
Do you use a Air Purifier at your home or office?

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Do you use a Air Purifier at your home or office?

Air pollution has become a very massive problem these days particularly if you are living in metros and megacities. The increasing amount of vehicular and industrial pollution has made it difficult to breathe normally in big cities. There is an increasing number of respiratory diseases affecting the children and the senior citizens due to this menace of air pollution. Luckily I live on the outskirts of a mega city with a lot of trees around my home, that's why I have not felt the need of installing an air purifier at my home but many of my friends in the city use air purifiers at there homes. What do you guys do to tackle the problem of air pollution? How many have felt the need to use an air purifier at there home or office?


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Fortunately, I'm living in a province where the air we breathe is still fresh so there's no need for installing an Air Purifier. But back in 2013, my whole family migrated into a city because I worked at a company located in the city. I experience air pollution every day as I go to work. And the place where we are living is surrounded by many factories that produce polluted air. So, I decided to resign from my work and brought my family back to our province where the air is clean.

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I think that you took a very wise decision of resigning and going back to a very clean and a relatively pollution free environment. People are migrating from the big cities and metros due to this huge problem. Many of us are able to afford these changes and we can escape from the problem of air pollution. However, there is a large section of people who don't have this option of migrating away to safer locations due to various reasons.

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I agree with you. I also know people who prefer to move from cities into somewhere less polluted. But, I pity those who can't do it because of money.

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Me too. It's like they're resigned to such a horrible fate. We can only hope that the government can find ways to either clean the air or help get people to a safer environment. That's one way they can save lives.

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I agree with you. I would also do that if I am on his shoes. Its really bad to live in an area where there is air pollution.

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That's right. Its really not good to live in a place where there is pollution. I would also leave that place and look for a better place where there is no pollution.

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One possible reason others chose to stay in the cities is that they can't afford to leave their job especially if it gives them abundant earnings. While others are used to live a lifestyle in the city because that is where they were born and grow up.

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Exactly. In my own experience I worked in the city that crowded, traffic and specially the pollution cause by transportation and the factory. So I decided to go back to my province and work online.

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That's sad. It's nice that some people are able to leave the heavily polluted areas. What's worrying are those who can't afford it. I hope there are ways to help these people. It really is dangerous for their health.

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It's only possible for people who have the same job opportunities.

I also wish to live in the province because life there is very simple and the cold fresh air gives good vibes especially in the morning. I also want to farm and harvest my own food which I can't do here in Manila.

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I live in the city. There is no air pollution in our place. There is no need for air purifier yet to be used.

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Wow! Its nice that you live in a city that there is no pollution. I will also do that to live in a place where there is no pollution.

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The same is true with me. We don't have air pollution. We don't need to install air purifier.

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We don't use air purifier also. Our air is not polluted. Our garbage collectors are faithful in collecting our trash.

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Yes, same here, I still have my fresh air even we are in polluted places.

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The same is true with me. I am fortunate that I live in a pollution free province. I love to live here.

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Oh, that's really nice to know. I can relate with air polluted cities. It's really obvious since you can't breathe deeply whenever you're outside. You practically have to go inside air conditioned rooms. Because they have filters that clean the air you breathe.

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wow that's very sweet of you, I live in province too for years and the air there is really fresher than the city.

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Yup! that's why when people working in the city have a time for a vacation, they go to provinces to relax and breathe clean and fresh air.

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Yes, I agree with you, living in a province is way comfortable than living in urban areas, because there are a lot of trees in the province than in the city.

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Air purifiers help to keep dust away so I use them for a few rooms in my home. I don't have problems though when it comes to air pollution and the like. I have a strong immune system, and New York City doesn't suffer from the smog issues that some other cities do.

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I live in a big city. The pollution is crazy. The city has a lot of traffic and a lot of factories. I lived in another Country for a while. I lived in a rural town. When I came back home, I had problems breathing because the pollution was so bad. I never thought of getting a air purifier but now that you have mentioned it, I will get one.

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Please do get one to avoid the pollution. It must be really bad for you. Those who have stayed in the city for long might not realize it really.

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I agree with you. One should avoid pollution. It is really bad to be in a polluted place.

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I agree with you completely. Its not easy to live in a big city. Its filled of air pollution.

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Big cities have all manner of staff ranging from industries to numeorus cars and less natural things like trees which makes them prone to having more pollution.

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The differences between the city and the countryside in terms of pollution can be absolutely crazy. Part of the reason I like freelancing is because I can work from anywhere. I live in the countryside now and much prefer it for many reasons including health.

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I agree with you, everytime that I visit bog cities I have a hard time adjusting there because the air pollution makes it hard to breathe.

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I actually wanted to have an air purifier at home but it's kind of unnecessary because where I live isn't a busy area and that's why I don't have one as of the moment. I actually live in the city but our home is inside a subdivision and our surroundings are a bit similar to the province because in front of our house is a stream and some trees. However, a kilometer or two from our house is the highway where the air is definitely unclean because of the vehicles that run through it.

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You are lucky because you don't leave in a very busy side of the city.

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Actually yes and no. Yes because I don't get affected with the pollution that much, and no because it's actually hard to access a lot of important establishments because my family doesn't have a car here in the city. But yeah, the pros are definitely greater than the cons.

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The same is true with me. We are living inside a subdivision. We don't need also the air purifier.

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Pollution is deadlier than diseases. It is prevalent in cities and towns. There are fumes of varied degree to reckon with. An air purifier can be the solution for pollution.

Luckily for me that I live in the countryside. The air here is fresh

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Most air pollution is caused by cars though. Factories play a part also but not every person lives near a factory or plant, which is constantly spewing toxic fumes. Cars though, they're everywhere.

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Living in the industrial areas exposes one to intense pollution which is very harmful to one's health.

Personally, I used to live in such areas as a bachelor in the past, even with air purifier and air conditioning, they are not enough to make the air better for inhaling.

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If it affected you this way, I can't imagine what it must've been like for the people who actually had to work at those facilities.

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I agree with you. Living in an industrial area is difficult. There is intense pollution in that place.

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I agree with you. Pollution is very deadly. It is rampant in crowded cities and towns.

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Pollution is deadlier than diseases. It is prevalent in cities and towns.

Unfortunately, most people assume pollution. Whether it is air, water or soil pollution, none is safe, and in most cases, pollution causes diseases.

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Pollution is not a good thing. Urban areas are worst. I love my rutal life. Pollution is minimal.

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I agree with you. I am lucky too because I live ina province where there's less pollution

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You are lucky in that case. I seem to have the deadliest air due to the pollution around. Lot of factories and other issues that are visible. And they seem to be affecting the home and office nearby. I hope that someday I get to own the home near countryside.

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Initially, I didn't have any need to purchase air purifier for my home but when there was a road construction going on in my neighborhood, it caused so much dust that I had no option but to buy a new air purifier.

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I agree with you. You really need to buy a new air purifier. Its really hard to be in a place that has air pollution like road dusts.

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Yes, it's true. When the road was on the making, it cause a lot of dust.

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I have never tried to use air purifier because I am also living in a province where the air we breath is fresh and clean. I am lucky that I am not experiencing heavy pollution only a very minimal percentage but it is still tolerable. It is a good strategy to use some air purifier to some big cities because of the heavy pollution that each people are experiencing there. We really need such equipment to prevent us from inhaling unsafe air that might put us in trouble later on. Maybe If I would be given a chance I would try to use that equipment since I have never tried it before.

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we are lucky thay we live in a province where we don't need air purifier.

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Yes you are on that and it really feels good to have some fresh air, I don't want to use a purifier since I am not comfortable about it. Besides there is no substitute for the natural air that we breath.

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I still live in a place where pollution is very rare. I am glad that I am away from the bad air of the city. So, as of the moment, I don't think I need to purchase an air purifier.

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Same, I live in province and I still see a lot of tress and the air is still fresh.

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Wow! That's good. To be away from the city where there is heavy pollution is good.

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Yes, it is really good. But, sometimes when you need to go downtown, you really have to travel for one hour, which really is exhausting. However, I wouldn't want to move to the city. I'm still content with where I am.

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No. We're inside the subdivision so we're not into air pollution. I live in sub urban area so air pollution is rare. Before we lived in a city but we were inside the subdivision also so the smoke produced from cars on the streets were not likely worst but if you go out to our subdivision, you can really see and smell the pollution. It can be air or land, you still sense how polluted that area were.

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I live in a province where the air is still a bit fresh, so we don't really but nor use air freshener, but when I am in the office they do have air freshener.

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I don't use an air purifier in my home office (I work at home). We just use air fresheners and open windows occasionally. But I worked in a building with no windows and there were air purifiers. I highly recommend them. Especially for people who work in those buildings and have respiratory illnesses.

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Nope were not using an air purifier at home. I don't need it really. I live in the city but not beside a main road or city road which are the most polluted ones . My house is located adjacent to a tertiary inner street where it's all sublime and quiet but just down the road about 500 meters away is the Primary Road which is a very polluted location because of traffic. My house is located literally between to big malls.

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You're really lucky to be in a place where you have easy access of everything and yet you're not suffering from pollution inside your house.

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I never used an air purifier in our home. Our home is located in a village wherein there is not a lot of vehicles. I just always close our windows and door so that dirt won't come in. And whenever I travel, I just wear a face mask to avoid smoke from cigarettes and cars.

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If you reside in an area wherever the problem of pollution is sort of severe, buying an air purifier could be a smart idea for the protection of your health. Places close to industrial areas, highways and busy markets are prone to indoor pollution. If you reside or work in such a vicinity, the air filtration device will give an enormous improvement in ambient air quality. Don't elapse the recommendation of individuals who say it's simply a gimmick.

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I have tried air purifier in my home back then. It was a gift from my mom and I think it was just to try if it will be beneficial in our home. I don't really think it is needed in our home because we live in a province where the air is cleaner compared to the average city or town.

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Not really, because our place is not that polluted yet, and having a lot of trees can purify air from a lot of pollution.

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Not really because where I live is not that polluted yet since there is not that populated

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I live in a compound full of trees, far from the city. I have never thought of installing air purifier because I am also surrounded by neighbors who have planted trees.

The air is always fresh, and I always encourage people to plant trees in their compounds. I am a conservationist, and I know what pollution means.

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I have 2 air purifiers at home and we use them regularly despite living in a countryside location right now. For me it’s just a peace of mind thing and also something that hopefully keeps germs at bay.

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I work in a hostile environment and that is the way of the hustle in my country such that a lot of us have gotten used to it and we get by just as if it is pretty normal. We have all sorts of pollution going on over here and not much in the area of solutions or rectifications to go by.

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This is such an important topic. Air pollution is really up there in terms of environmental concern. Everywhere we go we breath air. So what happens when most of it is polluted? It can affect our health and daily performance. Air purifiers certainly help. But the change has to start with us cleaning our nearby areas to lessen its impact.

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The change is all about us taking good care of our environment. This is the first step to take when we are looking at having an environment that is free from those of pollution. I always wish that things will work pretty fine for us as regards that situation.

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The problem is in some countries, half the populace doesn't believe the environment is even an issue. Here in America, we want to improve our environment but we have many holdouts who believe new laws aren't necessary, and that everything is 'just fine.' Meanwhile in other countries, the government doesn't put enough pressure on companies and businesses to take care of the environment. So they just continue to destroy it in the name of profits.

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I agree. We should not just depend on the tools that we could use. But we should start the change within us. Air is essential to us, it is everywhere. That's why we should keep our surroundings clean to be able to breathe fresh and clean air. Air purifier is just a tool to help us not a solution to our real problem.

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Yes that is very true. I agree with all of the responses I have got for this post. Pollution is truly one of the biggest problems that we are all facing right now. if you are living in a pollution free environment then you are amongst the luckiest. However, most of the population in this World needs to face this problem every day. I think that even though getting an Air purifier for your home may be a little expensive, it is the best investment for you and your family.

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People needs to start doing the right thing as regards waste control. I also feel that there is need for those in power to employ the right people that should always be in charge of waste management to ensure that everything will always work smoothly.

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So far I have not purchased the Air purifier. It seems like the purifiers are a bit expensive. Planting one tree is much more useful than the air purifier. And it can take care of the air quality in much better context. In fact most of the people who should be making use of the air purfier should consider making use of the trees around their house.

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Luckily for me I live in a more urban area. The air here is still less polluted and nice to breathe. But at night there were a lot of mosquitoes. So instead of air purifier , we light insect repellents instead, lol.

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We get mosquitoes and their equally annoying cousins, gnats here in NYC in the Summer time. Hate em with a passion.

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It would also be beneficial if you install screens on your windows and doors to filter those mosquitoes in entering your household.

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Living in a crowded urban cities is not that easy. People want a comfortable life with a healthy environment for their families. However, the opportunities in the metro and in the province are not the same. People chose to live in a crowded cities with polluted environment because they can't afford to make a long journey to their work everyday. It is not convenient. Nonetheless, Is it applicable to put an air purifier in your home if you live in a squatters area?

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I'm living in a province and I could say that it's a good thing that we don't have to use an air purifier yet. But using one could be much better as it could also on freshening the air inside the house. I have seen in the mall that they also different kind of fragrances which is nice. I'm planning to setup one once I got to save enough money for it.

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Considering the pollution situation in our country and the constantly deteriorating quality of air, it is ideal to buy an air purifier. Don’t see it just as another appliance as it actually can help you breathe better and pure air.

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I think that in big cities they really need to use air purifier because of the heavy pollution that they are experiencing everyday. We need to take good care for our selves and ensure that the air we breath is clean because otherwise it will lead us to some problems and complication. It is great that we have now such technology that can help us fight the heavy pollution that are cause by these growing environment where we live in.

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We don't have air purifiers in our home but we are planning to get one because our house is located near a road where there's traffic every day. We do have trees outside and plants inside the house but we are having respiratory problems more often so we need an air purifier to help keep the air clean inside.

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You just reminded me I have a box that I was given years ago. It is meant to do something to the air, but of course I have no idea if it was just a con. I may get an air purifier at some point but would never buy those cheap things you see around. I want something that won't release more chemicals into the air. Like the person above I have respiratory problems and it could help with that.

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I never tried to use a Air Purifier. because it is not necessary. We live in province and we are far from air pollution here, for the reason that the transportation here in not that accessible, if I am not mistaken you can only see one car in a month visiting our place there. The air here is very fresh than the result air by the air purifier.

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I envy with you guys. We live in the city, though we are not closer to the main road, still the tricycle, private cars and motorcycles gives pollution to our street. So we make sure we put dust screen to our windows and screen door to lessen the dust from outside.

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Our household never uses one as we live in a place away from the hustle and bustle of the metro. But if ever there is a need for it, we might buy an air purifier too to lessen the impact of air pollution as my mom finds it hard to breathe if she smells fumes coming from vehicles.

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We usually use air purifier at home when there are visitors. We don't usually spray it always because it seems to be expensive. But for me it is very necessary because our surrounding is clean. There were certain smell in our house it's just that mother just want to show off sometimes with her friends.

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We uses air purifier in our office. The one with an added scent to give a relaxing ambiance to the lounge area in our office. I'm planning to buy one for house because it is said that it is good or children who has bronchial problems. As I did my research there are several type of purifier one could have in his home or office. Just do your due diligence on what type of purifier that is suitable in your home or office.

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I used to live in New York City where the air was moderately okay. It wasn't mountain crisp by any means, but it wasn’t unbreathable either. No one had to go around wearing surgical masks the way they do in China, for example.

That being said, we did have an air purifier at one point, but I honestly couldn’t tell the difference whether it was on or off. I didn’t see changes in my allergies or respiratory function, so it kind of felt like just throwing money out the window. With that in mind, I now live in a rural part of Eastern Europe and the air is noticeably better. I don’t even have the need for a purifier here.

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Fortunately for me and my family we haven't tried using an air purifier since we live in an Eco friendly city. You can see mountains and fields and lush greenery all around as well buildings and establishments. Our city has been given the "Environment Friendly" award by a local paper.

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I have never tried to do so, and I have never bought an air purifier. I think that in my city that is really unnecessary, our air isn't that much polluted. But if you live in a place that has polluted air I think an air purifier is a MUST!

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I experienced this when I was working in metro city. The air is so polluted whenever I wipe my face, it seems like I am working on a construction site because of the black marking it leaves on my handkerchief. Luckily we have hair on our nose which blocks this black substances but still it's not okay because I am not used to it. I never experienced this in our province. I'm not sure about purifiers but trees are more natural and refreshing for me.

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I've only seen rich people have air purifiers in their home. And also upscale offices have them too. But I've never had one nor will I buy one in the near future. Maybe when I'm earning more than I am now, I'll consider it. Living in the city can get pretty polluted and I understand the need for the product. However, just owning an air conditioner is a luxury in this country. I doubt I can make room for an air purifier.

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Before I do use air purifier at my room, but at the time it's already empty we never bought new one because that's just given to us and my mother doesn't wanna buy those she feels it's just a waste of money but for me it's not. It's good that you made this post because I will buy one when I have a money.

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Yes, we have an air purifier in our office, as our building is located in
the heart of the city. When I worked in a nearby building without the
air purifier I can tell that the difference is really felt. You usually
don't think about it and you can quickly get used to it, but it is very
important to always remember this because over the years, your health
can actually deteriorate. When I moved to my new office from I realized that it is better to pay a little more money
than to get lung disease or even worse, get cancer. Because of the smog,
my friend had problems that he treated for a long time.

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