
How to become a blogger?

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How to become a blogger?

I was so amazed every time I read blog. I ask myself where they get their affiliations do they have friends on the internet, is youtube blog portal owners are their friends?

Is there anybody here already a blogger? I have a great admiration for people with blogs. 
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First, you should ask yourself what do you want to write about? Something that your very passionate about or rather something that is very desirable and could possibly net you some money? You have to pick your niche and your target audience BEFORE you begin writing. Also, know that if you want to stay relevant in the blogging area and have daily traffic, you have to keep producing high-quality content or nobody will bother to visit your blog. It isn't hard as long as you can write well, are creative and passionate.

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I agree with you completely. I've visited a lot of blogs especially when I was doing research for building my own, and I could easily tell which ones were made out of passion and which ones were built just for profit. I've also followed a lot of blogs that were eventually sold and when the owners and writers changed, the soul of the blog was gone and didn't feel as lively or personal, by which I mean the blog then started to feel a lot more corporate and manufactured. I think this really is the most important step because if you are not passionate about your topic, then it will show, and you are less likely to attract readers because they will probably feel it too if you are not being genuine.

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I agree with you on this. This is the other side of the blog that is slowly attracting business thinking into it. They become somehow commercialized. But like what you said, there are those who really write from their heart.

I wonder, what do you call bloggers professionally? I mean in terms of introducing yourself if you're a blogger, what do you call yourself? a blogger? a writer?

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Thank you for your information. I always wanted to be a successful blogger and still lot of stuffs I need to study before creating a blog. I will note this one. Thanks!

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Thank you for that statement this is so helpful. Yes we must blog things which we love without thinking how much money we will get from it. You must keep doing something new which captivates the curiosity of visitors. Do not copy someone's idea be original with your work cause it differs the feeling of being proud with your own ideas than copying anyone's idea.

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Well if being a blogger is just for a person who is passion is writing then maybe I am not fit to be a But anyways thanks to your thoughts because maybe someday, I could be blogger and I will also have followers to

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I'm not good in blogging but I want to try at least. I just knew that blogging needs some inspiration to pursue it. Travel is one of the most exciting thing to blog. You just have to be specific on what category you should want to start.

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Hi Joyang24.

It is far from exasperating that you kindly mentioned that even though attempting to run and upkeep a blog can be a tiring task, at least giving it try is certainly worth the chance. A blog is not something that a website owner can just create and then forget all about it. A blog must be maintained and upkept on a timely basis. Too, is not at all a bothersome thing that you at the outset know that to have your categories already sorted out for better results. Fine pointing out of the essential blog matters.

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Same here, I'm also not a good blogger, I've tried so many times and failed. I started blogging 8-9 years back before I realized blogging wasn't meant for me, I have to move on and concentrate on something else. For you to be a good blogger, you must be dedicated and patient, visit blogs as many as you can you can to get plenty ideas of how to run your own blog efficiently.

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Blogging is a fun way to share your thoughs, ideas ,news and information to the world.Owning a blog is not rocket could do it yourself or get a web designer to design one for you.You could use the free blogging platform like the blogger or wordpress or go for the paid domain name and hosting.

Write your content or pay someone to write it for you and you start posting.When you published your content,use the share button to share it to your social media account etc.

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Having a blog is one of my goals for the coming year in the sense that I could get my thoughts written on them while my visitors enjoy going through them. I believe that it is a great way to go about it.

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The first thing you need to have, is a topic you want to do a blog about. This topic should be one you can dominate, something you really like to do, or you are very passionate about. Traveling, cooking, crafting, anything you really want to talk, and that you can talk for hours, and give opinions or suggestions about. Then, you can check online tutorials to build your blog, in the way you want it, and also is very important to make people know about it, posting adds, using social media, anyway you can attract followers/friends/clients.

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Hello. I just started blogging and I am using Word press. My question is do people need to have an account with word press or something related to follow me> Or if you could explain to me a little more about the following/ liking process. Thanks in advance.

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The following/liking process is usually done through the use of social media. Basically, the more followers you have, the higher are your chances of attracting XY amount of people to your blog. Of course, if those followers aren't bots and they are interested in your niche. The likes give you credibility because somebody that sees a business page on Facebook with tons of likes they feel like they can trust it.

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I am not a blogger and it doesn't interest me, I really don't know why because I see so many of my friends well versed in it that sometimes I get jealous. Maybe sooner than later, I would be keen in exploring blogs.

I am more taken with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. There three social networks are where I have absolute dominance and I enjoy it more here.

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To be a blogger, 1st you must have a topic to discuss. You can discuss thing such as food, lifestye, travel music and etc. depending on your theme. If you want to be a blogger who is into travel well its better if the whole content of your blogs are all travel.

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This is the most important thing that you have to do. The first thing you should do before you start your very own blog is to choose a topic that you have a massive interest in. If you like gaming and technology, then make a blog about gaming/technology. Never choose a topic that you think will do well but you have no knowledge of. After that, just write as much as you can. Your blog will hopefully slowly increase in popularity.

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My advise only for you how to be blogger is to finish what you have started and about the contents, create and blog things that you enjoy at the same time the visitors enjoy too. We have different hobbies in life but put things in general where all will gather useful information where they can learn something new from your blog. I created a blog in the past few years with google adsense but sad to say you need to wait 6 months for the confirmation of your account to start in earning and i am a type of person that wants the payout immediately so i decided to focus in other online job.

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We can create much fun on our blogs by talking about things that we like and all that. It is one easier way to write on the blog.

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Choose what you want to blog. Blogging is more of writing right? However if you want to vlog be more natural in facing the camera and be passionate and spontaneous in every word you say. Vloggers on youtube are popular nowadays. My favorite vloggers are Jess and Gabriel Conte. Be a unique version of you.

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Hi all guys!
Thank you for wonderful comments and suggestions. I'm learning now, and will try to watch some tutorials also.
I will give you update guys and see you all around in the forums.

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"The 3 Idiots" It is the only drama-comedy Bollywoodian Movie that I Loved. My family and friends likes it too and we watched it countless times because it gives you a lot of lessons in life. I don't know if it went popular in the some countries but I know for sure it went big in the east. The lessons were about chasing your dreams and loving your family. Some people thought they were idiots for following their dreams, but in the end, the 3 idiots became one of the popular names in their City. You guys should check out this movie!

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I've always wanted to do blogging as it seems so fun to do the things you like, share it to the world and earn at the same time but there are some things that stops me. One thing that stops me from starting is Budget on the things that I need for blogging and for the things that I'd do for my blog. If I'm going to blog something maybe it will be traveling because I've always want to explore the world and visit beautiful places. I know one of these days I will do one of these things. How to become a blogger?

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Anyone can be a blogger, but to be a well-known one is the hard part. If all you want is to share your thoughts online, there's nothing standing in your way. But if you want to create a popular blog you can work on full-time, that will require a lot of time, dedication, and hard work. What are you interested in? Hobbies? Passions? You need to find a topic that you'll never tire of writing about. The key is to dominate whichever topic you choose.

As for how bloggers find their affiliations, they contact other businesses and bloggers first a lot of the time. Like any business relationship, bloggers do a lot of networking online or in person. For the truly popular and lucky ones, I would assume businesses and other bloggers will make the first contact.

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Choose something that you will be able to consistently write about. If you focus your blog too narrowly, you may find that you have limited topics within the chosen area for writing articles. The only way to begin is to start writing! Start at a free host like, they make the process very easy for setting up and maintaining your blog. Also, subscribe to your favorite blogs, often the connections you make will end up teaching you a lot!

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If you're gonna become a blogger you'd better blog about something people wanna read about. Not crazy stuff or conspiracy theories. You also have to adhere to certain codes and ethics. No click bait titles, slandering people or posting incorrect photos and info. One popular website recently just got nailed with a big lawsuit because while running a story about illegal immigrants coming into America, they posted a photo of a famous soccer player on a jet ski. The soccer player found out and sued the website. What a bunch of clowns.

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How to become a blogger? Well some people also want to read conspiracy theories. How to become a blogger? But you're right though. If you want to be a blogger, write top notch articles and make them interesting but not to the point wherein people would actually question your source because you aren't being serious or putting enough information that would justify your claims or whatever your post is about.

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A lot of people are into blogging now, majority of the channels that I follow on Youtube are bloggers so I really get the gist of how much people nowadays love their daily life to be published in social media platforms. As a follower, I'm so much interested in the process of how they are choosing their video contents and what drives them in making these videos, any bloggers here?

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The most interesting thing about the life bloggers is that they want the fame and adoration because more views and viewers equals more money and possible endorsements. However later on, some claim that their privacy is being invaded or their space is not being respected. Followed by their lives being in shambles and blaming their "fans" for all of it. I think if your blog isn't going to be a topical, advice or creative endeavor blog. You should really think long and hard about opening up your daily world to cameras on a constant basis.

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Becoming a blogger is the easiest task you can ever do online. You can start by choosing a suitable blogging platform from any of those notable platforms. Platforms most popularly used are Blogger, Wordpress, Tumblr, Weebly and many others. Hubpages is also a great blogging and writing platform if you have what is required to be a user. Once you have decided on which blogging platform to choose, it is high time you started publishing.

Before you begin publishing posts, there are rules that you must be ready to abide with. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Plagiarizing will not let you succeed with blogging. Things must be done on a slow and steady basis. To drive massive traffic to your blog, you need to always create unique content. This makes your blog search engine friendly in no time. You should also add your blog to sitemap using Google webmaster tools.

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I'm not a blogger but I have idea about blogging. If you really wanted to be a blogger be sure it is your pleasure. Does it really interest you? because I'm telling you now it is not easy. It needs patience, and hard work from editing, reviewing, etc. I was once dreaming to become a blogger but the only blog that interests me is travel blog. I didn't push it through because it was also expensive. If you are really eager to become a blogger then go follow your desire and do a lot of research before doing it.

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I am not a blogger but I am planning soon to be part of bloggers. I am very amazed to the blogs that really create a great content. And I am planning to create a blog about travel adventures. Now, I am still researching in what are the basics equipments that I needed and for creating a blog. My second idea is create a blog on how to earn money online. I really want to help people who are looking for extra income while at home.

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  • This is by far the EASIEST way to set up a blog.You need zero technical experience or knowledge to start a blog with this guide. My step-by-step instructions will walk you through every detail.
    You can set up your blog on any device.This the ONLY guide I know of that can be used to start a blog on any computer, tablet, or mobile device. Your blog will be set up on the right platform.We walk you through using WordPress, the easiest and best type of blog. 9 out of 10 successful bloggers use it for a reason.This guide is 100% free to use.Even though this guide contains the tips and tricks I use to make a living with my blogs, I do not charge you to use it. You will have access to a mentor.Almost every successful blogger has a mentor who has already had success in blogging. I provide mentoring through email and live chat to every user of this guide.

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I think technical part of making the blog is easy. You may however have to guess the ways the blogging can be done using existing installed tools. What comes later is that the part where you have to learn how to market your content. And you have to learn how to make words attract people. I think if you can manage then yes being a blogger is not that easy but doable. I suggest starting with simple stuff and then take things ahead.

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Blogging, for the right kind of people, could be very fun! You should be passionate to share something anywhere, anytime! You should have the drive that says you could change the world with your blog. Bloggers inspire people in many ways and at the same time earn money from it. You should not care more about how much you're gonna earn. If you have the passion to blog, you will care more about what lessons and things you can share with others while you express yourself. It is best to choose a platform where in you could freely monitor it by yourself so you could be able to write wonderful and appealing contents to most people and you should know how to promote your blog in all sorts of ways.

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Here are some of my tips to become a "professional" blogger:
1. Have the needed equipment (camera,laptop/pc,etc)
2. Know some awesome video transitions
3. Have a good background music
4. Amazing opening (add awesome effects)
5. Be confident! (Not under, also not over!)

Well, here are just some but you can search in Google or watch Youtube videos and observe them. How to become a blogger?

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I am really planning to be a blogger and I still looking for tips and guides to become a successful blogger. Thank you for this one!

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Thanks, dude! It makes me happy when somebody appreciates my effort to help someone. Good luck, dude! Wishing that you will become a good blogger. How to become a blogger?

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No problem bro. Thank you again. I really hope I can manage to be a blogger. Thanks!

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Thanks for the tip. I'm always fascinated about how those bloggers can come up with an Idea that would really entertain every viewer. I always watch travel and food blogs. I guess I can never be a blogger because it's so expensive to blog a certain destination. I can't afford it, unfortunately. ????????

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This is for video blogging you definitely need great equipment and editing skills so that you can be a professional blogger. But you can also a blogger by just posting some articles that you are interested in and in that part you just need a interesting topic and also interesting things about the topic. I also agree that being a blogger needs to be confident because without self-confidence you won't be able to express what are your thoughts on a certain topic. Just be yourself and express what you are thinking and most of all be creative. Happy blogging.

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If you truly want to be a successful blogger then you have to write with passion. However only working and not thinking isn't going to do, you have to invest some time about reading on how to promote your blog and how to get a starting fan base. You should read on SEO and how to invest money if you can into expanding your blog. You should learn how to gain some traffic from social medias, because they are the kings of the internet right now.

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I haven't entered the world of blogging. But if you really want to try, you can browse on Google on how to make an interesting blog. Always remember everything is just one click away.

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Me too, I haven't done any blogs or thinking about writing one someday, the reason is I'm probably too lazy. But my friends told me that when you're trying to write something don't just think of an idea also think and look back at your experience which will definitely help you in writing something which is more exciting and more interesting.

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I have two blogs. One showcases the works of others, and the other one showcases my own articles, content, and writing experiments which are linked to my eBooks. I would not call myself a successful blogger yet, although I do get some good traffic, but from what I have learned in the short time I have been doing this is that one must have great content and really enjoy writing and presenting this content consistently in order to have an audience and to be successful. I am still working on learning how to properly monetize my blog, so I am no good with advice to you there, but I can say that, as I have heard all over blogging forums, "Content is King", and so good content comes first.

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I'm not a blogger but i often read blogs made by my friends. I'm a bit curious too they told me that they can express how they feel, they can reach out to peoples and be free. I really don't get it, But I think i'll try making one to experience the same feeling that they are experiencing. Hopefully i won't get a big headache when it comes to setting it up.

Good luck to our fellow beginners.

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I' ve always wanted to become a blogger. But my problem is where and how do I start? There are a lot of tutorials online right now but still having difficulties in doing it. I guess what I want is an expert advice or probably a step by step process. I find this site very helpful since there is a specific topic about blogging. I hope this site would help me to become a blogger.

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Well, blogging is a sector in the cyber hustling space, that's already crowded with many people, and not too many niches are available to balance the equation. Blogging as you can see, seems to be the talk of the town, but there is more to it, that meets the eye, the more you look the less you see.
But if you have the desire and passion, to go into blogging, then i will advice you to go, but if it's with the get rich mindset, sorry to say, but you may be disappointed in the long run. And find a niche that is not over saturated, to lower the competition, but if you feel you are good in a particular niche, then you are good to go.

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Becoming a blogger is not really that hard if it is really your passion. It is hard if you will pursue it just because it looks cool and trendy. Now, if you think you really have the guts and passion, the first thing you have to do is to know what interests you. This will more likely be the stepping stone of your career in blogging industry, this will determine your work will fail or not. Then the rest will just follow.

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To become a blogger it needs dedication and determination to achieve your goal to be a successful blogger. Blogger is not that simple as you just post or write some article but you need a strong and straight to the point article. But some of the blogger prefer to blog some of the needs of the people on the internet like online jobs and some of the software that they need in their of their devices , you can make and article about that or I suggest make a blog about the successful online business man/woman, because of the internet we are now maybe always surfing and searching some of extra cash online that's why you need to target a common people like us. Being a blogger is not easy, I'm not a blogger but I tried it and it's so easy because it also needs more time and patience.

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If you are someone who loves to voice out his/her thoughts but doesn't have the courage to say it out loud, then blogging could be the best for you. It's like you are talking to a friend you have known for a long time and telling him/her anything that is in your mind. Blogging can be time-consuming but worth it. Try it and post your website here so we can visit How to become a blogger?

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I've never took bloggers seriously or blogging for that matter, I prefer a fall website with real information and a company willing to serve a purpose not some guy willing to serve his own terms, they make me angry just like journalists do.

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Hi guys. Can I earn money by creating a page in Facebook? I just created a page and it's all about how to earn extra money online, I already have some legit sites that's why I created a page to help some people. Thanks for those who will answer!

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Do what you love and you will be amazed how you can create, on doing what you love, sometimes becoming a blogger needs passion, a passion to write, impress, inform, the readers you have to love your story before you share it to others because it's one of the way to becoming a blogger.

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Being a blogger while it's very interesting it's hardly easy. Most people see blogs and vlogs and think: "Hey it's easy I'll give it a try!" While in reality, you need to understand a lot about content creation, marketing and of course SEO. If you can grasp these concepts and is passionate about something, however, no reason to not try.

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To become a blogger , you need to start some kind of controversy online. You could do this by writing a ridiculous article that people react strongly to in a popular publication like the Huffington Post or the New York Post. To this post, you could put a link to your blog.However you need to keep the content , equally ridiculous, to ensure that you get and keep your followers. If the content is entertaining enough, and people tune in regularly to read it, like magic you become a blogger.

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As much as I dislike this practice, I can't argue that it is effective. I have seen a lot of blogs get famous just by being controversial. I also get a lot of links shared with me by people who are angered by the articles being written and I just think to myself that they are probably just doing it for the views and the money, and the people who are sharing the links are just playing into their hands. Whenever I come across any of these types of articles or videos I usually just ignore them, but the majority will almost always engage.

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I am also recently started to make a blog using wordpress. I have to say I find it hard to think of a topic and content. Blogging is hard to do if you don't have any idea to write about. I have to research first to be able to come up with many topics and content. I want my blog to be unique and original in my own little way.

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My first blog was a failure. I was sharing my insights about the economy but I was barely getting any visitors. I then decided to blog on other interesting topics. I started a fashion and health blog. My friends who also had interest in this topic helped me to promote my blog by sharing it on the different social media platform. I also started using some automated social media management tools. I also make sure that my articles are of high quality and I try my best to post on a regular basis.

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I am not into blogging, but I've got friends that earn through blogging and I must confess that it is not an easy work to do for you have to be ready to build your online presence. I will give you these tips so it can help you in becoming a better blogger. They are:

i) Try as much as you can to let your friends know that you're into blogging. Write amazing contents that you can paste on Facebook and other social media sites while you insert your link at the end for your online friends to visit you for more amazing contents.

ii) Do not slack in updating the contents you place on your blogs. Make it stand out using catchy words that can help your blog in ranking higher on search engines.

iii) Research more about how successful bloggers made it and try to apply those steps they took in your blogging career and watch as you make a step towards becoming the best blogger around your area.

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Becoming a blogger is not very difficult provided you have $20-25 to spare and have good writing skills. Get a domain, host your website and begin publishing articles. Once you have built up contents start promoting on social media. Blogging is as easy as this. You can of course choose a free blogging platforms like wordpress, weebly or bogspot. However, I don't recommend you to go with a free blogging platform. If you are using free platform, you won't gain a trust as a blogger. If you build your own website, always choose wordpress as the content management system as it is easy to use.

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