
Have you lost someone before?

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Have you lost someone before?

Death is probably the oldest heart-breaker in the world. I've had a near death experience some few years back which took me a while to recover from. I was devastated but not as much as I did in 2014.

In 2014, I lost my grandma to cancer and just two months after that I lost my grandpa too. We gave him a befitting burial and just when everything started going back to normal, my uncle passed away too from a knee injury. It was a total shock. My whole family was in shock and felt like God had taking happiness away from us. We grieved and grieved.

Four months later, my other grandma died too. 

Loosing someone can be very painful. This pain has a feeling like no other. Have you had this feeling before?


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Yes. Last year, my grandmother passed away. I can still remember that time when I am here in my room and I heard my auntie crying telling us all that my grandmother is gone. I rushed to her house to look for my grandmother. I headed to her room, talked to her, shaking her but no response. She’s gone. Have you lost someone before?

I miss her always. I miss her smile, and i miss the way she laughs when i tell her a joke, i miss everything about my grandma. How I wish she’s still here Have you lost someone before? But i know she is in the right place now, and I always pray for her.

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I still remember the exact details as well even though that it was years ago when my grandmother died! I can recall everything... from what clothes we wore, who was there, who said what - it's weird but that image is stuck somewhere in my head and I can relive it. I always remember how sad it was but at the same time, we have to know that whoever we lost wouldn't want us to be sad. They'd want to see us happy and living our lives.

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How old were you when she passed on? So sorry for you. My grandmother passed away when I was age 10. I cam back from school , saw a furneral set up in my home. I was shocked and froze when my mom told me that my dearest grandmother had passed on in her sleep peacefully. She was 72 years old.

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I don't think I should tell you me age, lol. I was in my early twenties when it happened. She was 80 plus years old when she died. Thanks by the way.

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So sorry about your lost and the way it happened. I understand how you feel and what you went through. Its really heartbreaking to loose love ones. Its a feeling that I hope never to go through again.

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I guess you guys were much more older when it happened, I remember losing my Grand uncles and Aunt, four of them died in mysterious ways and they were like people I grew up with in their ancestral homes. I was not up to 12 when they all started dying, and I lossed them within the space of five years, I still live with the shock till date I haven't gotten over it now that am older. My perception of life isnt a nice one, it has made me a little bit of a sadist.

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Yeah I did, I lost someone before. I lost my friend because we separated. Since kinder until high school we are schoolmate unfortunately when we got college we separated because we enrolled in different school so I lost her.

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Honestly I already experienced beforelosing some people that are very important to you. When I was in High
school my grandmother died because of Diabetes. My family were
saddened by the sudden death of my grandmother because we are
thinking that she will survive since she is fighting for her diabetes
and hoping that she will also recover very soon. But our expectation
didn't happen. I feel so much pain in my heart, I realized how
painful is it to lose someone you love. Before my grandmother died we
are very happy since we saw how fast her recovery, we are planning
for a vacation as soon as my grandmother get out of the hospital but
all that plans turns out to be just a dream anymore since it was
already too late because she died already. I just imagine how cruel
life could be. We are expecting that everything is already fine but
instantly it change suddenly. But what can we really do since life is
just really a gift from god anytime he can get it to us whenever he
wants it to happen.

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You never really forget that moment when someone tells you that your loved one has passed away, especially when you were really close. It helps to believe that there is a better place for them and that eventually, everyone will be together again.

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Sorry for your grandma! I wasn't that young when I witnessed mine's death, and it was quite shocking seeing a person leaving his last breath. My brother took it a bit harder as he was still a little kid, but you get to realize in a way that nothing lasts forever and that the only truth we will always face one day or another is death and the pain it brings to the people left to cope with it. The only good thing is that I got the chance to buy some nice ledger grave markers in order to remember her and hone her in the best possible way!

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What a sad question but the current for me. I had this feeling, and I know how painful it is. I lost my uncle some months ago because he had problems with his stomach. All were in shock, especially her wife, my aunt. From the day he died, she started to feel depressed. Her level of depression was very high. I was sure that this could go to something terrible. We were with her every day, and we offered her support and care. I went to many psychologists and specialists with her. She recovered, but quite hard. The products from a site helped her a lot, and sport as well helped her. She was beginning to get over that unpleasant situation and live his life. Now she feels better. I am pleased about that. I hope that you will feel better as soon as possible, you can try to do more sport and try the Kratom products.

this site:

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Well, I have lost my both parent so I'm an orphan precisely.So yes I have lost good families that include my parents.It not easy losing dear ones but that's life for you.We lose and win some.My kids have helped brighten me up.

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I am sorry to hear that. I know it is not easy to lose someone so dearly to you, especially your parents, but I believe there is a reason for everything. Good to know that your kids are there for you to give you strength. You may have lost your parents physically, but I am sure they are always watching you from heaven.

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This made my teary eyes and just remembered how people suffered during the typhoon Yolanda and internationally called Haiyan. It was the darkest days on us and lots of families were killed by that typhoon. A father who lost his children and wife, A child who lost everything and so many more worst stories ever that would suddenly bring you in tears everytime you hear that topic. I am very thankful my whole family survived and i thank our almighty god for saving and protecting us. I know how does it feel to lose both of your parents but you must still continue your journey in life especially currently you have children which serves as an inspiration to you. Godbless your family and do not waste any opportunities and must be thankful as always friend for all the blessings.

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I guess we've both been through some terrible moments in our lives. I just hope they are happy and proud of us wherever they are.

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So sorry, it must had been hard on you. At least you have your own family now, a new life

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My loss is relatively small when compared to others. I loss most, if not all, of my friends. It's because I moved away. And they apparently have moved on. I look forward to reconnecting with them once the time comes.

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While I'm deeply sorry for your loss, I'm glad to hear that you've been able to find some solace with your children.

As you said, that's life for you; you win some, you lose some. Death isn't an easy thing to accept, but the fact is that it is an integral part of life, and it is what gives it meaning. The impermanence of life is exactly what makes it so special.

It is a hard thing to accept that we all must die some day. But considering that over 100.8 billion have died over the centuries, compared to the 7.4 billion alive right now, one could say that death is the most common experience in this human incarnation.

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Wow I am so sorry, I don't know how to react to this, neither do I know what to say to you. You are a strong person my parents are still alive and healthy enough, but I wonder how you have been able to cope with it all, keep growing strong. I am so sorry.

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I'm so sorry for your lose. Losing both parents and becoming an orphan is one of the most harsh situations one could ever find himself or herself in. It's not easy what you are passing through trying to take care of yourself without parental assistance. It's quite unfortunate that such thing happened to you.

Both my parents are still alive and healthy very well. The only person whom I lost recently was one of my uncle from my maternal home. He is the elder brother of my mother and actually the only son in the family of 3 children. His death really broke my grandmother's heart.

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So sorry to hear this. Can't bear the thought of losing my parents for now.

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In the past few years i lost my grandfather and aunt and it was so very sad and painful. I am hoping this will never happen again, i mean not gonna happen real quick. I know we have the same destinations and that is death but hoping we feel the real meaning of life first and be with our family for a long time before deaths. We do not have any choice but to accept the reality. Loosing someone you love is so painful because you will never see and touch them again like the way you used before. So we must live life to the fullest and show the love to our family and show them the happiness they deserve and give thanks to everyone who is part and will always be a part of your happiness.

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It's not always easy to recover from such loss especially when you have a special attachment to such persons. I lost my close friend few days ago and it was not easy recovering since then as well.

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I lost an intimate friend of mine when I was in primary school. He was sent on an errand together with his elder sister by their grandmother. When they were trying to cross the road, they were crushed down by a car coming from another town with an uncontrollable speed and his head broke to pieces on the road, though the sister survived and got married later. We were supposed to receive our promotion report card that same day, but he couldn't wait to do so anymore.

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That was very tragic. These kinds of death are those that are really hard to accept, i mean the unexpected ones. Life is too short, we can never really tell what will each day may bring, we can be with someone now then the next day they could be gone. That’s why it is important that we cherish every moment with our loved ones as
long as they are

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Reading this your comment reminded me about my long time secondary school friend who also happened to live in the same neighborhood with me. His name is Ifeanyi Uche and we were very tight back then. He has a very yellow skin color while I'm dark in complexion. We are normally called positive and negative colors. He was fetching water one day and slumped. He was rushed to the hospital immediately but his heart gave up and he died. He was the only son and child of his parents. This was very painful for the family and myself as well because I lost my close friend.

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I lost my uncle two weeks back and this was really hard. I was quite attached to him. When I was still a child my dad was seriously ill and he was the one who looked after me. He supported my family and stood by us. I can say that he was like a second dad to me. I think about him everyday and can't believe that he is no more. It's hard. Life is unfair.

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I hope you have the fortitude to bear such a huge loss considering that you've been attached to your uncle and please try and fulfill all his desires of you before his passing on.

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The only things that he has left are the good memories that we can cherish on. We miss him but life must go on. Sometimes, I just can't believe that he is no more. I think it will take some time before everything gets back to normal.

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I am fortunate enough to have not lost anyone close to me yet. Unfortunately, life is not fair all times but we have to be strong enough to continue and live on. It's a pain that no one likes to experience really. It's a horrible feeling and thing to lose someone that is close to you

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I totally agree with you.

Life really is very short and seems to pass right before our eyes like a flashlight. We have to take advantage of it in the best possible way and always at a fast pace.

We must to be happy. Have you lost someone before?

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I have lost my grandmother (one of them) when I was around 15 years old. So this wasn't recent yet when you think about it, you still feel that void and pain that's sort of numb. Time does help but for me, it never completely took away the pain of losing her. We were quite close when I was a child then lost contact for few years and reunited a bit before her death. I took it pretty hard at first but then I learned to accept it as part of life since we can't live forever.

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It's definitely hard to recover especially when you are closer to the deceased before her death. Hopefully, you're going to grow stronger and find a way to forget about her death soon.

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Sadly yes.

Unfortunately I have already lost some very close friends (not just in the physical sense - related to death - but because the friendship ended) and in all situations, were very complicated times. But what comforts me is knowing that they are in a better place than what we currently are.

God is with them.

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This is painful too. Ending friendship is not that easy to bear, it is also like breaking up
with your girlfriend. Some even say it is more painful to lose a friend than a girlfriend especially if they are really close to you. But then there are some situations we cannot control.

Whatever happened to you and to you friend, I hope you guys can still fix it in the future.

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Ending a friendship is something really complicated (especially when things do not seem to have been very well resolved), but I think when friendship is really true, sooner or later time will put things back in place.

Thanks for your words. Have you lost someone before?

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What I hate is when the friend can't take a hint and just let it go. I myself have gone through this and I just wanted to stop communication because I felt the relationship was toxic, and even just ending it proved why I wanted to end it in the first place because the friend started gossiping about me to our other friends in the group. I just want peace and quiet and they can't seem to just do the same.

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All of my grandparents, but since we were never close at all I hardly even met them. So nobody really close as of yet, but due to how life in general works that time will surely come sooner or later. And I do dread the idea, but I reckon I just have to take solace in the fact that at least we've had the time together, even if it'll come to an end.

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One thing is that if you're not that close to the deceased, you won't feel much pain unlike those that are quite close to them. However, it's not that easy as well for they might have played one role or the other in your lives today.

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Yes about 2 years ago, exactly 2 years from today I lost my mom and that would be the hardest situation Ive ever faced and even today I am still remembering those days that I wished that she will still here. Mixed emotions I felt since I didnt know how to start my life again without her and no can understand my feelings becauase as of today I am still hurt.

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I am sorry to hear about your loss here. My mother's health is very poor right now, and she has not taken very good care of herself over the years, and my family and the doctors do not expect her to be with us much longer. Although I keep trying to prepare myself for the oncoming inevitability of her death, and the inevitability of all of our mortality, I know that there is no real way to prepare and that I will just have to get through it as best as I can. I need to be strong for my brother and sister and the rest of the family. It is natural to have mixed emotions in this situation. And to be hurt.

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I think that, once we have all hit a certain age, that we have all lost someone. We can lose people in many different ways--someone dying is the worst way. People are also lost when our relationships end, and these kinds of heartbreak can be and are very traumatic. The biggest death in my life, for me, was the death of my grandfather, whom I am named after. He raised me when my father was not around, and he was the greatest man I have ever known. I have also lost friends over the years to drugs, disease, alcohol, car wrecks, you name it. Last year, I was dumped by my girlfriend of six years, and I am still trying to recover from that. So, yes, like the rest of us, I have lost people, but we all have to continue and live our lives for the love of ourselves and for those who love us as well.

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Yes I lost the grandparents. I also lost some of the friends. And few years back I also lost my cousin brother. So it was kind of like chain. And it didn't changed the way things were around me. So that being said, it was definitely one experience there. I think people come and go. And there is definitely a tide of time. That does come and show you how the things are around and what's left in your life. So we have to look around every now and then for the same.

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It's not that easy, but to read that you're growing that thick skin towards it is quite okay. I hope you lose no loved one soon for death is not our wish now.

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Yes, I think it's been 3 years already and we still think about her. My grandma on my father's side had passed away on August 2014 and still the pain, it's so hard to pretend that you don't missed her and wish she just could go back to time and all was just a dream. And what breaks my heart more is seeing my grandpa cry everynight even though it's been 3 years already.

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I feel sad. I can relate because I also lost my Grandmother. It is hard to accept the fact that they can longer be with us. The pain will never go away, it will always be there. And for your grandfather, i can see he loves you grandma that much, maybe just be there for him and comfort him everytime you see him crying.

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That is kind of painful. And happens to all of us. I think we have to just remember good days with the person. And that's all that we can do about it. We should not be much thinking about what happened. Instead what good things happened is the way to think. That's what I think when it comes to getting inspired in that case.

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I haven't lost someone before (I don't want to come it near now), but I truly understand what is the feeling of having someone you lost. It is so sad and you are starting to remember the good memories between you two. You also think about the mistakes you do and feel sorry for it. The things you want to do with that person that you cannot do now. It is hard to recover if someone close to you have lost. But, we must think that sometimes ot would be better. He/she is now far away in all the struggles in life and now living for an eternal life. And I believe that we will see them again soon in the afterlife.

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I think that this belief in the afterlife is such a comforting one, but sometimes I do doubt it exists. I am glad you have not yet lost anyone, but we all go through this inevitable process. The whole thing just makes me want to appreciate my loved ones even more and to try not to get so wrapped up in myself that I do tell people that I love them and that they are special every day.

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I believe we will definitely see them again too. Loosing someone is a pain that can't be defined. It can only be experienced. An experience no one should go through. But since death is inevitable, there's only little we can do about it.

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I have lost people but I don't really mind that much, at least at this point in my life. Thankfully I am able to say that I have had full relationships with the people before they went away. Some have not passed away but just friends who have grown apart from me, and I understand because that's just how life is and I have spent enough time with them that I don't feel like we left much unsaid or unfinished. However, there are some that I would prefer if they were back in my life.

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Yes I have lost someone before, some grandparents, friends and even neighbors. You could be talking to someone today and they are gone tomorrow. I think this is something we should learn to accept because life is too short and we all do not know about tomorrow.

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I lost my father to cancer. Although it is somehow expected, but nothing can really prepare you for it when it happens. While this is a part of living, it still is difficult. But in time you will find a way to live with pain and live with the loss of someone you love.

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Recently, my college friend died because of malignant cancer in her stomach. It was heartbreaking for me since we did have good memories together. She was only 19 years old and we didn't think that the tumor was cancerous. I even had a chat with her that we'll meet again but then our meetup was on her burial. There were mixed emotions that we felt with my classmates. So young to die, but yet death doesn't choose his victims right?

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Yes, I have lost my Grandfather. We were extremely close and he was like a father to me. I missed his loss deeply and as a result, I ended up getting closer to my actual father because I realized that I would lose him too one day. My only comfort is that death is never final and I will meet him again. Of that I am sure

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Death is a price we owe and I'm not ready to pay that soon, but I've got some friends that have passed on and it wasn't easy for us to cope with that, but life continues. The core fightback against losing people that we love is trying to understand that they went to a better place in heaven.

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I lost my cousin a long time ago. She was very young when she died from diabetes and thinking about it makes me sad. We were shocked when it happened in an instant, but we can't evade death. we just have to accept and continue our life, but we will always remember them.

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Unfortunately, my sister died 6 years ago of cancer, and last year my mother died of leukemia(she was paralyzed since 2005). It is very hard to lose someone, even if it is a close friend you will miss him/her.
It is said that time is healing everything.....well after six years since my sister died I still miss her and I cry as a baby after her, so, time cannot heal feelings against death.

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I don't know how I've managed to avoid this, but for the time being I actually haven't lost anyone close to me. I'm 25 years old so you would think I'd know someone in my life who has passed on, but as of yet, no one. In some ways it makes me dread the thought even more than if I had lost someone already.

Death is an unfortunate yet necessary part of life, and in some ways I feel like being exposed to it at a younger age can help you prepare for it later on in life. Given that I haven't experienced that loss yet, I have no idea what is in store for me.

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You will eventually buddy. You see your relatives getting older and you start to prepare yourself for the unavoidable moment. Still, when it hits you you still feel like you're totally unprepared. The important thing is that you mourn and move on.

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I have lost people. I think the most devastating was my great-grandmother, the one which I was lucky enough to know and grow up with. Since then, I have lost many of the older generation of my family. However, I am lucky enough to still have both my grandparents on my mother's side. They are in the 90s and still living at home.

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Condolence.., but I have to say, Wow. I salute your family! Being able to meet your great-grandmother is already a treasure. Nowadays the mortality rate is getting younger and younger. We are already exposed to different kinds of diseases making us vulnerable to those attacks. Have you lost someone before?

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Yeah, my great-grandmother came to the US from Italy in 1919 and passed in 1996. I am fortunate enough to come from good genetic stock. My dad is 69 and not a grey hair on his head. Most family members who passed younger than in their 80s was because of issues like working in a steel mill for 30 years and breathing in all the toxic fumes.

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I am 43 years old and I have lost plenty of people in my life time. And its usually always sudden. They are fine and healthy one second and the next there going just like that. One of my grandfathers died while my mom was there had had ordered a pizza and fell over dead. And my other grandpa died at work and was talking seconds before he died. I miss them both more than you will ever know.

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Yeah I lost someone. I'm so unlucky person because I didn't have any grandfather in my life both in my father and mother side because they already passed when I born. It sad to hear but still I'm happy because I have still grandmother right now. Have you lost someone before?

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Sorry to hear about your loss, you should be glad you never got to meet both grandparents before their death, no harm intended. It really would have been more painful if you knew them before their passing.

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Sorry about your grandmother, am sure she a had fulfilled life before passing. I guess you really have a good genetic trace in your family seeing their long lives. I wish my grandparents lived that long before passing.

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It's very depressing when you lose someone.

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