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Personal insight about your life.

In our life, we can't avoid to choose. What will you choose? Love or Career? Why?


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For me, Living with someone and being creative is better than living alone and being creative. So I choose Love, Why? Picture this scenario: you're working on a long-term project that's taking up all your time and energy. You have no significant other at the time and are too busy to date. You sink into depression and become easily distracted while the deadline looms. If you had a boyfriend/girlfriend who came over and brought you takeout, wouldn't that help turn things around?
Your girlfriend or boyfriend can talk you through tough creative patches.Plus you have a shoulder to lean on.

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Yeah but the issue with that is, what do you do with yourself when you don't have a career because you chose love over a career? Is it a good idea to really choose your partner over a career that could help you out especially in the future. You cannot rely on a partner especially financially. It is important that you are able to support yourself because you never know what might happen in the future. The partner you chose today might not be with you tomorrow.

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It's hard to choose between the two but if I am going to decide I rather have a career first.I want to have my own without asking my parents both financial support.I will take love second to career so that I can be a good provider and a great lover.I prefer having a lover with something than nothing.

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I agree with you. True love waits indeed! Love will fall into place when your career is set.

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I don't see why both can't be intertwined with one another. I have a passion for video and creative arts like filmmaking, and while I am still searching for that certain someone in my life, it's incredibly important to me that that person is supportive of my passions, just as I would be supportive of theirs.

I guess it kind of helps that I'm already in my career, so I don't have to choose between the two right now, but being in a full time job and going to school for my master's degree along with doing freelance work and filmmaking on the side, the person I find will have to be understanding in that I have a lot going on, but I'll try and find as much time for them as possible until things calm down for me.

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Love. A job is important and we can't go without one but I prefer to work to live instead of living to work. Now You can get by with a mediocre job and a healthy relationship but I'd like to see how happy someone would be the other way around. Some things money just can't buy.

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I may agree with you some part, but I don't believe in romantic love anymore. Guys just used me to get more money and also play with my feelings.

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I'm sorry to hear that Carmilina, beyond failures at least you learn from it. One day, you will find someone that deserves your love and will never hurt you. Just believe that, billion people are around, there is one that is fated to love you unconditionally. Never be tired of waiting because the one who waits, deserves the greatest. True love waits indeed! God bless you !

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I have this insight lately about my goals in life. I've been wanting to pursue this dream, however, the fate doesn't take my side. If one door chooses to close, another one will open. Life is full of opportunities. However, when you really find what you love doing, never look away from that unless that dream of your will be the one to be sacrificed. You don't want that to happen.

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All got their point. But if I would choose love or career I would choose career first. It is hard to live without nothing especially when talking about financially aspect. Love will just follow once you establish career.

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I agree with you that love will follow suit once we've established our careers and this is one part of life that everyone, both male and female should try to think of before putting love in place of career. Building career seems a safer and rational choice for me.

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I have been working since I graduated from college. I have traveled from one place to the other due to area assignments. I also got married after college and had a baby. It was really hard leaving your loved ones and work to other place just to earn a good sum of money. I have never felt satisfaction since I have been battling with loneliness everyday. I just felt that I am not giving enough for my family. So, though I am compensated well, I quit my job and decided to become a full-time wife and mother and I have never been this contented. I have chosen love for my family over my career. No Regrets.

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That's brave of you to choose one over the other. But when it comes to your family you will always choose them even if it affects you. I love your determination. I'm praying for you and your family. God Bless!

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for me i will choose love because on how much successful you are but still your empty inside your nothing i believe that true love and happiness cannot be bought by money. my life right now is great my family loves me my girlfriend loves me and most of all God loves me even i fail him many times. so i go for love. career can be followed with right direction and passion to job you can make it to top. Personal insight about your life.

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This is obviously a very tough decision, but I am currently in love with a beautiful woman, and it took me 45 years to meet the right one, so if I had to choose between her and my current career, if you are asking me this today, I would definitely choose her. I can get another career or job, and I always seem to survive through tough times, but finding true love is very difficult, and I want to walk towards the end with this woman hand in hand. I know that I made the opposite decision, no matter how much money or prestige I might have, I would regret it every day for the rest of my life.

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Whoah! 45 years is not a joke. I'm happy for you. Finding true love is like finding a needle in the ocean. True loves comes once and we should never waste that. To love and be loved is the greatest feeling we can feel here in the world.

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At this point of time, I will surely choose career over love because since I'm still a college student it is better for me to focus to the things that I deem as necessary such as creating and developing my own future as it means for what I am heading as time goes by. Career would be my priority at the moment and I will allot majority of my time doing task that will strengthen it for the future. For what I believe in, you don't need to find love it is just there and it will surely comes at the time where you least expect it to happen. Love will find you along the way but career dont, you really need to do something about it. God Bless and thank you.

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I agree with you! True love will wait but career never does. Its difficult to live without nothing in your pocket.

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This is my piece of advice to all young out there. If you are a fresh college graduate or let we say your still young, well ofcourse choose your career first. Look for the best high paying job and save money. Remember, if you are professional, a lot of girls will come after you because most of the women nowadays are practical, the same with men. Love can be learned anyway. You don't have to choose between love and career because you can have them both if you and your partner sets one goal and that goal is to secure first your future together. Choosing love over career is not fair and vice versa.

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I love your insights Miss BelindaMT. It shows a lot of maturity!

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Thank you for your response. That was base on what I observed, I have something to share with you, I remember there was a song before and there is a lyrics saying "When we're hungry, love will keep us alive". I think that song was nonsense because how can you live when you're hungry? Love cannot keep you alive you need good job to survive but you also need love to have inspiration and
motivation to work hard and have good career oh dear! that was a terrible song.

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You learn by experiences and they are the best way, so these actually happened to me, and I had to choose between staying at college and finishing my career, or going out of country with the "love". Sorry but my career was really heavy and I stayed with it and thank God i did, the supposed "loved" turned out to be a complete idiot, that has an upside down life, while I'm a very independent woman, who has traveled around the world, experiencing cultures and places, and working in my beloved career.

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I would choose career over love. I've been in love with someone whom doesn't love me back, it's a total waste for me, although i learn some lesson from it. Love is very tricky thing you must know how to love yourself before loving others. Gonna have some confidence and some self value, before you give yourself to someone you must have self value and self respect, thus if you don't have this, you will be left alone when love fails, you will feel. Completely useless. So I choose career over love. If you're successful have career in life, love will follows, build yourself first before building a love with someone else.

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When we say insights, we talk about enlightenment or lessons. I hope you can get something from what I will be sharing.

I wish the person who is reading this right now a good day. Short self-introduction: I am 23 years young and an engineer by profession. Myers-Brigg Test says I'm an INFJ (or the advocates). We are 9 in the family which includes my nephew and two beautiful nieces. I can say that I have few friends because I want to design my life with privacy and meaning. My friends are very varied: agnostics, altruists, modern Stoic, atheist, philanthropist, etc. By the way, I am a Christian. I am a highly music-dependent person.

I want to tell the world about many things and I hope I can summarize them all here completely.

1. Love your family.

One of the greatest blessings God has given me being born in my country is the culture of family-orientedness and hospitality. The way family members treat with each other is too caring. We care a lot. That is by natural flow of culture. But amidst the journey, there will always come a time that you will argue with some petty or big things. You fight with your brother or raise voice to your parents. My tip here is to never end a day with unresolved fight. Clear up your thoughts and surely, be the one who is mature enough to discuss the conflict and apologize. Two of the fundamental phrases a solid family should have are "I'm sorry" and "I love you." Also, when your in the middle of big decisions, always think of your family first. Simply, prioritize them most importantly your parents.

2. Cherish your friends.
Always choose wisely in friends. It's totally okay to have few friends but are genuine and valuable to your life. As simple as that. When hanging out with them (also applicable with family), put away your cellphone. Aside from it's rude, you are showing to them that their presence is not interesting and this might boomerang to you where they think you are not interesting either. Cherish your moments with them. Laugh out loudly with them. Mourn with them. Have some deep conversations with them. They are way too important than the way you could ever imagine. They are your extended members of family.

3. Always put your heart in every thing.
Do not do anything with half a heart. Believe me this is always effective. When you work, do it with enthusiasm. Life is too short to put efforts without your heart in it.

4. Do not pursue your passion. Pursue what is more valuable.
This is a perspective in profession. Do not pursue your passion because that is a temporary thing. Pursue something that will last. Something that is more valuable to the society. Create a connection of your profession and the societal problems around you. This is a great way to contribute something important to the human race before you kick the bucket. Problems might include the environment, quality of human life, health, education, arts, literature or anything under the sun that might use your strength to some people or society's weakness.

5. Always appreciate life.
Just do. There's no take-away on this.

Plus, personally, I'd like to speak to the world to read books and appreciate music.

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I choose both of them. Because, when we think about it, we usually choose both of these things. When, the time has come that, God give you a love of your life, it is the best feeling of all. Aside from love and career, having a family is the best ideal life of a human. There's no such thing; such love and career gonna separated, unless the current status of your will be affected.

We being taught always that, when we finish school, we will have a good career of job, as follows. Love and career are inter connected, they will always connected to one another. Because, when you find your career, and become successful, your love life will follow.

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Life is full of stressful things. According to Steve Jobs, "Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinion drown your inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."
Always think positive in life. Just live life to the fullest because there is no permanent thing in this world. All of a sudden everything can disappear. Anytime anywhere you may die. Just remember that we should thank every single day God given us because that is a blessing. Be thankful for the time given to you to be with your family. And last, always trust your self because that is the thing that can help you grow and be successful and happy in your life.

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I think there should just be a balance between the two. Why would you choose one over the two if you could just try to balance them? It would also depend on your point of time, I guess? Let's say if you are a fresh graduate, of course, you should focus more on your career. If it's real love, no matter how you go away, it would still come back in the future, as what other people may say. It doesn't mean that if you choose your career now, you won't find your true love in the future. Love has its right time and you will only be the one who could sense and feel it. Know your priorities!

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Why not both. You don't always have to choose between love and a career. Depending on the person, you can make sure to work it out with your partner to be able to juggle a career with your relationship as well. I could probably never choose between the two to be honest. You should never be forced to choose between the two. As much as a relationship is important and great for your mental health, you cannot be expected to give up a good career because of your partner.

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This is very easy for me even though that I'm a workaholic but I definitely choose love. Love is the meaning of life for me. I do love my career and I want to be somebody, I want to be successful but at the same time if I didn't have love and support of my partner, I wouldn't want to work or do anything. Love is what motivates me. Love is what drives me forward and wants me to achieve bigger things. I am pretty blessed because I believe that I have already found the "one" - true love.

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Well, this really some deep pendulum that would have been swinging around my subconscious mind, if this was asked some years back. But it will really be easy for me right now, because i would go with my career, i would have chosen true love, but i encountered an experience that made me the person i am today, but that would be a story for another day.
My career will always be above all things, and my career goal is to be rich, without the money, my life would be meaningless and the true love will be useless, i can't stand my self being broke because of true love, Damn!.

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Life is all about ups and downs and the way we fight to get back on our feet whenever we are down speaking volumes about ourselves. In this life, I will prefer to chase my career goals and give it the necessary supports needed to see me grow to greater heights in life. I understand that chasing love or should I say finding true love is something that cannot be easy especially when one has made it in life, but it is better you made it and then hope to get the best out of love rather than focusing on love and missing your target in life.

Career goals once not achieved at the right time may take a longer time to achieve while love is a feeling that can grow faster once the necessary requirements such as money are in place.

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For me, it should be balanced. Choosing one from another will make your life tougher. But I've always been in this situation but not on the point where I choose and loose one. But if it comes to that point I guess I'd choose Love. As for me I work for my family and I can always look for another job but never a family.

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I used to be a passionate and definite guy. Before, once I have my plans settled, I will stick to it with maximum dedication and effort. Now, I think I gotten myself into a slope. I became insecure, scared and unsure of myself. I found out that most of the time, I am lying to myself and the people around me. I really wanted to get this feeling out of my chest, because of this undesired trait, I tend to do more bad things. But I really do hope that God guides me out of this and turn me into the person I wanted to be.

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I always fail in love because my partner always abuse me because I am too nice. I MAY CHOOSE CAREER instead because it will give me more money than a partner who just give me problems and even given me a money problem.

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Do we really have to choose? I don't think so. We really need both to live. You need a career to earn money and you need love to have a social life, not necessarily romantic love but love for your friends and family etc. Nobody can live alone forever. Therefore you cannot really choose only one between the two. There must be a certain level of balance in alotting time between the two.

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Life is indeed challenging, however it doesn't mean we have to go it alone. That's why I prefer to be with someone I love over a good career. Life is so short. Why spend it only being so focused on a good career? It all begins with love. We can work very hard to have our dream career. We just have to be passionate about it. We get passion in certain things if we are inspired, someone to share it with, someone who gives us motivation to pursue what we want in life, and that is the only one we love. Then we will just realize it all works out in the end.

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We needed both Love and Career. We will not be able to live if we are only going to love. We also need love and inspiration to make a career. It's a matter of balancing both. You don't need to choose one. How are we going to live a career life so meaningless without love , not necessarily romantic love. We can have career life, but will it be worth it if we are not going to do this for our loved ones?

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I completely agree with you on this, both can't do without each other. Love needs career to survive while career needs love to be enjoyed. If it's another variable that is compared here, then I would be able to choose one but between love and career, I simply can't pick one and leave out the other one.

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This is dicey because the two are my back-bone.Is like I can function properly without the two.We really need them to have meaningful life.

Well.for the sake of choosing one,I think I will go for love.I'm always afraid to lose things I can't buy with money because even with all the money we can't get quality love from anyone.So I prefer letting what I can buy with money because when money I can get it.

So love in place of career for him.

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You can't really choose between the two. You have to dedicate yourself to both them and make sure that you give enough attention to both. For example, you have a successful love life, your partner loves you with all their heart and you cannot make the bill or can't spend enough time with your partner. That won't be a successful relationship. On the other hand being very successful and not having people to share it with is kinda bad. People are social creatures and therefore we require people to share our results with.

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Well if I'm being honest, and this is going to sound a little weird to some of you, I may not really be making a conscious choice to choose one or the other. I'm the kind of person that you could say "goes with the flow." If I find myself in a position where I need to be focusing on my career, then I will focus on my career. If I find that I have someone in my life who I love and would rather commit more of my time to, then I will go with that person. I think trying to swim against the current of life isn't a healthy way to live, so instead I simply go where the river takes me.

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I believe that you should not enter a relationship until you do not need a relationship. Only when you are happy with who you are and, you enjoy being alone can you truly be yourself with another. Once you reach that point, you don't need anyone so, career comes first and, if the right partner happens along, great, if not that's okay.

Regardless making a living, paying your bills and, meeting your responsibilities should come before anything you want, including socializing, love, romance, fun, holidays and so on.

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I'd choose Love, but in reality not everyone has the option to choose whether you have good career inline for you or you're an attractive person that can easily have a relationship ,well in life sometimes s**t happens and things just don't go the way you plan.

Love for others is what people live for in my opinion. gaining wealth, career, pride etc.. at the end of the day you'll want to have someone to talk to and share those things.

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If i have a choice....i don't want to dedicate myself to that person. Love is my weakness. And it will always be my downfall. I'll end up choosing him over my career. Being with him is also my dream. Having a family and so on. However there is still a price for those things. So if i have to choose again....i would choose myself and my dreams.

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In my experience, I favored love instead of career. However, sometimes you won't take all the favor that you have chosen. I was sorry that that it didn't grow naturally as I expected like some bed of roses. Well, in the beginning perhaps. What can I say now is that I have full of regrets. I should be successful today if I decide to choose career first instead of love. I realized that having a love-life is better when you are successful in your career.

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I choose love. Cause being with someone you love and loves you back is the most satisfying thing in life. When you are with your love one you can be inspired to search for a new job better than the one you left behind. You have someone in your side to help you in everything.

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I will choose love in this situation. I can't deny the fact that having a job is very important but living without my loved ones will definitely be challenging. Not having anyone by your side may make you feel lonely and one may eventually fall into depression. Your loved ones will always be by your side and support you. Moreover life will be boring and meaningless without my loved ones by my side. They are the ones that have always motivated me to take up the job I am currently doing.

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I think it's good to find a balance between these two, both are necessary things in our lives. The career is important so you can reach your life goals, like having a stable income to live on, have money to go on vacations and have a place to live. However, what is this without a person to enjoy the things you haveget? Boring, right? It is better when you have somebody next to you to share and enjoy life with. I couldn't choose, I'd do my best to find this balance.

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I think that the ideal situation would be to be able to balance both of these huge life events. We can make all of the money in the world, but as you said here, if you do not have someone special to enjoy the fruits of your labors with, what's the point? I can tell you from first hand experience that love can get you through a tough time with your career; however, can your career and your accomplishments get you through not having love?

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For me life is mysterious. Everyday we don't know what will happen a head, that is why we need to treasure every moment of our life. You should always have positive outlook in your life. Maybe your life is full of challenges but always put in mind that this challenges help us to grow to become stronger and a better a person. Always inspire others ,do good things, spread love so that the planet earth will be the nicest planet to live on.

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I totally agree with you here. If we let our careers own us, while the years are flying by, we might forget how to live and have regrets at the end of our days. I do not want to get to the end of my time here and feel horrible that I never showed my loved ones proper affection and the care which I should have. When you die, you will be replaced quite quickly at your job, more likely than not. However, your family and loved ones can never replace you, so make sure that you follow your heart whenever you can, and if you are lucky enough to find that true partner, keep him or her until the end.

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I'm not really sure what to choose if the same situation comes to me but for now I think I will choose Career since at this point in my life,career is the most important to me and my career provide things that makes my family and myself happy .

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Love. I have discovered over time that one can be so accomplished and yet so unfulfilled and empty. And to me, there is nothing worse than that. At such a point, no amount of success, wealth or fame is enough to fill in that void. Being fulfilled and the feeling a sense of belonging and need from another person is really empowering. With that, anything else is attainable and conquerable. So I choose love today and any other day.

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If I were given a choice between love or career, I would definitely choose career. I believe love can wait. In love you still need money, and without career you can't make money which you need to fulfill your responsibilities to your family and loved ones. So career is the best choice, go get a job where you can earn enough money to support your needs and lead a good life, then when you've saved alot of money and you can spare alot of time, you can go for love.

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Love changes everything. Without love imagine the world what it will be? tragic right? So choose love rather than anything. But when incomes to relationship, study first and finish your career then find a job and marry your love.

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Well, since I'm not in a relationship right now, I'll straight up say Career. I have always believed that Love can wait, but Career can't. Job opportunities will no come the second time around that's why once it's there, you have to immediately grab them. On the other hand, if a person truly loves you, he/she will be willing to wait for the time you're fully ready to commit after reaching your dreams and aspirations.

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Loving can be good. Can even mean the whole world for a lot of people. But I have the ideology that "alone I was born, yet alone we must go". So I would choose carrer. And I'll explain my POV. You see couples that were maried for what, 20, 30 years having divorciation. What if you choose love over your own carrer, something that depends only on you.
After a life time, the other person, or even yourself, decide that the relationship won't work anymore? I would feel pretty null after something like that. But thankfully we don't have to be binary like that in real life, haha.

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They say that it's a good feeling when you're in love and when you're loved. I can't tell you because I've never been in that situation. Well, not yet. I'm still patiently waiting for my THE ONE; praying for him to come at the right time and for the ideal qualities and traits that I want my right man to possess. In love, I believe that it will come at God's perfect time and I never rush things. I just patiently wait and pray. I want to have both, career and love life so, while I am not yet in a relationship, I focus to be a better person and to do better in my career.

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I just want to have a husband, have 2 to 3 kids and simple lifestyle. I will never ask for too much

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For me life is a balance of everything. You love, you work. There's no need to choose only one. Personally, I love my work as through my earnings I'm able to provide for my family and for myself. And being in love is one of the most beautiful feelings you could ever have and you don't want to miss that part in life. Be it love for yourself, your family or someone else or even the love to travel.

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Let's say I am 21 years old, a struggling fresh College graduate who want to fulfill his responsibilities to his family while proving his worth to the world, then I will definitely choose Career. Now let's say I am 40 plus year old person; educated, professional, I will choose Love.
My soon to be husband and I chose Career because we want to secure our future before settling down. We both know that we are committed to our relationship but we also know that love can never pay bills, buy food, pay rent, etc. In other words, we chose to be practical for the mean time. It's our advantage that we are both matured enough to understand our priorities. We are no longer in our teens, at our age now we both want to have a comfortable life in the future.

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Sometimes theres no point in choosing between love and career, why? Because you can have both of them. You know you can have a career, become professional and achiever but you can also have a lovelife in doing so. You can take that two at same as long as the love will become a hindrance over in your career. Sometimes in order for you to have a successful life, you need to be inspired you need to have an inspiration and that inspiration will help you to go on in your dreams in order for you to have a succesfull life.

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Love or Career actually hard to choose but i would say Career over Love. I would choose career because if you do something to your love ones by the time passes you can do all things to apologize and hopefully be forgiven. Well its possible for parents or any member of your family but 50-50 chances on your wife or girlfriend but if they can't forgive you for what you have done to them than it's ok because maybe you're not meant to be together. Career is hard to build that's why I choose it. Love can do all things it can destroy your life. I'm not saying that it's ok to be alone and die alone im just saying be positive and live a successful life, be alone and free maybe it's not bad.

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Opportunity knock once,
but true love waits. So as for now, I will choose career. Let us be realistic, all of us need that self fulfillment, something that we can be proud of, or been dreaming to achieve.

I believe that at the right time, God will give you the right person and you wont have to choose in between love or career, because if that person truly loves you, he or she will support you all the way.

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You can do both as long as you know how to manage your time, but as a freelancer I'll choose career. Of course, you need to have financial stability first before settling down, not just for you but for the future of your family.

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Why wouldn't you be able to choose both? I feel like these things have no correlation, so there is absolutely no need to pick only one and completely disregard the other. Sure if you focus too much on either the other will be negatively affected, but as with everything else in life there should be moderation applied to it. I feel that one should work only the minimum amount needed for being able to afford decent life, and then they're able to use the leftover time however they want - love being a good option for that!

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I have always believed that Love can wait, but Career can't. Opportunites to be great comes only once in our lives while a person who truly loves us will be able to wait patiently while we strive to be the kind of person we want to be.

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I am an ambivert or a person who has a balance of extrovert and introvert features. I love to travel for adventure and sometimes I just love to stay at home and play computer games all day.

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I am an Introvert, But i just started to change when a certain girl that i met online changed everything. I didn't even expect that god made me wait just to prepare this girl for me. She literally likes the same thing i like, She has the same situation like me, She has some similarities with my mom too. I think pursuing her is the best decision i made in my life.

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It depends on your personality and whether you can strike a balance between the two. Personally, I like finding a solution to any problem I have as soon as possible. This makes it possible for me to solve problems fast and live the way I want. I believe I can balance the two instead of putting love aside. I don't find it healthy to concentrate so much just on career. Too much of something is poisonous.

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For me, a career first. You need to establish a stable career first so you can start to save and get ready for your future. Once you're financially stable, then that's the time that you can pursue your love.

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Life for me is something of a gift given by God. To be able to live and have a life is the greatest gift of all.
However, life is not always about enjoyment and happiness, life is always accompanied with sadness and suffering. I sometimes find living tiring and unmeaningful due to all the suffering I'm going through right now. But it's not like I hate life, I know life is more than this I just got to wait and do my best despite all the negativity that currently surrounds me.

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Make a list of your life goals. Goals are one of the keys to living a happy, satisfied life. People who work hard to achieve goals that are important to them report feeling more content with their lives and are more confident in who they are. It helps to set goals that are positive (such as learning a new skill) instead of negative (such as not failing calculus). In order to make sense of your life goals, do the following:
  • Make sure your goals are achievable and reasonable. Do not make your goal to "become a trillionaire": instead, have your goal be something you can attain in your lifetime, such as to "become more effective at my job."
  • Set a goal that you can control. There are many things in life that are great but also totally outside of our control. For example, a life goal of winning the lottery is not something you can ever control.
  • Think about where you want to be in 5 years. How about 10 years? 20? Feel free to daydream about where you want your life to be headed. Daydreaming is one of the most important tools to reaching a bright future in your life.
  • Think about all aspects of your life. How do you want your career to look? Your family? Your social life? Your personal development? Your hobbies? Don't limit yourself to one particular area of life: think about all of your most important activities.
  • Break large goals down into smaller, achievable tasks. It can be difficult to work toward a vague, large goal such as "becoming my own boss." However, if you break a large goal down into its component parts, you might find that the goal is easily achievable. For example, the first step to becoming your own boss might be to expand your social network in order to develop a potential client base, which is something you can do right now.
  • Develop an action plan. Once you have a sense of the large goals you are working toward as well as the small tasks involved to get there, you can begin to work towards them one-by-one. Challenge yourself to achieve great things, and reward yourself whenever you achieve one of your goals.

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I do choose career first before love. Career nowadays is very important to achieve your goals and wants in life. There will come a time that love will be the one which will find you.

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Choosing career should be the best option. You will certainly know if your special someone really has that love for you if he/she can afford to be set you loose and support your commitment to have a successful career for the both of you to have a much better future. Having someone that you want to be with and support with each other can certainly adds up on your motivation in pursuing a successful career and a better future for the both of you.

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I have once thought of you. Then something changed my life dramatically (A person actually) Nowadays I would pick love easily. You can have all the money in the world but it won't make you happy or keep you warm at night

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I will choose both. My love is also my wife. My career is also for my wife. I do not see any conflict in these choices. You can't choose between this two, you need your career for your wife, for your income to spend everyday from your work.

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I'm fresh from college so at this point in my life I'm definitely picking my career if I had to. But is that even a choice? I mean I can have both. It is not fair that you have to pick one over the other.

If it were my partner in this situation, I would also urge him to pick his career. It is the most sensible thing to do.

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I would choose both either. Although, for me, it is still important to do what we love to do than loving what we do. It is more effective and productive to do what we love to do. In most cases, people tend to love their career despite that it is not their passion to do. They still end up leaving the job. And they will spend another time to jump into another career. But that doesn't mean that we need to pursue our career at the expense of our love ones. So therefore, it is still a good idea to keep them both. So that whatever path we will take, we will be happy and contented because our love ones are always still there for us no matter what.

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This is definitely a hard question but for me I would probably choose career, the reason would be love can truly wait even though it takes you years or decades, you can still find your true love. For career, let's say your girlfriend or your soon to be wife will both be living in the same house, now you have family where will you get the money that you will provide for your family? do you get it from your parents? of course not, you should be the one to earn money so that your family will eat something. So, it's better to choose career first rather than love.

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It's harsh living without it man. I mean sure you could find it in your 50s 60s or even later but you will always think back of the time you wasted without it. That is why I value a less material and more spiritual life

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It's really hard to choose from these two very important matter in our lives. But for me I will choose career. Because good opportunity for a good career sometimes happens only once in our lives. Love, if it is really a true love, can wait no matter how long it will take.

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In the past, I would choose love, but knowing what disappointment means I would choose to boost up my career. It depends on every person on what their desire, the fact is that our choices may be wrong and we will regret sooner or later.
It is difficult to make the right choice!

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I choose love over career because most people taking seriously their career is having love ones. Make your love ones as an inspiration to focus on your career if you care about your future together with your special someone. Even if there is no guarantee that your relationship would last forever you can still benefit from your hard work, maybe you will be promoted or your salary will increase cause of your outstanding performance in work. Even if your heart breaks in the future you still have a chance to move on and enjoy your life because you can support yourself and buy the things you wanted to.

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It is true that at times choices have to be made between two equally important things. Either way one has to win priority over the other subject to important factors. in this care of love or career, assuming that some factors such as finances are held constant, then i would go for love. The reason behind my choice is that all human beings need love and a sense of belonging. if am financially well off or if my source of income threatens my love life, then I will think of shifting to a new job other than earning and missing out something I really value. I cant imagine living a lonely life even if i have all the cash in the world. I bet chasing after money at the expense of love is the mother of single families,depressions and many sorts of social problems.

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Growing up as a budding professional, I always imagined myself living in the middle of the city, on a high-rise tower, in my own "bachelor pad", and just going on a 5-minute walk to work everyday. This entails a career that's at least managerial in position. But that all changed when I met my would-be wife in the third comapny that I worked for. She erased all of the things I wanted for myself. It was never career for me, it was really love. Nice question!

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