends or neighbors.

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Maybe waking up suddenly and jumping of the bad is what kept from remembering my dreams, I also tend to recall more bad dreams than pleasant ones.

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You're very not alone. In my case as well, I always tend to forget my dreams after waking up in the morning. Mostly what I can remember would be just fragments of weird happenings inside my dream. Yes most dreams that I had are really weird and some times I do have dreams within a dreams and can't wake up as I wanted to wake up from the dream. A nightmare indeed is what I experienced from time to time.

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Yeah, I remember now this dream inside another dream, it's one of the most mind boggling experience I ever had, I want to wake up and couldn't because the other me dreaming haven't decided to wake up yet.

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Everyone dreams during sleep, but not everyone recalls the mental escapade the next day, scientists aren't sure why some people remember more than others. Some of us Experience in the early hours in the morning with your heart beating fast and the unsettling sense that you've just emerged from a strange dream, then you blink... and the memory is gone. Very frustrating!!!

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It happened to me today, just the moment when I woke up every thing was gone, but after half an hour after that, I started to remember some fragment of my dream.

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Same happens to me too every now and then. After a while sometimes I begin to recall the dream bits by bits. But never all which keeps me thinking and asking. Where do dreams come from?

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I used to dream that I was in a Church and a guy always offering to give me 3 white roses, its like every year or once a month I have that dream.

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The obvious interpretation for this dream would be a proposal, if you're not already married. though the meaning might be more obscure.

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I usually don't remember my dreams. I just only having a glimpse of them. And it happens to my in my whole life. Kinda weird because I wasn't able to share something in my friends what was my dreams about.

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I'm between nothing at all and the stage you're in, the stage where we remember just fragments of a dream.

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For me, there are times that I remember my dream and sometimes it continues on the next day. But also other times, I can't remember what I dream when I wake up. They said dreams tell us about our future. So sometimes I try remembering my dreams.

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It's happened to me before. Actually, I go through periods where I remember everything that happened to me and others where I can't remember a damn thing. It all depends on how much I reflect on my life and how stressed I am at the time since dreaming is a way our brains deal with stress

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I agree with you that it has so much to do with reflection. I mean when we look at it from the angle of sitting down and trying to recall how the night really went will help greatly when we talk of remembering dreams. It's not always easy, but possible to do.

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Just 4 months ago? You are a very lucky person. I've been forgetting my dreams ever since I started dreaming.

I don't think dreams are hot wired in the human unconsciousness to be remembered. Some dreams are like memories while others are like a premonition. Whatever dreams are made up of, I think dreaming is just too awesome.

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Sometimes, I do remember my dream, especially a good one. I don't think that we can remember all of those since our brain quickly remove it since it's just a dream. It's not a good thing to treasure every moment that we had in our dream since it's just a figment of our imagination.

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I had one horrible nightmare one day and I woke up sweating profusely, after that day, I knelt down on my two knees and prayed to Lord God Almighty to take away dreaming for me and he answered my prayers 100%.

I can't remember the last time that I had anything like a dream. Once I hit my bed, I would dose off in about 30 minutes or so and it's wake up time without any dreams when I'm done sleeping.

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Dreams are basically something which is related to your mind and its reactions to the circumstances around you that change every day. Most of the times we dream about things that are not very significant and we mostly do forget these dreams when we wake up. But some dreams we remember vividly after waking up or sometimes we wake up during the dream as most probably we are scared of the things we see in the dream. I think that much research needs to be done on this subject which is mostly related to the subconscious mind

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Yes! I am on the same boat with you. This was actually a problem I wanted to resolve for a really long time. When having one dream about escaping from two lions, I checked its meaning on and there I found some contacts of a medium. It was Amanda who has helped me to write down my dreams and after she could explain them correctly. That is why, I'd recommend the same thing as Amanda told me.

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Thanks for this, I have already contacted this woman. She is so kind, wow.

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For sure!

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