
Rummage Thrift Sales

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Rummage Thrift Sales

Keeping Neighbors Happy
I love rummage garage sales. Some may call them 'Thrift Sales', but whatever you call them you need to consider keeping your neighbors happy if you are going to have a garage sale. The trouble with home sales is traffic tying up the neighborhood parking places. This can annoy some people, so anytime you're planning a sale that will likely draw a crowd throughout the day, do your best to placate residents and neighbors who may be temporarily inconvenienced. You may want to place parking signs giving special early-entrance passes to nearby neighbors. Let you neighbors know ahead of time that you will be having a sale, and one more good tip, let your neighbors be the first to shop at your sale, this will be a win win for everybody. Does anyone have anymore good tips on how to keep your neighbors happy during a gala event?


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Haha. Yeah right. Bake some cookies, cakes and give candies to their kids. They'll be fine.

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Haha, isn't that a lot of invested time though. Baking a cake can take hours... I'd just buy one from the supermarket if I would even go that far. I believe that it's better to give their kids some candy since it's inexpensive and requires no effort. If kids are happy, the parents are happy.

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I love going to these and also having these, from time to time. I have actually pulled over before, on a ride in the country, when I saw tables full of interesting wares to explore. I have found some really awesome stuff, especially books, at these sales. These sales are a great way to de-clutter your home and to give willing buyers things that are lying around which you are not using anymore. The people who shop at these rummage sales take home things that catch their eye, and so these items are recycled, in a way, and everyone wins!

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Earning from old stuff just lying in the attic is a really good thing. Not only will we have more space in our house, but a few extra bucks too.

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Like I said above, I just really think it's so cool to exchange personal items like this with strangers or neighbors. I guess they say that one man's trash is another man's treasure, but the communal aspect of the garage sale or yard sale, as we call it here, is a really awesome thing. You meet people and have discussions and tell stories. It is almost "tribal" in that way.

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I totally agree. The communal aspect of this is beautiful in its own way and tribal is indeed a perfect way of describing it. With all the modern technology we have nowadays, the communal aspect of our lives is not much given attention compared to before, and through this activity, not only do we earn but also learn from the strangers we meet.

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Yes! Books are the best win win in this garage sales. I've found very interesting ones for a super cheap price. Not a fan to buy stuff like tables, toys, baskets. I rather go for books, puzzles, maybe old tools. My intellectual inner self can't resist a garage sale.

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I agree, of course! I have also found really cool tee shirts and jackets. I found an awesome old antique birdcage once, and it was so cool i bought it and went to a pet store and got a bird who I still have. I have also found some cool art at these sales.

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Haha, interesting, how can a garage sale make you get a pet. Now, that you say that, some clothes are great too. When I was studying English there, I bought my winter clothes on a garage sale, that was really cheap, the clothes were in perfect conditions, and I was in some way helping the sellers. I'm back in the tropic, but still have some pieces, want to keep the faith on going back someday.

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That is really the good thing about garage sale. You can buy many cool product at cheap price. You can also find items that looks new, or have not been used often. It is not common to me to see an art piece on a garage sale, most people here sells clothes, shoes and toys. The best sellers are clothes, especially those that are branded.

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It always a good idea to put up old stuff for offer us the opportunity to make money and Also clear our home of old unwanted stuff,it always a good idea

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Exactly! Aside from getting extra money from the old stuff, this is also the best way to clear some space in our house. You can have extra spaces for your new stuffs to put to. Instead of stocking those things that we do not need anymore, selling them is better, or if you are generous enough, you can also donate some of your things to the needy.

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Those you have mentioned are really good stuff to consider. Whenever there are thrift sales in my place, the common problem is the parking space and the traffic. It could mess up with the business because some people may feel disheartened if they see chaos brought by that.

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It's true what you just mentioned, a thrift rummage garage sales wouldn't be possible if there isn't any space to display the stocks and without it or too much traffic, it would halt the business.

Now, the question is how can one make provisions to sell without having to worry about parking space? Would going to stadium areas to carry out the thrift sales be advisable?

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It all depends on the relationship that one has with neighbours. If they are friends they too could pitch in and add some of their items. This way not only will they not mind traffic inconveniencing them they will be happy to see many prospective clients lined up to see their good as well.

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Well, in my country the thrift sales are practically nonexistent. I have only seen them in the movies but if I would be in case the of organizing one, I honestly wouldn't pay much attention to the neighbors unless we'd be friends. It isn't illegal to have a thrift sale on your property so I don't think that you need to do anything over the top to keep the neighbors happy.

You could always invite them over to participate or ask them for advice so it seems like you care about their opinion. People always like that Rummage Thrift Sales

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Yeah. In my country, too. I've seen some garage sales on the other street from our house and it was not that given attention by many. I think we've come to a little conclusion that some of these are just not that worth it to buy and maybe could even buy something more interesting than the used ones. I'm not against garage sales but I would love to try it out someday.

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Well the best way not to annoy your neighbors is to tell them beforehand that you'll be having a garage sale. Also, keep it in your space and do it on a time where the traffic is the lowest. Also, it helps if you have a one way tour on the viewing of your items. In this way, people will not over crowd your place and they are moving in a synchronized way.

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I completely agree with you on this completely, they are your neighbors and as such deserve some benefits as well as preferential treatment of getting informed first when the sales would take place. That would make them feel important and as such not have any issues with you and your sales in any way even if they aren't going to buy.

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For me, thrift sales is a great way to earn money as well as to communicate with your neighbors. Selling items maybe depend on the seasons. You can sell chocolates and roses during valentine's day. Selling some clothings and many more. You have so many options but it is depends on you which one will be easy.

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I consider it a blessing that I have some very good and helpful neighbors. Everybody is not really that lucky. I share a very good relationship with my neighbors and very often they help me with the garage sales. I always let them know beforehand that I will be conducting a sale. If ever they have any objections or queries we try to sit together to find solution.

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You are lucky to have these
neighbors. It wont be a hassle to you since they are all supportive when you are preparing for a garage sale. It's really important that you keep good relations to your neighbor either with or without doing garage sale. So how dis tour garage sale goes? I bet it is a success.

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We have never tried doing a garage sale before, but my grand father loves to buy on a garage sale. They offer a lot of items with cheap prices, and my grandfather loves that. He buys shoes, shorts and bags. But the most common problem that we encounter is the parking space since most of them are placed near the road and there in just a little place to park your car.

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Small snack or finger foods and wine is a good idea to serve during a thrift sale. The wine thing is becoming more frequent when it comes to shopping in general at some high end shops. Also you should have an easy way for the customers to pay for their purchases. Maybe using their phones to pay or their credit or debit cards. Set up a paypal account so they can pay directly from their phones into your account.

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I used to live in New York City where garage sales weren't all that common, but in certain neighborhoods you would have them now and again. In the communities where the neighbors were more in touch with one another, they would actually organize events where everyone was involved. Instead of one person having a garage sale outside, neighbors would get together and arrange a day for everyone to gather up their items and setup shop outside. Not only was it a good bonding experience between neighbors but it also attracted people outside of the neighborhood.

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Unfortunately, I have not been to any event like that but I have some great tips on how to get on well with neighbours in similar situations. It is always good to tell them in advance so that potential problems could be tackled. If they disagree ,like they seem to do quite often, I suggest giving them nor just first-purchase-option but also discounts with some cakes or sweets as gifts. This would show them how much you care about their satisfaction and contentment.

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Oh so this is also known as Garage sales? Here in Malaysia, there isn't any and nobody create this type of sales. Instead, most people sell old items that are still use able or good condition to thrift shops for extra money. Then, those buyers visit the thrift shop and buy at a higher price. They earn the profits.

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We also have shops like that here in my country. There you can find various of second hand stuffs like guitar, appliances, furniture, vases, doors and many more. We also have this so called "ukay ukay" where you can usually sell or buy used clothes, shoes and bags. The good thing here is that you can get it all for a cheap price.

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Well as with most human relationships I believe that communication is the key. Whatever you're doing make sure to let others know in advance and also make sure that they're comfortable with the fact. Living in community is not easy but taking the first step doesn't hurt anyone

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I agree. Here we have organized events and if anyone wants to do something on their own or on their own time then they can put in a request with the organization because we live in a group community. It takes the guesswork out of it which is great and it's always made sure that none of the neighbors are bothered. Even advertising on the community board needs permission and I think having rules like that really helps everything fair and organized.

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Haha, they can be very fun and you can have some seriously interesting stuff. It's also cool that you learn what kind of people live there, because of they items they sell. As others stated, selling books is one of the main attractions for me too, however what I love is stuff that you can't easily find anywhere else, like something form their collection.

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Garage sale is not a thing here in the Philippines but just in case someone will be conducting a garage sales, that's not a problem since a common house here can easily be converted into your business like meat and vegetable market, laundry shop, computer shop, retail store, drug store, clothing boutique, hardware, construction material, etc and no one cares. I'm pretty sure that our neighbours will be happy if someone opens up a garage sale. Here in the Philippines, you can easily buy your needs within your street. Rummage Thrift Sales

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Well, to keep your neighbors happy during a gala even, you need to understand your neighbors, which is quite hard, but you have to discover what almost everyone loves, when you discover what people in your country love, then you get that and give 'em to your neighbors.

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I would love to have a garage sale but they aren't a thing here (and would probably be considered illegal). A good way to keep your neighbors happy is selling cake or lemonade. Lemonade takes less time to make and it's a great thing to sell especially when the day is warm and people would get thirsty walking around the sale.

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I'm not a huge fan of these thrift sales, to be honest. Once in a while, you will tend to come across an item that you truly want or is extremely valuable but is being sold cheaply but most of the time it is absolute crap that people are just too lazy to throw away or want to make a quick buck from. I think the best thing to do to keep your neighbours happy is to just ensure that they know about it early so they are prepared for it.

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I think thrift sales are good for finding great deals. And a lot of times you can find some antiques that are worth a lot of money. I was watching antique road show and someone bought a painting from a rummage sale and the painting turned out to be worth 10k.

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I tried a garage sale of clothes and many of my neighborhood like my clothes i even make some decent amount of money out of it. i just keep my place clean and not to much noise no music play just simple clean environment to choose clothes in affordable price. and also i have some friends who sell there clothes to me and a put it on the garage, i even make a buy 1 take 1 sale to attract more costumer.

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I play songs on my sound system to keep things lively. I see such events as the period of relaxation, so no one complains of noise. However, it is all about playing soft musics such as blues.

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I have attended plenty of garage sales and flea market sales. And realized that not all the time it is going to be good enough. Some of the time such sales are going to be bad. You may find the bad products and that can lead to the loss. So make sure you check out what you're buying and if it is in good condition. That is what is going to set the direction for the thrift sales as well. That being said, flea market is better for this.

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Offering to sell your neighbors' old stuff as well at your place, and get a 1-5% commission per sale is the best blackmail strategy to keep them from complaining and to put smiles on their faces. In that way, they earn and would be consequently clutter-free.

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I have never done garage sale or ever been on a garage sale, therefore, I don't know how to tackle issues such as road traffic, parking or making your neighbors happy. In my place, garage sales are not very common happening. In fact, I have never heard anyone having a garage sale in my neighborhood. I have sold farm produce (I grow cereal, vegetables, and fruits) and milk products (I have a dairy farm), and I am thinking of having a shop set in front of my house where I can sell my farm produce.

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I live in a gated community so we usually have specific times when we are invited to put up our used items for sale so we can sell to each other and the people outside our neighborhood. I have never sold anything there because I don't like standing outdoors when the sun is out and it's hot so I just end up selling online. However, I have gone through many thrift stores and have been able to find and buy many great items that I liked. I usually try to look for some clothes because I like to find ones that are not commonly found in retail stores or malls.

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For garage sales, I don't think too much effort is required, just a nice arrangement of items in categories with labels and adequate pricing is enough, and do it on an open space to avoid traffic issues.

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