
How to make professional connections?

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How to make professional connections?

How do you meet more people and expand your professional connections? Do you look for them around your friends too? Do you use linkedin or some other websites for that? What are the best tips for that?


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I have a linked account. I have connected with many professionals through LinkedIn. However, I am not very active on LinkedIn, therefore, my professional connection on LinkedIn is just a number. I have not benefitted anything by connecting with the professionals through LinkedIn. I am very active on facebook. Facebook is a social networking site for all ages (you have to be at least 13 years though), all professions, and all interest. You can find your cousin on facebook as well as your professor (if you are still in college or university), you can find your mother as well as your buyer (if you are seller).
Twitter is also another good platform to make professional connection.

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These are great suggestions! I know about LinkedIn but I don't know how popular it is in my country. I know there are some groups on Facebook for some careers so probably if you don't know anyone you can start by joining a group like that.

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hmm interesting!)))))))))))))))))))))))))
thanks for sharing!

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Yes, the only way to make more connections is to put your head out there. Talk to people and not only in your area of expertise. You never know when they'll have some connection to indicate to you. Most of my professional connections were done this way. Linked In and other social media also help

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If you aren't seen you can't be recognized, right? It's a very simple rule, but some people still don't feel safe enough to do this because they are afraid to fail (just to mention an example: speak some kind of wrong information and then have to acknowledge that they missed).

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Yes, it is pretty straightforward. Unfortunately, it seems that people feel like making mistakes is a bad thing. I think it's a great thing. If you make mistakes and you're intelligent you can learn valuable lessons from them.

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If it were possible to choose, no one to choose this alternative... However, I think mistakes make learning of things more meaningful and therefore, more important.

All you need to do (although it's not so easy for many people) is know how to handle the mistakes to convert it to your advantage.

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Totally agree with you, talking to people and being friendly or being close to them is one way to make a possible connections to a person. And also, using you social media sites can also help like as what they recommend, like LinkedIn and many more.

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They can indeed! I will start a professional course soon. I was weary as it might not work out but then I remembered that even if it doesn't work out I will make lots of connections and new friends and that should give me a different perspective on life

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I believe we can make professional connection through different social platforms.Alot of professionals are on this platforms is just to connect with them which could be done by adding them up,following them or sending a friend request to them.
We can identify them through their profile or through a good chat with them but the most important site is LinkedIN.This the icy on the cake,you can meet all sorts of professionals on this platform and one can try to connect through sending a request,

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I also do the same thing as what you did because you will only going to have a connections if you will expose yourself to others by means of social media.

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I am not the type of person who has an entrepreneur's mouth but I agree with you on this. You have to walk the talk and be an effective professional be it inside the work premises or outside. Everything, though, has its reasons and meeting them would be a great experience.

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You are so right--I tend to be too shy, I think, in some of my business endeavors, and I know that, if I were more aggressive, that I could definitely be a lot more successful. One does have to put his or her "head out there", as you say--I guess I am more hesitant in doing this kind of thing online than I am in person because I do not want to potentially run off customers or business associates with too many reminders, emails, etc. Still, you give good advice here--it is true--you will never know what opportunities are out there unless you throw yourself into the mix.

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Social media is your best friend these days when it comes to making connections! You meet someone in the real life? you look for them and add them to you social media like Linked In, business instagram o that sort of thing. Always be nice and professional to people you'll always get more flies with honey remember that.

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There is no doubt that social media platforms like Facebook can be very effective, but I still think many people don't know how to separate things correctly (person side and professional side).

I mean, there has to be a contente constraint so that most of them realize where they are that moment (for example: "Here you can only post about professional things.").

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Timing and the right place to discuss professional things is important too. Just like facebook groups and pages where you can find a lot of discussion and professionals where you can get info and connections(that i think are the right place/section). Just like what you said, it has to be separated like you cannot just post it right away on your status if it is not really needed, because it can annoy some on you friend's list.

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The personal and professional fields are totally different and no matter how many people think they can complement each other (and I know some people like that), sooner or later they'll realize the problems that this will bring to them.

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Mostly the people I met on social media particularly on Facebook are what I add on my list of connections be it on online business and our local business. Some of them are recurring customers who are connected with my boss account an I'm just the guy who confronts them with their needs in terms of our services which we offer on our Facebook Page.

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Yes Facebook is one of the best alternatives aside from personal interactions. You can find a lot of groups in facebook that could help you connect with others. Facebook really ease our way of communicating with other people. It is a highly recommended site for those who wants to have connections but you must be aware of scammers because lots of them are in facebook nowadays fooling people. I hope you will keep securing your personal informations for safety.

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Social media definitely helps. You can see that some of the people who are making connections through meetup also helps out. I have seen some really cool people on meetup. And it means you can be really good with the conversation and it can be helpful on the business connections. I guess freelancers find it a bit harder though.

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I also have a LinkedIn account but have not really established new professional connections through that other than the friends that I do really know personally and are members of LinkedIn. But they do have other connections that I may not know of and I may establish connections through them. It is really a matter of network or networks. What I find more valuable in terms of connecting to people is really looking for group pages in Facebook and other similar sites that has been driving people of the types that I am looking for. For example, I love collecting succulent plants and I am learning to germinated my collections. It is so easy to learn how to do this in Youtube and internet, however, my location can play a role in this. So I join local groups in Facebook who are legitimate planters, so to speak, and who are willing to help and give their valuable response to simple queries. This is how I expand my network of professional connections. Same goes to all aspects of professional needs you may want. I have known also, some people from outside my linkedIn circle who introduced themselves because of the products they carry and offer services. You may want to do that what they are doing to increase connections. The bottom line is you have to approach and search all possibilities and be approachable too by making your profile public.

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Linkedin is a powerful social media network, and it's great to have a profile there no matter what your occupation is. I've gotten job offers through there and connected with various people in my field, which helps keep me relevant in the field and on people's minds when they might need someone like me.

It's really neat to see how your circle of professional connections grows on the site as your career moves forward and you make more connections. It's a good feeling, really!

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That's good to know. You were able to maximize the website's potential. Did you use the free version? If you did, even wonderful! I always wanted to expand my network there and hope that my career will be seen by prospective employers overseas. DO you think this is possible?

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Yes, I was using the free version of Linkedin. I'm lucky that my college has strong networking connections, and through my connections with my professors and other people on campus, that's what has helped local professionals find me through the platform.

I don't see why it wouldn't be possible for you to be seen by employers overseas. I think with Linkedin one of the most powerful things is the people you know. The employers who reached out to me did so because they saw where I received my education and recommendations from people who taught me as well. With overseas employers, you might not have as many connections available, so it might take more work on your end. Send in your application and resume, or reach out to ask some questions or advice from someone at the company and see where it leads you.

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I am attending the local meetups and establishing connections through that. I think linkedin is good but those connections don't help out. Real connections happen in real world. Go out and meet new people. That's how you should be making the real professional connections. That's how you should be approaching this option. I have seen people also making the connection through seminars, webinars and the facebook group. Find a way through which you have common interest. And then build yourself on that.

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Yes it is true. Nowadays I am seeing a lot of invitations on the internet and social media for seminars and webinars(mostly from other country). This is one of
the best way to make professional connections. Plus you can learn a lot from those since most of it invites different people that has an important say to an specific discussion/field.

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The internet is truly wonderful, especially in regards to the dissemination of information. Webinars have had a huge impact on my work professionally, as my full time job will pay for me attend relevant webinars to help me hone my video and photo skills.

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I have found out that invite to seminar and the meetups always help. You learn more about other business. And you can learn how to get them online. So you just have to focus on the hosting part. There are some good options like getting them to setup designs etc. But the thing about the professional meetsup is that you learn a lot from others. That's how we all learn about it.

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This is great advice. Social media is a good place to start, but meeting people in the real world are some of the best connections you can make. If you have screens between you, there's really no telling what that person is actually like.

I've made tons of connections through Instagram, be them models or other photographers, and I usually end up meeting them at some point or another to shoot together. These connections lead to more people who want to shoot, and my web just keeps growing!

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Yes a lot of people instagram are good for the reach. And if you can meet them up. They can take your business or the instagram account to next level. So on that basis, I'd say that such connections are valuable. Though their value may not be that easy. But yes, they can bring more support with their followers. So I'd always go for their connection. More popular people know you the better.

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For the time being, professional connections I made have mostly been through in-person interactions. While I was still in college, I used to attend a lot of fairs and clubs that had like minded people there. I would interact with them, and if someone seemed like a potential candidate for a professional, business relationship then we would exchange contact information. Otherwise, I don't really take the initiative to contact people through the internet. Typically any professional connections I've made were a result of someone liking my work and wanting to collaborate, and that mostly happens through a variety of social media platforms.

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I've found that in-person connections are some of the most beneficial. If you're meeting face-to-face, you can get a real sense of what a person is like and how they act. That's not quite as easy if there are computer screens between those people.

I make a ton of connections with photographers and models through Instagram, and although we connect and set up times to meet through there, I'm generally surprised at how different people are in person as opposed to their online persona.

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That is most definitely an accurate statement. Being that I'm very active on multiple forums and websites, I inevitably meet a lot of people online that I end up becoming friends with. Sometimes if these people lived close by, we would actually meet up in person - - in public areas of course (remember children, stranger danger and all that). Almost always I would be taken aback by how different they seem in person than through text messages. I think it's the fact that when writing messages you have time to actually think things through perfectly. This is why even a simple Skype video message can give you a better idea of someone's actual personality because there isn't any delay in conversation, and every response must be instant.

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Honestly the Net is where you will get your professional connections in any field under the sun. I rely totally for whatever information I need taking care to see that those that I contact are true professionals.

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Of course, you need to careful because there are people on the internet that are waiting to scam you or just aren't who they say they are. That is why I would just use LinkedIn when trying to make some professional connections because most of the people there are genuine individuals that are doing well in their industry or have their own businesses.

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There is no guarantee what those on LinkedIn say could also be true. The LinkedIn Admin takes your word for it and never verifies credentials unlike say when one applies for jobs - just my thoughts.

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However the internet does not give the face to face experience. So trust issues appear for real. And another thing is that you can't really rely on the people in there. You can't really make a way out of that for sure. I personally think that professional connections take time. So I let this process go through naturally as much as possible.

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Well if its just like games like the NBA 2k game I can see that you can have your professional connections by means of explaining yourself to others and hanging out with them.

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I ensure that I join some groups on Facebook and try as much as I could to link up with business-minded individuals on the groups. That is the major way that I have gotten to know some of the pals that I'm into business with at the moment.

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You remembered a key aspect: selectivity. That's the kind of thing that - unfortunately - not all people can (or - for some reason - don't want to) do. Learning how to select the groups where you'll enter / participate is essential (as well as the people you're going to talk to).

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Sure, in aa much as I can't choose my family members, when it comes to friends and business partners, I'm always selective for it may make or Mar the future goals.

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Untie blood ties is really not possible, but choosing the people who will be our friends and our partners in the business world is something we should always do with great caution.

It may take time to find the right person, but the chance of success is proportional to the delay for that.

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There are so many groups online one can subscribe to and connect with lots of people but the catch phrase here is choose the groups that you are subscribing into wisely because you cannot fit cross peg in a round hole. Find good groups that would offer better business partners and join them, it's the only way to getting better business relationship.

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Being friendly and sociable are some keys to make professional connections. You must also know how to interact with different people. At first, it is hard to expand yourself. But don't give up. Just continue on what you're doing.

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Yes. I agree, this is very important in making professionals connections. You must be friendly and easy to talk with. This characteristic is a must to make more professional connection, and this is also what you need in doing business with them. And remember to always greet them with a beautiful smile.

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You are quite right with that assertion, I say that because I have had one experience with a guy that I meet online who happens to live in Holland. I was just friendly with him and we kept close contact with chatting online and before I knew what was going on, we already built a strong relationship and became a business partner. Some of my business transactions that I needed someone to help me with abroad, he does that for me without any stress or complaints.

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I can only able to have connections through social medias like facebook, Instagram, twitter and youtube. What gives me a big impact is the social media groups in facebook and i interact or communicate with business minded people. I have no time to have Personal Meet ups for business. Social medias nowadays really put our lives easier yet in danger also. If you really want to push something you should keep in your mind to be optimistic all the time. Do not give up cause everything starts from down to up. Success always comes next for a person who is determined in goal of his or her life.

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Social media is one of the best place to make professional connections. Facebook groups are actually one way of making professional connections. I have met a lot of people there, friends, friends of friends that I got deal with my business before. There are also that I met in a friend's party, and any other occassions that I was invited. I guess being friendly is a good factor to make professional connections.

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This is a great point. A lot of professional photographers in my area promote their products through Instagram, and I've found that it's really easy to connect with people through the platform. As someone who shoots regularly but not professionally, it's nice seeing some professional work periodically online, as well as connecting with local models who are interested in doing photoshoots as well.

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When I was really pushing my offline freelance job, I would attend local bridal shows to promote myself. This put me in touch with a TON of other local vendors. When things would die down at the shows and people weren't at my booth, I'd walk around a bit an exchange business cards with other vendors: DJ's, photographers, caterers, venues, and even other videographers. These connects are really great, as I've sent plenty of clients toward people I met at these shows, and I've been hired under recommendation from other vendors too, which is a powerful asset to have.

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That is actually great. There is nothing better than actually going around and giving potential clients some business cards. It seems to be a strategy that is not as popular anymore for some reason but it can definitely be effective especially if you are in a show/conference where there are a lot of people in one place that may be interested in requesting/buying your services.

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You can make a professional connection but first you need a field of work what kind of field do you want to be in programmer , accounting , entrepreneur etc. so that people will know what service you can do. and in that point you will start having a connection in that particular industry which will lead you to professional connection on the big companies so just be positive do your best be professional your self on handling documents and work so that you will be on there level.

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I don't really use LinkedIn because I just never found it attractive but that's definitely a good option. There are many good professionals listed there and you can use it to create a good network and establish connections.

However, that's not really my way. I have learned to just be very friendly and talkative. People love that - I have made great professional connections on various forums and freelancing platforms. Another good way is to go to your local meetings that businessmen have.

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I regularly attend conferences in my country and this has enabled me to meet with many professionals. In fact those contacts have also helped me with my business. I have also met many people online mostly through Facebook. I have a LinkedIn account but I don't use it regularly.

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LinkedIn is probably the best way to get some professional connections. Most of the people that use LinkedIn have their own businesses or are experts in their field so you will definitely be able to find some people that you like and can connect with. I know that my dad uses it and he has made connections with quite a lot of people that are also working in his industry so that he can communicate and interact with them using LinkedIn/

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LinkedIn is a true, professional business connection platform. Thing is most people on there are not really that communicative. They mostly post things updating their new project or job and then vanish for another few months or so. I was told that most people post their latest career updates on LinkedIn, then brag about them on Facebook, and then snap a selfie while doing said new gig to post on twitter and Instagram. Go figure.

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Yeah, LinkedIn is the best bet for the OP, there are many opportunities and streams of connection that can be tapped into through the platform, I have used it to connect to people who have really changed and affected my life. Although some scammers are at the lose, but well scammers are everywhere.

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The best place to connect to professional networks is professional organizations or bodies. Join your profession's body. Get on their mailing list. Go to their training conferences and seminars.

Linkedin is also a useful source for professional connections. Find the people who are at the top of your profession and connect to them. You will see other connections because inevitably everyone will want to be connected to them. Also, connect to human resource managers in your profession.

A good idea also is to join Facebook groups in your profession. I love these groups as they are relaxed and you get many great tips from people that are ahead of you in the profession.

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I think you can make professional connections through frienship. You must establish a relationship at first, then it can go to friendship. You can make good and effective connections by being the one to approach instead of waiting for others to go and speak with you. Be approachable and friendly.

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Social media is one way. Also networking parties and events. Depending on the industry you're in, you should attend as many as possible. Business cards are a good way also. Leave a business card with as many people as possible without being abrasive. You can also leave business cards perched within the door or window frames of certain buildings. Who knows who may find it.

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"Social media is one way."

I totally agree with that, however, people have to learn how to separate the use of them... You can't mix your professional side with your personal side.

This may seem like something very obvious to be said, but unfortunately it's still often a mistake that many people still make.

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Some people have a business account and a personal account on Facebook, twitter, google plus or Instagram. I think you can post anything you want on your business account as long as it's not too personal. If you own or represent a brand, then you should really keep your posts focused on the brand or company. But posting other tweets or posts are fine too. A blend works wonders to get new followers and expand your base a bit. But I don't agree with hanging personal life details out on social media anyways. It's okay to connect with your audience, but hanging every thing you do at every waking moment of the day out on the social media 'rung,' is not a wise or healthy decision.

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I agree. Business card can also be a good way to get professional connections. Having your contact number or business card can remind people to receommend you or have business
with you. With your card, they can even introduce you to other friends or relatives which might need your service.

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I think Linkedin is one of the best sites to try to make these types of connections (it doesn't always work, but it tends to yield good results).

Other interesting options are: participating in blogs, forums, congresses related to your field of work and if you are a lucky person, you can meet someone in the middle of the street or in a bank queue, for example. How to make professional connections?

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LinkedIn is the best place for connection, as a business man, or as someone who has services to sell, then LinkedIn is your best bet. Although you can find connection anywhere you want. depending on the level of connection and the type of connection you are talking about though.

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I personally collect many valuable contacts and acquaintances through the Facebook and the YouTube. Currently, I can see that more and more people are searching the answer to such questions and I have observed that results are shared at those sites a lot. Both of them allow the users to present their image, which higher the chances that other people will want to get to know with such person. Of course, I agree with the LinkedIn as well. It is undoubtedly a very powerful help. Thank the auhor for creating it!

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The easiest way to build connections is through social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more. You can easily search people whom you targeted the most especially for your business and stuff. It's also way better to get introduced to someone as long as you both have a mutual friend. Nothing is possible nowadays on social media sites. If you're looking professional connection, that's the best way.

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Any new person that you meet has the potential to be a professional connection. Making a new connection also connects you to people in their inner circle, and you may also find professional connections there. When meeting new people, it pays to remember the phrase "first impressions matter!"

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Linkedin is the best professional platform so far. I get to meet a lot of prospects in the HR Industry and I gain knowledge on other companies profile and their current job openings if they have. My career portfolio can also be showcased and can be a good deal when I want to apply for work again.

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I actually had difficulty in getting through to using LinkedIn when I was introduced to it by one of my female colleagues as they were discussing those kind of social media one could possibly make use of and LinkedIn popped up from no where and become very important. Now, if I need mostly professional opinion on something, I would easily run off to the see if I can win this.

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I believed it would start when you are in the professional business company, or when you do your job decently. It is also another factor when you showcase your talent to other people, so that they may help you about you and you could help them at the same time. The other possibilities to have a professional connection is engaged a lot of activity work, and the possibilities to meet new friends or connections is through by gathering a lot of information. Another factor of having a lot of friends is also a big possibility that your friend might be rich one day, and it will always a good points to have a good connection with him. Life is unknown, specially to this topic, or discussion, we don't know our closest friend might be the one of big connection you have one day.

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I also have a Linkedin account, and I have had some luck making connections there. I use social media a lot too--I use twitter to find people in similar businesses and who share similar interests with me, and then I try to establish communication with them professionally and/or personally. This has definitely opened some doors here and there. Furthermore, after reading the posts here, I think I am going to have some business cards printed up as well; I guess some part of me thought this practice was a bit out of date, but now I am re-thinking that idea. Also, when I do readings of my work, I try to make face to face connections there with professors and other writers to keep building my network. A lot of great discussion and ideas in this forum!

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I think that the best way to make professional connections is to have good social skills. Someone who has the ability to talk and persuade someone easily. I have met some people who are like that and they are quite successful in their business careers. I personally am not good at socializing with people but based on what my friends careers status are, I think having the ability to talk with people easily is a necessary trait one should develop.

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If you are looking to make real professional connections, the best way is to leverage existing relationships with friends and family. You have to get out in the real world, attending local business association meetings. Then, you can use those real-world connections to expand your sphere on LinkedIn. If you only focus on the online (at least in my experience), you will mostly find yourself marketing to marketers who only want to market to you.

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Making professional connections is done in a variety of ways. You can achieve that first by creating a website of your own. You may then create menus or links on the website through which you make connections with entrepreneurs in your niche and build an audience. The building work continues till you really make big connections.

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Bottom line is that there many ways to make professional connections. Your connections are only as strong as the value you add to any business or profession. You can walk out your door today and make a profession connection. That's not really the point though. The most important point is can you keep it? Can you use it in future? I think all this depends on how useful you are to the person you connect to. We should note connections are a two-way street. We are often told, to be the person we want to attract!

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I have used LinkedIn but I am not very active there. And yes, I look for them around my friends too. I also have professional connection with people from the organization I did my attachment. I always visit them to say Hi.

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Making a Professional connection has a lot of ways. One thing that I mostly do is I attend workshop and seminars, and if there is a chance I exchange my business card. Same thing that I do when I attend gatherings like, baptism, wedding etc. So make sure you have a lot of business card with you. Now, just make your first step. Shake a hand and introduce your name. Ask question that are not answerable by Yes or No. Example; "What time did you came here?" "From what company are you connected?" Because this is very important in building rapport. And it is a continuing communication. So in a few moments you can make connections.

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I agree with other people that creating a LinkedIn account is a very easy way to start building your network of people who are related to your profession. First, you add friends or colleagues that you spent your university days with. You then check their connections if you know some of them or want to be connected to.

You can also go to seminars, workshops, or gatherings for professionals and network with the professionals that you will see there. You should also be in good terms with co-workers if you are already working and if you are going to leave the company, it's best to keep the bridge intact so if you need them for referrals or they know someone in a company that you are applying for, they could vouch for you.

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There are so many ways from which one can build up his or her own professional contacts. Medium such as the social media - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, 2go, SnapChat, Viber, Skype etc.

If you are one who is always available and fully active on there social media networks, there is no way the individual works wouldn't be treated equally.

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I have a friend that has lots of professional connections. He said that it's not easy making a connection because you need to build a relationship with them and not to think that you're only using them for personal gains. He made a connection through introducing him with his other friends they've met them in different gatherings. He needed to bond and be with them in a bar just to gain their trust. He said that you need to be friendly at all times because you will never know you're already building up good connections in random people.

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I found a lot of partners on linkedin and this is what helped me develop my business. Seriously, I didn't even think it would be that easy. At first I didn't even have any ideas on how to open a business and how to find clients, but after I met one person on Linkedin my life changed and he taught me a lot of things in business. So if you want to find connections for business or just friends for communication, then this is a great place! You can also find a job here, but for this you need to prepare excellent recommendations. I know a cool site with a linkedin recommendation sample. A friend of mine wrote a recommendation for himself based on the advice from this site!

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Today, 80% of company hires are in some way through a shared contact in their professional network. Networking - whether through a pre-planned meeting or an impromptu conversation at a conference, career fair, information session, or anywhere else - will likely help you find your first job and also be crucial as you advance in your career.

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